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um does anyone know how to fix padding problems
Wait until they grow naturally
@TrevorRudolph Diet and exercise?
@SomeKittens thanks! time to turn my life around! you have just changed me forever!
Another soul helped. Good job, @SomeKittens
You touch the lives of all who pass here.
jsfiddle.net/8vkwb my padding is funky, i think im gonna implement fbdemo.com
@Shmiddty Crap, indexing by id won't work...
@Zirak Shmiddty is afk: hometime
Because of that ^ mapping.
wow, Bones...you suck. They're been pouring over trying to find out what some sort of acid was...and it turns out it's hydrofluoric acid. Seriously? That's the top of the list.
@Zirak Only if you're a hydrofluorophile
Ping me again please
@Zirak Seriously?
@Zirak I thought you hated that?
Ok, I'll stop
@monners im developing for IE because of my dumb school so anything not in html0 wont work, i hate IE
@TrevorRudolph If you're working in IE then this should be the default behaviour. It's one of the very very few things IE got right
@monners Testing something. Again, please/
@Zirak The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
@monners Zirak is afk.
I'm confused: Can js open a file (actually check modified date) in the same server from were it's being served? I mean as the script is running in the client is this cross-domain?
You can have your server send a Last-Modified header, and have js send a HEAD request.
humm should i use PHP for this?
Specifying a header is not related to the server language.
sorry I'm real noob... how would i make the server send a Last-Modified header?
or what should i look for
In the language/framework of your choice, check how to send headers.
ok I'll do that thanks a lot
I usually send my headers attached to the top of my memos
It might already be present, though, check if it is
memos... ok I'm doing some research to avoid too stupid questions
Check up on headers and HEAD requests, it's cool stuff
@v.k. Sorry, that was a stupid answer. Don't waste your time, it was a joke
:) ok thanks
...mine wasn't
by header you mean HTML5 <header> tag?
HTTP header
hello loverlies
@Shmiddty I thought you'd never come back!
!!afk bananaface
@Shmiddty Just go already!
I will then.
Hi Room! I got an issue with js countdown. When running I get "NaN" as seconds. Here is the link. jsfiddle.net/YTCuH Thanks in advance!
I was just about to...
You fap too much
it's unhealthy
you're going to go blind.
I should leave soon
Stop sending me so much goat porn!
trivia night
!!afk poop
@Zirak Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
I like bananas
@Zirak Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
@Shmiddty Bing!
@Zirak Shmiddty is afk: bananaface
@Shmiddty undefined
that's what I expected to happen
@Shmiddty Why are you leaving me!?
bb ilu
@Shmiddty Welcome back!
!!afk trivia
@Shmiddty Stay safe.
Just ran across this gem:
> Bryan Birch is credited with once saying that he programmed in a very high-level programming language called "graduate student".
And then the waiting
@Shmiddty Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@Zirak I got my server saying thanks to you trough an HTTP header. :) bingo
Fuck you! Those creeps can't lay a finger on me
@v.k. Awesome!
I'm flattered
moving now to get the Last modified date ...
check @ kubrusly.com
I just bought a new pair of riding shorts. They have surprisingly ample gluteal padding.
@marabutt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi there
@monners isn't that kinda the point?
Speaking of gluteal padding, Hi @marabutt
data.$(this).prop('name') = this.value
@SomeKittens Yeah, but I've never owned a pair before. It suddenly all made sense.
say .$(this).prop('name') was foo how would i assign
data.$(this).prop('name') = this.value
What are you trying to do, assign the data value or the property value?
the member is whatever $(this).prop('name') evaluates to
then don't use dot notation
data[$(this).prop('name')] = this.value;
$(this).data('dataLabel')  // returns the data value
$(this).data('dataLabel', 'newValue') // sets the data value
great thanks
Time for lunch
!!choose sushi or chinese
@monners chinese
!!choose really or not really
@monners really
!!choose for reals or nah
@monners nah
Sushi it is!
That Chinese was delicious
The Chinese were delicious
All Chinese are delicious
You got nothin', kid. Nothin'
The problem with adopting Chinese babies is that you just want to adopt another after 30 minutes
Jeez, you must be a fast eater
!!revive room
@monners That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
room topic changed to JavaScript: @monners And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny | rules.javascriptroom.com [ecmascript] [enterprise] [javascript]
@SomeKittens Y U NO MAEK SENSE!?
/me is doing a lot of writing
Wish there were more hours in the day to do all the cool things I've got planned
Type faster
I'm actually a pretty speedy typer, it's the thinking that's the hard part
still haven't figured out a way to overclock my brain
btw, is that a quote or the product of an unfocused mind?
Does a kitty good
is what a quote?
the room topic?
hi there, im using javascript to load <input type='date' id='date' />, but after loading finished, it is just a text input, why?please help
DISCLAIMER: monners does not encourage or condone the use of illicit substances. Please consult a qualified physician before attempting to engage in the use of any pharmaceutical product, illicit or otherwise
@paulcheung It looks like you don't have any JavaScript
@SomeKittens Yeah, the room topic
@SomeKittens ctform.html("<input type='date' id='date' /><br /><div id='report' data-role='content'></div>")
It's what @CapricaSix says after !!live
@monners I'm afraid I can't let you do that, monners
@SomeKittens And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Lol, 2001 reference for the win
we are all about pop culture references
!!google pop
Do you say pop or soda?
Soft drink
!!wiki soft drink
A soft drink (also called soda, pop, coke, soda pop, fizzy drink, tonic, seltzer, mineral, sparkling water, lolly water, or carbonated beverage) is a beverage that typically contains water (often, but not always, carbonated water), usually a sweetener, and usually a flavoring agent. The sweetener may be sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, fruit juice, sugar substitutes (in the case of diet drinks) or some combination of these. Soft drinks may also contain caffeine, colorings, preservatives and other ingredients. Soft drinks are called "soft" in contrast to "hard drinks" (alcoholic beverage...
Good Morning Guys
You weird Aussies
Normal Aussies (relatively)
Can someone guide me where i am wrong. Even i am confuse what happen with me.
Above fiddle is perfect as i want. but when i implement in my code then its not working
@chintankhetiya that is awful.
I can't even be fucked to fix it
Of course, since my government doesn't technically exist at this point, I can't be making fun of other countries
@SomeKittens Sure it does, in the hearts and minds of comedians across the globe
Daily show has been fantastic
Has it what!
Can I just ask why the southern states can't just fuck right off and become their own country?
@phenomnomnominal Science
Oh yeah that
@Esailija Nice
@phenomnomnominal They take more $$ than they give
Though Texas is the only one who really legally can
@SomeKittens Texas?
Beat me to it
I lived there for 5 years.
@monners I'm sorry.
I'm not going back. You can't make me!
@SomeKittens Where you at, Colorado?
San Francisco, man. Silicon Valley itself!
do people in San Fran drink starbucks like the rest of the country, or have you discovered... coffee?
I brew my own in a cheap coffeemaker with generic pre-ground beans
@copy lol gotta hate IE10
!!google top 10 coffee cities
!!google top 10 coffee cities in the world
Bam! Number 4. Home sweet home
@Esailija IE 10 arrays are faster than Firefoxes' and Chromium's
@monners pffft, Aussie coffee is shit compared to NZ and you know it.
@copy yes but why is deque so much slower on ie
it has much better algorithm for shift since it doesn't have to move elements
@phenomnomnominal I hope that's the case, never been to NZ and I love our local coffee!
@Esailija I don't know about IE internals, but it doesn't have hidden classes?
in public materials everything they say is directly from v8 with different names :D
also since their engine is not used server side they can focus on different things
@Esailija are you saying IE10's js is a ripoff of v8?
I haven't even thought about that, but it "sounds microsoft"
map transitions -> type evolution
well according the video I watched at least they have a lot of similar stuff but impossible to know internals from the video of course :D
I think this was the video
Reminds me of bing and this
@copy doesn't this remind you of something from literally every v8 video out there i.imgur.com/u6l3ONq.png
any help would be much appreciated guys :)
(protip: it's the hidden class explanation but instead of using Point it uses Bubble)
Q: What's the issue in getting serialized form data in the following scenario?

PHPGeekFollowing is some part from my HTML form: <form name="delete_tests" action="manage_tests.php" method="post" id="delete_tests"> <table class="tablesorter" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="tests_listing" width="100%"> <tr> <div class="ez-checkbox ez-checked"><input id="" class="custo...

i would really appreciate if anybidy help me
@Prince Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
somehow chrome is able to detect that it doesn't need to move the items jsperf.com/deque-vs-array-2/2
but firefox obviously isn't?
and ie10 can't detect it either :D
Q: Bootstrap modal popup not working properly in aspx

MAD4RAi have this button B1 (say) when i click on this B1 a modal popup appears with buttons / links when i click the button / link a new popup should appear but i dont get the Modal window but i do get the values in firebug Here is the code to the Button B1 <div class="thumbnail" ><img src="../Imag...

@Dhamu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
got this if i add 4.6 and 2.3
total = parseFloat(4.6) + parseFloat(2.3);
why its not give correct answer 6.9
does any can help me with this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19270101/jquery-accordion-customize-click-event
toggles are working fine in header section in firefox and ie but not in chrome and safari
Q: Adding Float value in jQuery

DhamuAdding float values using jQuery used code: result variables: subtotal = 4.6; tax = 2.3; Total = parseFloat(subtotal)+parseFloat(tax); i got result 6.8999999999999995... why it not returning the correct value 6.9

I can't see any little tiny bit of jquery in the above javascript code — Jan Dvorak 28 secs ago
@MattWilson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I heard you like mudkipz
!!are you alive?
Q: RaphaelJS:Text around path not visible

NezamI have been working with VectorEditorJS.Using it for TShirt designing web application.I have added few lines of code to enhance a feature which would let me stylize text by curving it around a path .A lot of the code is borrowed from this fiddle. Now this code was working fine until i utilised s...

Good morning, how do i need to modify the if-statement for bottom and right, so the red background isnt visible? jsfiddle.net/VYcsB
The ui.position for bottom and right are hardcoded at the moment.
hello everyone
!!tell @codebrain "rules"
@monners Command greetings does not exist.
@monners Command "greetings" does not exist.
@monners Command "hello" does not exist.
@monners Command "rules" does not exist.
Monners what the hell?
How about !!help
Surely this command used to work?
!!tell codebrain welcome
@codebrain Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
My bad
@CapricaSix i already been here manytimes, not a new comer :P
Please wait i am typing mah question
Yo @OctavianDamiean know any good books on math aimed at dev applications specifically?
@OctavianDamiean What the hell?
No more pings. I've reached my limit
@monners You should ask @BenjaminGruenbaum.
@codebrain I'm out of time ... OR SPACE?! So hurry up!
K, I will next time he's around
$('button').on('click', function() {
   $('.classname .childClassname).each(function() {
      $('this'). // This doesnt refer to the childClassname but button.
      //I want to do something with ChildClassname Children
$('.classname .childClassname)
dis wrong
:12274024 $(this).find('.childYouWantToTarget')
Hey @BenjaminGruenbaum Was looking for some good resources on math for developers. I'm kinda at a point where I don't know what I don't know
but $('this') refers the button.
my original code is here
 $(document).on('click', '.removeSelected', function () {
              var styleval = $(this).siblings('.containsID').children('#txtId').val();
              $('.thumbnails thumbnail').each(function() {
               if($(this).children('.chkSelectedItems').id() == styleval)
@codebrain Line 4, you're missing a '.' before thumbnail
chkSelectedItems is checkbox, I want to match it's id with the value i have as styleval if yes, I want to unselect it.
@Mr.1.0 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Are you dating anyone?
@monners it doesnt work with '.' because $(this) inside each function still refers to 'removeSelected' and not the thumbnail that i am trying to iterate..
@monners Not quite, other than the occasional sex with strangers there's nothing.
@AbhishekHingnikar It seems the chat windows' scrolling problem only appears on chrome canary. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/200026/…
@codebrain You're trying to target 'thumbnail' (which should be '.thumbnail') before $(this) even comes into play. You'll never get to $(this) if jQuery can't find the element/s you're looking for
Unless there's some brand new, magical <thumbnail> tag I don't know about
Fuck, there probably is, isn't there?
oh okay, i tried with .thumbnail too. result is same.
Line 5: '==' should be '===' to avoid type coercion
!!wiki javascript type coercion
@monners The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
Well, I know exactly what type coercion is, I just don't see why he should avoid it if it even occurs in the first place.
@monners It works now with .thumbnail. I am sorry about that.
!!wiki daniel crockford
@monners The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
But id() doesnt have a method. haha what to do to find the id of the element ?
It's Douglas Crockford and no.
fucking google.
I don't know if there's an obvious answers but maybe perf measuring obsessed users ( @Esailija , are you here ?) have an answer ?
Q: Method for testing DOM selector efficiency

dougajmcdonaldIs there any straightforward way to evaluate DOM selector efficiency on a page? My curiosity comes from a page written with jQuery, but ideally I'm looking for something more generic (I appreciate the efficiency of selector may differ between approach used to locate it). This came from a situati...

@monners yeah i will, I thought you could do that faster than google !
@monners Don't take everything he says as the one and only truth.
On this I just happen to agree
If you can explain why, without cargo-culting you win.
In this instance you're testing against a specific string value, not whether that value devolves to truthyness, so it's more descriptive to explicitly demonstrate that in your test
ok, I tried this.
 if($(this).children('.chkSelectedItems').attr('id').val() === styleval)
@monners This is bollocks.
i am a fucking stupid
Anyway, gotta run.
I am sorry, lol
You're not gonna tell me why?
Opposition forfeits!
jsfiddle.net/VYcsB/1 How can i fix the bottom issue with the jumping image? When i do the ui.position.top outside of the if, it doesnt jump.
@OctavianDamiean Seriously, I've got no ego about this. If you're right then I want you to tell me. I'll be the first to say I'm wrong
Well, the second
@BrightSun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners Math for developers is extremely broad, you mean math for web developers? Because that's difference from the math you need for performance analysis, or hardware.
Hello, i just made my 1 plugin it accept methods and options, but is there way to pass methods and options at same time?
    $('#create_profile_form input').customValidator({
        required: {
            message: 'Ce champ ne doit pas être vide'
            message: 'Valeur minimal pour ce champ est<!--value-->'
            message: 'Valeur maximal pour ce champ est<!--value-->'
            message: 'seulement le nombres et des chifres est autorises'
something like that
Q: mobile app developer/web developer advice

peteStackI'm trying what to figure out what to learn to become a mobile app developer/web developer but more emphasis on the former. My background is that I have no programming skills at all as my work is more in education and teaching. However I want to move semi move away from this field, diversify my ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum Anything that covers recursion patterns, geometry (that I'm likely to encounter in the web space), that sort of thing. I studied calculus in college, but those aren't the kinds of problems I've encountered (surprising, I know!)
i need to invoke validate_if_not_empty at same time, but it shouldn be invoked all time at init
or only way is to write again $('#create_profile_form input').customValidator('validate_if_not_empty');
@monners Calculus in college is suprisingly something you encounter quite a bit. Some basic trig, and how cryptography works is nice.
Book suggestions?

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