My next book, Something Deeply Hidden (2019), will be about quantum mechanics, many worlds, and the emergence of spacetime. Pretty optimistic that everyone who reads it will understand quantum mechanics once and for all.
@rlemon @Luggage @Loktar I just started getting an issue where my printer stops extruding for a few seconds or more. There's obviously some issue between the extruder and the nozzle. Do you know what would cause that? I can't tell what is slipping or why. It will start working again before too long, so it doesn't seem like a clogged nozzle.
@KevinB it did. But ALL my old Javascript(Typescript) answers seem to have lost their auto-highlighting over night. The ones with one language as well...
1) Is it correct to say: “git commit -a will add all (tracked) changed files in your directory to your commit”? 2) Dif between “git add .; git commit” and “git commit -a”
req.body - A new body object containing the parsed data is populated on the request object after the middleware (i.e. req.body), or an empty object ({})
that's fine, any tips or tricks to offer? I see the key/value on my body. The one I'm interested in is wrapped in quotes while the others aren't, I'm trying to get that value so I can send it too Google's reCaptcha servers
I renamed it to captcha in an ajax request so I was checking for it on my server but the ajax wasn't working so I went with regular form submission without changing the name on the server side, tired thanks :)
it basically adds a name field for every method function object, and goes through the prototype chain to find a method that has the same name, but I'm confused what's going on with the foundImpl variable there