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2:08 AM
||choose "heart attack" or "heart arrhythmia"
heart arrhythmia
12 hours later…
1:48 PM
is there any event that will let me know that the page is being opened from a link in a email body message?
2:38 PM
@Jefferson only if the link includes a specific string that can be identified by the page. Otherwise, no.
posted on February 27, 2024 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Stable 122 (122.0.6261.89) for iOS; it'll become available on App Store in the next few hours. This release includes stability and performance improvements. You can see a full list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Erhu Akpobaro Google Chrome

4 hours later…
6:48 PM
posted on February 27, 2024 by Erhu Akpobaro

 Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Stable 122 (122.0.6261.89) for iOS; it'll become available on App Store in the next few hours. This release includes stability and performance improvements. You can see a full list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Erhu Akpobaro Google Chrome

@Jefferson, by page if you mean the server that is serving the content, because that comes before the page opening, you could try the referrer html header, theres also document.referrer from the webpage itself, but a more robust way like parkingmaster sugguestes is to give the link some form of unique url that identifies where it came from, such as ".../page_1-cbcbvmd", then you can tie the cbcbvmd part to which specific link it came from
Hello, is there any library / component for a breadcrumb in Angular ?
Cannot find anything in Angular Material
7:08 PM
Great idea
7:36 PM
posted on February 27, 2024 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

The Stable channel has been updated to 122.0.6261.94 for Mac,Linux and 122.0.6261.94/.95 to Windows which will roll out over the coming days/weeks. A full list of changes in this build is available in the Log. The Extended Stable channel has been updated to 122.0.6261.94 for Mac and 122.0.6261.95 for Windows which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.  Security Fixes

@10101101, i do not know about angular, i only use libraries very sparingly
but to produce a breadcrumb is as easy as
<div id=hdr>
      <span class=item></span>
      <span class=sep> / </span>
      var $=s=>document.querySelector(s);
      var hdr=$('#hdr');
      var item=$('.item');
      var sep=$('.sep');
      var breadcrumbs=['webpage','material','subsection-1','examples'];
            var nitem=item.cloneNode(true);
its not in its most concise form because i dont know how you'd run it
it will be inside Angular Material's Toolbar component
can you not insert native html and js there ?
I thought it will be straightforward but it looks like it doesn't
yes ofcourse i can use both html and js
i mean
usually with a framework like angular you don't interact directly with the dom like that.
7:45 PM
more precisely even ts, which is like typed js
@KevinB, oh i see, yes i remember it being mentioned before
but doesnt it have custom elements and events you can hook into
just displaying it as a text will be no problem, but then i also need to make it go into proper Angular components (html pages)
never created any breadcrumb before in my life to be honest :)
and my deadline is tomorrow... :)
which have been server side rendered im assuming
ive created hundreds of them :)
ive always assumed thats the point with these libraries, angular and react, is that they output rendered html, rather than building the page as a single page web app
a breadcrumb is just a list of links
surely you've created a list of links before
Not every solution has to be implemented using an off the shelf tool
8:03 PM
The BreadCrumb Component is part of Kendo UI for Angular
i dont know if that helps
that's just another library that works with angular
there's probably more than just that
is it not compatible with "Materials Toolbar"
that would be ideal, but my team decided to use material instead, as a component library
could you try something along the lines of
var html='<div>';
var breadcrumbs=['webpage','material','subsection-1','examples'];
      html+=name;   //  wary here xss, potential user content inserted directly into html
            html+='<span> / </span>';
where you generate the html yourself on the server, then ask angular to insert it for you
8:40 PM
@10101101, maybe you could utilise another similar component for your needs such as material.angular.io/components/chips/overview
this is interesting, thanks @mattrichards
1 hour later…
10:05 PM
Q: Does JavaScript have more than one `undefined`?

dtuduryin a node repl or browser console: > ({})?.a undefined > (null)?.a undefined > (null)?.a.b undefined > ({})?.a.b Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'b') if (anything)?.a is undefined then why does the undefined that's returned by (null)?.a NOT throw an error when I ...

Lol what is this question
from what i can tell
the optional chaining operator is called as argument after the property name, not before
it can be used before, but then bracket notation needs to be used
actually just ignore what i wrote hahah

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