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gulp doesn't have a strong opinion, in their docs, but does show the various options
@Zirak can jsh be made into an extension to provide a jsbin like environment but instead of creating a virtual environment, it controls the environment browser provides to add utilities and not sandbox stuff?
three.js with an effect yawn
it's a cool effect
three is lame
@jarvis I don't understand the question, can you rephrase or elaborate or give an example?
You're just all hot and bothered about fourjs
has to be better
woa now
slow down
we don't wanna get too crazy
fivejs depends on too much metahardware
> five.smooth() // S
together they create montageparody.js
I feel like that's not right
@Zirak jsbin and ilk uses iframes and all to isolate stuff, can we not do the reverse? like let the code use the browser environment, but control the environment from outside?
lol that is crazy
The only description (other than browser support): "Very small javascript library with a bad name."
Does anyone have an idea why I'm getting a 500 error when I try logging into my application with passport-reddit. I was able to fix the problem, or so I thought, but then after about 30-45 minutes it resurfaced. I think the problem has more to do with my Nginx configuration. The last time I fixed it, I added my public/ directory as a static file in my nginx config. Here's my nginx.conf file, if need: pastebin.com/kevSUTxE
> authored 10 days ago
I was 10 days too late :(
If you want to see the error, live, you can see it at vidly.io
v1 and v2 authored on the same day. Wow that's a fast major version change.
@jarvis I don't get it, what's the "browser environment", who's controlling who, what's the end goal?
@Zirak jsbin's isolation is interesting, I mean. it is quite well made... a console proxy, catching errors, inspecting stack traces etc. and identifying infinite loops etc.. All this comes at the cost of too much interference in code (that large try-catch around code... eww). So if we can stop interfering from user code and hook to the browser from elevated code instead, we can avoid that right?
@jarvis You'll have to change the browser itself, but sure
@Zirak does the extension API provide any hooks to do that stuff sanely?
No API in any browser allows you to do that.
how saddening :(
@Zirak Proxies?
Even chrome devtools wraps your code in quite a lot of stuff, and FF's devtools even modify contexts and such.
@MadaraUchiha How can they help?
@Zirak FF'd repl modifies context? how? AFAIK there is only let to var conversion, that too at JSAPI level
@Retsam well node went from .10 to 4.0 in a single release
@jarvis That's what I meant
well that's inevitable.. I blame the weird spec rules
FF does other weird stuff, I just haven't looked at their devtools for about 15 versions, so can't say much right now
How do I JSON.parse a string like this:

No singe quote, all double.
spec should standardize repl behavior too, then :D
@jarvis What's your end goal?
dunno. just waiting for FF to complete building, and until then I am thinking of crazy stuff
spec should standardize stack trace generation, system loader too btw
bustin jieber
hmm, there has to be a list of stuff yet to be included in es spec
need another tip from you pros
jarvis is the pro-est of all
instead of writing " " + "string" + " " for every space, is there a nicer way?
.join(" ") ?
I thinking adding an empty string for a space is ok but somehow....
it can get pretty long
ES6 template strings
I will google it
!!> ${"foo"} ${"bar"} ${"rocks"}
@jarvis "foo bar rocks"
@Asperger ^
@jarvis yes? carrot sign?
` this sign
!!> var foo = 'noob'; console.log(Welcome, ${foo}!);
and chat makes it a backticked code block, have fun with that
@Nick "SyntaxError: let is a reserved identifier"
shut your face
@jarvis what about the join function?
@Nick "undefined" Logged: "Welcome, noob!"
@Asperger jarvis thinks it's better not to create an array for the sake of adding spaces
lemme go rep whore on main
actually, no. I wanna be happy
stackoverflow.com/questions/32572324/regex-extract-contents ughh why do I even think of going there
What kind of question is that lol
god knows, build about to complete
please work this time, ff
please for the love of keyboards
Pop quiz: You accidentally wrote 500mb of zeroes in the beginning of your hard drive, which contained the partition table and Windows bootloader. How do you recover?
in the case of document.createTextNode('something' + ' ' + 'something' + ' ') I would have to store that in order to use join which doesnt seem to make sense here. So what alternative is there?
I'm asking for an...uhm...friend.
> "friend"
@Zirak boot with live cd, backup data, reinstall boot loader?
ES6 Template Strings
@Zirak If you used the default partition scheme, you can probably partition it again using the same size. There would be the recovery partition before the data, so your friend probably didn't destroy anything.
Backing data up will take too much time, Windows is a crappy OS and probably won't let you just redo the bootloader.
@Zirak Install to a new volume and dd the first 500mb over?
@Zirak remember this:?
Aug 15 at 10:36, by Awal Garg
@Zirak I attached a live cd to the vm and mounted the root from there. this is no fun :(
Are ES6 template strings etc intermediate stuff? I never read about that in my javascript book, codecademy or newboston
It can't erase anything your friend hasn't already erased.
@ssube Yeah I overwrote the partition scheme and bootloader, no data was harmed. Not that I care.
after that I just reinstalled grub and it worked
Well I do care, but I have a fresh backup.
@jarvis Grub is on a different disk, it's intact
jarvis is greg?
@ssube Interesting
The bootloader and recovery volume should have a pretty fixed size, so you can install on a different disk/machine, copy the first 500MB, then expand the data partition to the right size?
urngh, I don't have another drive though
Jarvis is Tony Stark's AI butler, you pleb
oh, sorry
oh man I'm severely exhausted. need me sum sleep
yeah awal garg here, and different profile because... uhh, firefox decided to sleep
I can reinstall everything, it'll only take me a few hours, I just really don't want to
How do you have a few hours to just install things?
It's windows, so everything's slow and terrible
I barely have time to install dinner onto my stomach drive
He's a timelord
windows desperately needs a package manager
I'm on vacation until tomorrow evening, so yay
@SterlingArcher free tonight?
beers and hangouts?
I've given up on installing things until it does
@Zirak is the windows bootloader required to boot windows? I thought grub can manage that?
@ssube I thought they were getting one
@ssube It technically has one
@Zirak yeah, but not enough things use MSIs
It's just...weird. I couldn't manage to install things with it.
@jarvis grub can handle it
@jarvis Grub loads the windows loader
@rlemon can we do manana noches? I'll probably crash as soon as I get home. I haven't slept since saturday
(from what I know)
@Nick hm
@Zirak ubuntu wiki describes an app which can install the windows boot loader which grub can pickup. lemme find it, sec
gf is not home tonight
so I can get drunk and argue loudly in the hangouts
I got really drunk on saturday
104% sure I have re-installed the windows boot loader with this after frying up every single thing
I ordered those new cheesy bites pizza
And when I woke up, it was a whole pizza with the cheezy bites eaten
my brother was dying laughing bc i was passed out on the floor next to the chihuahua
yeah, there it is. I still have that iso, haha
love that thing, saved my ass a trillion times
@SterlingArcher I hate ordering pizza and being too drunk to eat it.
Makes me feel bad for the pizza.
since when does it have a sexy ui o.o
To be fair I crushed the stuffed crust
@jarvis But...what does it do? Can I do it myself?
I wanna drink this weekend; if I have no friends to drink with, I'll just get a bottle of wine and dink around
@SterlingArcher Nothing in this universe can defeat cheesy crust
I'll sneak in booze to the movie theatre
@Zirak god knows, read the source?
@Zirak hail cheezy crusts
@Nick wine and dink should never be used in the same sentence
It's like they took angels and baked them into the pizza
Unless you own a winery, or are 103% homosexual
@Zirak it says "repair windows boot files" and I ticked that when I by mistake removed the 100mb windows boot partition and it was able to bring it back.
dink around just means to mess around; where are you even from?
@jarvis meh, I'll boot into my linux and check it out later. Thanks.
@Zirak I am curious how did you write 500megs of zeroes at the partition table location lol?
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=5M count=100
Murica, land of the fuck yeahs and get of my lawns
I forgot I switched cables around and /dev/sda wasn't what I thought it was
sounds fun
no pictures; fuck your repo
@Zirak I once if'd the of and wrote my filesystem to my filesystem
hello guys!
@HassanZia Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix well i just deleted what i was going to ask just to reply you that i'm not new to chat rooms, though this is my first visit to JS room
@rlemon So, I heard you like filesystems...
my question is that is there any way to access a local variable of a function outside from it?
Otherwise it wouldn't be local
@ssube but can those functions modify the socket object for other events?
@Zirak ok but how can i access the value stored in that variable?
like i'm using sweet alert plugin in fullcalnendar
@HassanZia I don't think you understand what the word "no" means
and i need something from function to be accessed outside
@Zirak yea dawg
And I'm not sure how to explain it without using much more difficult words
I'm putting fs's in my fs so you can fs while you fs
hey does anyone know if functions that get called by a nodejs event can modify the socket object?
We can probably arrive to "no" using NAND
man don't be rude, i simply asked a question
And I simply answered
well thank you
ok 2nd question how to return a value from a function?
Most welcome
Read an intro to js
that's most helpful :)
anyways i'd learn somehow :)
i know this is offtopic, but is it ever a good idea to save a file's contents as a CLOB in a relational database?
> how to return a value from a function?
return a value? Guess
other than maybe the fact that the application's assets are consolidated into a single source
return "This string is returned.";
actually the problem is that function is a built in function and doesn't take any arguments
@HassanZia we don't often 'teach people Javascript' from the ground up.
function(){ return "This is the return value";}
function foo() { return arguments; }
console.log( foo(1,2,[],'hello world') );
should give you some hints on what is going on
silly elitists, learning is for squares
I don't even know javascript; I'm just here for the girls
You mean meredith and badger ermine?
can i use the returned value like this
var abc = function();
I've already mentioned this, but I got new headphones today. Sony MDR-ZX660AP. for <$100 headphones they are quite amazing
And @KendallFrey's mom?
@HassanZia Let's stop right now and get you cuddly with an intro to js, shall we?
@HassanZia depends on if you are making async calls
^ read it all
see you in 3 weeks
!!> function()
@Jhoopins "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name"
that is a lie @CapricaSix
What's the lie?
Function statements do indeed require a name
function(){} <- isn't this a statement not an expression?
That's an invalid statement
!!> function(){}
(function () {}) is a valid expression
@rlemon "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name"
@Zirak there is an ignore button if you getting pissed by my msgs, i'm not here to get you guys in trouble, just asking my question and if someone would like to help he/she would, you don't need to be mad at me
thank you
ignore me
passing it to a method/variable makes it an expression
@HassanZia I'm not mad at you, and I don't want to ignore you, I want to help you.
got it
@HassanZia he is helping.
Asking us elementary questions isn't helping you, it's not promoting your knowledge.
@Zirak and i appreciate very much,, believe me
5 mins ago, by rlemon
@HassanZia we don't often 'teach people Javascript' from the ground up.
Great, then go introduce yourself to js, it's great fun
we can show you places that do tho
Enjoyment will be had by all
i know and seriously i feel ashamed for it. my field isn't js so don't know much about it, i have to do something in it so that's why.. hope you get me.. and sorry again
@rlemon sure sir
3 mins ago, by Zirak
http://jsforcats.com/ is nice, as is https://codecademy.com
or even the first few chapters of Eloquent JS
why do i have a feeling Zirak wrote JSForCats
badger did
damn, she was my second choice
@SterlingArcher The screenshots show mac, I don't have that much money
Really? And here I thought Social Security was a lottery ticket
wait, does that exist where he lives?
@Zirak does (your country) have social security? or a similar system?
solid question
@rlemon I don't know how to really translate that, is that a part of government which deals with the sick, disabled and elderly? Help them financially and all that?
Google, you frighten me
Ahh, why is my settimeout function not working on first click`? jsfiddle.net/r7bL6vLy/154
@Zirak old age pension
> ? what is social security
> so·cial se·cu·ri·ty
> noun
> any government system that provides monetary assistance to people with an
inadequate or no income.
@rlemon We have pension plans, and now that I think of it something which translates literally to "national security"
That's welfare
It's an entity to which you give a portion of your paycheck
Social Security is paid into all your life, and then when you retire, you learn the government stole your money and pay you a fraction of what you put in
So pension
@SterlingArcher Makes me lunch, what does yours do?
Makes your lunch
lunching like a boss
@rlemon is there a way to pass an object by reference or by val in JavaScript?
My new work shoes have the grip of a sprinting dog on pure ice
Like, I'm slipping on freaking carpet over here
@JoshMenzel You can pass a reference to an object by value.
You can't pass any variables by reference in JS
@KendallFrey but will that modify the object itself globally?
@JoshMenzel Not unless you actually modify the object
@KendallFrey I am building a node.js application and I want to split the events into separate functions placed in separate files
@KendallFrey but the issue is that the functions have to be able to emit events and modify the socket object for the rest of the events
so I would have
@JoshMenzel All objects are passed by reference-value; see stackoverflow.com/questions/16886814/…
It's very important to understand the difference between passing A reference and passing BY reference
passing A reference to an object allows you to modify that self-same object
passing a variable BY reference allows you to modify the variable
socket.on("EVENT",function(arg1,arg2,arg3){socket.item1 = true; io.to(socket.id).emit("EVENT","data');
You also need to understand the difference between a = foo and a.b = foo
obviously these events ar emore complex
the first one is changing the variable, but not the object
the second one is changing the object, but not the variable
@Zirak FYI, I'll be using jsh for at least part of my presentation on Thursday
@SomeKittens Oh my. Make sure it works first
Yeah, checking now
things seem to be in order
for the section on Symbol
since Chrome does 90% of that natively
May I ask why? If it's a presentation, you can use the devtools. Or do you want to share a link afterwards (yay product idea!)
Link sharing
I don't want folks walking away and going "Oh, how did he do that?" and then not having a reference
@KendallFrey so then if socket is an object
and I want to modify socket
Hurray for a good idea high-fives past Zirak
by setting a property
how would I do it in a way that sets the property for all the other events accessing that object?
(i.e socket.somevalue = true;)
How I Came To Love TypeScript (not from me, but interesting)
@JoshMenzel An object cannot be modified and not modified at the same time
If you modify an object, it appears modified no matter how you look at it
so if I say
function(socket){ socket.somevalue=true;}
Does anyone use any kind of REST-based, webhook-y, pubsub-like service to coordinate between tools? Something like zapier but kind of hubot-y.
and then in another function say function(socket){var someid = socket.somevalue;}, someid will read as true?
The answer you're looking for is "yes", so that's what I'll say
How are you supposed to wait for an event emitter to fire an event with fibers?
@KendallFrey is that just because that's what I want to hear or because I am understanding this correctly
NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = [][Symbol.iterator]
because browsers suck I have to add this
would you guys consider this a utility? polyfill? other?
@JoshMenzel The question you're trying to ask is answered with "yes". The question as asked was a bit fuzzy
Just pretend I said yes
today I was sad to learn that not a single store in the mall area near me sells shoe glue
why does the shoe store not sell shoe glue
Life is harsh
tears may have been shed
shoe glue?
prolly someone died
the soles on my runners are peeling up, but I dont want to buy new ones
@Retsam oh hey, friend of mine made that
@BenCraig I use superglue
@BenCraig because they want to sell shoes
That stuff work well enough to take some abuse?
@ʞɔᴉN they sell all sorts of other repair stuff, why not glue?
Shoe glue? Is super glue not good enough?
beats me
@BenCraig are you in waterloo yet/
because if yes, you didn't look hard enough.
I dont know if superglue can take the abuse from fencing or not
@rlemon yeah I am, where should I look then?
I went to pretty much every store in uptown
I went through Moscow yesterday :)
@FlorianMargaine I'm a broken man. I don't know what to do. There's no decent FUSE binding. Kill me please.
I can maybe fork bazil...
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier...
ooo Node 4.0 came out? That's pretty sweet
werent they just at < 1.0?
@SterlingArcher you've been away for a long time
things move fast in this industry, you understand.
@SterlingArcher Merge with iojs v4 :)
> 09 Jul 15 Node v0.12.7 (Stable)
I'm not cray lol
why did the io.js merge launch their version # up?
@BenCraig what kinda shoes? because I used to work for the Aldo Group
@KendallFrey it's not working
> [callum@Arch-callum Downloads]$ node -v
and depending on the type, you'll wanna use different shit
just running shoes
and you wanna glue the rubber back ?
@JoshMenzel Never say that again if you expect technical help
like, sole coming off?
@SterlingArcher node.js is no more, it's all iojs with a new name
@KendallFrey okay
okay, you don't want any of teh stuff I can find here. it will melt the rubber (meant for leather)
yeah, its just starting to peel, and id rather fix it now
@KendallFrey I created a couple functions that set and return data.
but you can use a product called 'toe pro'
it is black, so don't get it in places you wanna keep white
@KendallFrey it's acting like the socket object isn't an object
it is meant for hockey skates
like, my entire fencing uniform haha
where do I find it?
in your repressed memories?
@JoshMenzel Forget what it's acting like, how exactly is it acting?
@BenCraig play it again sports probably.
but honestly, I'd just replace the shoes once the sole falls off.
glue repair is more for panels and shit peeling back

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