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I am using javascript replace, mixed with regex so that it replaces all occurances of for example ":)" with "img/happy.png"
I know that, my problem is that I have an json object with smilies codes and image url's and I go trough that json object by for loop so I need to dynamicaly create regex to use with javascript replace
take a look at my fiddle jsfiddle.net/uuxtR/3
@DušanRadojević You're probably looking for this: phpjs.org/functions/preg_quote
thanks, here it is simplified: jsfiddle.net/fSJVa
@copy THANKS!
I stumbled upon that php for javascript functions a while ago but totally forgot about it!
@copy I hate you
It's not my fault that JavaScript doesn't have a function that replaces foo with bar for every foo
@AbhishekHingnikar already done
There exists a STUN server
@Raynos does it work with express ?
without binding itself to a different port ?
I checked out peer.js's implementation :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar does it work with fucking express is a retarded question
i mean can you integrate it with express -_-
basically i want a care free api like socket.io
it just mounts itself
no questions asked :D
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  if (req.url.indexOf("/turn") !== -1) {
    turnServer(req, res)
  } else {
    noobExpressApp(req, res)
@AbhishekHingnikar do not be a noob
i know that -_-
i wanna do something like this
@AbhishekHingnikar i get your point but a turn server is not something you want to integrate with express
thats not how you should structure your infrastructure
you set up a set of TURN servers
use DNS to round robin them or use a loadbalancer, whatever
and point your frontend app at the turn servers
they should be standalone
now the webrtc signaling server
is something you want to integrate with express
the guys from andyet
did easywebrtc
that uses express & socket.io
@AbhishekHingnikar sorry I get grumpy sometimes
yeah its cool :P
:D (XD)
atleast you speak wisdom and you have the right to :P
I am building an app to use rtc
right now am using peer.js
but it barely goes well
@Raynos ps isnt easyrtc paid ?
@AbhishekHingnikar meant simple webrtc simplewebrtc.com
challenge accepted
that looks cool to play with
it doesnt do data channels
they did write their signalling server as a seperate thing ( github.com/andyet/signalmaster )
i will just wrap that in express
and add data-channel (:
typically i wan't to make an angular service
which gives me users with a high level api like
User.privateMessage , User.call , User.ping and stuff.
wrapping all of socket.io and etc around
angular makes me vomit >_>
@rlemon I appreciate the things.
@SomeKittens Meteor doesn't really seem built for applications with more that one page.
because its a framework, and it makes bad decisions
enlighten me/us ?
@SomeKittens @Raynos So I'd have to include meteor-backbone to give it structure?
@JonKoops im not going to solve your meteor problems
@AbhishekHingnikar it has a module system and a custom DI system. that is bad
I dislike their mutable $scope approach
and their templates are soup
I agree
@Raynos I'm not having a problem with Meteor, I'm just looking aroud.
@AbhishekHingnikar i'm currently working on github.com/Raynos/jsonml-stringify/tree/master/examples/todomvc kind of thing
i have been hating the $scope myself
Looks cool :D
but that's just me making a bunch of opinionated decisions

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