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> @Zirak is becoming—as one of the top 26% most vulgar users on GitHub—a tad foul-mouthed (with a particular affinity for filthy words like 'fucking').
I had that
but then i removed that :$
i had a few commits saying fucking fucking fucking
and so :$
that's fine lol
fuck you git work you worthless motherfucking son of a bitch
searches my commit log for "fuck"
i removed em :P [ the repos ]
thats when i was learing to use git...
lol here's a commit message on a JS project... I've finally converted to putting braces on single-lined if's :p
> Added a shit ton of curly braces to single-lined if's and for's to comply with Lint. Also changed some if/else's to ternaries. Half-way through file.
"shit ton" is a valid measurement, in my book :p
boy..... i look so different
Next was.. "Finished adding the shit ton of braces"
> Fixed a bug where spaces are randomly stripped - in this case the bug was showing on Special Skills and Charity/Volunteer Service - it would seem Word can't read its own shitty XML
My best commit ever was for an internal
which my freind said ... i was a lil bit too open about
fuck this i am going for masterbating , dunno what i was thinking when i pushed that though XD
I have my SVN repos set so only Admins can edit log messages
Blah. Been travelling for 36 hours, missed my last flight, and they lost my bag.
@phenomnomnominal awesome!!
You'd be screwed if you couldn't uncommit the message, in cases like that :p
try life --reset-HARD
Yep, really awesome day.
@AbhishekHingnikar See chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12344668#12344668 and next few msgs
@DannyBeckett welllllllllllllllll
my boss says you should rather consult a chartered accountant for company related shit
which makes a very legit point.
@AbhishekHingnikar that's an idea
do personal people use this SSL certificate stuff for government sites?
Or only company directors?
(you might be able to help me on that?)
......what I mean is, every single person logging into a government site must have THEIR OWN ssl cert
@caddyshack you shouldn't masturbate at the office
i never heard of it
heck i never even saw the gov.in XD
so, no, individuals don't use it
it answered my question lol
I now officially have 6 shift keys on my keyboard, it's pissing me off now!
@Connor why the hell...
I don't know... the CTRL_L & CTRL_R & ALT_L & ALT_R & SHIFT_L & SHIFT_R are all acting like shift key on linux mint, it's fine on windows though.
OH and the windows key (super i think)
and i can't change them via terminal because they all have the same keycodes, so you can't target a specific one
how would you check the ratio of 2 numbers is inside a 25% 'interval'?
Are you on a VM?
Mint via Win?
i tried it on a win laptop
!!> var x=15, y = 10; Math.abs( x/y - 1) < 0.25
@cc true
@cc false
anyone know a jquery-less lightbox lib?
@Connor are you talking about globally, on the OS, your keys are weird?
I want something small
or in a webpage/program?
jqueryless sorry
@FlorianMargaine You can make one in half an hour
CSS3 transitions
I don't know then
@DannyBeckett I don't want to
@DannyBeckett No. I need ie9 support
IE has filter transitions or something
Something simple like that, I'm sure
@DannyBeckett yes, i have no CTRL key..
using filter: Expression(x)
@Connor Not to try to insult you, but did you recently spill anything on your keyboard? :p
@DannyBeckett no, it's brand new today
and it works fine on windows..
you're dual-booting to try that, right?
@DannyBeckett no, windows is on a laptop, I'm currently on my PC
so it's a separate machine that's not working
that's a point.
is it a usb keyboard?
or internal
it's a wired usb
I found this....
> The only solution I've found is to plug the keyboard into a USB-PS/2-adapter plugged into a PS/2-USB-adapter plugged into my computer (so it's a USB-PS/2-USB-adapter). Now the modifier keys work, but the media keys stop working.
it was specific to Mint
well, and Ubuntu, the guy said
What's that? All i know is i have USB2 and USB3...
PS2 is the old green connector
Kinda shaped like an S-video port
for jquery plugin things, is it better to have the user insert a certain div with all the markup in it already or to just have them put a div in with a certain id and then dynamically insert that in the plugin js?
lol beat me to it @nderscore
@Connor So one of these
Does that mean the old green round keyboard things yes?
i think i have one of those thinking about it
serial > ps2
@eazimmerman It's a USB keyboard he has
bit outdated
@Connor Just realised, that picture is the wrong way round
Should be female USB and male PS2
then back again
yeah, kinda like that LMFAO
> You have already voted, but the voting has been cleared by a moderator
@DannyBeckett there were several vots
@DannyBeckett Yeah that's pretty ridiculous, but okay
nobody care to explain?
@DannyBeckett I have only seen one of the green things that you plug a usb into, why the f would you have five adapters?
@DannyBeckett repost
@Connor he has no USB port
This has been posted here at least like 10 times, so I cleared the stars
yeah, what's the green keyboard plug called?
PS2 to USB
you also need USB to PS2 lol
lovely search lol
ill be getting play station shit
no you don't
@DannyBeckett i don't need a ps2 to usb
i have a ps2 port on my pc
i think
ah ok
so one way is good enough lol
the other way
this is all you need
Whoa... Someone on code academy recommended the js blog and that is where we get many of our referrals :-) codecademy.com/forum_questions/5133c9e77c61c2bda1000ada
It better damn work
lol @Connor
good luck!
@DannyBeckett it's time to close some tabs
@FlorianMargaine That's all half-finished work lol
Eventually I get round to closing the odd 1
I hate it when I can't see the favicons cos I have so many tabs open... and I'm on a 42" TV lol
i found1
@Neal The notion of you teaching anyone JavaScript terrifies me. @RyanKinal is all good though :P
Anyone want to write on the blog? noone has in a while...
I am going to ignore that...
I have a JSONP vs CORS post to add on my blog
@Connor You may need to reboot
it's been written on my evernote since awhile...
PS2 = old
I have people ask me for a VGA to HDMI cable all the time. One way or another it will work but they don't understand that they need a converter box
@Neal :) sup bro?
@FlorianMargaine So put it on blogascript.com :-)
@Neal it's in french
written since 7th of august...
@FlorianMargaine JSONP sucks but we have to use it for IE<8 and IE8 in some scenarios.
@FlorianMargaine baaah. thus gd invented translators :-P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah. But some people at work don't understand the difference between both, so I started to write a blog post to explain them, since I didn't find any link that did.
@FlorianMargaine I have an SO post about secure JSONP if that interests you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah
Q: Is it possible to make a secure JSONP request?

Benjamin GruenbaumI only have to support new browsers. I have to rely on an external service to provide JSONP data, I do not own that service and it does not allow CORS. I feel very uneasy having to trust JSONP requests from the external server, since they can run arbitrary code on my end, which would allow the...

I wonder if InterNIC would mind an extra 11,424,400 queries......
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting
TY, it's a real problem I faced.
Anyway, my laptop is out of juice. See everyone later :)
here is what some colleague started to write:
    type: 'GET',
    crossDomain: true,
    dataType: 'jsonp',
Why jsonp?
I don't get it.
because the guy doesn't know what jsonp and cors mean.
I get it then. :D
There are still SO users telling everybody that in order to do cross-domain ajax you need jsonp...
5 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah. But some people at work don't understand the difference between both, so I started to write a blog post to explain them, since I didn't find any link that did.
it&&print(it) prints undefined...
the thing is... the guy is a technical pm on most projects he's on
and he's like 45
a grumpy old man
What do you have against people that are "like 45" ?
oh yeah, he's real grumpy.
@dystroy nothing special, just that most of them are hard to deal with when getting in technical discussions. They don't like to be wrong when talking to youngsters.
@dystroy That wasn't really aimed at the age message but just to show my dislike for his general situation.
kids those day... They don't know respect...
it's more the other way around; we're talking about technical issues, I don't want to have your ego in the game
(i.e. their non-respect of my knowledge too)
there are some >40 people that earned my respect far more than this guy
usually, I respect these people because they know their stuff. But sometimes... the guy is just stubborn
he thinks that having a single 500 lines function is better than extracting the function if you don't reuse, because "it makes you jump around for no reason"
o/ guys
Jumping around can be bad for the hips, you'll learn that
@FlorianMargaine Is he something of a guru? thedailywtf.com/Articles/Were-Going-to-Need-Another-Guru!.aspx
@dystroy heh, you mean your heaps. :D
@OctavianDamiean Don't you dare correct me, you youngster !
which makes a very legit point.
@dievardump I thought about you earlier
I wrote die(var_dump($...));
You saw something incredibly clever ?
Ho, that.
die(var_dump("truite")); or dvdt+tab
My debugging flow.
@Kavun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shaz What is that ?
Click it
@Shaz it's totally wrong in every way
editors, such as:
Adobe PageMill
Symantec Visual Page
HotMetal Pro
Microsoft FrontPage
NetObjects Fusion
I just puked.
2 times
@BadgerGirl what in the world is going on
editors, such as:
Adobe PageMill
Symantec Visual Page
HotMetal Pro
**Microsoft FrontPage**
NetObjects Fusion
my eyes!
@FlorianMargaine It's from 1998. Copyright says so on the left side of each page
Never even heard of PageMill
I think I remember HotMetal
According to your thing I can ask 150$/hour. I would love to
I definitely remember FrontPage in all its beauty with the HTML it makes :p
FrontPage was so awful.
> Possibly an advanced GUI editor, such as: Dreamweaver
@Shmiddty You don't know nothing! Serious businesses used FrontPage because it was from Microsoft.
I know a 30yo long developer who still codes with Notepad (note there is no ++) because it's easier to understand and write code in that.
Whoa, Symantec made a gui editor? o.O
That's weird.
He also won't use OOP because it does not help to code, and he puts EVERYTHING in the same PHP file.
I know people that still write applications in Perl ...
Old languages are not bad
So nobody has a more up-to-date version then? Would also be interested
@dievardump that's right, if it isn't Perl.
@dievardump People should learn when to stop but it's hard to be reasonable with Alzheimer.
@DannyBeckett Of course but as a rapid-prototyping thing.
@DannyBeckett Actually, I did not know people could base their skill/knowledge on that king of grid.
@dievardump I was more interested in the rates
Can't speak for @Shaz though
FUCK! I lost the link.
Well, where are you from ?
Where I'm from is irrelevant
I bill in US dollars
And as with most people, work comes from all over the world
Oh yea. easel.io
any web developers still using vi?
@BenjaminGruenbaum D'awwww, thanks
@hunterc Sure, a lot of people still do.
I can bill in whatever currency I want, I won't ask the same amount of money according of where I bill.
@hunterc Depends. Are there still dinosaurs on earth?
I will ask 80$ an hour in France and 140$ in Canada, for the same job
@AbhishekHingnikar generally it is a PEBKAC.
@dievardump That's interesting
Not a bad idea
I know I will not have the Job in France if I ask more than 80$ an hour. I know I definitely have the Job in Canada asking 140$
canadian dollar?
If I bill people from New York, SF ou Chicago, I will ask at least 160
Canadian and USA dollars are 0.99 for 1
So it does not matter
!!convert 1USD CAD
@DannyBeckett 1.0346CAD
true dat
@dievardump It does to the interwebz
Ok 0.97
So... for me the grid depends where you are.
I would love to be able to earn now in France the same I was earning in Canada
@OctavianDamiean PEBKAC
I won't believe any company in france will pay anybody $80/hour in this business
thats like 13k a month
and in canada like 22k a month
Hum, I billed for 60 euros/h
where do I hire ?!?
But as a freelance
yea thats an important fact
I can not ask more than 32-33K a year
which after taxes is... far less.
@hunterc Nope. Many devs are using vim though, including me.
I'd even prefer joe over vim
did you know that nano has syntax highlighting?
... I think I wrote that wrong.
posted on October 14, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Ha! Jon Brence helped build something awesome.

i dont use nano for the same reason i dont use emacs i dont like all the alternative key combo bindings
oh dear
comparing nano and emacs
it's like comparing apples to oranges...
there is nothing which beats textmate on osx tho
beside codA obv
@jAndy are you trolling?
@FlorianMargaine i completely agree they are so different i was just using that as my slight point
please tell me you are
@FlorianMargaine with what
@hunterc nano isn't used as a serious text editor for noone. Emacs is a completely different beast, and its key bindings are worth learning.
55 secs ago, by jAndy
there is nothing which beats textmate on osx tho
@jAndy I know you're trolling with coda
on mac.. I mean it.
But again, codA for teeeh win
i agree but i prefer not having to hit 4 different modifiers to do stuff. just my opinion i like the simple syntax of vim
everybody who's been on textmate has migrated to vim/ST3 lately though
@FlorianMargaine what do you use on osx ?
THAT is trolling in my mind :p
I tried coda, textmate, ST3 and the likes...
codA is completely awesome
with perfect plugin system and git support
but vim... dude, it's vim.
Yeah. I rarely use vim, but when I do, I remember its awesomeness.
Had to change some config files on a remote server... vim... <3
Wow... real data is much less than I guesstimated...
if you don't use it often, it means it's even more awesome than you think :P
@FlorianMargaine Probably true
@Zirak I <3 Buffy. And I like Dollhouse, but I recognize its flaws.
I got the fading effect by accident, but it looked nice so I kept it
@Neil good work. makes me feel like gandalf in the mines of moria
@eazimmerman That's what inspired me :)
I want to see if I can't add shading on the columns as well
It would look truly 3d at that point
@Neil It looks like the columns moving more than it looks like shadows are moving.
@eazimmerman I should use that, but I'm lazy
yours works too but it just caps it at 30
@eazimmerman Yeah, that's really strange considering he's capped his at 30, isn't it?
@AbhishekHingnikar yes? What do you want to tell me?
@SomeGuy no, it makes sense. that's why i said it.
@FlorianMargaine I'm not done bragging.
@OctavianDamiean what the heck that means >??
...in those 46 minutes, you couldn't google it?
@AbhishekHingnikar yes.
Point proven.
!!/google PEBKAC
oh, sorry, didn't notice I had a disconnect; try again
Looks like it might take more than 46 minutes

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