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What is the website that tests javascript for browser compatibility?
The "any key" is the best one.
@CharliePrynn testjsforallthebrowsersever.com
@OctavianDamiean My internet machine cannot find that page.
Octavian's internet is better than your internet.
He printed all of it.
Someone linked it in this chat the other day..
They had a list of all popular libraries and how compatible they were with browsers.
Sounds like a pain to maintain.
You mean caniuse.com ?
> If the phrase “[lookahead ∉ set]” appears in the right-hand side of a production, it indicates that the production may not be used if the immediately following input token is a member of the given set.
Did I miss anything?
What do you think you missed?
If it is a member of the given set?
@OctavianDamiean correct. If it isn't a member, it may be used
Doesn't that actually translate to "lookahead not element of set"?
if lookahead in set:
    don't use
@Zirak yea but that doesn't make sense.
Why not? lookahead ∉ set
it does
I mean the ∉ means "not element of"
We make sure the lookahead is not an element of the set
yep. If lookahead is not an element of some set, this production may be used
Never mind.
de Moivre's laws
Are you giving up, or did you understand?
I understood.
I shouldn't take it strictly as mathematical notation but put it in context.
browsers warm?
browser swarm, perhaps
You are the smartest person I know
but yeah, yours was my first idea, too
until you pointed out it doesn't really make sense :-)
I knew it was a thing.
!!movie or show
@Zirak movie
Well suck it, you made me realise I want to watch a show
Reading this title literally made me angry. That it stayed open for 12 minutes makes me sad. — Jan Dvorak 13 secs ago
!!parse '$rand(1, 13)
@Zirak '4
The recursive notation used in the ES spec kinda takes getting used to.
@JanDvorak Even if it is a fad (which it isn't), it's not a fashion trend...
aaand gone. Thanks to all :-)
@Shmiddty what were you suggesting I host colors.php on?
@Jhawins something that doesn't suck?
Well, Koding.com is fucked and won't let me sign in up right now.
But I've used it before. Doesn't it take everything offline unless I've been logged in within 15 minutes?
@Jhawins It's not fucked, maybe it won't tell you register (for whatever reason) but it's actually pretty good.
"sign in up"?
Is there a way to do addition with bitwise operators (excluding +/-)
@Jhawins if so, it would be a new feature I wouldn't know (which is possible).
@Shmiddty do you allow for loops?
@Zirak Yup. Some people sign in, some people sign up, but I sign in up.
that would be too long
a,b = a^b, (a&b)<<1 until b == 0
Deep's website is hosted on it. Check out his site. It's offline.
Alternatively you may do it in a real language and host it on Heroku.
assumes finite precision or positive input
Can someone try to click "Sign up with GitHub" at koding.com and let me know if it works?
Do it in Node.js or Python.
If you do it in Java I'll find you.
HEY @OctavianDamiean
@Jhawins You know nothing then.
It's pretty annoying when I'm having a legitimate conversation and people try to be funny...
@Jhawins I'm sorry but it was hardly legitimate.
@Jhawins We are funny, you fucker.
Nothing that implies PHP would be better than Python is legitimate.
Especially if you say that you don't know a lot of Python.
You hate PHP, I hate Python. Although you have more of a reason.
Anyway, since we are a JS room, you might as well do it in JS to learn yourself some more Node.js.
Fuck, the cheesy crust is ingenious.
Pizza Hut, extra cheese, and cheese in the crust.
Hi good evening to every body.Can you please explain me how to set font type for button label in Flash version of Uploadify file.Please.
@ssy What
Shit. Guys I'm tired... I was thinking of Ruby. I hate Ruby.
Ruby sucks
Python.js is the only thing u need :D lol
@OctavianDamiean You been doing alright?
@AbhishekHingnikar uhh.. what?
@Jhawins Don't think of Ruby. It'll make you feel like shit.
I dislike ruby
I was going to look for a good book on Python just the other day, because it seems pretty damn useful.
@nv.snow Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Good, good I'm not the only one who hates line-noise.
@AbhishekHingnikar why?
Over simplification is wrong.
I like ruby's syntax.
I dislike it :-| but then its my opinion
I love function literals
@Zirak I use swf(uploadif file) file for file uploading.But I want change that file upload button font type.Example.

'buttonText' : selectPictureText,
'uploader' : '/public/javascripts/uploadify/uploadify.swf',
'script' : '/registration/uploads',
'cancelImg' : '/public/images/cancel.png',
'folder' : '/public/uploads',
'fileDataName' : 'file',

In this Can I set font attribute ?
When Javascript gets fat arrows...
I like procedural style programming, that's the only reason I like PHP. But that's probably just because I haven't done that much OOP.
anyone have a moment to look at my question?
@Jhawins I'm trying not to let my respect for you slip
@Jhawins Procedural is interesting. I can't say I'm a huge fan, but it works.
@Neil At least I want to change. :P
I write most of my algorithmic code procedurally
@dystroy what will you do when you'll get 200k...
or rather, 500k to have a nice round number.
@Jhawins Can't fault you for that :)
Well I find that since I work alone, as in I'm the only person that will ever touch my code, procedural coding is much easier to follow logic on when things get more complicated.
But maybe I've just never gotten to the point that it was so complicated that OOP would make it easier.
I like to think I use OOP where it makes sense.
Maybe I've never actually given it a fair chance... That's probably it.
Functional style is much easier to read IMO
'Ello, Stackers. Is there any addon for firebug providing syntax highlighting and indentation?
I need to learn more about functional, really
@AlanKis Chrome has that built in
But yeah, Chrome++
@JanDvorak I agree.
I usually program either functionally or procedurally.
@Shaz For some reason, every time I see your messages, I think "Whoa, wtf happened to Feeds? Why isn't it oneboxing? Oh wait... it's Shaz"
@JanDvorak I wan't to similar functionality like in Firebug console window, where I can type code, and imediatly see logged output. Yes, I+m learning Javascript
@Jhawins that's because your programs never get big enough to promote modularisitaon.
I think Chrome will serve you better
@RyanKinal xD
@JanDvorak Exactly. But as a solo-dev they probably won't where I work now.
I need to get in on a cool group collaborative project with some people.
SO Chat is like an interactive bookmarking system
@Shaz Hahaha kinda, yeah. I never thought of that.
I do wrap in classes pieces of logic that should stay together.
Thus, OOP
When you need to stick a bunch of functions to its data, OOP naturally emerges
In general, I just think in OOP.
@RyanKinal sure, but the lowest level is still procedural
and often I have but the lowest level.
Fair enough
@SomeKittens more or less, more less.
We've got a very strict "where code goes" standard at work that's MVC-ish, but just different enough so the founder can feel like a hipster.
@OctavianDamiean Yeah. We all have times like that. Work been ok?
@SomeKittens your boss sounds like a prideful dick...
Using Ruby should be enough to make you feel like a hipster
I wish my code was more MVC-ish. We have the M, but the rest is kind of a VC-mish-mash.
@JanDvorak I work in Node
From what you've said over the last 2 months, you've not directly said it, but I'm pretty sure that's what you're hinting at.
Is Ruby even hipster anymore?
@SomeKittens lol, that question is so hipster it hurts
@Jhawins He's basically had everything handed to him.
@SomeKittens Work is ok-ish I guess, but ...
4 hours ago, by Octavian Damiean
Car is dying, monitor is dying, I have to pay a financial penalty (a sum I'd rather not tell), and and and.
if Ruby isn't hipster enough, try erlang or lisp
Oh hey! How's that Chromebook? Which one did you get?
@RyanKinal I mean there's tons of big successes based on Ruby.
@OctavianDamiean Ouch. Life is lame. We should play BF3 sometime.
@Jhawins FANTASTIC. I have a Pixel loaned to me. Touchscreen is so boss.
Yea, towards the weekend.
@SomeKittens Want to touch...
Ok, so here's a question regarding production definitions.
DecimalDigit :: one of
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

DecimalDigits ::
    DecimalDigits DecimalDigit
@OctavianDamiean Cool. I've got a busyish weekend coming up, but should be able to manage
@Jhawins I thought it was a gimmick until I tried it and I'm immediately sold.
Still can't dev on it though...
need to install Ubuntu.
Isn't the recursive definition a little weird?
@OctavianDamiean Yes?
@OctavianDamiean No
Why can't you install Ubuntu?
@RyanKinal Oh actually you're right!
Oh man, USB installations suck.
@OctavianDamiean normally it's DecimalDigit DecimallDigits
Decimal digits is defined as either (decimal digit) or (decimal digits followed by a decimal digit)
@ThiagoVeronese Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Now that I wanted to formulate my question it doesn't seem as weird.
I need to use my rubber ducks and ask them.
\o/ Recursion!
@SomeKittens Any problems with installing it?
but, you need to understand recursion in order to understand recursion, don't you?
There's no recursion there (Ryan)
@FlorianMargaine Of course.
@FlorianMargaine ... er... really?
Looks recursive to me
Anyway. @RyanKinal learn haskell
Well, I now have the office to myself from 1p.m. to 5p.m. 2 days a week. Awesome.
Yeah yeah, pure functional programming. Recursion. I know.
On a related note, I'm pretty sure this company is about to die.
Yes, recursion would be decimaldigit in decimaldigit. There it's decimaldigit in decimaldigits (note the s)
@FlorianMargaine But... it's decimaldigits in decimaldigits
but there's decimaldigits in decimaldigits ninja'd
@FlorianMargaine eh, and decimaldigits in decimaldigits.
Damn. I suck at reading then.
Without a steady job (not sure yet if we're going under, but I'm 90%), and with the minuscule pay I get from here, I think I have to move back home. :(
@Jhawins Lame :-/

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