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This is a genial idea for demonstrate on father and mother that I am studying
youtube.com/watch?v=kCHBV7jMoLc RDR-themed web series. Not sure whether it's good.
@DeeputheDon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!is jsfiddle the slowest site on earth?
@cc Yes!
!!is jsbin the slowest site on earth?
@MirkoCianfarani By all means
!!does that mean jsbin is just as fast as jsfiddle?
@JanDvorak Doubtfully
Q: Developing a 3D JS game

user1876542I am developing a 3D JS game for Windows 8(please download the current version here http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/rush-3/d5e21bf0-efc7-4609-9f71-561c76664c91 to test the performance). In my PC (i3, 8GB RAM) is quite fluid, but in low end computers its very laggy, so I'm searching for ways...

the randomness is not so logic
!!is randomness logic?
@JanDvorak Yes!
as a proof
!!are your answers provably inconsistent?
@JanDvorak All signs point to yes
one should backtest Caprica's positive and negative answers in the transcript
go ahead
first backtesting a fucking trading strategy :)
if I don't reach 15% / year I'm not paid
no gain no pay
@dystroy Added level restarting (Ctrl+R), @bushdiver (sp?) added a timeout interval
!!learn rand "<>$rand()"
@cc Command rand learned
Why are people obsessed with <> ? Is that really the rational default?
!!learn rand "$rand()"
@cc Command rand learned
Moar questions, also let me use coffeescript if I want :P
(10 would be nice)
I've got another one in my arsenal, considering how to word it. And fuck coffeescript.
@Zirak <> is a diamond !! That's the diamond operator in java. And that's how you recognize your masters here on SO.
Looks like a sideways elevator button.
I also want to make an equality question, but don't know how to stress the fact that it's not strict equality, e.g. equal([0], [0]) === true
@CapricaSix closely followed by github
!!is my internet slow?
@cc Indubitably
oh well that explains
@Zirak you might build a trap around this phenomenon : (function(){ console.log(this===2) }).call(2)
@qntm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
In other words, new Number(2) !== 2. And nah, answers don't need to consider the edge cases.
@dystroy use strict
@Zirak You might want to define equality as "give the same string when stringified".
You can use JSON.stringify, yeah
But now it's lame. I don't wanna do it.
@dystroy then [1, "2,3"] == ["1,2", 3]
@JanDvorak Hu ? They don't give the same string
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why 10? Why not 11? Or 9?
@Zirak We have 10 fingers
oh, you meant JSON.strinify, not toString
You maybe
I have 20 fingers. I demand 20 questions.
ok, why the hell would somebody DDoS GitHub?
Because it's fun to do?
Shouldn't we be tolerant of those who have less or more fingers? Maybe a prompt in the beginning, asking you to specify how many fingers you have, then gives you the appropriate amount of questions.
@GNi33 People are dicks
I have 8 fingers, 8 toes and 4 thumbs
@Zirak That seems sensible
I have 21 appendices
freaking idiots
@Zirak No, we should ask users how many fingers they have and if they say anything but 10 we should shame them and call them names instead of showing them the questions.
@GNi33 link ?
right now it looks like the page is responding normally again
Hygienic macros in JavaScript FTW:
A: Refactor this Lisp and Haskell style macro in JavaScript

Aadit M ShahYes, it is possible. If you simply want to a one-to-one mapping of the lisp-y code then you could use the conditional operator as follows: x ? y : null If you don't mind the result of the expression being a falsy value (instead of an explicit null value) then you could use the guard operator i...

This question might be interesting
Q: Indirect eval call in JavaScript strict mode

Qantas 94 HeavyI understand about how eval() works in non-strict contexts, however the case of using eval() in strict mode has completely befuddled me. When eval() is called directly in the global scope, it does not appear: 'use strict'; eval('var a = 1;'); console.log(a); // ReferenceError: a is not defined ...

@dystroy On it
@AaditMShah Have you seen Symbol in the new spec?
@BenjaminGruenbaum In sweet.js? No, I haven't kept pace with its development but I'll take a look at the docs soon.
@AaditMShah No, in the spec. Check out the new ECMAScript spec, it's amazing
Whats the interesting part on the "indirect eval call" question ?
a. Let strictVarEnv be the result of calling NewDeclarativeEnvironment passing the LexicalEnvironment as the argument.
all questions answered no ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will do. I can't wait for JavaScript 2.0 to ship.
what in the world is javascript 2.0
Did somebody hire for JS the guy who named the versions in Java ?
Then it's simple : js 2.0 is js 1.2
sounds like mozillas very own versioning system for js
Indeed, ECMAScript 6.0 will correspond to JS 2.0 according to Mozilla.
alert("Hello Javascript");
@Cool2beblue Try !!> alert("Hello JavaScript!"); instead. Let me do it for you:
!!> console.log("Hello JavaScript!");
@AaditMShah "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
@AaditMShah "undefined" Logged: "Hello JavaScript!"
@AaditMShah Haha. I was was greeting the room! But thanksyou kindly none the less ;)
Can anyone tell me how to subtract the result of an inner SQL query from a constant in MySQL?
	(select count(*) from domains) as count,
	(select 16900-count(*) from domains) as remaining,
from domains
order by domain desc
limit 0, 1;
that's not working since I added the 16900 line
(my SQL skills sux sometimes)
A: Indirect eval call in JavaScript strict mode

Benjamin GruenbaumFirst of all great question. "Eval Code" is more general than direct or indirect call to eval. Let's check the exact specification for the eval function eval (x) When the eval function is called with one argument x, the following steps are taken: If Type(x) is not Str...

@Danny: Why don't you use separate SELECTs?
Thief how you type so fast ?
Dvorak ?
@ThiefMaster That's what I'd do on SQL Server
I'm listening
@AbhishekHingnikar You're just slow
But in MySQL Workbench, I only get 1 result (the last SELECT)
!!give me a firefly
@Zirak Episode 9 - Ariel
So I'm having to combine the queries
But I just watched that!
!!give me a firefly
@Zirak I am not slow
@Zirak Episode 10 - War Stories
ah, that's a good one
!!give me a blowjob
@AbhishekHingnikar That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
!!give me a firefly
@AbhishekHingnikar Episode 1 - Serenity
!!give me a dollhouse
@Kippie That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
Also not working:
So, that only works for firefly, huh?
select 16900-count(*) as remaining,
from domains
!!give me a high five
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
"select 16900 - (select ( count * ) from domains as remaining)" <- that just wont work
!!/give me a firefly
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
@Kippie Dollhouse wasn't good anyway
I just noticed my damn mistake
@Zirak your face isnt good!
a fucking stray comma
select 16900-count(*) as remaining
from domains
Next you're going to tell me that Marvel's agents of S.H.I.E.L.D isn't good either!
but it doesn't work when I nest it
ah.... n/m... stray comma again lol
Next you're going to tell us Desperate Housewives are actually watchable
	(select count(*) from domains) as count,
	(select 16900-count(*) from domains) as remaining
from domains
order by domain desc
limit 0, 1;
@JanDvorak Are you implying that it isn't?
I mean, Terri Hatcher is getting older, sure. But I still definitely would.
.......anyone know how to get MySQL Workbench to automatically refresh the last query every few seconds?
cba creating a GUI and using AJAX just for a simple query
@Kippie Sorry, it just doesn't hold. The backstory has some holes (don't ask me what...I forgot most of what I knew), it hand-waves some really important consequences (what being blank actually means, and what about Alpha and Omega?) and generally felt like an excuse to show Dushku's cleavage.
@Mattias Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
It was decent, but not worth a rewatch. And don't get me started on Buffy...
Even though @RyanKinal likes it.
Da Vinci's Demons is awesome... well worth watching
Only 1 season so far, with 8 * 1-hour episodes
It's like a semi-fictional take on Da Vinci
Portrays him as an inventor and war engineer
@Zirak Well, yeah, you have to **watch it for the plot**. Dushku's cleave is an important part of that.

I do agree that the story didn't give enough answers or closure, but that's mostly because the series was ended early.
I also never got if the episode set in the future (starring Felicia Day) was reality, or just a possible outcome if they didn't destroy everything like they did in the last ep
@merlin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Damn it's annoying how you automatically edit your message when pressing UP
:D Anyone bored :P? Here is a question that require some thought, perhaps someone knows something I don't?
Q: How vertically align variable/dynamic content inside dynamic DIV's?

Cool2beblueI am aware this issue had been covered many times on this site before, and I also aware there are dozens of guides floating around the internet. I however still cannot find a suitable solution to my problem. I have two dynamic simple DIV elements, one the child of another. Inside the child is v...

@DannyBeckett u know i'd just do
> var names = ["Serenity", "The Train Job",
why did I read "The Blow Job"
In his defence, the spec is really confusing here.
var constant = 9001;
var used = conn.executeSync("select count (*) as used from domains")[0]["used"];
var remaining = constant - used;
@Kippie It was a reality, methinks. The ending of the 1st comes before the ending of the 2nd.
@AbhishekHingnikar Is that VB?
Nope but any language will let u use variables (XD)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, I'm not totally sure myself. I had found another way, using the comma operator which specifies that the second part is applied GetValue which seems, in that case to set the context of eval to the global context but to be sure you need to read thrice the whole spec... I suppose your answer is correct because you have a better knowledge of the spec than me but I'm still unsure...
I ended up posting to DBA:
Q: How to auto-refresh/re-run a query every few seconds?

Danny BeckettI have a script running against a database with no GUI. This simple query lets me see its progress: select *, (select count(*) from domains) as count, (select 456976-count(*) from domains) as remaining from domains order by domain desc limit 0, 1; Using MySQL Workbench, how can I a...

My thinking is: why should I have to create a GUI or a CLI program, just to refresh a query?
@DannyBeckett do you have python / python cli ?
what the hell
I use C# a lot though
why cant u just do
@dystroy It really boils down to it not being a direct call
That was my first ever question on DBA btw :p
@Kippie And the plot felt...mehish. I love the sort of plot where it starts out as a straight highway, but then you discover your road is actually a bridge, with...plot hills below it...and secrets (this analogy is falling apart). But they didn't have much substance, and the zinger at the end where you discover who the real mastermind is...meh.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I understood your answer, I'm just not totally convinced by the name part... But I'll probably come back to your answer later
    echo mysql.execute("whatever"); /* or wahtever in php */
  setTimeout(function(){ window.top.location = window.top.location.toString(); }, 4000 );
@BenjaminGruenbaum Your comment lacks a link for your ES6 citation
@dystroy I'm not convinced either, the spec does not specify it very clearly. If I had to guess what it does in advance without an interpreter I'm not sure the result I'd come up with would be conclusive. It's easy to see that (else,func)(something) is not a direct call to func but an indirect one - but it's not clearly specified.
Also, it's still a draft so linking to it might be risky
@AbhishekHingnikar There are actually almost half a million queries to execute
So it's a LOT more efficient in PHP to use a loop
half a million?
Than to refresh the query in JS
@FlorianMargaine 26^4
= 456976
26^4 queries?!
@DannyBeckett I'm going to guess you're not really executing half a million queries there.
what the hell are you doing
It's currently done 15,000
in about 15 mins
15 minutes for 15k queries?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am lol
Why the heck would you do that? We do that sort of scale but it's on multiple machines and dbs.
what the hell are those queries?!?!?!
Hold on
who in his right sane mind does that?!
I'll post the code somewhere
@DannyBeckett As in, a query is SELECT * FROM... right? Not a query on half a million rows right?
You better be searching for ET with that amount
any good PHP JSFiddle type sites?
@DannyBeckett just post it on paste.ubuntu
@BenjaminGruenbaum does paste.ubuntu allow the testing of 15 M queries ?
> PHP and other Web scripts are not allowed
@Zirak You're right that the evil mastermind plot was a bit corny and cliché
one sec, pastebin
Are you querying github's db ? That would explain a thing...
PLEASE don't hang me for using mysql_* functions
It's an old script
No need to edit it
everybody get ur guns ready
ohhhhh shit
I have no experience in PHP, so I don't know why I should get guns. :(
@DannyBeckett are you sane ?
@AbhishekHingnikar That's a tricky question. Hopefully he's a programmer.
what on earth are you trying to do ?
(though ur code looks beautiful) but seriously ?
@DannyBeckett you can do all this with only one query.
one huge query, but only one query.
^ ^
@FlorianMargaine he might run out of ram though :P
joking :3
@DannyBeckett BZZZ WRONG
@FlorianMargaine do tell...
true. Do it through batches of 1000 elements or something
I'm not good in php. What does that do ?
> "Insert into table(x,y) values(:x,:y);"
for($i = 'kyo'; $i <= 'zzzz'; $i++)
you can just keep on adding values for x and y there
and then execute them altogheter :-|
@AbhishekHingnikar No you missed the point
It queries WHOIS
For every domain
@dystroy $i will be kyo, then kyp, then kyr, etc...
@DannyBeckett you can keep on adding the result to a string
and do that in one query on the table :-|
is what we are saying
that's true
but it's running ok
this room spits only good code advices
This loop "feature" looks like a recipe for strange bugs with no real gain...
and btw doing that on node will save u insane amount of time :P
@DannyBeckett You should do them manually
@dystroy No, it's a "feature" of PHP :p
Train a monkey to do it
Latin alphabet
since viva la node will do it async so u can get almost 50 queries in the time php will blockingly do one
@dystroy I think so. Not sure, let me check.
@FlorianMargaine It's just A-Z
If anyone wants to steal the code, feel free
Here's the SQL:
CREATE TABLE domains ( domain varchar(6) NOT NULL, len tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, available tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, expires date NOT NULL, checked timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (domain) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
We usually don't steal faeces
Believe it or not, there is a sane reason for running this script
Also, InterNIC is fine with it
@DannyBeckett anyway, the thing is, do the sql queries by batches of 1000 elements or so
@FlorianMargaine yeah that's a good idea
As I say, it's an old script
From the days of my programming 4+ years ago
Dug it out of an old backup
tbh, I'm gonna rewrite it in C# now
Presume it will be a lot faster than PHP
@TahaRehmanSiddiqui Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
....it's just finished checking aaa-zzz
which is < 20k records
@Visions Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to get child span using jquery?

VisionsI have a structure like below: <span class="IN-widget"> <span> <span class="IN-top"> <span class="IN-top"> <span class="IN-top" > <span class="IN-top"> 3 </span> </span> </span> </span> </span> <br> <span> <span> <a href="javascript:void(0);"> <span

please help
@dystroy you scare me

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