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@Kenjin bisection... does that count as a while loop?
as long it performs better than the while loop :)
Do you expect performance problems?
@Neil thanks that apporch somehow works
I have performance problems
@404NotFound Good, hope that is what you really wanted :)
Sometimes we think we want something, then we discover we don't after it works
yes thank you very much from morning i was behind it
i need floats as a result and so i added .1 to the font-size until it overflows the div
@Kenjin are you sure the problems come from resizing a font dynamically? Are you doing that inside a loop?
@404NotFound No problem
Its from the calculating the font-size
@Kenjin .1? I don't think anything below 1 has any effect
I just downloaded an executable from IBM and ran it.. It didn't do anything, and now I get a paranoiac idea that I need to deep scan my disk for viruses
you are be right, but i need the floats to generate the pdf with pdf2lib
my current script works fine with ints
@DannyBeckett talked to her
@Neil Is the proc still running? Is it consuming CPU/RAM?
@AbhishekHingnikar ok...
but as soon i've changed it to floats, the while-loop crashes my FF
well am conversating her on whats app
and thats the reason why im looking for a way to calculate the correct font-size without looping anything
lol ok..
@Kenjin crashes, or freezes?
freezes and FF tells me, that a script has stopped working and if i want to close it
I don't call that a crash
@DannyBeckett No, apparently it isn't running any more
That still doesn't cure me of this itch to scan my computer
@Kenjin Just reading through your messages. I've done a lot with JS->PDF. I use wkhtmltopdf
I just closed for write answer @Neil and @404NotFound
@Kenjin and I don't think a browser is a great environment for a conversion to PDF
@MirkoCianfarani ???
@JanDvorak It gets converted in the backend, but the backend needs the correct values to position it correctly
@Kenjin can't the backend derive them?
@Neil Lol it's funny to me, because a company I worked for had IBM as their biggest customer for a few years...
@JanDvorak you can delete old comment? I say you comment
might be possible
Some more information: Its an html5 editor for a web2print solution
@DannyBeckett Our company is heavily dependent on IBM unfortunately
@Neil ah! therein lie the woes I guess :p
When the user changes the text, the template or zooms in, the correct font-size has to be displayed
IBM: It may be slow, but it's hard to use.
@Kenjin the idea behind bisection is that you always try the value exactly between the smallest possible guess and the largest possible guess, and that value will become one of these. Thus, the gap will halve at each step
hahahahaha, I had to read that twice to get it
so its divide and conquer?
sort of
got it
except you don't need recursion, because one of the halves is O(0)
sounds promising
@Esailija - bump my thread about try/catch in esdiscuss :v
Thank you @JanDvorak. Im gonna try that and see if the performance is sufficient
@Kenjin bisection is also used when localizing bugs. look up "git bisect"
Excuse for everyone but the site of jsfiddle function?
I have the error of 504 Gateway Time-out
Q: try to call different ajax on change event of dropdown

parth khatrihello everyone i have dropdown in datatable here i want to cal different ajax when on value is selected and other with the use of onchange event i put here ny code suggest me if you have any idea.and value of both dropdown is same but class is different so i need condition for it. <script type="...

if you have anyidea suggest me
@jan: help me
@parthkhatri up until now I was willing to
@parthkhatri random pinging is rude; don't do that
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahaha, "conversating". Conversing is the word you want. :p
@SomeGuy see listen dudeshwar
I am a weakling in english, i agree on that ... now stop rubbing it in my face !
thank for this site @JanDvorak
before i call you 17 :P and rub the fact on your face that you aren't eligible for 80% of shit :P
I hope that I not lose the my account with file
random pinging means.?
@parthkhatri this
@AbhishekHingnikar You think my age is something you can rub in my face?
@parthkhatri this this this
That's quite silly
@SomeGuy the fact that you can't do 80% of shit i or danny can is :D
@parthkhatri IOW why did you,
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah, he's too young for porn.
@parthkhatri among other people,
@FlorianMargaine or even hanging out on his own :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Cool, enjoy your illusion!
he'd never watch porn before he's 18.
i share my link kindly go through it
@parthkhatri decide that I would be the person to help you
@parthkhatri ?
no i m sorry for that man
@SomeGuy comon agree that you got edged off xD
besides i was being a lil bit retarded :P no hard feelings and thanks for fixing me for life :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
abhishek you always tell me like this
@AbhishekHingnikar Come on* :p
@abhishek: never try to solve my problem
@parthkhatri i dont get paid for it :-) besides i most likely wont have a clue
just see my link
@AbhishekHingnikar s/wont/won't/
lmao, just read through all of that
@AbhishekHingnikar what was the end result with sumi?
@AbhishekHingnikar s/dont/don't/
where are you from Jan?
@AbhishekHingnikar s/\bi\b/I/g
(obviously not an English name... sounds Norwegian)
@DannyBeckett Czech Republic, why?
ah ok
just wondering because of your dont/don't etc
Jan is a Norwegian name too
I lived there for a while
basically I had a Norwegian gf I used to correct with shit like that all the time
it bugged her :p
@DannyBeckett are you saying that Norwegians are the most common kind of grammar nazis?
just the name Jan
oh :-)
was guessing where you're from
@AbhishekHingnikar ....SUMI!
what did she say.....
HTTP 1.1
Status Code=408 Timed Out
GET /response/whats%20up%20with%20danny%20how%20busy%20are%20you?s=32
Host: sumi.barman.human
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: text/whats_app_message,*/*;q=0.8
If-Modified-Since: Sat, 06 Nov 2010 12:58:10 GMT
User-Agent: Human( Homo Sapien 1993) WhatsApp/2.0.1599.114 iOS/7.2
DNT: 1
Referer: danny.beckkett.human
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
... that's in no way an HTTP request.
i k :P
but it was a smart answer
nor a response.
I asked Abhi to ask this girl Sumi what's going on with a project, on WhatsApp
@DannyBeckett dont worry its florian's rant me today day
@FlorianMargaine whatever i have done to you my friend, i apologize !
> Installing Driver: Intel(R) Display Audio
in english, the "!" doesn't take a space before
Wtf is that? Display..... audio...?! O.o
@FlorianMargaine Jesus Christ :-(
he's right!
I should stop conversing with people
/s/conversing with/talking to
one guy saw the camera
on the right
That also has a hidden joke. Since I am the one who shared it, it also jokes about me looking old :-(
also true
but personally I think you've stolen some other Indian guy's photo for your display pic
Since it looks nothing like you!
rfc stackoverflow.com/q/19925857/1348195 @AbhishekHingnikar @dystroy @Esailija anyone who does Node.
People who do JS and not node welcome too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum good answer.
How do you synchronize state across requests?
and express sessions
I don't know.. db sounds like implementation detail to me. I usually don't access the DB directly in the request handler.
Express has a session support which uses memstore if no db is given
Yeah, but that's for coordinating things for a user specifically if I understand correctly.
@dystroy why did you delete that?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Because I can't make sense from OP's use case. It looks like it should be less state-based and more functional but I don't understand the context. It looks trivial anyway but I must miss something.
@BenjaminGruenbaum transactions have states
and to handle or inject global stuff you can just use either app.locals or make a middleware abstracting your thing but still relying on sessions or similar mechanism
@AbhishekHingnikar yes, states for users.
@AbhishekHingnikar Yes, you'd have to write middleware. I'd argue that's probably the correct approach too.
i dont get whats wrong it that then
req.session.stuff = "blah";
I put a bounty on stackoverflow.com/q/19859451/1348195 btw in case anyone cares.
then after something happens
req.session.stuff = "Omg super awesome";
with a db these states can be horizontally scaled aswell :P express is so awesome !
@BenjaminGruenbaum TipRanks: [jsfiddle.net] not in white-list, aborting!!!
3 !
why would that even be in whitelist ?
I'm not saying it should be, just mentioning that the message is worth noting.
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, we console log from the extension. I have a build that doesn't do that but it's a nice way to debug if costumers have issues.
Moreover, the extension itself is pretty messy in code :P It's not my code.
If you use IE8 it doesn't do it :P
ah, that's actually what I was wondering
except if you open the console, right?
Not sure, maybe it just doesn't do it in IE8, I can check :P
oh, I thought you were doing something like var log = window.console ? console.log : function() {};
@FlorianMargaine It's pretty close, but not really. IE doesn't have a real notion of extensions.
wtf chat
Because of that, it doesn't have a notion of a background page.
Because of that, you have to bring up another DLL containing IE to serve as the background page. Not very fun.
IE sucks arse on extensions :-(
TipRanks still works in IE
:-) Respect for making that happen (y)
@JanDvorak IE sucks arse :-( (source)
!!s/on extensions//
@JanDvorak IE 11 doesnt
and anybody willing to answer some Java questions for @JuzzCoding ? (suja she changed name and shes sniffing java these days)
@tomcat Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You mean that cute little japanese anime girl who fights hordes of evil alien robots? No, I think IE still sucks
@JanDvorak Why are you leaving me!?
!!afk lunch, sorry
@AbhishekHingnikar yooo
@JuzzCoding u may ask, i will try to help :P as general programming :P
and hi there :D
this not might be particularly regarding Java, but why you actually use Serializability ??
okay that is a pretty good one :P
but just to not answer wrong, are you wondering about why do we use serialization or
In concurrency control of databases, transaction processing (transaction management), and various transactional applications (e.g., transactional memory and software transactional memory), both centralized and distributed, a transaction schedule is serializable if its outcome (e.g., the resulting database state) is equal to the outcome of its transactions executed serially, i.e., sequentially without overlapping in time. Transactions are normally executed concurrently (they overlap), since this is the most efficient way. Serializability is the major correctness criterion for concurrent tra...
hmm... okay, do you know the Serializable interface in Java.. i am talking regarding that..
when we implement the Serializable interface, it just says, that particular class is Serializable.. is there really any need to specify that?
@AbhishekHingnikar When you installed BlueStacks, did it prompt you to install graphics drivers? This Intel installer's been running for ages
if you wanna store it into a database you need to :P
@DannyBeckett nope... ps my girlfriend was able to install it
idk even know wtf "Display Audio" is
@DannyBeckett about time you showed up, can u explain Serializable to @JuzzCoding ?
and why we actually serialize ?
busy atm
K THEN I will :P
@JuzzCoding lemme just call and explain its much simpler
talky.io/whyserialize @JuzzCoding open that :P
@AbhishekHingnikar okay !! :)
Hi guys
@AbhishekHingnikar is it working? can I join? :p
I guess it wasn't working...

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