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7:46 AM
I have seen code like this: this.#omitDev = 'foo' ... what does the # mean?
Is it is allowed in variable names, or, does it signify something else?
Oh, private fields! I didn't think they were already included in js language.
8:15 AM
Note it's not really widely supported yet: caniuse.com/mdn-javascript_classes_private_class_fields
@paul23 i'm curious, what in there do you consider "not really widely supported"?
every relevant browser since mid-2021, including the worst one (safari), supports it
8:36 AM
@ThiefMaster <95% usage
consider with 95% people, 1 in 20 won't be able to use it and will complain when you add that to your website: every classroom one person will.
And good luck fighting them to update their browser
@paul23 That's not exactly how usage statistics work. In a classroom of 20, or even 40 all would be able to use it. Because it's not "it fails randomly for 1 of 20 people" it only fails on specific machines. And you may very well not want to support those anyway. Moreover, it might be that you are writing something now that is scheduled to be released to the public in 1-2 years. Or might even be released to only a subsection.
sure but it's a ballpark: when you think about it 0.95 means that if it's popular it will be used by people who cannot use it. With agile in my field at least everything is published within weeks.
Mind you, I don't recommend using private fields. They have uses but probably less than really needed. Just pointing out that the coverage statistics should be interpreted with an eye of what your goal is. Nor "I can't use this under X%"
9:17 AM
those 5% most likely also consider very obscure browsers used only somewhere in china on ancient devices :p
for example for my main webapp at work (which is very widely used, also by many others) I'm using this browserlist config when building our assets (and it's also used to show people an "outdated browser" banner). it claims 82%, but I have not received a single complaint from someone encountering anything broken or getting the "unsupported browser" banner
so to be honest, I think people are too conservative. unless you have a business case (e.g. because your application caters to idiots with money who never update their browser and you don't want to exclude them - let's say if you run a gambling site ;)), worrying about those using obsolete stuff is probably no worth it
9:44 AM
not sure if "businesses with 10s of thousands of invoices yearly" are exactly gambling sites: but they do have money and use archaic software (supporting ERPs that have no longer been in development since the late 90s is a common occurence)
2 hours later…
11:29 AM
how likely is it that such businesses use obsolete browsers or obscure chinese mobile browsers, considering the huge cybersecurity and privacy risks that come with both of them?
maybe they run a copy of IE for their ancient ERP, but surely they won't use that same browser to access anything on the internet, right? right?
@ThiefMaster I started a job in 2014 where we had a customer in India who insisted on us supporting IE8. But this wasn't for the business - they were reselling our product (we develop it, they deploy it and market it to their users) and they did research and found a significant portion of the users on the web in India still used IE8.
We still had this requirement until I left in 2017. But we were in talks to up the minimum supported version to IE 9 or 10, at the very least.
i hope you charged them a lot for this? :)
@ThiefMaster Yes. Also, we had it in the contract that it just had to work not look well. As long as it wasn't totally broken, we didn't throw a lot of effort into it.
if you get money for it I guess it's OK. but nobody should make an effort to support such browsers otherwise. it's bad for the web in general because if sites keep supporting this stuff, people have no good incentive to move away
12:21 PM
@ThiefMaster Fully agreed. We fought the client tooth and nail on this. Initially they even wanted IE7 but that was "upgraded" to 8. Then we also added some logging of the used browser to get statistics for the usage and try to get them to agree to go further up in the supported browser.
But this is more or less a special case. The customer was a bank and they tend to be quite conservative - in tech and other business practices.
Outside of work, I make zero effort to support IE. Heck, I put in effort to avoid supporting IE.
Nowadays that's also zero effort, but I've been opposing that browser for a while. It broke the web. We're still recovering from that.
What's scary is that Chrome is positioning to become the next IE. Not as broken, granted, however it can still dictate the shape of the web. And, IMO, having a single tech responsible for this is going to be a mistake.
12:58 PM
yeah... at least chrome is now pissing off all the security/privacy-conscious people with MV3 so hopefully many of them go (back) to firefox instead of switching to another chromium-based browser
1 hour later…
2:15 PM
posted on August 08, 2024 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Dev 129 (129.0.6642.0) for Android. It's now available on Google Play. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. For details on new features, check out the Chromium blog, and for details on web platform updates, check here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Krishna Govind Google Chrome

1 hour later…
8 hours later…
11:39 PM
may i sing

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