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@FarizFakkel no justin beiber is not gay
- link courtesy , robert the awesome lemon
what did I just watch...
hmm.. i remember @AbhishekHingnikar, once u told me that errors are referred to as unicorns ... still i don't know why?!!
@AbhishekHingnikar Statement is valid.
no errors are caused by not enough unicorns.
line 118
^ see
even i am confused about this unicorn concept
@rlemon I'm really afraid this video changed my personality...
body {
every webpage needs this
^ @jAndy watch that :P it will change you completely or atleast leave a mark on your head :-)
@jAndy BBuuc
@AbhishekHingnikar this is the first time I feel protected by state
@rlemon +1
Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.
Do I miss something ?
Can you precise what doesn't work for you, as my jsbin based on your code seems to also work and the yet present answers add nothing ? — dystroy 1 min ago
@jAndy Lowkey - Terrorist
google it
or you can change your location by scrolling to footer and changing location there
posted on November 12, 2013 by Nicholas C. Zakas

ECMAScript 6 is coming up on the horizon, with JavaScript engines starting to implement certain features. There are some parts of the specification that have received a lot of attention: WeakMap, classes, generators, modules, and more. These represent large changes and additions over the ECMAScript 5 specification. However, there are certain smaller parts of the […]

@AbhishekHingnikar I doubt its that easy, only way to avoid that is to use some proxy outside Germany
try it :P , worth trying or i am sending u the song as mp3 :P
!!google hide my ass chrome extension
Hey all, I am having trouble with angular.js $resource. Anyone here to help me out?
today I saw the best marketing idea... ever
some company claims to give away €10.000 when your comment is the "latest one" for 3 minutes on their Facebook post about it
they managed to get about 1.000.000 comments in a couple of hours
@jAndy that's a really old idea put in really clever use. Kudos to them.
@DimitriKouvdis don't ask to ask. Read the room rules.
and its limited in time until mid next month I believe
so basically they will get a shitload of clicks of comments and have to pay nothing :P
hahahaha the ending is the best
@jAndy yeah, i've seen at least 5 or 6 pages doing that over the last three days
ok I need to stop watching robot chicken
never-ending comment section, it's freaking stupid
I also can't believe who is doing that.. but a million comments prove me wrong
@rlemon hehe, my favorite robot chicken clip would still be "apocalypse ponies"
I guess there is enough idiots who think like "naah, give it a shot, costs me nothing"

"ooh, the poor thing can't hear"
@jAndy well, that's basically how it is
why not, it's facebook
people like/follow stuff there out of worse reasons
app.put('/articles/:articleId', auth.requiresLogin, auth.article.hasAuthorization, articles.update);
app.del('/articles/:articleId', auth.requiresLogin, auth.article.hasAuthorization, articles.destroy);
isn't this wrong ?
where's the page? I wanna get 10keuros
I'll make a script...
I'm pretty sure that there are already some bots running
had to give my boss shit, went into the back and he has 5 power bars chained together
all full.
var args = ['/articles/',auth.requiresLogin, auth.article.hasAuthorization];
ins't this better ^ express wise ?
its so pointless :P I'm just curious how you "start off" such a campaign.. I mean the first few minutes are actually impossible to hold
so its sounds like its a double fuck.. for the first day or so, they just hire people to post I bet my last shirt
guys -_- ... please guide me !
there are laws around this, you can't make this kind of game with money without rules, usual rules being that employees of the company or related can't play
FlorianMargaine now when i need you, you don't answer :-(
@jAndy your last yellow shirt? or the blue one with white writing you are wearing
dammit. now I wanna say it is red with grey writing
one of them is probably correct
You put 10,000 euros on the line, there would be people who would dedicate their days and nights to winning that contest
I should do that to drive lorempizza hits
that's several months worth of salary
@rlemon haaaah! since we spotted the NSA watchers you're guesses are way off !
I feel much safer now
@jAndy thats ok i'm still working on hacking into your webcam
will make us tens of thousands of fractions of a cent.
@stewbydoo make two
@rlemon I might be paranoid, but I seriously have a piece of tape over my integrated webcam on my iMac :P
@jAndy you have a web-cam ?
come there pweeze !
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm at the office, no cam around here
@jAndy come later ;-)
@stewbydoo i meant eyes lol
@jAndy I point my webcam on my desktop at my fish tanks when i'm not actively using it
just incase
enjoy my fish NSA
next step is getting it to move but everytime I move it the eye stays but he goes lol
I need a way to keep the eye with the rest of him lol
there have been trojans which hacked and transmitted webcam data, also some really good ones rootkitting your hardware even not showing any "lights" or something
eye_on_canvas = his_center_point + eye_pos_relative_to_center_point;
its not that far-fetched :p
i thought I was doing that
I have this.eyeConX = this.eyeX
and this.eyeX = this.x
@DannyBeckett A person that age can shag down to 18.5, and is the lower limit of a person of 32 years.
!!fuckable 23
!!fuckable 18
@AbhishekHingnikar A person that age can shag down to 16, and is the lower limit of a person of 22 years.
lower or upper ?
@stewbydoo i know but you describe the absolute position of eye :P with this.eyeX
Anyone familiar with the flash VM?
since you don't encorporate his position
@Incognito what is that ?
Basically the way flash swfs are run
I'm ready to stab face.
what would you need to know?
I have code that basically has a manifest of things that need to be true, when each one is modified it checks if all of them are true... when all of them are true it runs a command inside the swf via ExternalInterface, the call throws an exception to JavaScript back through the interface, the code fails... when I run the 'run' manually (ie, not macroseconds afterwards) it works fine.
The item is 'ready' because the swf calls a method on the manifest to specifically say everything is ready.
I think the way I did this is wrong
son of a bitch
@GNi33 so basically either the actionscript3 is dependent on the JS scope's execution being done executing before it can release the external interface, or there's a time difference of macroseconds here where things work and don't work.
I just had a look at some little stuff I wrote using ExternalInterface
but it seems like I never actually returned something to the js - code
I really need to start regularly watching Robot Chicken
It's not returning, it's calling something like harness.register.foo.markAsReady() which marks register foo as ready, which was set up with a callback to do `harness.Do_Something_when_all_registers_are_true();
I'm wondering if the AS3 calling the JS method with the callback that calls an AS3 ExternalInterface blocks it.
because that would suck.
@rlemon Watch more tom goes to the mayor.
Tom Goes to the Mayor is much better than Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken is annoying.
@DannyBeckett Who initializes the un-initialised *static* variables of a class when a class in loaded in java ?
it's not the constructor, not the compiler ...i'm sure?!!
!!weather kitchener ontario
@rlemon Kitchener: -3.42C (269.73K), Sky is Clear
my biggest complaint with AS3's ExternalInterface is that it passes a value of "null" instead of empty strings.
@JuzzCoding I'm not too sure to be honest Suja, better asking @AbhishekHingnikar (or maybe someone else in here can help). I'm more of a C# guy than a Java guy.
@JuzzCoding the class loader, I presume
the point is they are initialised when the class loads, which happens when it's first used.
!!weather bellevue nebraska
@Loktar Bellevue: 16.052F (-8.86C, 264.29K), Sky is Clear
@Loktar Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
(used = instantiated or static-dereferenced)
its cold as heck here today
wow, -9C?
yeah too bad there is no snow
@Loktar Strip anyway
On a Virtual Machine: Windows 7 or 8?
!!weather prague czech
@JanDvorak Prague: 5.05C (278.2K), Sky is Clear
using Object.extend you can arr1 = Object.extend(arr1, arr2) for your desired results. However this is probably overkill. — rlemon 1 min ago
I just don't feel that is an answer
@Loktar yea we're getting that later this week
-10, -15 ish
No, I need a Windows VM
Windows 8 it is
Good morning
@copy ok, ubuntu then
good morning
close to windows amirite?
I mean as in running Windows binaries
Ugg, this subquery is giving me hell..

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