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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

My next book, Something Deeply Hidden (2019), will be about quantum mechanics, many worlds, and the emergence of spacetime. Pretty optimistic that everyone who reads it will understand quantum mechanics once and for all.
I'm on a shitty Brazilian aircraft
If I don't make it, it's been a pleasure
really daddy?
Yes, unwanted son
There's duct tape on the ceiling
I'm glad I could be of service
Decent legroom though
Maybe after we land
well, I guess you're landing one way or the other
unscheduled landing
@KendallFrey change your avatar back
Pilot called the plane "fun-sized"
that's pilot jargon for "I'm gonna loop-de-loop."
isn't it?
and why are you on wifi?
plane hasn't taken off yet?
it's been more than 15 mins
Still parked
@towc If I took off within 15 minutes I'd be impressed
Though the next flight has in-flight wifi
@KendallFrey I think 15 mins is the most amount of time I've sat in a parked airplane continuously. Average being like 13 anyway
and he's been there for like 20 mins now
I was on one for 5 hours last year
@Mosho how will we find out if you don't make it?
text us when you get there
Wouldn't let us off, wouldn't give us food/drink either
@BenFortune did they get sued?
I'll text if we crash
'd you get any money back
@BenFortune Did the people in charge have masks and AK-47s?
No, but we got some compo
@Mosho cool, thanks
@KendallFrey They were more the m16 type
@BenFortune compo?
like, shat on?
@towc How the fuck did you get from compo to that?
@BenFortune compo → compost → escrements
Your neurons are wired quite wrong
wait, what's wrong with that chain?
"compost energy" is a nice way of saying "energy from mostly animal feces"
and compo seems like a nicer version of compost
+ britons almost never say things straight
dill -> dilluted -> solution -> problem
In my vocabulary, compost refers to any rotting organic matter, mostly things like carrot tops and potato peels
not shit
dill is the world's problem
@KendallFrey but also shit
nobody shits in their compost bin mmkay
and i'd have thought that's what a uk person would refer to, for comedy
Are you mixing up cow pat and compost?
I'd have assumed compensation, if it wasn't for the "no", which I later found out was referring to the previous statement
Also the context
I do worry about you sometimes
Also, regarding yesterday. If a girl has a shoulder showing, that does not mean she is into you. Unless she is muslim.
@KamilSolecki I didn't assume she was
@KamilSolecki omg lol, context?
@KamilSolecki or amish
@BenFortune am in game, I can find it for you after. It was thrashed, though
just look in the trash can
can't find it in this trash can: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/23262/trash-can
anyway, I'll buckle up and go to sleep now, I think
@KendallFrey its weird that they are almost america exclusive
not really
well, generalizing
other coutries might have some
but in a very very limited quantity
weird how so many muslims are in the middle east
unless you are attempting an african joke
I like rootbeer
I don't.
You suck
Root beer does.
No u
do you guys know how to specify the root of a tree?
do you just set parent of a root node = to null?
you mean in the dom?
no in a basic tree data structure
@rlemon @KendallFrey @ndugger
oh dear
@erotavlas tree nodes typically have child attributes, not parent attributes
2/10 bad meme
but you can use the parent property for easier management of the tree
and sure, set it to null
document.querySelector('html').parentElement // null
I guess if the tree node doesn't define a parent then there's nothing to set null, how do you know its root?
@towc cannot get property “parentElement” of null
@erotavlas what are you using the tree for?
@ndugger are you... in a browser?
how do you even have document
wait, let me check ff
I am a browser
works in ff too
@towc nothing its not important....I'm creating one from scratch...learning about trees...started with general tree (not binary)
for me, usually the tree is represented in itself by the root element
as long as you hold a reference to that, and it keeps a reference of everything else in the tree, you have the whole tree
so that's what defines the root element
then you can indipendently hold a reference to another node in that tree, and that can be a tree of its own
sometimes it doesn't work well, like when you have thousands of nodes, so you put them on a database
and then you can just say that the node with the lowest id is the root node or something
point is, do whatever you want, just know that it's not necessary (nor really common) for nodes to have a reference to their parent
what happened to touchpad mice?
dear god, please save us from 9/11, amen daddy
argh!!!! I can't stand my new mouse
use the old one
I got a logitech g502 Proteus
i recently bought the 602
ew, wireless
been good so far
I assume it's not for gaming
it is
my old one had left mouse button microswitch failure
well it actually has a lot buttons
so yeah, it's made for gaming
my last few have had that problem
double click?
I had that same problem with my razer
that's why I got a logitech
I would drag over lines of code and it would release on its own without me lifting up
my rococat had the same problem
and all my razors
or register a single click as a double click
you can fix it temporarily with a sticky label
but the problem will come back
oh well, I already trashed (recycled) it
Just saw a house centipede for the first time. I killed it.
No bugs allowed in my house, dammit
@ndugger put it in the fridge, so every time you feel bad, you can look at it and remember who's boss
I just take medication instead
is auto sytax highlighting on SO for JavaScript and HTML gone for me only?
Or was it working before in my fantasy only? :P
it auto-detects the language
if you mix multiple in odd ways it won't highlight
@rlemon @Luggage @Loktar I just started getting an issue where my printer stops extruding for a few seconds or more. There's obviously some issue between the extruder and the nozzle. Do you know what would cause that? I can't tell what is slipping or why. It will start working again before too long, so it doesn't seem like a clogged nozzle.
is there a git chatroom? i cant find it easily
I think I had somethign similar caused by moist filament
i'd just get a missing layer here and there
@KevinB it did. But ALL my old Javascript(Typescript) answers seem to have lost their auto-highlighting over night. The ones with one language as well...
link to one and i'll see if it affects me too
@Luggage any idea why that would cause a problem?
pops and cools, causing temporary blocks
based on sound, result and lots of assumptions
for my issue.
same filament? try 5 degrees higher temp
did you increase your retraction distance recently?
I guess a higher temperature is a good idea, it'll flow better regardless
1) Is it correct to say: “git commit -a will add all (tracked) changed files in your directory to your commit”?
2) Dif between “git add .; git commit” and “git commit -a”
Pretty sure that's already been answered on SO
I read an answer on that a bit ago
@KendallFrey I've tried searching for (2) but haven't been able to find
@KevinB stackoverflow.com/questions/36653678/… all answers and question
Q: git add . vs git commit -a

YarinWhat's the difference between: git add . git commit -a Should I be doing both, or is that redundant?

wow thanks @KendallFrey, how did you search for that?
"git add vs git commit a"
how embarrasing
thanks @KendallFrey, i need to make use of quotes more. in the future i'll try things like "git add ." "git commit -a"
I didn't use quotes
@KevinB next stop: primary containment
haven't logged back in yet
i took a break for a few days
ima log in when this wow dungeon group falls apart
so hard to get good queue times as a dps
ok... Do i build a base down there or nah
iirc, the last time i played, i had just returned from a trip down to ALZ with kyanite, and needed to build upgrades
how can I access a key in an object that is a string?
you mean json?
@the_islander object['key']
an object, I used square bracket notation but it is saying undefined
@Luggage Bumped up the temp, first two layers are fine so far, no idea if that helped but thanks
but I can clearly see the key and value in the object
are you sure it is an object?
I'm using nodejs and inspecting the req.body
seems to be an object, yes
Seems to be, or is it JSON?
No? Yes? Swag? Yolo?
sorry was reading the docs
req.body - A new body object containing the parsed data is populated on the request object after the middleware (i.e. req.body), or an empty object ({})
I don’t use what I assume is the express bodyParser, so I can’t help you too much with it
I usually just use buffers and the request stream
if JSON.parse(theobject) doesn't throw an error it wasn't an object
that's fine, any tips or tricks to offer? I see the key/value on my body. The one I'm interested in is wrapped in quotes while the others aren't, I'm trying to get that value so I can send it too Google's reCaptcha servers
here is what I'm working with if you don't mind pastebin.com/zna6VfgB
console.log(req.body['g-captcha-response']) gives me undefined
@the_islander I'm guessing that's what you get with console.log(req.body);?
yes from pastebin
I think I found the error, silly mistake will double check
10/10 debugging
yes that was exactly it
I renamed it to captcha in an ajax request so I was checking for it on my server but the ajax wasn't working so I went with regular form submission without changing the name on the server side, tired brain..lol thanks :)
Inject some cocaine into your eyeballs
No more tired
guess what they say is true, explaining to someone else is the best debugging
I might need to get a rubber duckie
I talk to my other rubber toys.
Hot damn, TS 2.8 is going to be huge
that is neat
I am looking forward to all the new stuff
I’m huge
Lose some weight then, fatty
Losing weight is hard when you’re tired all of the time
type QueryFn<N extends keyof FnShape<any>, T extends FnShape<any>[N]> = T extends FnShape<infer R>[N]?R: T
This hurts my brain
decoys don't do shit
@BenFortune which language is that?
@BenFortune This stuff is definitely not for beginners.
that's a big PR
@FlorianMargaine The one before it introducing Conditional Types is huge too
bastard has my prawn trapped in a cave
havent found the lava castle entrance yet
fookin prawns
guys, I'm about to write a question about a JS code, but maybe I'm just missing something small and you can enlighten me
it's about a code for emulating the super functionality -> gist.github.com/dfreeman/c877e0bc0ccb4ffbc33e#file-super-js
@KamilSolecki I don't get the joke. Is it a sexual joke or something?
it basically adds a name field for every method function object, and goes through the prototype chain to find a method that has the same name, but I'm confused what's going on with the foundImpl variable there
@William which one?
11 year old one
Can you link?
She gon die
Before she turns 11
wow hmm not what I was expecting
the alien robots are mean
What did they do to you Kevin
it bit me or something
super boooooowl
Stop doing drugs in large quantities Kendall
Back from Galapagos!
Wee, how was it?
galapagosy, no doubt
Beautiful and spactacular
@KendallFrey C for effort
goddammit the print seems have to slipped like three layers from the end
Whatcha printing
@KendallFrey what happened?
@ShrekOverflow I just said
@KamilSolecki and Java for torture?
slightly modified version of this, not including the cube
You look like a nasty lice in my head
@KendallFrey neato, did your times go down more?
I'm averaging about 40 right now
i am now in the activ elava zone
That's pretty well I guess
I'm still hoping I can get solidly sub-30
i might have fucked up
@KevinB I haven't been below 500 yet :P
Do you have to worry about your gas composition in that game?
oxygen only
i guess it would be a bit much for a game to have to switch tanks while you descend
Happy Monday David :P
thanks shrek
first day of my auth0 refactor sprint :P
Lol I can hop on a call right now if ya want :P
careful i might take you up on that lol
my manager probably has more idea of what he is trying to achieve
atm i'm just making a new repo to house our auth0 specific code so we don't have duplicated auth0 code on every single service we run :D
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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