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12:47 AM
@KevinB can people chat on here by special invite or something, i helped a new lad with his program the other day, he was over the moon haha, can he be invited to join the javascript chat, it'd make his day
1:19 AM
@mattrichards pretty sure you can't invite them to this chat, but you can create a private chat between you two. Just search for their profile here:
Then click on the search result and click "start a new room with this user"
This will ping their notifications and you can chat in the private room.
Additionally, you can ask them to join the JS chat room, once you invite them to the private one.
1:55 AM
you can invite people to any chat room if they have enough rep to join
they do need to be in chat prior though, so to do so in a comment just leave a link to the room
2:27 AM
yeah hes quite new and only has 1 rep
i did send a link in the comments and he said he didnt have enough rep to join
i hope he doesnt go asking too many questions to try and build his rep and gets the dreaded downvote
blinking windows 11, i had a marathon coding session yesterday 16 hrs straight and windows has just reset itself on me, i dont know how they ever thought that was a good idea
wdym reset itself
auto/forced restarts on update are a thing of the past
really, mine just did, it 2am here and i was having a lie down for a few mins, computer comes and sleep and restarts
i didnt particularly lose any work, just the set up
*computer comes out of sleep that should sayy
4 hours later…
7:00 AM
8 hours later…
2:30 PM
6 hours later…
8:00 PM
"Node.js Spits The Dummy Out"
(node:18028) Warning: Closing file descriptor 3 on garbage collection
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:18028) [DEP0137] DeprecationWarning: Closing a FileHandle object on garbage collection is deprecated. Please close FileHandle objects explicitly using FileHandle.prototype.close(). In the future, an error will be thrown if a file descriptor is closed during garbage collection.
alright node, im trying to read a buffer of raw binary from a file, every other method works, when this one does i'll close the file handle
8:17 PM
the two types of bugs
1.why isnt that working
2.how did that ever work
filehandle.read(buffer,[options]) nodejs.org/api/fs.html#filehandlereadbuffer-options
seems to need options to be specified as at least an empty object, seems to be a bug
9:04 PM
||choose "unhealthy food" or "healthy food"
unhealthy food
||choose "unhealthy food" or "healthy food"
healthy food
||choose salad "pb&j" or "mexican food"
9:06 PM
James why do you want me to eat unhealthy food
I'm not eating that
2 hours later…
10:41 PM
traversing - god mode youtube.com/watch?v=s6ScEDw7x24
when you post a link to the nodejs documentation it always seems to go to the wrong place within the document

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