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6:00 PM
Testing pull request for removing it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah, just did that
i really don't see the issue with that ^ =/
@FlorianMargaine too late :P
wait, who turned her back on?
6:01 PM
Already have a passing build.
Lies. And more lies. It clearly says NOT javascript
I haven't removed anything yet guys
@OliverSchöning we are not an official room
@AbhishekHingnikar she is off for a reason
leave her that way
6:02 PM
What did I miss?
Are we officially Horse Groomers yet?
> Not JavaScript
I like
6:03 PM
well at least newbies deffinately won't drop by xD
mmm irony
I.. I guess I no longer count as a newbie
room topic changed to Not JavaScript: unofficial JS room. Room rules: rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [horse-grooming]
So is Caprica back?
6:04 PM
room topic changed to JavaScript: WE LOVE JUICE DAY! Noob link: bit.ly/jsnoob Room rules: rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [horse-grooming]
Database primary key 17 4EVAR.
@FlorianMargaine way to update block me
damn, sorry
and don't link that list
link JavaScript Resources
that list has warez
6:05 PM
just link to the JS documentation thatll do :P
but the link is so easy :|
i'll make you a new one
@rlemon serialz keyzzz morez zz makezz mez morez leetzz
So I wanted to start breeding Norwegian Fjord horses. Is there any sort of special died they need compared to Latvian horse ?
6:06 PM
hahahahahaha good one man reddit is such a fucking joke
@OliverSchöning yes, more water
really? that's what you call an easy link?
@rlemon at least add a meme at the end of that
^ There.
6:07 PM
That sounds about right.
How do you make a tag appear in chat?
Now, who can accept pull requests on the bot?
isn't it "WARRANTY"?
yield is too experimental for chrome users to enjoy :P change that word
@RUJordan [tag:text]
@FlorianMargaine Yes, it is :P
6:07 PM
then the "WARRENTY" is on purpose?
Thanks, time for lunch.
Be back soon
@FlorianMargaine yes :P
ah, my bad, I thought this might've been some english-fun I missed.
wow, the last hour and a half has been so unproductive, thanks SO
6:08 PM
> This chat room may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or otherwise protected from disclosure to anyone other than its intended recipient(s). Any dissemination or use of this chat room or its contents by persons other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply so that we may correct our internal records. Please then delete the original message in its entirety. Thank you.
@rlemon Thanks Obama!*
haven't gotten anything done thanks to bot drama
Saying anything in here should be considered treason. At the least.
I wish Zirak and Octavian and Somekittens didn't miss this
6:09 PM
@IvoWetzel Shhh, they'll hear you.
Zirak obviously, SomeKittens and Octavian are doing most of the maintaining atm
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm more concerned about them and so should they
@Zirak @OctavianDamien @SomeKittens ^^^ read the last two hours
good news everybody, I'm done with my work with swfs and get to put that into the icebox, so now I work on sockets again.
6:10 PM
@IvoWetzel haha
faster than light expansion coming out soon :D
I got plenty done before bot drama, actually. I was at work 1.5 hours early.
It's frackin' internet issues that are killing me now, though
Well my wife just taught me that you can picture message peoples computers directly when they are off-chrome by putting things in their dropbox and letting curiosity get them
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry that I beat you to it. Didn't think you were on it.
@FlorianMargaine No need to apologize :P
6:13 PM
maybe I'll get a job as lead developer
in Drupal, but hey...
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 3 mins ago, by Tim Post
@allquixotic I wish I had more to tell you than I do, actually. But I am going to chase this down diligently as it's obviously something that people really care about.
that'd be... I don't know, is it disappointing?
^^^ goes for here too
how come i can access the super user room =/
because you are super!
thanks for asking!
6:15 PM
Reeaaally Chrome ? Not allowing me to learn to use webworkers offline ;(
@AbhishekHingnikar Is Socket just a kind of Space where the final stuff is performed after getting the (say) passage via the ports? please correct me if i'm wrong?
@TimPost Please Please Please bare in mind the message DID only become a real thing because we were having a real issue in this room. The message has solved this issue measurably (we still have users asking to ask, but not nearly as many). Also keep in mind the issue wasn't just that we were annoyed, it moved to a point where people with legit issues were being 'shunned' because they already had annoyed the room when they entered.
@JuzzCoding there is no space :-/
@TimPost thanks, we're removing fuckable by the way. It is in bad taste. (there's a pinned issue)
6:19 PM
socket is rather like a digital pipe.
which transports data at light speed
WHAT is going here. I get 17 fps in Chrome but 60 in Firefox when rendering a lot of images onto a canvas
@OliverSchöning let me see the code
@OliverSchöning bad drivers, or chrome linux ? or extremely bloated chrome windows
@OliverSchöning shooows the code
Would you like Codepen or hastebin ?
6:20 PM
@OliverSchöning codepen
is it worth me replacing w7 for w8?
dont care
codepen or fiddle
@Dave meh, only if you're building a new pc
6:20 PM
@Dave Yes.
@OliverSchöning root access via SSH should suffice
well i got every possible answer then xD
@IvoWetzel rofl
6:20 PM
Win 8 is great
however there isnt that huge of a difference to get it now rather than when you do a new pc build
@Dave only solution: install arch.
it is a new pc but i installed my w7 disc instead of getting 8 but some people say its good for gaming
ah yeah do win8 for sure then
win8 does perform better for gaming its not a huge difference, but a difference none the less
I know I've had less crashes in BF4 on win8 than my friends running similiar setups with win7
you have friends?
yeh ive had tons of issues on bf4
pisses me off
6:22 PM
or maybe you meant internet friends?
@FlorianMargaine nah, I have a group of friends from MI I play games with daily
oh that's cool
theres around 12 of us or so
currently we are all playing BF4
pretty cool
@rlemon @AbhishekHingnikar @Loktar @Everyone_Else
6:23 PM
yeah its one reason I want to move back to MI
12 playing bf4 must be epic i only play with one guy
did you make a website for you guild?
@FlorianMargaine no we all hang out on IRC
@OliverSchöning thousands of errors in the console
@OliverSchöning Chrome Linux vs Firefox Linux ( Nvidia 660M with 2 Gigs of memory) and i7 3.4 ghz (right now) with 16 Gig Main ram i confirm your observation
but most likely its because of console :P
6:25 PM
@FlorianMargaine Really ?
Whoops ? Lemme check that
you use IRC for bf4 :S ?
nono.. that does not happen offline. lemme fix
got 50fps in both cases under Linux
yeah same ^
I get like 14fps on winxp in chrome
6:26 PM
Just using Mrdoob's stats widget for codepen and forgot to remove stats update
Its a driver issue :P
Error gone
about the same in FF
most likely chrome is going software rendering
for me
cause my machine is a smoking mother fucker .. (atleast on windows 8 it was ) :-)
and now i feel what @BenjaminGruenbaum said :P
i miss windows :-(
though as soon as i switch , i will miss the productivity of linux so fuck it
6:28 PM
I get a very different result here:
Instead of drawImage this one uses fillText. My firefox almost has an heart attack
50fps for me on chrome on w7
@AbhishekHingnikar seriously, I don't get how people think they're more productive on linux, it's great for servers and it's nice for desktops with specific needs but I don't understand why you'd want to deal with anything involved otherwise.
I get ~55fps on both pens on chrome/ubuntu
@BenjaminGruenbaum the terminal...
and the toolchains
and less things break <dev tools wise>
And being more Hipster
6:30 PM
and things built for macs (which even google guys use) can be easily ported and made running
@OliverSchöning its the scaling for sure
seems more like a hw issue like others are stating
Certainly the first time I have seen FF outperform Chrome :p
Soo.. try and update drivers I guess?
@JuzzCoding did you got your answer ?
ohh damn I was lost reading the Tavern transcript
sorry I missed the canvas fun
6:33 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar noo :(
@OliverSchöning yeah drawImage can be crazy with scaling
when you scale up it drops ALOT in perf
6:34 PM
also, I would fill the text once per on its own canvas and draw those canvases
I am starting to see more and more how expensive filling is :/
a shame, a bloody shame
Hello Everyone.
Can anybody explain sockets to @JuzzCoding ?
[ : thx
@rlemon Where should I start?
> a natural or artificial hollow into which something fits or in which something revolves.
@rlemon in my drawImage code I create images from fill text so I can use draw text instead.
A network socket is an endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets. A socket API is an application programming interface (API), usually provided by the operating system, that allows application programs to control and use network sockets. Internet socket APIs are usually based on the Berkeley sockets standard. A socket address is the combination of an IP address and a port number, much like one end of a telephone connection is ...
yeah so its only a perf hit initially @OliverSchöning and negligable
Gonna try and use a webworker now to process the entire next screen. So I only need one "draw call"
@rlemon Thanks. grabs coffee and digs in
just need to keep it in mind when looping for sure
6:35 PM
@rlemon it is something that is kinda physical sort of a thing?
@loktar was it you who suggested requestAnimationFrame for my game?
@OliverSchöning also webworkers might speed it up, however youll notice a big diff if you work directly with pixel data (in your case though I can't see how you could)
@deep idk probably, its the defacto now
@deep what is that end-point ?
6:37 PM
idk. 1 second
man if i ever get to my next canvas project its going to kick so much ass
been thinking about it for over a week
@Loktar Yeah, I will see what happens. I get a deja-vu for no reason. Probably because of 4 hours sleep. It's fun to play around with canvas.
right now doing a bunch of angular stuff to make myself more marketable
@Loktar my api server is testable :P
making basic apps now x->
@Loktar hittin that job market hard eh?
6:38 PM
@OliverSchöning haha yeah man tell me about it, I've been messing with it since like 2009 super addicting
have you already left ?
@JuzzCoding A network socket is an endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets.
first one i ripped off was apple's air drop :D feel so proud for it !
@rlemon nah havent left yet but have an interview on THU
no idea what to expect
@deep that would make no-sense for a human
6:38 PM
just sayin'
@rlemon and my dipression
the barrier of entry is just so low for canvas
its great
6:39 PM
@deep what does that end-point look loke?
@AbhishekHingnikar at least im trying. geez
like you dont need a crazy setup to start using it and making cool stuff
ohh, good. at first I thought you were depressed. but if you are just a bit dipped that is fine
has no idea
6:39 PM
@JuzzCoding does it matter what it looks like ?
an endpoint can be your computer, your phone , your google glass ,your ipod
any device which is connected to the internet :P
hi all
the good part it .. .socket doesnt care about what the endpoint is
its a mode of transportation for data :P
so its just a medium of transfer of data :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Socket is a end point == any device(node) ?
socket is purely a virtual concept
its a connection between two endpoints
I am wanting to use lazyload to load in a couple of divs. My question is how do I set priority to get lazy load to show the divs one at a time?
6:41 PM
@JuzzCoding They aren't a physical construct, like an electrical wall socket, but instead are a computer software concept.
@Skullomania callbacks
@JuzzCoding With such a socket, any necessary data may travel back and forth from a program running on one computer to a program running on another;
@deep you confuse me.
Oh geeze
Do i?
6:42 PM
what does it means when you say you create a server using a socket?
specifically, in Java
dem be fightin words
@JuzzCoding well it has nothing to do with java
Woud it be helpul to suggest the java room? Guessing no...
@deep no its like a fucking graveyard filled with vampires
6:43 PM
i asked there
@Loktar I sent your platformer tutorial to a friend of mine
@SomeKittens inorite
@JuzzCoding a server side can be termed as an open endpoint
you sir, deserve a star @AbhishekHingnikar
your client creates a connection with it
once they connect the server and client can communicate through this socket
6:45 PM
thats it! EVERYONE ON TEAM SPEAK! we don't need no stinkin chats
you don't have to worry about implementation details just yet
@RyanKinal nice hope they enjoy it
@rlemon on talky
teamspeak sucks ass
not you
you scream
no try talky
6:45 PM
@Loktar http://deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Games/Smooth%20Movement%20Via%20DOM%20Manipulation.html

This look any good? (In terms of movement)?
not with a screamer
i scream cause teamspeak makes my packets buffer and come in bulk
I vote we change the text in the 'greet command' to '@TimPost @balpha I am not greeting this user because you told me not to. Now they'll never see the room rules and lose out on a lot of great links to programming resources.'
heck you should have heard what you sounded like to me on my side
@SomeKittens no it is fine if we do it
6:45 PM
@SomeKittens make it random
bhsihfasdfsafidj DONT SCREAM JERK wq0r9823423e
tl;dr - run a local version of the bot and just enable the welcome listener
got it
The general attitude toward the chat rooms seems to be like a stepson SO never loved anyway.
@SomeKittens you know that will ping them ?
@SomeKittens don't let @balpha hear you.
6:47 PM
!!/stat balpha
why? he said nothing wrong.
@balpha is the godfather of SE chat @rlemon
@Neal so? we cannot have opinions because he wrote the chat?
@Neal ...and? He's shutting down cool things for no reason other than 'meh, I don't like it'.
Warranty is spelled wrong
6:49 PM
@rlemon That is the whole problem. There is no reason for them shutting this down... They are not in this room everyday...
@Neal you make no sense
@rlemon this was sarcastic...
"SHHH DONT TELL HIM SOMEONE DISAGREES" -> instantly moves to "I agree with everything you guys are saying!"
@Neal not enough jake weary.
@SomeKittens Actually, they're shutting it down for now, pending internal discussion and decision making
6:50 PM
A: Some issues with a recent action that was taken regarding the Root Access chat bot

balphaI suspended the bot because of the greeting, and only because of that, which is also what I told you in my chat message. Root Access is the general chat room for users of Super User, and any new user coming in being curious about the chat will have that bot greeting them. That is a functionality...

I really do not understand it...
I don't see how a greeting from CapricaSix is different than a greeting from me or anyone else. She's not a mod/CM.
Also why isn't that whole post on main meta?
Read the whole transcript - the last 3 hours.
Lady Gaga is so awesome .... ART POP !
@SomeKittens That argument has been part of the discussion.
6:51 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did.
the fact that all of this happens is beyond silly to me. The bot is and has always been treated as a regular user as far as rights and what is acceptable. The bot can be banned, and suspended. The bot can be flagged and have posts removed like every other regular user. Why then would anyone consider the bot a part of the official staff moreso than say, Me, a room owner.
with that said, I've had noobs think room owners are mods
@SomeKittens That was to @Neal
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did
Moderators gonna moderate (even if there's nothing worth moderating)
I was watching the whole thing @BenjaminGruenbaum
6:52 PM
@SomeKittens that is my #1 argument.
@SomeKittens Yes... but moderate not dictate
@deep yeah looks good man
Man, what the fuck happened here today.
6:55 PM
@phenomnomnominal MODs
@phenomnomnominal In two sentences: Someone used the bot in another room. SE staff noticed, then shit-storm ensued now everything ok.
Yeah I'm reading. what the fuck.
@SomeKittens psh
@phenomnomnominal I kept my calm.
you would have been proud
6:56 PM
@phenomnomnominal , @SomeKittens dystroy made me calm down
Anyone seen Mozilla Thimble?
its not worth to fight, we have to be water find a way through the rock and slowly cut it down
Wasn't StackOverflow built for hackers? Y'know, those who like free speech, breaking things and neat technical solutions to problems caused by a overly-bureaucratic system?
no one kept their calm. fear and anger overtook the room.
@AbhishekHingnikar well you are notable bad at arguing
6:57 PM
!!s/hackers/computer programmers/ (for @BenjaminGruenbaum)
@rlemon yeah :P
@phenomnomnominal Where do I start?
Fill me in please?
I missed it all too
6:58 PM
23 mins ago, by rlemon
@SomeKittens http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12897951#12897951
@SomeGuy robert linked it
@rlemon you are amazing :D
^ for the late comers.
6:59 PM
!!s/haxx0rz/script kiddies/
!!s/shtap/pls shtap/
@phenomnomnominal yea..

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