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i disabled it, how do i re-enable it lol just so i know, i dont actually like the feature
its a shame i would like to like vs code, i actually find it hideous though
theres a lot thats wrong with it from my perspective, i use the ssh feature most, to edit files over ssh, its terrible, im going to write my own any day now
im prettty sure node.js has ssh libraries i'll just use that
you can right click on that bar again and it should show that option
unless the entire bar disappeared
I have "Toggle breadcrumbs" and "Sticky scroll"
what tab key issue are you having?
i have a long list of problems with vscode and windows
like really long lol
common standard ui issues that are common across UI designs that they don't do or understand that you need to do them
i don't have a problem if a app has design issues i have problems if they ignore it or argue that it's fine. sure maybe it's fine for you but it's not fine for me and if you want to keep me as a customer then make accomidations to my preferences
windows should have a OSX theme
where it functions and behaves like another OS just as a practice to see and compare
yeah the OSX theme is a good idea
the entire bar disappeared
which is what i wanted cant see myself ever wanting it, was going to just check the sticky scroll feature though
the tab key just doesnt work properly in vscode imo, its hard to say exactly at the moment becuase i have an installed extension to try and sort it out, i'll just try to remove it
they have lots of dodgy features, like you place the cursor on a word and for some reason it then highlights that entire word, why im not sure, but then you cant really tell if the word is actually highlighted and when you type you'll replace it, or its just highlighted to like .. er .. let you know its there lol
the extension i use is called TabSanity for Visual Studio Code marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jedmao.tabsanity
but i just found it was disabled anyway becuase the workspace is untrusted
oh no we're going down that road again, where you load a text file into your editor and get malware on your computer
"they have lots of dodgy features, like you place the cursor on a word and for some reason it then highlights that entire word"
yeah, these type of things for me too
and having things like AI enabled by default and I have to turn it off months ago and a few days ago I see code that looks like code I've written out in the wild. What? where did you get that? when did you ask my permission for that feature?
where is the ai enabled feature i want to turn it off, not that i use vs code for anything important, ive written my own editor that i use for everything
should stackoverflow have paid features? i've been stuck on a few web dev issues for 2 months now and i'm ready to put a money bounty. but i don't know if that's a good idea or if it should be another site
in vscode extensions look for intellisense or something like code assist
well its an interesting idea, the monetised stackoverflow
there's copilot and some others from microsoft. intellicode
it could change it for the worse but i don't know. i think in some cases it would work fine
you have questions and answers but then there's cases where you want someone to create an example project
"setup a web page that shows a row of data from amazon" and its like a bounty. you don't normally need bounties but the question is hard or needs more attention than normal. it would probably work if it were something like that. normal answers free > tough answers bounty > answer with example code or project created on github a fiver or small money
fivver website gets away with five dollar orders because everything is five dollars. dollar store gets away with it because everything is a dollar (not sure if they changed that). app store had apps for 1 to 2 for 10 years before they went up
but the list of things that changed for the worse when monetized is long
with some exceptions like netflix and tv shows when they were funded they turned out ok
is there a word for how people or companies turn to crap over time (in capitalism or when money is the sole incentive)?
capitalism should be balanced with charity
otherwise nothing gets done unless theres a penny profit in it
i think the biggest problem companies face when they start to grow ( because theyre making profit ) is inter company communication, keeping everything coordinated, the management skills take years to learn, requires people dedicated to their roles for the long term
4 hours later…
@1.21gigawatts Bringing real money awards to SO is a surefire way to get even worse responses of people just trying to get the bounty by posting all sorts of crap. We already see that with regular bounties and those don't produce any tangible benefit
3 hours later…
would the following fit better with the current proxy model
    var proxy=new Proxy({},{

          get (target,prop,receiver){
          apply (target,thisArg,args){

          chain (...){       //  this being some new method

i'd like to be able to proxy ( or build ) objects where their structure is not known at runtime, like an object in a different execution context, such as proxying a server side object client side
i can build it so far, but the whole thing breaks because when the getter is called for a property i have no way of knowing if thats the end and a property is required or it'll be invoked, or chained to deeper nested objects
@matt Can you not wrap the property from the get trap into another proxy that has the apply trap?
You can also do a recursive wrapping - you can apply a proxy on the whole object, then in the get trap you can proxy the returned value with the same handlers as the "top-level" proxy. So it stops relying on knowing the exact chain.
I think I have an answer like this somewhere. Let me look.
i think i do do that, my problem is when the property needs to be accessed, i should return the actual property rather than another proxy waiting for deeper chaining or invocation, but at the moment i cant tell when the chain ends, i just have to return a proxy and rely on apply being called to terminate the process
@matt Yes, once you work with proxies, it's hard to make sure you have a real object or a proxy.
I don't really think it's worth distinguishing, though. A proxy without a set trap will transparently pass all setting to the proxied object. Same for the other traps. So, if you want to only do something special on apply or get, you can make sure you pass to the native mechanism if your condition is not fulfilled. Reflect.* would help there.
The issue if you start splitting the results into proxies/real objects is that you get lager chance something to not work correctly for one of those but it's not exactly deterministic which one you'd get at any given point. So the bug can be hard to reproduce and even find in the first place.
It's a similar issue like functions that can be async or not. Affectionately known as "release Zalgo" see Designing APIs for Asynchrony and Intentionally unleashing Zalgo with synchronous promises. The problen with releasing Zalgo is potential for odd bugs and race conditions.
Splitting your result into A/B(/C...) by some internal condition will not lead to race conditions but still some non-intuitive behaviour
Of course, I mean when the caller doesn't care what the result is. An expects "one thing". The issue that the conceptually same "one thing" can actually be more than one.
2 hours later…
How do I pre compile webgl2 shaders and save them in electron js?
3 hours later…
@Falling10fruit, im not sure that you can save pre compiled shaders
is this a bug?
      var input       = document.createElement('input');
      input.onblur    = e=>input.remove();
      input.onkeyup   = e=>e.key=='Enter' && input.remove();
"Error: Failed to execute 'remove' on 'Element': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?
    at input.onkeyup
i think it should just return, rather than throwing
3 hours later…
@matt yeah. a successful society wouldn't need charities to exist
@VLAZ definitely have seen that happen in a lot of places. the answers and the contributors would have to address that. probably same conditions for a contract job. don't get paid unless project meets standards. junk work shovelware authors would have to be addressed but there are already great free answers authors on SO so that monetization wouldn't prevent that. it might promote it. i agree it could become worse but same with anything. it depends how it's implemented
and how much preventative measures are there from spoiling

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