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if you make it really clear to them beforehand that those are your terms
@forresthopkinsa I mean my quote was specifically to setup their store and all to work with the payment provider they wanted. They said they wanted paypal.
@KevinB declaring let innerStr = 'abc' in script tag of child frame, isn't a global context?
ohh I think I getcha
is it?
if it were, it'd be available on window.
<iframe srcdoc="<script> let innerStr='xyz'; </script>" > </iframe>
idk I think it's fair to charge them more, tell them you're going to have to learn a new toolset to use a non-standard provider
like you said, time is money, and it's your client's fault anyway
you're already deviating from the contract
this does not work
wait till the window is ready
@forresthopkinsa That's my thinking as well. The counter I come up with is that I "should have tested it live sooner" or something. Technically probably true but paypal doesn't publish their rules and limitation decision factors.
It worked live on my account lol
just not theirs
I mean, they said they wanted paypal and they didn't ensure that they qualified for Paypal's service
sounds like it's on them
@forresthopkinsa yeah I will talk to them. They will be angry.
eh, don't burn bridges but you're not running a charity lol
@forresthopkinsa I was only going to increase my fee by 1k
nothing much
I feel like a reasonable client will understand that the problem isn't a technical one with you, it's a financial problem with them
Hey guys, does anyone knows a way how I can 'paste' the clipboard content into a <textarea> by using javascript? Someone told me that for security reasons, the only way mozilla (Firefox) would allow it is to make my own addon (extension)...
$1k is very relative lol. That's a huge increase if the project originally cost $3k
@forresthopkinsa the original was 1k lol
what, you're increasing it by 100% LOL
@forresthopkinsa They must be punished
yeaahhh that client is gonna be pissed lmao
...I was joking lol. More like $100 or something
@KevinB loading iframe is synchronous operation after which script tag should be parsed and JS engine should come into picture. isn't it?
I was like wtf
"this guy is never going to get hired again"
10% increase seems reasonable to me, I feel like a decent client will understand
they'll probably try to drive it down but whatever
@forresthopkinsa well yeah. I always say an amount where i figure their counter will be what I really require
@overexchange the tag, yes, but the iframe's window is separate.
makes them feel like they won
lol right
I should send the 1000
and then be like
the artificiality of negotiations
oooops I meant 100
LOL that would be fantastic
@KevinB If you want to be slightly more accurate you should call it on the iframe's load not the parent window's load
@KevinB yes, iframe's window is separate from parent frame's window, but Does parsing of script tag start after iframe's document readyState is set to complete state
it was just easy
Actually not a bad strategy. They panic a bit. You lower it and they realize how much worse it could be and don't dare counter
i dunno overexchange
all i know is waiting makes it work
"you wouldn't be unhappy with the 100 would you?"
Its so hard to stay professional sometimes
why does the arm get lost here but not on tavern
if you don't charge them it might set the precedent that you're willing to make changes to the site for free
@KevinB Another point is <iframe src="something.html"></iframe> that may have JS code something like var x = 2 but not window.x=2
that's fine, but if it's not done in a way that would result in it being on window, it's not gonna be on window.
not gonna be on window? because it gets loaded with iframe tag?
i feel like you're messing with me. like, it's going to be on window, if you put it on window. the iframe's window.
@david very true. Got into that loop a few times before and its hard to pull out of without losing the client
if you don't put it on window, or do something that would result in it being on the iframe's window, it's not going to be on the iframe's window. there's not much else to it.
i've said that in as many ways as i know how
@KevinB I tried <iframe src="file.html" > </iframe> where file.html has script tag pointing to JS file which has window.innerStr = 'xyz'; then it works
innerStr = 'xyz' doesn't
innerStr = 'xyz' in JS file should be part of window scope
Nobody uses window. for scoping in JS code
ahaha what? @overexchange isn't putting things on window literally what you're trying to do?
@KevinB I think this is the kind of thing that benjamin is looking to put an end to
            <iframe src="file.html" >  </iframe>
            function test() {
                console.log('frames innerStr: ' +         window.frames[0].innerStr);
@overexchange stop it
pasting giant blocks of code referencing mysterious 'file.html's isn't helping anyone.
Hi @Tavo :p
what s myterious here? writing an html is not coding
giant blocks?
Who is the moderator for this room?
I'm just gonna start ignoring help-vamps
Not sure why I haven't been doing that yet
> Let me speak with your manager
@overexchange are you are precisely, completely wrong.
Lots of libraries use window. Whats bad is using window when you don't need global access
@forresthopkinsa I am the manager, the employer, the employee and the reviewer
and the customer too
All the names introduced in script tag in that source are part of window scope, if you try ..
I finally wrote my first generator while implementing Symbol.iterator on a class
@ndugger congrats. I still haven't found a problem that needed them
but for some reason i'm really keen to see the arrow syntax get finalised
@david yeah... i don't think that crusade is actually going to have significant results. i mean, in essence, it'd be what we always had, we've always kicked vamps, it's just things are different lately.
I feel like we're really really tolerant of vampires here... Some get kicked eventually but it often takes a few days before we decide they're completely unsalvageable
yeah, we tend to give them a chance to improve
many do
yep, but it can be draining
how u doing?
never written to an existing app before like
trying to improve it
as a programmer is you don't like something you do what???? you improve it
Or sometimes you implement a workaround and never get around to fixing those issues :P
2 hours later…
@ndugger I have used it and I help mantain the project haven’t committed a lot of code to it though
hey guys, I need a little help. I want to be able to press the button and the button will emulate like I've pressed some keyboard keys. For instance once I press the button, it will focus on text area and 'press' my keyboard ctrl+F keys, without me actually touching my keyboard.
@KevinB I've been on that page for last 4 hours while searching for solution. There are no example codes and newbie like me can't figureout without it :(
All I have found till now are codes that show me which keys I physically pressed on my keyboard, but not the examples where keys are being pressed with javascript button click
anyway, thx for fast response! :)
Hi all
hello :)
what's a javascript?
@sarah997 I don't believe you can do that for CTRL and other modifier keys. Having seen your past request for pasting clipboard information.. it really does indicate that what you're trying to do requires elevated privileges, which browsers aren't going to allow via userscripts. You might just have to bite the bullet and develop an extension.
oh morningo
apparently IIS doesn't generate http 999 on its own
and now my website is down
I was testing some crawler on it :/
Awww, an error!
And its special!
can anyone help
Q: Opening html data in new window instead of using Bootstrap JS Modal

FredIn my Jquery function I have am creating a html and then using function Preview(){ var PreviewHtml = ""; PreviewHtml += "<div><tbody><</tbody></table></div></div>"; $("#div_Previewhtml").html(PreviewHtml); } $('#div_preview').modal("show"); to open a pop-up window, my new requireme...

sniff sniff sock
Hello guys quick sanity check, if I make an XHR request say, A then later B, B can resolve earlier than A right?
depends how you structure your code :)
@Secret Yes, it most definitely can
I get my first paycheck today
but assuming what I think you mean, yes, they are asynchronous
@littlepootis noice, congrats!
@Rob Thanks!
@KamilSolecki Thank you :0
keh @ that 999 error
@littlepootis Oh dear god, what has been seen cannot be unseen!
i don't understand 'Functional Javascript'
cos it looks almost like Object Oriented
why do you think that?
hi all
1 message moved to Trash can
@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Mahadevan Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
i mostly see `(function()...);
 public setPagePath(path: string): void {
    const pagePath = `${window.location.pathname}/${path}`;
    console.log('pagepath', pagePath);
    this.utagData.UApagePath = pagePath;
but functional has more functions i guess
Cannot set property 'UApagePath' of undefined I am getting error
is this for me @ConnelBLAZE
can some one help me on this
@ConnelBLAZE I think that you do not comprehend what "functional programming" means
it is not about using "function" or IIFE
Have you googled the error? @Mahadevan it's the most common one in JavaScript.
@Mahadevan this.utagData is not known at that moment
@KarelG maybe
you have to pass it as argument or if it is a private field, use it accordingly.
i already google
Blind guess
  public setDefault(): void {
    this.utagData = new UtagData({
      UAcheckout_action: 'add',
      UAproduct_id: ['adviesgespreklead'],
      UAproduct_variant: [''],
      UAproduct_category: ['adviesgespreklead'],
      UAproduct_price: ['1'],
      UAproduct_quantity: ['1'],
      UAtransaction_id: [''],
      UAproduct_name: ['']
    } as UtagData);

  public setPagePath(path: string): void {
    const pagePath = `${window.location.pathname}/${path}`;
this is what my entire code
Nvm I can't read
Are you sure that at the time you are calling setPagePath upathdata isn't undefined?
also this cant be your entire code or it wouldn't compile :P
@Mahadevan lookup for using private fields in typescript. Your setDefault function is already wrong because you are binding utagData to that function
"this" is not the instance itself like in Java or C#.
@KarelG this is a class tho
And we don't see what's the rest of it
yeah i expect
class Foo {
    utagData: UtagData;

   // setDefault + setPagePath
but is there a TS variant of that UtagData (or did he wrap it) ?
ok googled that and got no useful results
// back to work
oh ok
sorry all here is my full code

export class TrackingService {

  private utagData;

  constructor(private cxTracking: CXTracking) { }

  public setDefault(): void {
    this.utagData = new UtagData({
      UAcheckout_action: 'add',
      UAproduct_id: ['adviesgespreklead'],
      UAproduct_variant: [''],
      UAproduct_category: ['adviesgespreklead'],
      UAproduct_price: ['1'],
      UAproduct_quantity: ['1'],
      UAtransaction_id: [''],
      UAproduct_name: ['']
    } as UtagData);
@FartyMcFartface never hahahahaha
didn't know .party TLD was a thing
Well how is little Timmy doing?
he overfitted
1.0 accuracy on the training set, 0.85 on the validation
now I'm gonna check with the video of the girl
let's see what he sees
What model are you using?
Of the network
a neural network
I mean what kind of neural network is it
I can't fit a VGG16 in my laptop's GPU
"little timmy"?
convolutional neural network with 2 fully connected layers at the end
it's based on this paper
3 or 4 layers overall?
and it's funny cause it has my real name
Okie thanks I'll check that
    def build_model(self):
        s = Sequential()

        s.add(Conv2D(96, (11, 11), strides=4, activation='relu', input_shape=self.input_shape))
        s.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=2))

        s.add(Conv2D(256, (5, 5), padding='same', activation='relu'))
        s.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=2))

        s.add(Conv2D(384, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
        s.add(Conv2D(384, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
        s.add(Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding='same', activation='relu'))
@Neoares Your name is sigmoid?
@Neil read the paper
I wish my name was sigmoid... that would be awesome
Your name is AlexNet?
it is
Holy snap TIL Relu activation
6 times faster convergence? Daym
it's amazing how simple things work pretty good in neural networks
oh, by the way
the net is fucked up
it classified the whole video as nsfw... WTF
Call in badger
this video
with the old model it only detected nsfw for the frames with the woman
something's wrong here :(
That's... still not very good
this Timmy... he started to fap with everything
or maybe it's able to detect nsfw status better than humans now
Like a young adolescent male should
Inb4 ban wave
> oh shit, look at that thicc domino
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub hi dr. strange
wait wait, I wasn't looking good at the results... :checking again:
I'm getting many sfw frames, the 71%...
>>> r.mean()
71% is sfw according to your neural net?
does that mean the other 29% is unsure or it is definitely nsfw?
yes.. but let me do another math.. it will be better
instead of meaning the scores (float from 0 to 1) let me mean the actual output (0s and 1s, which are round(x))
ok, not judging
just asking
1 math
2 math
3 math
that was quicc
he did the meth
almost the same
and mainly cause almost all his predictions are numbers too close to 1 or numbers too close to 0
@Neoares btw, that rounds to 72%
just sayin'
@towc I was flooring
do you floor percentages in your field?
I do in this chat
so you were wrong
I don't want to assume that
not against you
lol this time he detected the face of the guy at the and as nsfw
I created a gay AI!!
Morning all.
If any of you are more inclined towards Angular, I posted a little bit of a design thing over in the Angular room. I'm just getting started with it, so not really sure if I'm doing things 'right' or not.
"gay AI"?
wow congratulations
where'd the morn guy go?
I see him in the avatar list at the right of the page
Skipped right past 'gender' and into sexualised AI, nice
ikr? I'm a genius
oh, he morned today: chat.stackoverflow.com/…
he always morns
he skipped the weekend
It's commendable, his regularity
@Zirak can we thicken the plot on Tavo's morns?
a friend wrote in the middle of work, asking me to help move some stuff around with a cargo bike
I was working from home today anyway because it's raining
man, it was fun
spent almost 2 hours on it
this is 83% nsfw
based on the net
well, actually it is a bit nsfw, but it's not suposed to "flag" that video
are you classifying video nudity?
that is not even "nude"
your training data must be wonky
did you use bikini models? :P
it has several "adult" comics in the dataset
idk, I just scrapped images from pornhub
240k of them
gotta love ML
that is not how you use training sets
I found a 1.1GB file with urls of images scrapped from there
@KarelG I know, but what can I do
I mean you will have to care about the quality of your training features
check those porn videos yourself and determine if it is qualified for being training data
these algorithms are all heavily "shit in -> shit out"
bad quality ? no
@GNi33 Otherwise you end up with a prudish Homosexual AI. ;D
"story arc"? if so, no
now I'm using 16k of images for the training
8k of them are from the porn dataset
and now I'm scared of flags
I don't want to manually check 8k of images xD
you have to check them yourselves :P
let's all call this stuff something else... adult
I have a big cristal at my right and there's a lot of ppl from other companies passing
Yeah... it's pushing the border a wee bit...
I don't want to manually check them LOL
cristal is a beer brand btw
which kind of features do you use?
my folders are actually called "sfw" and "nsfw"
but the point is to classify... you know... that thing
check your nsfw folder then
@GNi33 what do you mean
in the Net?
convolutional layers and 2 fully connected at the end
I posted the paper and the code
but I definitely think the problem now is the dataset
oh yeah
I think I'll do 2 nets, one for human detection and then another more specific to detect "those" human body parts
pretty sure it is
is it a reinforcment algorithm? can't find the paper
you can roll a fraction of your training data pictures to your NN algo again
I think I'll take the laptop home today.. and I'll do the manual check there
would help ya to verify your dataset
for what?
I got 1.0 accuracy in the training set
0.85 for the validation one
should that latter not be 1 ?
@GNi33 nop
it's more like... logistic regression but applied with images
@KarelG in an ideal world, yes
but still, the train/validation datasets are just a split of the same dataset
it's not a "real world" case
that's why in the end, I download those youtube videos and test the model with them
@Neoares If 72% of the frames are considered nsfw, are you interpretting this as the video being 72% nsfw?
I think that would be an inaccurate interpretation imho
If all the frames are fine except one tyler durden frame, it's nsfw
I'm still not working on the "rank" system
but yeah, I know it's not about doing the mean
though that's also an interesting point in of itself
mainly because a 10k-frame video with 400 frames of "nsfw" sohuld be considered as not safe
surely nsfw frames are weighted heavily, but I don't know if one "maybe" nsfw frame makes the whole thing nsfw
yeah, I'll have to add time consistency
there is likely going to be a margin of error
thankfully, there's a parameter in one method I'm using that can disable the dataset "shuffle"
so I get the predictions in order
I also want to analyse audio
and detect violence... which will be funny
i'd guess that a lot of videos we consider to be funny and non-violent would come up as violent
cat jumping on the lap of someone = violent
Someone falling off a trampoline = violent
by violence I mean fights and stuff like that
but that's really hard
detecting objects? -> think of a cooking tv show
with knifes and stuff
detecting movements? -> think in a body combat training
maybe combined with audio...
that's why I started with this one :P
yeah, it would be hard to do
though if you manage something decent, send your resume to Google
they'll be wanting someone like you
I'll first try to do the master this year
an audio based NN ?
is that not an overkill? :P
well, idk if the audio thing would be a neural net
also I was thinking about audio2text, then NLP
but I wwould like to avoid NLP
@KarelG I actually had two students who did that
Generate Bach - worked pretty well and sounded exactly like Bach
Not that difficult of a feat

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