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@Rick definitely
Morning Forrest
ugh Chrome is starting to have some serious problems on this computer
get a new computer :P
nah I just need to restart it lol
Do u leave it on always?
my work computer yeah
I have never done that except on my servers
yeah I wouldn't ever do it on a Windows box
what's the deal with these webpages ugh
yeah that looks like a lot
restart browser
I did a few minutes ago lol
this is where it was as soon as it started back up
Woah, I hadn't seen the one at the end, ML is crazy these days.
haha, it must be all the hangouts u r having
Have u gone to olive garden yet?
How should I call a predefined function inside forEach method?
for example: children.forEach(allChildren(child));
nope, the promotion starts on Sept 24
where allChildren is a defined function.
Is this where I should use the apply method?
do you know how to use arrow functions
a.forEach((el) => {
@forresthopkinsa No, but I can learn them. Unfortunately I bought the second edition of the eloquent book but this concept is explained in the 3rd edition. I will read it on the online website. Thanks.
so u can put ur function call where i put console.log(el)
I wonder how much weight you will gain @forresthopkinsa
@ex080 Interesting syntax. Thanks.
@Narnia Yeap, that is an arrow function that forrest mentioned.
yeah I want to record my weight before and after hahahahah
Yes. Thank you both.
Do it docu style on youtube.
Post a daily weight and vlog your eating exp.
Like that guy that did super size me
or whatever and ate only mcdonalds
@Narnia Good luck!
@ShrekOverflow is that real time?
impressive either way.
but real time would be crazy
@ex080 Am I writing it the right way here?
return children.forEach((child)=>{
Don't think so, the models are trained in advance.
The paper is linked in the video, and indeed it was very impressive,
and returning a forEach doesn't return anything, so you know.
@Narnia no need to return
@rlemon But I need to pass an argument
Also rlemon is right
that passes the function
which takes the argument as passed by the forEach
Oooh right!!
Morning rlemon!
We say that down here in Texas
my FIL says it a lot, rubbed off on me
what is a FIL?
father in law
oh nice is he from the south?
born in Germany
oh cool
didn't know ppl said that greeting in other places
rlemon did u buy a pasta pass?
according to the missus we have one for her kitchenaid mixer
just dunno where it is
oh I meant the card item that lets u have unlimited pasta at olive garden
but an actual pasta maker is cool too
@snek I'm going to have to reject that
@MadaraUchiha rude
In general, suggested edits that change the meaning of the answer too much (for example, using an alternative, even if better method to achieve the same solution) will be rejected, because they conflict with the intention of the author
Edits are meant for grammar, formatting, typo fixes, etc.
You are more than welcome to add your own answer though
different rules for community wiki @snek
^ community wiki are posts that are meant to be freely edited by everyone, the author needs to mark it as such
Q: How to remove string from string by range using JS

hiacliokI don`t know the easy way how to remove text from text by range in JS. I read a lot of questions there, but no one help me. I dont want to user replace, etc. Just remove. Example: jakxxxjakxxx => remove 4 - 6 returns jakjakxxx jakxxxjakxxx => remove 0 - 2 returns xxxjakxxx Is there any fu...

Was going to answer but people beat me too it
@ex080 Do answer, I don't like Nina's solution
This should be handled with a couple of .substring calls imho
@ex080 ohh shit, I totally read "pasta press"
Not realising it into an array then filtering
I was thinking of making into array then splice
not even any way to delete your suggested edit
so it has to be rejected
then back into string
I accidentally upvoted a bad answer anyway to remove my vote after 27min
@BenFortune 26PF
@snek I'm going to leave it there, in case the author decided to accept it themselves.
@MadaraUchiha ok, i posted a separate answer anyway
@snek I love how you earned like 200 reputation points in two days
@MadaraUchiha what can i say, i'm a pro ;)
Especially given all the people I hear complaining that it's impossible to earn points now because all of the questions are already answered.
i do this thing on github and stackoverflow where i edit my comments 30000 times
i need to get better at proof-reading
@snek That's the best way to do it.
I'm not even joking.
You can totally earn rep these days it's just that it's a racing thing for bad questions in a lot of cases
On Stack Overflow, you have a 5 minute grace period after you post, where your edits don't appear in the edit history
oh thats epic
So a common strategy is to quickly post a correct but short answer
best feature of the century
lmao u are the problem
Then edit it with more details within the 5 minute window :)
@snek Anyway, keep it up! If you're interested in some more challenging stuff, I have a bounty program for canonical questions. Any detailed, well-explained answers get a 500 bounty from me
You can read more details about it here meta.stackoverflow.com/q/254137/871050
@LuckyKleinschmidt minmaxing is the name of the game :)
what are you talking about all my answers are detailed and well explained /s
@LuckyKleinschmidt I don't see what you mean, just do it yourself too
It doesn't hurt anyone
@LuckyKleinschmidt you pinged me earlier, I can't find the mesage anymore
ah ... that was a lowball
I don't need the 5 minute edit window
@KevinB Nice
the five minute edit window is all we have in this crazy world
all you need to not need the 5 minute edit window is to not post answers
Please take a look if you have time, thanks 0/
Q: JavaScript: Need a shared array between recursions to push the results to

NarniaThere's an array in which there's a family tree in which there are names of people and their sex and the names of their parents(father&mother). Now here I'm (unsuccessfully) trying to list the names of all children for a person in this family: function allChildren(parent) { var children = anc...

looks like Bergi is already biting
Sorry, what does "biting" mean here? :D You mean he's trying to answer?
I'll try his way
I would do something with return
recursion is a powerful tool
I think maybe wrapping the logic inside allChildren into a separate function and then using that function inside allChildren can help too.
yeap recursion makes sense for a tree DS.
I usually have a bit of trouble figuring out where someone's attempt at it went wrong, without first attempting it my own way from the source data
but you haven't provided any source data
Recursion is often overly complex and inefficient, but sometimes necessary
Yes, it can lead to some pretty heavy code when a simple loop could suffice
and a 'simple loop' can also be both of those
@SterlingArcher hmm
My team discourages recursion unless absolutely necessary
recursion doesn't make it inherently more complex or slow
I'm an idiot
Recursion is much more readable IMHO
And I'm pretty sure it's generally more efficient.
Or at least has the potential to be
Depends watcha doing
It depends on the algorithm, since you have to consider that all the function calls are being placed in the stack
I don't think JS has tail call optimization?
Not really sure on that
in this case we're dealing with a tree of parent/children(who can also be parents.) A loop that reduces the source array until it is empty would be able to solve the problem without recursion, but it wouldn't necessarily be any more efficient or less complex than recursion
Something as simple as rendering out a tree of components I'd do with recursion
Oh I was missing the context of the question
I just did a recursive .reduce the other day for that
yeah, reading the question made me want to reach for reduce
makeTreesFromChildren(children = []) {
    return children.map(child => {
        const children = child.children ? this.makeTreesFromChildren(child.children) : undefined;
        return (<Component field={child}>{children}</Component>);
Seems easier to read than a loop
Doesn't matter
What's your input
Q: Is there a way to get text formatting from a csv?

ameijinI automatically get a csv of our inventory everyday at 5:19am. For one of the values of the csv, there is a large description of the product in question; the product is a vehicle from our dealership. Prior to being entered in the csv, the description is written with returns, spaces, special chara...

What is this guy even asking?
it has a ternary
Does he want to insert tags or remove tags?
@rlemon It does in JS
Because TCO was dropped
TCO was dropped unless you're safari
spec reality always makes me laugh
@snek Really? They usually make me cry...
TCO is the funniest thing in the spec
How come?
all it does is kill the current execution context
If it's that simple, how come it ended up dropping?
stack traces are traces of the execution context stack
engines weren't happy about losing an execution stack because it broke the stack traces
Hmmm, understandable.
they would have to have a synthetic stack entry
obviously safari doesn't care
because safari has no concept of good debugging experience
Which also rules out doing something clever with transpilers
For the same reason
there is a proposal to add a syntax for TCO
Like a function~() or something?
Or a return jump selfCall()?
Yeah, so the latter
I don't know how much I like the use of the continue keyword for this purpose
I can see some nasty ambiguousness inside of for loops
my fav ambiguous syntax is while (true) { while (do { break; }) {} }
@MadaraUchiha add some labels in there for good measure
@rlemon Yeah
while (true) {
  return continue foo;
@snek Dear god I did not need to see that.
How is that even legal?
Seriously, the two things I'm missing from the language at the moment is null coalesce and throw expression
If we have those two I'd be so happy :d
both are in progress
Just stage 3 is enough for me, really, enough for TypeScript to implement them and be done with it :D
ew typescript
@MadaraUchiha got any interesting JS problem ? xD
i got 99 problems but a js ain't one
@snek I like TypeScript, it brings sanity into the chaos.
Even if only as an editor tool and nothing else.
@MadaraUchiha i think it creates chaos :P
@rlemon Do you happen to have a link to your dubstep dancing thingy
don't think its even online
oh gosh, alacritty (an opengl-based terminal I've been using for a few months now) has live-reloading of shaders. So nice
I work near a window, and started using a light theme for vim during the day, and a dark one at night
but colors and similar were inconsistent. Also, the rest of the terminals with docker output and psql were still always dark-backgrounded
then I saw I can use some shaders to invert the brightness
totally worth having a look, if you have similar problems
iterm2 got a new renderer
but it doesn't support ligatures yet
!!> { ...localStorage }
@ShrekOverflow "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '...'"
well FWIW it works
any reason you might want to do that?
!!> {a: true}
@DavidKamer "ReferenceError: localStorage is not defined"
@DavidKamer true
someone has a bot running on their account?
is Caprica a javascript console now?
!!> typeof process
@snek "undefined"
!!> typeof window
@snek "undefined"
@snek Caprica is an account made for running the bod
it's running in firefox
!!> this.localStorage
@MadaraUchiha "undefined"
muh window
!!> (0, eval)('this')
@snek TypeError: cyclic object value
It's running in a web worker, no localStorage
why though
@BenFortune I expected the hacky ReferenceError :d
why firefox that is
to avoid abuse
instead of node
Here we go again lol
why node?
a browser comes with a built-in dom api
because as long as it doesn't expose any useful globals for browser or node
@snek Because that bot exists since before node was a real boy.
@MadaraUchiha ty
lol that code
We thank our lord and savior @Zirak every day for that magnificent piece of software.
the comments are always fun to read
for a discord eval bot
@snek If you want a node bot, go make one
@BenFortune i wasn't saying it was bad
i was just curious
!!> fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1')
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json)
@DavidKamer "SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical"
Honestly the main problem with a node bot is that you basically need to sacrifice a few goats every time you want to authenticate against Stack Overflow's crazy authentication scheme
@DavidKamer "ReferenceError: fetch is not defined"
Which they change every once in a while, I might add.
whats up with this insanely aggressive link shortening
it makes me nervous to click on them lol
@snek It only shortens the display text, the links themselves are untouched
@snek @ssube Made one, but that sits in discord now github.com/ssube/isolex
@MadaraUchiha visual shortening*
that's a nice feature
19 lines of url isn't fun to read
@snek I always read the actual link tooltip the browser gives
yeah i hover too
they should put an actual tooltip on it
Otherwise you might get what happened to this poor guy meta.stackoverflow.com/q/…
So no fetch for sandboxing lol?
@BenFortune i rewrote it from scratch
@MadaraUchiha I hate you...
You know you love me :)
how did you even do that
@snek [text](link)
oh thats supported
Markdown works for single line messages
@DavidKamer It's not whitelisted
@MadaraUchiha lol, that video...
[text](link "title")
@MadaraUchiha why it's so fun! jk, won't do it again sorry
u rick rolled me
It says the game
how does an entire meta redirect to rickroll
because domain
@DavidKamer You might want to stop pinging me now :D
no one ever includes titles.
it's the easiest way to have fun
I have been rick rolled
and it was not fun
God, get over yourself
Does it ping everytime you do an update to the chat?
@rlemon I actually had entered that one too many times
@DavidKamer it does
@MadaraUchiha chat easy input tools
wow, sorry did not know that.
And every time I'd go meta.sta it would complete to that, and I'd rickroll myself over and over again
Did you know, by the way, that you can highlight an entry in the history auto completion in the address bar in chrome and delete it by pressing SHIFT+Delete?
I found that out after one too many self inflicted rick rolls via stackoverfiow
When u want to eat lunch, but everything is too expensive so have to wait to go home
@ex080 Have you ever had sleep for dinner?
@MadaraUchiha many times
Sometimes not even that
@ex080 lol, that's a great response
Yeah, idk education is a business here in the states
The whole exp is designed to drain you financially.
Ah, that explains it, but hey, at least you have your freedom, I guess
Sure. I can see that.
But I have food at home, I just have to wait till end of day to go eat it. So I'm thankful for that much!
@ex080 America is designed to make you work yourself to death (good bad or indifferent)
@David, it's hard to move up... but the higher you go the less work you actually do the work just becomes more important/less mundane.
I'm still in uni, but I see it now.
A lot of people switch majors and rack up lots of student debt
A couple of my friends work 2 or 3 jobs to stay out of debt, but that limits the time they can put into study.
So the system is gonna get you one way or another
To me it feels like you're paying for work experience that doesn't benefit you as much as work experience you'd get paid for, both financially and the quality of said experience
@ex080 That's what they tell you so that the people at the top don't have to continue working when they near death...
and it usually isn't important as it is cockamamie busy work that is less exhausting.
I'm very jaded btw
I'll take your experienced info over mine as I have no experience.
@ex080 I didn't even realize that was at me. Now I have to go see what that book is haha
@LuckyKleinschmidt haha, Yeah maybe give it a read and post a review. I still have yet to master adulting
@ex080 no one has experience. We are all a series of failures. The difference is that some get up after they fall.
@Rick And here I just thought everyone was masking the fact that they really don't know anything with a false sense of entitlement to resources and work owned by the few that really can figure it out
I hate designing logos..
@Rick, I meant exp in the real world and climbing the ladder of opportunity. David seemed to speak from a place of self exp. But overall I think you are right.
I hate designing logos that need to work @ 14*14px and 2000*2000px
@rlemon Why is that even a demand
needs to fit in a fav icon, and a billboard
@ex080 I read pixels not books
@rlemon I hate it all.. this is the name I'm working with: UniWrighte
Look my avatar
@LuckyKleinschmidt find an ebook :P
so it needs to use color to break : Uni W righ-te
I'll read that magazine on the bottom left again
and maybe ever wright
!!afk class

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