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@Batman I'm basically saying parse the XML and build a javascript object that represents your navigation, and then recursively build the actual nav elements from that.
@RyanKinal Any chance you know of an example of this that I could build on?
Ummm. Not off the top of my head.
Q: need world time clocks on the ext js

Nitish Kumari need world clock in extjs It should look VERY like http://www.jqueryscript.net/images/jQuery-Based-Analog-And-Digital-World-Clock-jClocksGMT-js.jpg and be 'slick'. is it possible ?

!!s/could build on/copy paste/
@SomeKittens @RyanKinal Any chance you know of an example of this that I copy paste? (source)
> and be 'slick'.
how is that a requirement?!
@SomeKittens Oh, have some faith :-P
@SomeKittens It is a requirement for working for SlickText.
Not slick? gtfo.
hrm, wrong SE site, bad question.....
what else?
@rlemon Not just a bad question, it's a straight up work request to rip off someone else's work
and not even remotely on the correct site even if it had associating code and not just "make it work"
Also, I voted this belong on StackOverflow, but in reality this would get closed there because it is a work request. — rlemon 9 secs ago
aaaaand removed by author
my work is done
i'm waiting for him to ask on SO now
I can just see it, in five minutes the same Q on SO :P
Q: need world time clocks on the ext js

Nitish Kumari need world clock in extjs It should look VERY like http://www.jqueryscript.net/images/jQuery-Based-Analog-And-Digital-World-Clock-jClocksGMT-js.jpg and be 'slick'. is it possible ?

Q: need world time clocks on the ext js

Nitish Kumari need world clock in extjs It should look VERY like http://www.jqueryscript.net/images/jQuery-Based-Analog-And-Digital-World-Clock-jClocksGMT-js.jpg and be 'slick'. is it possible ?

close vote please
!!stat 2185142
@SomeKittens Nitish Kumar has 1258 reputation, earned -4 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 74 answers. avg. rep/post: 16.77. Badges: 0g 2s 8b
Dat ratio tho
Like I said on super user. This is a work request and it likely to be closed. Please make an attempt to code it, and if / when you do run into troubles come here for help with that code. — rlemon 5 secs ago
thats why I'm actually commenting for him
he's not a 'bad' user. this is just a very bad question
Hmm, I wonder what my ratio is
1:3 (Q:A)
!!stat 774078
@RUJordan RUJordan has 1326 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 36 questions, gave 115 answers. avg. rep/post: 8.78. Badges: 0g 6s 24b
@rlemon curiouser and curiouser
Is 8.78 good?
@RUJordan If it's for yourself, you don't have to pass any argument
@RUJordan "Good" is subjective here
Ah, thanks Zirak, didn't know that.
!!stat 833670
@eazimmerman eazimmerman has 365 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 2 questions, gave 15 answers. avg. rep/post: 21.47. Badges: 0g 2s 10b
You could have a 3:1 ratio, and if your questions are well-researched and laid out, it's great.
yea good questions are hard to come by
53 secs ago, by Zirak
@RUJordan If it's for yourself, you don't have to pass any argument
!!stat rlemon
@rlemon rlemon has 10174 reputation, earned -2 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 364 answers. avg. rep/post: 23.38. Badges: 2g 25s 62b
tee hee
A high Q/A ratio is like seeing a lot of garlic around. Vamps might be afoot, but you may just be in Italy.
You will die until you're dead
I saw a good question yesterday. It was how to have a piece of code trigger when 2 events are simultaneously triggered (e.g. click and mousewheel at the same time)
It gave me ideas
youtube.com/watch?v=LVv-77xYtV8 I wonder how much money fake monkey costs.
@RUJordan define "at the same time" for discrete events
I wish I had a fake monkey
I would make him do tricks.
Discrete events?
@Shmiddty You make sense and your point was well argued.
How would you disregard an element from this css declaration with javascript: body.ps-active * { }
Remove the class?
Why would you...what
gives up
a plugin called photoswipe uses it..
Zirak is only here for a short time, don't taint his experience with your crap css!
and i want to temp disregard an element
I got your back bro
its impossible to remove it i think
unless removing it from the body
You could manually reset all of the styles that have been applied to that element.
But that sucks.
Don't do that.
can add an exception to *? body.ps-active *.removed { }
Q: How do I combine a string and object to recreate a selector?

Chris ScottFor example, in the hmtl I have: <div id="cat"> <div id="mouse"> </div> </div> In the jquery I have: var cat = $('#cat').children(); Well, now I want to add to the selector like this: newCat = '.parent' + cat; But I get an error because I am combining string with an object and to use as...

im going to try it lol
I wanna cry
@BenjaminGruenbaum My brain hurts.
@bushdiver That's actually the best solution
Although, you can remove the *
Well, no, specificity... dammit
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have no words.....
@RyanKinal it works =D jsfiddle.net/tUjyg
@eazimmerman It'll have to come out
!!afk beers
@RyanKinal Nobody cares.
Axel is one of the good guys for sure, wondering if anyone read that
@SomeKittens i don't follow
OP is trying to get a jQuery selection set to a string.. I don't think this is his problem there. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 5 secs ago
@SomeKittens are you asking to play doctor?
!! youtube my brain hurts
!!youtube wet diaper
aw, that was less entertaining than I expected
@BenjaminGruenbaum Looks more like a reference, not too good for learning JS.
!!youtube Brain Surgeon
that's not what I was looking for
Just what I needed lol
@helloworld Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hellloooooo
Is it me you're looooking for?
@VaibhavRaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys, what are the best practices concerning restful and pagination for a webapp ?
@Zirak That second line was totally unnecessary :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can see it in your eyes
@PrettyGoodPancake That's a huge question without context.
@BenjaminGruenbaum they are calling for a function call. WAT
@JanDvorak who?
(for should have been a function call btw :P)
3.1, at the end
It's foo not for :P
@eazimmerman jsfiddle.net/HNMTG/1
I forgot I was working on that :P
started cleaning up some old tabs
for should have totally been a function though
wait, scratch that, we should just have forEach
no for at all, and generators.
Like python.
@BenjaminGruenbaum syntax doesn't allow that
@JanDvorak I want generators, and the new iteration protocol :)
for(0, 10, function (i) { ... })
Looking for a backbone.js expert in New Delhi
Basically a fulltime javascript developer who can take it as a full flagged language
like ruby's generators?
"flagged" language?
@JanDvorak Like JS's generators
...I'm not sure where we stand on random recruitment messages, but I feel really inclined to bin that
@VaibhavRaj Why are you using BackboneJS?
for(0 10 (i)=>
@rlemon pokes around for a few minutes... Holy crap it's eazimmerman!
@Zirak Never go to a SF party.
@rlemon missing commas
10.times {|i| puts i}
@JanDvorak You know, ruby does lambda syntax that actually looks good now.
actually forget semicolons as well.
@Benjaminc there is requirement in my team
I'm looking forwards for fat arrows
@JanDvorak why?
why not. function is a pita to write
function, return. Too long in my taste
!!> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7].map(console.log)
@Shmiddty ["undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undefined","undef‌​ined"] Logged: 1,0,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],2,1,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],3,2,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],4,3,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]‌​,5,4,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],6,5,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],7,6,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
@JanDvorak what about lexical this?
nice one
Cool, I like => too.
@nderscore hehe yup yup
@VaibhavRaj Where should I send my email?
but I'd like short function literals with dynamic this, too.
It's called one arrow too many
You are in Delhi?
Can be
@VaibhavRaj Oh god no.
@nderscore protip: don't put spacing to 0
:( :facepalm:
Sorry, it's called "an arrow too far"
@rlemon Idon'tknowwhatyou'retalkingabout.
@Zirak Sorry, it's called "an arrow too fat" (source)
@SomeKittens are in Delhi?
@rlemon neat. i feel popular.
@VaibhavRaj I believe I already answered that query.
@eazimmerman check out the lastest link /2
oh okay
If I were to work for you, would I be subjected to needless redundant questions?
fuck I need to constrain those inputs more
jsfiddle.net/HNMTG/3 with proper constraints. tonight I think i'll hook this up to your webcam and make the lines rotate
but for that it would be motion detection not colour difference detection
I have a fun idea
@Shmiddty y u no use latest revision ?!
tl;dr decimals fuck everything up
@SomeKittens Do you think you would be?
@rlemon it doesn't check for NaN
but it does turn Infinity into the max
@eazimmerman it doesn't check for anything :P
unpolished code is unpolished
oh. well Infinity does make it max out
@SomeGuy ?
!!afk tinkle town
@Shmiddty Stay safe.
@SomeGuy V'z onfvpnyyl gelvat gb trg uvf rznvy fb V pna cnff vg ba gb bgure erpehvgref va gur shgher.
aw, this was slower than I thought it'd be :( jsfiddle.net/nderscore/Ag4qm
Where's my rot-n script?
I am soooooooooo procrastinating work.
wait, null is a primitive value?

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