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hot water
gallium spoon
fun times
!!urban golden shower
can somebody answer a question. is it possible to complete a download using java for instance when trying to download a document can java select the "open" option and click the "okay" button or will I need a different language to do this?
You mean the folder selector, when the browser prompts the user to select where to download, you want to automate that?
No, you can not, and for many very good reasons.
no it is a completely local HTML it is only asking what program to open the .docx file with then the user has to select "okay" to finish opening the file.
I'm pretty sure that's not possible from within a browser. At least I hope it's not possible.
I'm having visions of browsing the net and having libreoffice open 30 windows automatically
3 minutes, 37 seconds, but I was a bit prepared from the discussion before
Nice time, copy
not exactly what I am trying to do here. so is it a yes no or IDK?
I guess I'm having a hard time imagining what exactly you need
How about a screenshot
give me a sec
ugh, i'm so pissed.
I had stupid mistakes in the last question. finished the first four in a little over two minutes
im not sure how to add photos here
@CS_STEM imgur.com
@CS_STEM There's an upload button, next to the send one.
@rlemon The last one was a pretty good "looks easy but it's not" question. If I wasn't against programming puzzles in interviews, that would be a good one.
by far my biggest time sink was checking for the array I used Object.prototype.toString.call === '[object Array]'
see my overlooked mistake ??
where are these questions?
It's not a difficult question, you just have to recurse correctly. The timer is what causes stupid mistakes.
yeah, you're never actually looking at the element
6 hours ago, by Florian Margaine
ah 6 hours ago thats why I didnt see it
@JoeFrambach yea, well it took me 10 minutes to see that
It's pinned
@JoeFrambach, @rlemon, one of you change gravatars.
We've already been through this
Apparently we haven't
@Zirak I can only see a send button so idk
ok my gravatar is changed.
You may have caching issues if it doesn't update for you
Posted via the aforementioned upload button.
@JoeFrambach When I was young, the cache touched me inappropriately.
Thank you, less ambiguous now.
LOL virtualbox virtualbox.org
I got a terrible time lol
the umm 4th one tripped me up
it kept not getting the right answer took me a while to figure out why
cool test though
I posted the image to face-book so I hope this will work. facebook.com/…
> This content is currently unavailable
okay maybe this will work csstem.imgur.com/all
I went went back and redid javascript-under-pressure without using any {, }, or ;s
I need more hobbies -_-
where are all the n00bs... I'm bored
Right here
Are you really from Australia?
And how has you affection for cats shaped you as a programmer?
What is the strangest JavaScript quirk you've encountered?
Megatron or Optimus Prime?
@DanielBank Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Optimus Prime all the way
actually Iron Hide is my favorite
Then probably Hot Rod.
But between megatron and optimus, I have to go with optimus
Even though, as far as "bad guys" are concerned, he's mediocre, I just automatically hate the good guy leader.
the only time megatron was a badass was Transformers the Movie (1986?)
1986, good I was right. Considering its one of my all time fav movies I should know
If you guys havent seen it watch that part.
Thats when you know the movie isnt going to be like the cartoon at all..
shit gets so real
still makes me sad to watch
fucking good autobots getting wrecked
I think it's time I rewatch that
haha I was just thinking about doing the same
wow I cant find it anywhere to digitally watch
might have to bust out my dvd
Does anyone experience sudden slowdown of requestAnimFrame in Chrome?
since yesterday night for me
Firefox works well..
in chrome it was running 30FPS
It's slower on fridays
Because more people use it
But I tested it on my local machine
yeah I try not to do any reqanimframe stuff on Fridays between 8am-5pm
are you serious?
There's only so much Chrome to go around.
I am almost going to ask a Question on this matter you know.
@Zirak I've been stockpiling for years
@Loktar do you have any cat dressup game?
haha no
er wait you mean on my site?
actually google.com/…
wow... looks like theres a lot
the site auto pulls games so idk wtf is on it tbh
it has over 79k games now...
Thanks. You saved the day.
christ. I should revisit the site and make it better
I lol'd initially btw because I thought you were joking asking if I have made any :P
@Loktar That game
copy and I are giggling playing that game
lol now I need to look at it
gah I hate these ads... these are auto ads that the devs put in the game
LOL wtf is this
looks like something my daughter would make
We thought exactly that
She should make one with Stormy
lol yeah or her cat Nyan
maybe Ill ask her to draw pics
and I could put one together for her. Could make a dressup game maker
I would play that
god that "game" is so ridiculous
if a little kid did it then its pretty cool though
Did I win?
@kielni Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So, I'm in the domestic airport in St Petersburg, can anyone guess how soviet it gets?
6 sovietness units
About 9000, maybe a bit over. The floor is concrete and the books are on stalin.
Oh damn, I was close
Yep, you were the closest guess.
@AlexanderPuchkov Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes. What am I supposed to say to that
Hi,i have a listview with multiple list items. I have created a dynamic page for displaying the list items data. I'm resizing the text size of particular list item which is displaying in the dynamic page .But the resized text size is shown effect on the every list item.
how can we change the text size of the particular item of data ?
Any help
@PHPGeek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Feeds thanks to Apple ?
and the internet
@AbhishekHingnikar Hi
have doubt regarding storing data in localStorage
@RohitTailor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2384323 you should look into store.js
it is excellent for localstorage
@whitehat101 ok
it automatically serializes basic javascript objects, and deserializes them for you
and it is very cross-browser
@whitehat101 but my doubt is.. i have a listview with multiple items i created a dynamic page for displaying the list items data. for next and previous list items is used "swipe up and down" ..
but when i'm swipe up and down. The data is storing with same list item name
how to get the exact list item name in local storage while swipe up and down ?
Are you talking about html5 local storage? I don't really get your question. can you show us?
@whitehat101 yes html5 local storage
This may help you debug: for (var key in localStorage)console.log(key)
@whitehat101 i have sent you one invitation
@Dmitry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hi all
I suppose that I could break some rules, but...

which way is faster - append each element to dom or collect all elements in memory and than eppend it at once?
And use documentfragment
@Dmitry ^
thanx a lot
Damn you FAQ, now i lost The Game
@JanDvorak wut ?
@JanDvorak Ah, oke :p Meh. I didnt know what SO was a year ago. So I posted a lot of stupid shit too ^^
Got me banned though.. bad time
@FlorianMargaine 5 minutes, 6 seconds
> 5 minutes, 27 seconds for all 5 levels. Well done!
There was some tricky stuff inside. Nice link
I would be faster if D didn't forget to write return before i.map and then spend a few seconds looking for some missing return
@kitty Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i spent a minute on if (typeof i === "integer") return i` at the last one... that was stupid
one minute?
Yes .. =( I only looked at the recursion part, thinking i couldn't have done something wrong returng the integer.
"longest string" was a nice task. Initially, I returned the array.
Yep got "0,1,2,3,4"expected "tiny". Didn't expect that
twas a quick fix, though
They should have put some numbers first to confuse people more
Yeah :P but confusing is mean on the other hand, you just shouldn't pass with sloppy code
My code would work perfectly fine if the input was an array of strings
what's the point of having a duck-typed language if you can't just duck typing?
Has anybody used ember js in here ?
and angularjs as well ? and can give a comprehensive analysis of pros and cons of both ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum @Connor @Raynos (though i know you are vanilla lover but i guess u might have tried it out for the change of flavor ) @jAndy
and rest :->
angular requires non-compliant HTML
Ok well that's an point, it said return the longest string, so it wouldn't be sloppy expecting an array of strings if it says i is an array.

How did you do it?
@JanDvorak it does not "require" you can use classes and data-attributes, and use angular with 100% valid html4
@C5H8NNaO4 return i.filter(function(x){return typeof x=="string"}).sort(function(a,b){return a.length<b.length})[0]
but, using special elements is typical
str = ""
for(var index=0;index<i.length;index++)
  if(typeof i[index] === "string" && i[index].length > str.length)
      str = i[index]
return str
@whitehat101 meh, that takes longer to write
8 minutes, 43 seconds for all 5 levels. Well done!
mine is O(n), yours is O(2n)
@JanDvorak Yeah thats an nice fix, i wanted to use filter first, but wasn't sure about the parameters (though thinking about it any other wouldn't make sense). So i did a type check in the sort function
@C5H8NNaO4 show me
i.sort (function (a,b) {
  if (typeof a === "string" && typeof b === "string") return b.length - a.length;
  if (typeof b !== "string") return -1;
  return 1;
@Zirak very nice. Time?
@Zirak Nice! and that under pressure. Didn't even knew of Array.isArray
12 hours ago, by Zirak
4 minutes, 39 seconds, after 2 really stupid mistakes.
I'm kicking myself over the file extension one, probably should've done i.split('.').pop()
@Zirak wow. Beat me by 30 seconds
In the last one, I had the ternary reversed...was a "wtf" moment, cost me about 15 seconds.
!!> '2'.toFixed
@cc "SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal"
@cc "undefined"
Wow, really nice Zirak
Though that wouldn't pass the no extension test.

My mistake can't be beat by stupdiness though.
@JanDvorak it's generally considered a good practice to write efficient algorithms
Yeah, it won't be that bare. Maybe var e = i.split('.').pop(); return i === e ? false : e;
I've done this:
return false if !i.match(/\./)
return i.match(/[^.]+/)[0]
@Zirak hmm right, was windering why not a typeof item ==='number'
Because I like duck-typing, it's the first thing that came to my mind, and it's much faster to write.
I went with return (i.indexOf('.') == -1) ? false : i.split('.').pop()
It was a fun challenge after all. Maybe we should collect some more questions, make an offshoot.
good idea
guys need urgent help: on mobile devices, is there anyway to use native autosuggest feature for providing autosuggest to search?
i have looked alot
maybe a large penalty if you submit a failing solution?
@whitehat101 does t work with '1.22e-4'?
@Prasanth never heard of such native autosuggest
hahaha, enter the Konami Code in that challenge page
@cc I'm pretty sure the file extension of this file is 22e-4
ah :)) sry that was for file extension
@JonathanWaller Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!> i='1.22e-4';(i.indexOf('.') == -1) ? false : i.split('.').pop()
@whitehat101 "22e-4"
@JanDvorak invalid
you can do
<div class="angular" data-ng-src="{{binding}}"></div>
so basically you can follow data-* attribute patterns
and if you do so you don't need to do
^ yep
you can do
<div data-message></div>
valid html :->
infact i actually wrote a script to convert all the ng-* to data-ng-* (:
@AbhishekHingnikar using regexes, I hope :->
Somebody should make a regex sudoku
No numbers inside, just regular expressions describing that line
@JanDvorak :P its a one time script :D
takes -> Angular html :: Spits -> Simple HTML
@Neil already exists
but i am trying to make angular work better with jade :P
!!tell neil google regex crossword
cause Jade + Less + Angular = Justice League Alliance :D
Jade can be a swiss army knife if it starts taking angular specific html and spits out proper spec compalient html :D
one day the internet will be so large that you will seemingly be able to create new programs and ideas just be searching for it on google
sigh can anybody spot the error in this song: grooveshark.com/#!/s/Led+Zepplin+Knockin+On+Heaven+s+Door
And I was so hopeful...
there's.... no door.... in heaven....
there's no heaven either...
that song is quite full of bullshit to begin with
> We're not sure what you're looking for!
Something much more serious
It's Guns 'n Roses
oh well, someone mistagged a song on grooveshark
@bhavin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
that happens a lot :D
I didn't even click the link before
It's much more serious...he added this to a Led Zeppelin album. I was all happy, and then bam.
Led Zeppelin never covered that song, right?
Not that I know of, that's what makes this sin a crime.
everything i open javascript room, i lol at Loading Javascript popup :D
goddammit, reminds me of how much i hate Guns'n'Roses
Please help :
They're severely overrated...repetitive as hell
especially the Rose - part
you're probably gonna hate me, but I'm not a big fan of Led Zeppelin either :D
nah, they're a good band, of course, just not my type of music
ah, so we're at opposite ends. My niche is psychedelic/progressive rock, can't get metal.
@Prasanth And I especially hate electronic/techno/whatever you call that.
Disco is to blame...disco ruined rock.
@Zirak I'm more into Metalcore, Hardcore, Post-Hardcore and the alike
not even "classic" metal in its various forms
I do enjoy some songs out of pretty much any genre though
when it comes to Bob Dylan for example -> youtube.com/watch?v=sbMlHGEICuY
great song
It's difficult to judge Bob Dylan purely by his musical prowess, since he's a cultural phenomena.
sorry... I'm taking English
!!> 1.e37
@cc 1e+37
ugh, yeah sorry, I started the sentence in plural, changed it before sending...forgot to change the conjugation
I hate myself every time I do that...
Please correct me, I do try and write correct English
@CapricaSix can't you simplify to 1?
@cc that's not the same
@GNi33 You may be unchangeable, but here, one last attempt from my end: grooveshark.com/#!/s/Astronomy+Domine/5424wI?src=5
@JanDvorak ooops yes sorry
Gilmour may not be in it, but damn...The Piper was one hell of an album.
my boss tries to get me into that music on a regular basis :D
there are some great songs, no doubt, it just doesn't "click" as much as it does with metalcore for example
yeah, understandable
i mean.... holy shit -> youtube.com/watch?v=0q8Xj7sOjoU
saw these guys live in June. blown. away.
And that doesn't click for me. The small details get drowned out by other things, I can't imagine myself in it
Gotta go to the vet with one of my cats. She doesn't step on one of her rear legs anymore.
Ouch. Hope it'll be ok
One of the younger cats?
Yea. Well, I'm afraid I know the problem. That's the cat that was hit and had a broken leg, it's the same leg. Maybe she jumped off something high and hurt herself.
hey friends
you again
how can i give my href tag this anid number
<li class="red_gradient" anid="1319">
here my jquery click event
jQuery("#block_report > ul li").on("click", function(){

!!tell dave jquery attr
ahh nice
thx i'm testing
Q: How to prevent closing of previously loaded colorbox upon displaying new colorbox which is displayed by clicking on a button from previous colorbox?

PHPGeekI'm using PHP and smarty for my website. I'm displaying one colorbox. After displaying it I'm clicking on a button present within this colorbox to display new colorbox. I'm able to display the new colorbox but not able to prevent the preiously loaded colorbox from getting closed. I want to displa...

@Zirak did redigit ever answer?
Too bad.
stackoverflow.com/questions/19178083/… Why did someone down vote my answer?!

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