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@dystroy It's STAR trek, damnit! Get it right! *rage quit*
Using anything but webstorm or VS + R# for developing JavaScript is retarded. Sorry.
Well that was fun
@RUJordan Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hush before florian and vim emacs st3 team kills you
@KendallFrey Did you know that Sherlock Holmes never once said, "Elementary, my dear Watson"?
@AbhishekHingnikar don't care. Those seriously suck. It's not even close. Yesterday I had to work with a large existing code base. Editors like vim, emacs or ST3 simply don't let me do that properly.
@Neil I'm sure even Caprica knows more than me about that topic. I never read or saw Star Trek...
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah :-) R# and VS is insane !
haven't gave a shot to webstrom yet*
It's just... not even close. It's lightyears ahead.
It's like, the distance between notepad and vim is less than the distance between vim and ST
!!choose bluebird or Q
@AbhishekHingnikar bluebird
@dystroy Now you're just trying to troll :P
Isn't lightyears a distance?
@RUJordan Lightyear* is a unit to measure really long distance
!!define Lightyear
@AbhishekHingnikar My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
@RUJordan it is, it's the distance light passes in a year.
!!urban lightyear
@AbhishekHingnikar No definition found for lightyear
!!define light year
@BenjaminGruenbaum light year (astronomy) A unit of length (
@RUJordan yes
@RUJordan yes.
^ Yes.
Its a huge distance though, on the scale of the size of universe it sounds quite puny
@AbhishekHingnikar We introduced bluebird in production yesterday. We're deploying on Thursday.
Well yeah, it's the distance light travels in the span of 1 year, correct?
@BenjaminGruenbaum mhm then i shall use it aswell :D
@RUJordan yes.
it's kind of strange to think about really
we don't define lengths by objects which go static velocities because only light goes the same velocity
So, I think I need to throw in a new object in my game for this.. I'm introducing shops. the shop appears when you have X gold, and that works nicely. However, I'm a little mixed up when it comes to displaying items for sale based on conditions
Any suggestions on design?
I think grunt really needs a GUI something like MAC automator
@rlemon Did you do anything with JabbaScript last night?
@BenjaminGruenbaum does it clean up the code?
@FlorianMargaine yes, it does.
Especially things like .all and .spread which are a pain to write with callbacks well since flow of control isn't obvious.
nice :)
got for before/after examples?
!!choose "work on project" or "explore if its possible to make a gui tool for grunt"
@AbhishekHingnikar explore if its possible to make a gui tool for grunt
@FlorianMargaine I don't want to show the before code because (a) it's horrible and (b) I didn't code it
We have a diamond where we wait for the page to be ready and the data to load from the server. Old developer did callbacks and used a two global flag (m_viewReady and m_dataReady) whenever a method reached the callback they'd call the third method if and only if the relevant flag was set.
It was very ugly and unclear flow of control.
yeah, good ol' way to do things.
-_- it was horrible
Today we have
    return initPage(client); // also a promise
    var ui = initUiData(client,window.location);
    var data = loadPageData(client,window.location);
    return promise.all([ui,data]);
    return fillUIWithData(uiResult,pageData);
This is the new flow
yeah it's pretty :)
It's a lot nicer, the whole pipe is in one place rather than code passing control all over the place - it's just so much better.
@Esailija ping ^
21 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@AbhishekHingnikar We introduced bluebird in production yesterday. We're deploying on Thursday.
I told him on facebook - he even fixed IE8 support for me ^^
anyone try phantomjs?
Q: Path Planning - Greedy Best First Search

TomI'm working on a path planning algorithm that will be converted to RobotC. I'm trying to optimize it so that it uses the least amount of memory, as the robot it will be implemented on has supposedly as little as 15k available memory. It may just be the nature of the algorithm used, but it is app...

bluebird + browserify = :D
Fixed dem grammar dynamic issues
C:\Users\Abhishek\Work\Goph-Client>bower install --save bluebird
bower not-cached    git://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird.git#*
bower resolve       git://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird.git#*
bower download      github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/archive/v0.3.0.tar.gz
bower extract       bluebird#* archive.tar.gz
bower resolved      git://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird.git#0.3.0
bower install       bluebird#0.3.0
0.3.0 is old
How to apply a jquery function to all li in an ul ?
like.. it's 0.10.* now
@FlorianMargaine yeah more issues :P
i forced it to go #0.10.*
and then imported ../bower_components/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird.js
@AbhishekHingnikar codepen.io/RUJordan/pen/dcwLC more CSS :3
And a hint at a new functionality coming soon!
and it threw me an error cant find module , while browserify was compiling ...( i guess i shouldn't require a file spit by browserify )
browserify uses files in node_modules/
to require them
just like node.js
now am doing ../bower_components/bluebird/js/main/bluebird.js
it works cool :D, i was being dumb requiring a bundled file i guess
@RUJordan Papyrus ?
i wonder what Non windows users see
Please tell me Papyrus isn't a mac only font..
@RUJordan works on Windows
i am worried about Linux and iOS and Android
lets see works on iOS 7
@RyanKinal I thought about it
I peeked at the coffeescript source code.
but I need to learn CoffeeScript to make heads or tails of it
Yeah... that kinda sucks. I was hoping there might just be a token list we could replace.
@AbhishekHingnikar thanks for testing it out, that particular font fits the bill so well I would have been blown if it was incompatible lol
i dislike papyrus though
its noise bothers me
i like clean fonts !
It was that or Courier lol
Do you need reputation to upvote answers? I can't remember whether you do or not...
Why don't you try it out and see for yourself?
Because I already can upvote answers?
Thanks Kendall
I'd upvote that if I could
@RyanKinal I think at that point it might just be easier to write a small parser to just replace and organize the terms.
because we are not actually changing the language, but the APIs and some of the objects.
unless you want to change it to be more ES6 like??
hey guys I got a question... currently I have a function along the lines of this: $('.table-button').click(function() { $('.table-div').slideToggle; }... I want to, however, change the state of the text on the button to correlate to the state of the table div
Meh. Either way.
@Crowz ok cool.
It could be interesting to just build in a "translation layer"... source.replace(/\btoken\b/g, newToken)
And hey, that would make it more bloated and disgusting. Just like its namesake.
Bastards... the cafe didn't give me a spoon with my chili
Q. Which client side templating library do you guys use ? Why ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I use Javascript and some CSS. You?
:shakes 24-inch monitor violently:
@RyanKinal you can shake your head
@AbhishekHingnikar Mustache. It's easy.
@RyanKinal That's what she said.
@AbhishekHingnikar My head is not a device, tyvm
@RyanKinal no if you are not on a mobile device
... I haven't had the implants yet.
The instructions were to shake the device.
I followed them.
@RyanKinal It did not say which device ;-)
You're getting head implants? Why, is your head too small?
@KendallFrey which head ?
Didja miss me?
@SomeKittens I am a banana!
@rlemon Name: Robert Lemon, eh? Age: 27, eh? Gender: M, eh?
i think I have a pic.
@CapricaSix I'd spoon with you, but you're too big.
@SomeKittens see that edit for the pic.
that is an Ontario license.
Sexiest pic ever
@rlemon It expires after 5 years?
Did us stupid US folks get confused by the date being in the correct order?
my DOB is under my face. but if you look at the numbers in the lower right (hard to see) you will notice the last six numbers are my age as well. y-ymmdd
there are things they need to check to make sure A) it is real. B) the numbers all make sense.
@qwertynl in Canada yes.
every five years you pay ~90 to renew it
@rlemon that is annoying...
where are you from?
!!google where is Trenzalore
ohh duh
how did I miss that
@rlemon ha :-)
is Instanceof Array reliable?
@connor.js Array.isArray
Yeah, unless it's against arguments
@rlemon ?
@rlemon check the message history
!!> Array.isArray([1,2,3])
@rlemon true
@qwertynl A New Yorker! Where?
@qwertynl damn you look young
@connor.js iirc you do need a shim for IE8- support
@rlemon Well the picture was taken when I was 15
My license pic is from 16
NY has ugly licenses
my pic was from when I was ... I think.. 19? 20 maybe?
last renewal they didn't snap a new pic
@rlemon Yea. In NY you don't really ever have to get a new picture
@SomeKittens Trenzalore :-)
minimalistic client side routing library anyone ?
@qwertynl Upstate? Downstate?
@AbhishekHingnikar Express or connect
@SomeKittens Yes.
@SomeKittens client side
on server i am using express closed eyes
@AbhishekHingnikar Sammy.js is ok but has gotchas. Haven't worked with anything else.
i should just use page.js -its by TJ
@IvoWetzel i got grunt to work btw
wow why doesn't apple let you develop on windows/linux
i accidently installed grunt-browserify as a dependency and not a devDependency seems like the grunt-load-tasks messed up
Sorry if I am vague @SomeKittens
@Esailija Because apple
As per their business model . Windows & Linux shouldn't exist everybody should use apple products and shove a steel apple up their asses :D
@qwertynl Well, if you're anywhere near Wantaugh, Oneonta, or Rochester, ping me at rkoutnik (at gmail) and I'll buy you an age-appropriate beverage.
visionmedia.github.io/page.js <- Express on client :D but the project is a lil dead !
@AbhishekHingnikar I bought an Apple product once. I returned it when I noticed it had a bite out of it.
@SomeKittens Ha. I once went to a baseball game in Oneonta I think.
@KendallFrey lol
@qwertynl Back when we were a Yankees farm team?
@SomeKittens Tigers. I think.
@KendallFrey I am dealing with Apple Fanboys as bosses for past 8 months bro
What are they now @SomeKittens ?
@SomeKittens I've not even heard of the first two.
small cut under my lip will not stop bleeding!
@qwertynl Detroit's farm team
jesus, heal him
@SomeKittens yep
@KendallFrey Long Island suburb, drinking town with a college problem respectively
@SomeKittens Wait. all of those places are nowhere near each other. Unless I am forgetting my NY geography.
At office : "Show them something cool on linux / windows / web"
Them : "Meh" + ["apple has it ages ago -- lie","why would somebody need it", "must be unstable","microsoft is a peice of shit", "dude this is useless","Microsoft ripped off apple again", "microsoft doesnt have the balls to do it" ].random();
I just spent 20 minutes on a very stupid dynamic this bug.
I need to sleep
@qwertynl I live in SF, but am from the northeast. In Boston now, will have T-Giving with grandma in Wantaugh, parents/brother in Oneonta, college buddies in Rochester.
but yeah, lots of fun travel.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I recently spent 4 hours on a typo.
@SomeKittens Ha. Well I am from Nassau. I will give you that much.
@KendallFrey no excuse for that - use static analysis tools :P
search "doge meme" on youtube
@BenjaminGruenbaum that way i should sleep forever
!!youtube doge meme
no I mean go to youtube
and search
@Reno No. I do not want to.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It was a typo in a string
@KendallFrey elaborate?
specifically a table name
it is an easter egg
@Reno lol, it is!
@Reno I tried. I do not see any eggs.
easter eggs, not eggs
@KendallFrey Yea. I see no eggs.
!!wiki easter egg
.. omg. I do not see any easter eggs on youtube when doing that search
File:Carl Oswald Rostosky - Zwei Kaninchen und ein Igel 1861.jpg|250px|thumb|right|When viewed on the Wikipedia website, this picture reveals a hidden "Easter egg" if the user clicks on or hovers their mouse pointer over the hedgehog. rect 271 383 680 434 [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Bg-easter-eggs.jpg You're not going to believe this, but I'm sitting on an enormous basket of eggs.] desc none An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in a work such as a computer program, movie, book, or crossword. According to game designer Warren Ro...
@SomeKittens I know what an easter egg is :-P
Easter egg: The Christian's tribute to the pagan God of Fertility
@SomeKittens Hello, I missed you :P
Missed me going Gordon Ramsey on your pull requests?
Still need to catch up on all the bot activity.
so I youtube "easter eggs" and just get a bunch of videos on easter eggs
@SomeKittens I don't mind that
nvm, read further up. that is not the term
let's say I drop an iframe on the page while the document is still being loaded. will the iframe begin it's http request immediately or will it wait until after the parent window finishes loading first? anyone know?
I really don't feel like building out a test for this :(
@nderscore when the iframe is picked up by the DOM it will start downloading
just like normal.
Here's a GoDaddy code for 35% off purchases and renewals: gd31132bp
If linux was written in javascript.... (complete the sentance)
It would suck
@copy It would never boot :D
never purchase anything online without first checking out fatwallet.
Oh look, mine's already on there
I am looking for conspiracy theorist among you.
I feel violated somehow
@rlemon thanks for fixing the issue :-)
@mikedidthis Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
@connor.js I come in peace
Ok, job hunt related question: I just finished my Master's in Electronic Business and Systems Management with a perfect GPA and was just admitted to a post-master's program in Software Engineering, but I don't have a bachelor's degree in an IT related field (mine is in Economics). Do you think I would have trouble finding a job as a software developer because of my lack of a bachelor's degree?
@Boris_yo So sad you made a new account lol at that
Wall of text! GO!

So... I have a script running the head of a page. It adds an event handler for window messages.
Then it starts a 50ms interval which waits for document.body to exist and then drops an iframe (document.body.appendChild) and sets a 100ms fail-safe timeout in case a response isn't received fast enough. The iframe is hosted by a 3rd party who is sending a postMessage back to the parent window.

It's always triggering that timeout before the postmessage gets back, even though I can see in the network tab that the HTTP request for the iframe is < 35ms.
Can I .apply a constructor?
nvm, will create a temp or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum probably?
I want to use dependency injection on a constructor.
am almost going to ragequit internet,ffs stupid idiot flipkart fucking peice of shit
Lolz = (function(_super) {
  __extends(Lolz, _super);

  function Lolz() {
    _ref = Lolz.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
    return _ref;

  return Lolz;

CoffeeScript uses it for extends
@phenomnomnominal hey bro
@AbhishekHingnikar mahalo
@SineLaboreNihil No but you will have to clear the interview which will involve solving puzzles
mostly about estimation
@Reno That's all I'm looking for. Getting the equal opportunity as anyone else. :)
new (function iObject(){
     'use strict';
is there a way to actuall make the this return iObject :D
like it would return window without this :P @phenomnomnominal ^
@AbhishekHingnikar Why make it so complicated?
@connor.js cause otherwise he will simply say bind :D
Stuff like how many golf balls in a fire truck and how many sperms in a monkey spunk
new (function iObject(){
     'use strict';
     var self = this;
new (function iObject(){
     'use strict';
      (() => {
      (() => {
      (() => {
      (() => {
@connor.js i am going to stay happy with 'undefined'
@AbhishekHingnikar it's not even 9am, but yes I was going to say "a fuckload of binds"
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@AbhishekHingnikar es6 binding lambdas
@Reno Lol, software engineering is a fun industry. :D
=> === bound function
es6 is sure going to be interesting :D
node + ES6 is the best thing since sliced bread.
No more fucking worrying about browsers implementing shit to use it

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