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function install() { apt-get install $@ ;}
For arguments you need to wrap it in a function
alias doesn't do arguments nicely
oh ok, thanks
Quick yes or no question. Not need explaination, I just keep using google. Is it possible to get a percentage / amount of files loaded while the site is loading? To create a real loading bar. Not just a fake one that waits for everything to be ready ?
No. Maybe
@SomeKittens Haha my thoughts exactly.
If they know absolutely everything though I know people who're going to jail...
If they've got the server image, that's bad
but there's a reason everything's anonymized.
@SomeKittens I've hit a wall in Awesomenauts. Went up a level and now it's impossible!
.@RonimoGames Lemme know when you've fixed your matchmaking and I'll start playing again. 0-6, all steamrolls.
So that was last night.
@SomeGuy can chime in too.
@SomeKittens Yeah. Plus everyone uses PGP, so only sellers know the actual addresses, senders can't even re-read their own messages.
It's really cool to see in-depth how it all works. I've never actually done anything myself, but others have shown me a lot.
@monners When do you usually play?
Any mongo people around for a quick question?
@SomeKittens Weekends. Mid-afternoon Aus time
!!welcome tymeJV
@tymeJV Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@tymeJV I've played with Mongo a bit, what's up?
@tymeJV Yeah
Mongo is throwing an error on a findOne().toArray db call, error is coming back as: "name": "MongoError" (terribly undescriptive), anyone familiar?
@monners UTC offset?
Works fine on my local instance, migrating over to a nodejitsu db is failing
@tymeJV findOne returns an object
Ahh, hold on, not a findOne, a find()
my bad
the exact call: db.collection('posts', function(err, collection) { collection.find().toArray(function(err, doc) {
@SomeKittens Well it's 1040 here right now
@monners AM?
Yeah, using 24hour time
Oh, right, you're not the US who can't accept anything but some absurd system.
Metric === "Fun!"
Imperial === "fail."
Ahh nevermind, throwing an auth. error on the query, for some reason the entire error wasn't being passed back.
@tymeJV ah, yeah. That'll happen
any particular reason you're not using Mongoose/Mongoskin/Mongohelper?
Haven't looked into them too much, checked out Mongoose briefly
The standard calls with mongo stacked with node/express seem easy enough so I wasn't to sure if I wanted to bring in Mongoose yet
Mongoose is big but Mongoskin/mongohelper aim just to keep the basic Mongo calls there and make it simpler for the devs
full disclosure: I wrote MongoHelper
Ill have to check it out, I could see using Mongoose for a bigger project, but right now Im just working on a personal site, nothing too big, no massive amount of data.
Gahhh, and the auth problem ends up being a typo in my db name :\
cool, cool. It's better to work closer to the metal on personal projects anyway
haha, gotta love typos post-deploy
story of my life...works on local, deploy anywhere, clear my schedule for the next couple hours while I pick out the typos
FIREFOXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!! jsfiddle.net/gwmRV
Fuck it I'm going home. This ticket will live another day
@ThiefMaster this user has dupe questions on two different accounts. stackoverflow.com/questions/19149280/… and stackoverflow.com/questions/19149717/…
the user accounts you can see as the ones asking the questions
Q: Trying to display images from a mysql database

user2325465I am trying to display images from a mysql database but the image is not being displayed due to the fact that the path of the loaded image does not exist, the image exist in the loaded html but the path doesn't, is there anyway to display the images from the mysql rather than from an inexisting f...

@Zirak Ping! Why? Because I can!
Actually I'm looking for some inspiration and you've got all the cool digs this season.
@ssmith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix Hi sexy :p
if there's anyone in here that knows Angularjs, do I need to do something special to put an ng-click on something other than a <a> or <button>?
1 hour later…
@prashu132 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i am having problem with editarea js plugin
@prashu132 Ouch. Why don't you sit down and talk about it?
i was trying to display a script in editarea js

but some times it automatically includes some unwanted strings like "µ__functions__µ" or "µ_END_µ"
i just need help to fix it up
@prashu132 Yes, it can feel bad when unwanted strings appear.
But feeling bad is perfectly normal
when i click that particular line (when line is selected) those strings disappear
Sounds like a for...in prototype inheritance issue, no?
when click some other line or click out of the editarea (line unselected) those strings re appear
@prashu132 Do you feel like they abandoned you?
the strings. Does that bring up memories of your childhood?
@SomeKittens is that your way of hinting at parent object inheritance?
@SomeKittens : what do you mean?
i dont have much experiance with editarea js
@monners ZING!
@prashu132 We have none at all.
as this is a javascript group there will be someone who have used editarea js
@prashu132 can you show us your code (try to make a jsfiddle.net)
let me try
I'm still trying to figure out what editarea js is and why on earth someone would us it...
"Here is EditArea, a free javascript editor for source code."
"Here is notepad, a free EVERYTHING editor for EVERYTHING."
so much sarcasm tonight...
I was being deadly serious
!!stat frosty
@Jhawins User Elusio proved elusive.
@Somekittens this is the guy that ran Silk Road stackoverflow.com/users/1249338/frosty
@Jhawins Yeah, I've seen it all
Crazy shit.
Really? You would think he was smart enough to avoid PHP
!!google #e1ffa7
Hmmm, what was the command to get the bot to display a color swatch?
@monners That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!color e1ffa7
@SomeKittens ZING!
!!gradient red,blue
Dicks deleting my commands...
I am about to try and combine php and an accordion menu...lets hope it hope it goes well
Combine PHP (server-side) into an accordion (client-side)... what?
!!color blood
That can't be healthy
!!s/client-side/musical instrument/
@SomeKittens Combine PHP (server-side) into an accordion (musical instrument)... what? (source)
!!s/SomeKittens/smart ass/
@monners @smart ass Combine PHP (server-side) into an accordion (musical instrument)... what? (source) (source)
I should jus use jquery ui or...
@benlevywebdesign I hear javascript is alright for client-side behaviour
@monners are you trying to be funny?
@benlevywebdesign We can but try
I was just saying if there was something better besides the jquery ui like an alternitive
actual JS
Bootstrap's widgets
Angular Directives
I am already using bootstrap for the mobile menu
well, more bootstrap then
let me look into accordion
why make your site a salad?
I guess I need more straps for my boots then
guys, just a quick question about garbage collection for DOM
if I have let me say a "div" element that references a object function.. like

div = new DivElement...
div.makeRef = obj.someFunc
is there any risk that the "div" element doesn't get released?
@mateusmaso if any part of someFunc persists then I'd assume the object would too, but I don't know for sure.
@Dan-LeviTømtaHansen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi people, just earned the chat privilige, wanted to drop by and say hi :)
@Dan-LeviTømtaHansen hi
@Dan-LeviTømtaHansen Hey-O
@SomeKittens So what's the deal with that Awesomenauts character that can fly around in a ball and pretty much kill every other character without breaking a sweat?
Low health overall, she slowly loses health while in ball
Hit her with a powerful attack, or run
Q: Pasting text from clipboard to Firefox and Chrome

no9I am using this function that pastes text from clipboard into multiple text fields. function pasteFromClipboard(className) { var data = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); if (data != null) { var cells = data.split('\n'); var columns = $$('.'+className);...

does someone have knowledge how to implement this method so it would work cross browser?
or at least FF+Chrome
i like Jareks solution of how to copy to clip but i need to read it and paste to multiple textfields ...
Q: How to copy to the clipboard in JavaScript?

SCLWhat is the best way to copy text to the clipboard? (multi-browser) I have tried: function copyToClipboard(text) { if (window.clipboardData) // Internet Explorer { window.clipboardData.setData("Text", text); } else { unsafeWindow.netscape.security.Privil...

@SomeKittens I hate her
My brother regularly plays her
!!s/brother/cruel, merciless acquaintance/
@monners My cruel, merciless acquaintance regularly plays her (source)
I hate the surfing one who can throw the I-can-go-through-anything power ball
who do you main?
I kinda like the walking turret, don't know theirs names off the top of nmy head hyet
The cowboy ain't bad either, but he seems to be a very bad match against some of the faster characters
Cowboy can be painfully annoying when played well
Q: Expanded navigation by default

capolaI use the Sidebar Navigation Menu Professional for Magento by CODNITIVE and I am trying to make it expanded by default. Particularly I need a solution to make just the first list item expanded by default. Here is the code: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> //<![CDATA[ Codnit...

Q: source code of copy image and paste it in paint

Nazar MohammadI want to copy the image from website and paste it in the paint. Pls help me to solve out this problem.

var question = "2b" || !"2b",
        that = question;
Facebook allowed editing posts
@SomeKittens Yeah, matchmaking is kind of annoying for players between league 3 and 2. Otherwise, it's relatively okay. They are trying to improve it with the upcoming Starstorm update, though.
@SomeKittens That'd be Coco. I've started playing her a lot more recently
@SomeKittens Oh we're kinky again?
Q: Best way to retrieve parameters from associative array in javascript?

SkarvenWithin a function, I want to grab a set of parameters from a named array. What is the most efficient way of testing if the parameter exists in the array, and if it does, use it as a variable? I came up with a few alternatives. target = $('#page_links') if ( functionobject.target ) { target =...

@Alex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi, how do you post links to jsFiddle on questions?
in chat?
just the url in the location bar
No, when you're posting questions. I always get an error for jsFiddle but don't have problems with other links...
You need to post a code block as well
and not a fiddle alone
So the answerers know what part of the fiddle is giving you issues
@rlemon @nderscore do you know of any tool to disassemble C# / .net executables on Linux?
So how do I do that?


[1]: http://jsfiddle.net/

This is what I did for other links but don't know how to specify the part of code in fiddle.
Never mind ... monodis.
Here is my [fiddle][1]


Magic should make magic happen, but instead black magic happens.

[1]: jsfiddle.net
Use the {} icon to format code
thanks whitehat!
"Further activity attributed to Mr Ulbricht took place on Stack Overflow - a question-and-answer website for programmers - where a user named Frosty asked questions about intricate coding that later became part of the source code of Silk Road."
sigh monodis keeps crashing, I guess the XNA stuff is missing.
kidoman.com/programming/go-getter.html Benchmarks like this makes me feel sad .. he kept on optimizing the GO version :-/
i hope somebody redoes it with optimized Cplusplus
My system ran out of disk space!? How is that even possible? I have an empty 150 GB drive mounted as /usr
Can someone summon caprice to 29704. Thank you please.
!!tell mike help summon
@mike summon: Say boopidi bee and in the room I shall appear. /summon roomid
@JanDvorak I don't have permission iirc
!!summon 29704
@mikedidthis Registered; need 0 more to execute
!!summon 29704
Thank you.
@mikedidthis How about you keep your goddamn owner permissions when we give 'em to you? :D
@OctavianDamiean Urm they got taken off me
Eh, yes, you're right but look at this.
But yeah I removed them again
So your right, I was silly
Don't you dare removing yourself again!
and thank you :D
temptation to remove myself is tooo much
You must have such a strange self-destruction disorder. :D
@OctavianDamiean you know me so well.
@mikedidthis you remind me of a kid throwing his lollipop to the ground. You won't get another one this time.
@JanDvorak Sorry Dad, I won't do it again.
It's like with the Bones and Skulls, you get an invitation, you don't turn it down or else ...
Seems Caprice is deeed in 29704 any ideas what I should do. Dig a grave?
man I just slept with that cute things, i.imgur.com/zX6bJUF.png, my legs hurts
!!unsummon 29704
!!summon 29704
!!are you alive?
@JanDvorak Indubitably
@cc I was expecting a hot chick ...
... in yoga pants.
GOD! I hate you @rlemon!
Does that help?
Well, yea but then I remember /r/yogapants
Wallace Carothers is like a god.
is this chat group really meant for discussion about javascript?
meant to
i dont think so
@Jeremy @monners and a few guys really discuss on javascript ...
@whitehat101 That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
The room title is JavaScript, which only implies we all have some interest in the language. That does not strictly limit the topic of conversation to JavaScript, and often it is not about JavaScript. Please do not inturrupt and complain about this, if you have a comment about the language toss it in and if someone is interested they will stop and help. - rlemon.github.io/so-chat-javascript-rules
@whitehat101 @whitehat101 @monners and a few guys really discuss on javascript ... (source)
lol close enough
@prashu132 Make an educated guess, if you can.
omg! Fiddle broke! jsfiddle.net
@whitehat101 That's nothing uncommon.
@whitehat101 liveweave.com
I'm a fan of codepen.io HAML, SCSS, and Coffee, oh my!
@tombull89 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Or, whatever flavor you like
can it?
@whitehat101 GitHub has been having issues, major DDoS against them currently.
I don't see the controls
@whitehat101 What?
How do you set the languages? I don't see options
@tombull89 that is very uncool.
You, don't. It's not a hipster toy it's a tool for web developers.
oh. I feel like you lied to me ):
    function uploadFile(file,meta){
        meta = meta || {};

    function uploadFile(file,meta={}){
'which one looks better ?
I like b, but b isn't javascript
Wine is a fucking douche.
Why can't those genius put it in spec ?
@AbhishekHingnikar maybe you should try Coffeescript coffeescript.org/…
@whitehat101 nope
i want that in javascript and i have tried coffeescript
What don't you like about it?
It's really ugly
when i see this -> used to declare a function something inside me cries and sobs
@whitehat101 when i see this function used to declare a function something inside me cries and sobs (source)
@whitehat101 you disguisting satanist creature
Honestly, I don't mind being more productive
but it isn't for everyone
Then why don't you use Python?
being productive is a proper text editor away
i do fu + tab
because I'm a web developer
and I do enjoy python
@whitehat101 you can run python inside browser :$
but prefer ruby currently
fu+ tab is more keystrokes than ->
and it's just rude saying "fu" all the time
f + tab also works
@rlemon guess what!
Terraria server on Linux. BAM!
@OctavianDamiean Did you get it working?
I'm in the process of setting it up on my VPS now.
Awesome, did it work without any problems?
So far, yes.
@OctavianDamiean where do you work bro ?
@whitehat101 pyjs.org pyjs.org pyjs.org being more productive ... mind == blown ?
But CoffeeScript is just JavaScript. PyJs is python tokenized into javascript, with a custom standard library, and other weight
You said you don't mind productivity
i find python insanely productive language :->
Productivity is great
and you don't like coffee
but like complaining about javascript's pitfalls
Sure, JavaScript's pitfalls are why we love JavaScript
but sometimes it's nice to just get things done
I don't know your problem but I get stuff done in JavaScript, even on a regular basis.
Me too
but given the choice, I can code equivalent coffee faster
Anyone else have trouble with GIThub being really slow?
They're under attack
Damn, just realised.
@Zirak @rlemon I'm creating our new world on my VPS, WE CAN HAZ SERVER!
heh, the world is called ECMAstan
I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds like a cool place.
@whitehat101 As the self-elected president of ECMAstan I hereby invite you to our beautiful country. You may enjoy your stay, or not.
Hell yes!
I choose enjoy!
Trollolol the world generator is funny. :D
Placing rocks in the dirt...
Placing dirt in the rocks...
Puttin dirt behind dirt: 100%
Uh oh.
shiz, it looks like the world generator got stuck on my VPS.
): too much dirt
y he no liek dirt!?
Alright, next attempt.
Hello guys, i'm a newbie in js. Is there any IDE that works like codecademy.com site? I tried Webstorm, but i probably don't know good plugins or smth else, and it wasn't enough. I just get used to codecademy.com syntax tips and additions, it's probably perfect for me on start.
@NikolayTalanov I'm not quite sure what you mean but you can integrate JSHint into Sublime Text
Sublime Text is awesome
Thank you, note taken
Additionally there is Brackets with JSHint, however Brackets is still a beta version.
Or alpha?
@NikolayTalanov I don't use it myself, but you may like Eclipse's IDE
haha, yeah
Eclipse is a POS.
but it might be what he is seeking...
No, it's certainly not.
@OctavianDamiean Farewell Mr. President. Good luck with your world.
I don't need luck, I have the power of oppression.
Thanks for help :) Btw, is there something else in front-end besides js (with libraries) & html & css?
In the end it all boils down to HTML/CSS/JS
Alright, time to test the server.
Is it possible to focus only on front-end without knowledge of back-end and other stuff if i wanna start working as freelancer in the near future? Currently i'm reading front-end books and i'm really afraid of necessity studying other technologies.
@NikolayTalanov Yes, however the more you know about how the back-end works, the more competent you'll be.
I'm trying to work with random positive and negative values.
I got the math:
X = Math.floor(Math.random() * max) - min;
But I don't fully understand it... Do I just set the Min to be half of the Max+1 if I want equal distribution

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