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that's great
@phenomnomnominal I just passed you btw
@Mosho rep?
!!stat 345257
@phenomnomnominal Mosho (http://stackoverflow.com/users/345257/mosho) has 3893 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 30 questions, gave 158 answers, for a q:a ratio of 15:79.
avg. rep/post: 20.7. Badges: 2g 12s 28b
!!stat 1386166
@phenomnomnominal That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: stat, stats, steve, static
@phenomnomnominal You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1386166/phenomnomnominal) have 3880 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 111 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:111.
avg. rep/post: 33.44. Badges: 1g 14s 35b
rep/post is the only one that really matters :P
@phenomnomnominal pfff, not if your top answer is from 2012
you could have taken a dump and uploaded it as an answer in 2012 and would have had 50 votes by now
@Mosho All of my answers are CoffeeScript stuff haha
no gear :X
@Loktar I read some more and realized no man's sky is basically single player with a remote chance of ever seeing anybody
which is pretty lame
but... procedural!
because spore was such a great success
gotta wait for star citizen
I dont have any faith in that
in star citizen that is
I dont think it can live up to the hype
but all that cash
they are trying to do too much
and the guy's previous experience
then you must have 0 faith in hello games
did you end up playing elite dangerous?
loved it, but got bored :/
haven't played anything seriously in ages
@Abhishrek 19 now!
There are many light, causal games now.
Mostly on mobile, but PC got its share of them too.
@SomeGuy :D
just created my first kickstarter project: A TCP/IP simulator with drag&drop gui. kickstarter.com/projects/1002798642/tcp-ip-bouncer
and just got my first backer :-D
@bvdb Why not just use wireshark for that sort of thing?
morning chaps
lol'd at title
where should i store my auth token? cookie/sessionStorage?
I don't get this xkcd >_<
Btw guys, yesterday during the 8h long car drive I did a few nice things, including a way to not be number racist in case someone ever asks you your favourite number. Here's the number you should respond with:
Result of the summatory from i=0 to infinity of (±i^±1)*(½±½)
I think this lists every possible number, and in the least amount of iterations, so no number is loved less than another: here is literally the whole spectrum of real numbers I believe
Thoughts? :D
I am not sure if that works. 0 to infinity implies countable infinite, but the set of real numbers is not countable infinite.
This requires no countability, this is the best part
This can output pi, e, or any irrational number aswell
I believe
No. You are incorrect.
How so?
The set of real numbers is uncountable.
The set of natural numbers (in your sum) is countable.
You can't transition from one to another like this.
I see the point, but I still believe I can make any number with this
One example way to increase the size of an infinite set is by taking all the possible subsets.
Which does seem strange
It's an amazing proof.
Wikipedia has a bad explanation though.
Yeah, I know about it, but I don't see how it interferes with this
Is there an easy way to replace the option in a select form item? I know I can easily add an item, but how would I replace an existing one?
@COMisHARD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
You are claiming you can generate a one to one correspondence of natural numbers with real numbers.
That is a contradiction.
You are saying summing from i=0 to i=n for any natural number with your function creates all real numbers.
This is a 1 to 1 correspondence between natural numbers and real numbers.
Infinity is always expandable
There are different sizes of infinity. That's what makes that proof so amazing.
I get it, but I can still make any number
You're infinity of natural numbers isn't enough to calculate all real numbers.
No you can't.
I would have to do something like diagonalisation on your sum formula, which is more difficult, but similar in idea to Cantor's diagonalisation of binary numbers.
The point is that there is no 1to1 correspondence until you make it, but you can make it
I get it that there will always be a non-included number, but it can just be added
Cantor's proof is basically the same as yours except that that he is using the formula sum (1/2)^n*(1 or 0)
Your point being?
That you're example, like Cantor's, can be proven incorrect through diagonalisation.
Incorrect meaning that you'll never reach any number properly, buy if you ask it for a number you can still get it :P
It'll never reach the whole spectrum, but again, you can just add, it's infinity!
Like I said, there are different levels of infinity.
Let me do a formal proof.
1. By (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantor%27s_diagonal_argument), there is no 1 to 1 correspondence between natural and real numbers.
2. You propose that you're formula creates a 1 to 1 correspondence between natural and real numbers.
3. This is a contradiction, therefore, either 1 or 2 is incorrect.
4. I trust Cantor's proof, so 2 must be incorrect.
QED: Your formula does not create a 1 to 1 correspondence between natural and real numbers.
Therefore, you are not generating all real numbers.
(Well, I guess that was a rather sad example of a formal proof. I am sure my old logic professor would be severely disappointed).
@towc read about cardinality
However, it is possible that @towc's formula generates all rational numbers.
As those are in the same carnality as natural numbers.
@Mosho specifically about?
cardinality of natural numbers vs real numbers
Also, I do realize there's no way I can prove this one can do that because for some numbers you do get into some very quirky logics to get it to work, so I have this other formula:
And I guess I'll go to sleep wondering: "What is towc took the powerset of natural numbers instead? Is that enough to encompass the set of all real numbers?"
This way we're also working with a size corresponding to the square of infinity tho :/
This way you can reuse the same number infinite times
Actually. It turns out it is enough: legacy.earlham.edu/~peters/writing/infapp.htm, theorem 17.
@towc That's not enough. You need arbitrary sets of numbers from 0 to infinity.
The set of pairs from zero to infinity is equal in cardinality to the set of numbers from zero to infinity.
I don't get it
The term is the powerset.
<div class="ImParent">
				<img onclick="goTopParent(this)" src="">

function goToParent(el) {
	// can i have any shortcut for this instad of using many parent() functions ???
Let's try this: Take a set of integers, 0 - n. How many integers are there in it? n+1. Now try that for n - infinity.
@Simply: $(el).parents('.ImParent') should do the trick, I believe
ok i';; try & come thx
Carbrus its not working
contentX = Math.min(contentX, 0) || 0;
contentY = Math.min(contentY, 0) || 0;
Is there any difference between the above and the follow code?
contentX = Math.min(contentX, 0);
contentY = Math.min(contentY, 0);
I don't see any.
!!>Math.min('wasd', 0) || 0
@Cerbrus 0
!!>Math.min('wasd', 0)
@Cerbrus "NaN"
!!>Math.min(undefined, 0) || 0
@Cerbrus 0
!!>Math.min(undefined, 0)
@Cerbrus "NaN"
Point proven, I take it?
When contentX is NaN, Math.min(contentX, 0) evaluates to NaN, while Math.min(contentX, 0) || 0 evaluates to 0
More or less, yes
A: How to merge json array with same values in javascript

psylogicfor(var i in arr1){ for (var j in arr2) if (arr2[j].uid == arr1[i].calleridnum ) { arr1[i]+=arr2[j] break; } }

Yeap, + concatenates 2 objects
hey guys! Even though this does not really relate to javascript that closely, I figured
a ton of people use node.js and thus mongoose, they probably know how to get around this:
Q: MongoDB update with layered JSON in Java- how to efficiently?

user3781180Mongodb has an update function, where it can increment pre-existing fields. However, I found that it could only update flat JSON. Whenever there's a JSONObject inside of a JSONObject, with a value I want to increment, I can't actually seem to do it. It will return this error: com.mongodb.WriteCo...

morning my friends
more solutions than questions wtf?
An answer is to a question as solution is to a problem. Questions can have many answers, and problems can have many solutions. — Tiny Giant 23 mins ago
well played @Cerbrus, well played.
All credit goes to @TinyGiant for coming up with that comment though.
@Cerbrus you like wolfs, huh?
@Loktar @rlemon don't forget tradition
Nah, I absolutely hate those majestic beasts
I can't stand their raw elegance.
Yea, if I ever get a dog, I'll get something so small you can throw it over the house, into the back yard, instead of something that actually looks like the original :P
ironic on
@Simply hahahaa
youtu.be/4BYjvS4b_Bo?t=803 @rlemon @Zirak @MadaraUchiha @Mosho
@SomeGuy "y u poop on slides @rlemon" in front of 1000 people
@BenjaminGruenbaum 13:07 is me :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is he from twilio?
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha
yeah, he's actually a really nice guy, we've had a few beers
I went to a meet up he spoke at, at sky
Really good stuff
that looks cozy :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum wow nice!
@BenFortune you work for sky?
that is not benjamin fortune.
@FlorianMargaine Nah, they just hosted a meetup there
Been trying to get in, with no luck though :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haha it was, probably about 80ish people there
Another good talk from there, Jack Franklin from gocardless talks about ES6 and JSPM
hi guys. what is the best way to do the following,

1. test if a string is a date
2. if it is try and reformat it to yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
baiscally I have a generic method where I need to iterate through n number of textboxes, some of which are date time fields. I want to then convert any date fields to this format
Q: Check if a string is a date value

MrThysWhat is an easy way to check if a value is a valid date, any known date format allowed. For example I have the values 10-11-2009, 10/11/2009, 2009-11-10T07:00:00+0000 which should all be valid, and the values 200, 10, 350, which should not be valid. What is the simplest way to check this, if th...

@BenjaminGruenbaum AMAZING
@phenomnomnominal :D
So happy
@BenFortune This is what I've been diving into this week, swapping out webpack for systemjs
Last week we wasted maybe a whole day or two on development on systemjs and jspm dropping the ball
@phenomnomnominal Have only used JSPM/systemjs briefly, but it's bretty gud
We might make the switch to webpack
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've found it pretty good so far
webpack is a configuration clusterfuck
lol, systemjs is a configuration clusterfuck
I like webpack's dev server
most of that is automated though right?
Yes, but it gets it wrong during the automation, constantly getting us wrong versions of files
not fun here either: tipranks.com/package.json
Also, it creates source control conflicts because it's not deterministic
oh really?
that's shit...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I kept getting that problem, if a package depended on another that was already installed, it would override the version
@BenFortune yup
hmm ... my current playthrough of Long War is going too smoothly
Which sucked ass with React
it makes me twitchy
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you try steal.js at all?
am I wrong in thinking that react/webpack/systemjs and the likes are a huge burden? Sure, they do add some niceties... but then you end up with a huge dependency that you have to deal with.
It just does way too much that we shouldn't have to do ourself. @Mosho wrote like 7000 lines of code over the past two weeks for it and a react page so it really accumulated some debt.
@FlorianMargaine yep, it's a balance
@phenomnomnominal not sure, the build is all @Mosho
@phenomnomnominal lately it seems the balance is way too huge on the "add millions of lines for a simple-not-required nicety" side...
It's not that he didn't do a good job, but he had to do way too much in too little time, so he ended up working 100 hour weeks trying to get it to work - it's just all very unstable.
Then again, the tipranks website is a big project, for smaller things I've personally found system to be quite nice
I've spent about a week so far and it's been going okay, TypeScript building to ES6 with bundles from any *Router.ts file, then System loading in bundles when you route to the relevent state.
basically what we do
or are supposed to at least :D
haha I'm sure I'll be back here in a week asking you why you didn't stop me
Q: What does ending the if statement with a } do in javascript exactly?

joyfulchuteFor instance if I have an if statement that goes like this: if(...) { //some code if(...) { //somecode } } how does it differ from: if(..) { //code } if(...) { //cod }

@phenomnomnominal lol... "x building to y with bundles from z then a loading when you route..." is what I'm talking about.
Javascript basics 101 for dummies
@FlorianMargaine yep, but sometime things are big?
@phenomnomnominal I'm pretty sure you could have just as maintainable JS code without half of this.
There's gonna be ~80 devs working on this thing, and ~2million users a day from day one. We have to be certain
and you'd have much less dependencies, ergo much less ways to fuck up something
if something's fucked up in one of your dependencies, all your 80 devs will be stuck
hi guys sorry whats wrong with this 22/05/2015 14:51:46 is it because it thinks it is MM/dd/yyyy?
if (!isNaN(Date.parse(globalValue))) {
                            var d = new Date.parse(globalValue);
                            globalValue = d.getFullYear() + "-" + d.getMonth() + "-" + d.getDay() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();
@FlorianMargaine that's true of any dependency though
@phenomnomnominal yeah. Which is why the more dependencies you add, the more risk there is.
Yeah but that's not the only risk
"so risk 1 (too many dependencies) is getting bigger, but since there's also risk2, it's fine"?
not sure I get your point, sorry
Besides it's not like dependencies just randomly update themselves and break. That's why you spike stuff, test it thoroughly, then decide that it's worth the risk.
Some dependencies lower other risks
otherwise you wouldn't pull in a testing framework
@phenomnomnominal true, but dep 1 + dep 2 + dep 3 + dep 4 + dep 5 to have less risk2 feels like way too much increasing risk 1.
We have about 6 parts of our company who want to be able to deploy simultaneously without going over each other and fucking with caching. That means bundles. That means either an external dependency, or write something ourselves, either way there's risk. But in all honesty I'd rather use a reasonably well road-tested open source project than something someone on my team randomly wrote.
(sorry, I should've stopped at dep 4 for the example you gave.)
@phenomnomnominal yeah... let's not talk about that ("well road-tested open source project"), especially in the js world...
Okay, but we are talking about the JS world, and there's certainly the lesser of two evils.
@phenomnomnominal the js world is certainly not the best example of "well road-tested open source project", especially when you talk about BC and the likes
just yesterday I again saw an example of a project breaking BC between minor versions
Yeah but who updates even a minor version and doesn't test everything?
@phenomnomnominal most devs?
then that's their fault
not really
yes it is
when you use an external dependency you take on that risk, and if you fail to do everything to mitigate that risk that's your fault
especially if the projects follow semver, you're supposed to be on the safe side. That doesn't mean not testing, but you have a reasonable trust on not breaking everything
^ gold, please watch that and remember it each time
@FlorianMargaine mhmm and most of that time your "reasonable trust" is valid, but you should still check.
I was at a Pink Floyd tribute concert. It was amazing.
brb weeping
@phenomnomnominal meh... let's just agree to disagree. I don't like depending on too many things.
fair enough
@phenomnomnominal I'd like to see your opinion in a year after the project has been launched though :)
We're a lot less dependent that the two projects this is replacing, so I guess it's all relative
@SomeGuy Happy birthday!
hi @Zirak
already back from weeping?
how good was it?
!!afk weeping
did you feel good weeping?
Did you get beat up at the concert?
@FlorianMargaine wtflol
@BenjaminGruenbaum and on the road to the concert, and on the way back home, and back home too
lol, there's even a little on at the end
he's just the kinda guy that gets beat up
@BenFortune Zirak is afk: weeping
does anyone know a service that calls a number for you when you trigger it?
@AaronHarding yeah. @BadgerCat can do that.
as in, i could send a curl request from python/js, doesn't matter, and then it calls x
@AaronHarding Twilio
ohh okay, thanks
both great :3
e and f??
1 message moved to Trash can
@SuperUberDuper Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
    .icon-p:before {
      content: "\e619";

.icon-p:before {
  content: "\f619";
@BenFortune are you familiar with Twilio?
I haven't used it
it's just their pricing is a bit ambiguous, it doesn't match the service listing
@AaronHarding What do you mean? twilio.com/voice/pricing
i'm just trying to find out if Local Connectivity means sending a custom message / prerecorded message to a phone number
and if it's 1.00 per month ~per number~
I think it's $1.00 for your own number
Not the number you're calling
yeah, that's what i'm confused about. so it's $1 per month for your own number, and then $0.017 per minute to make calls.
I think so, yeah
You can always contact them :P
yeah, trying to find things out by myself first >.>
although saying that on a qa/help chatroom is a bit ironic :c
@OctavianDamiean, @rlemon, @SomeGuy Terraria in ~10 hours?
please tell me this doesn't look like sperm XD
It looks like sperm
anything I can do to fix it?
@towc Swim my lovelies!
Though it's a nice effect
So, I keep doing this in different ways. What is the best way to refer to the calling object when this is overwritten (for instance - in jQuery.each() - I still want to use what this gets redefined as
var that = this; ?
@Billy Or bind, or ES6 arrow functions
@towc add flagellums
jQuery.each(fn({})).bind(this);? - then how can I refer to the jquery element that would have been this?
Might as well, this is already screwed up enough
@Billy It passes them as arguments, too, use those.
Uh, can I map keys in an obj to another key in the same obj?
@Jonathan Like obj.keys = Object.keys(obj); ?
like {key1: key2, key2:function(){}}
this.items.each(function(i, e){
    this.items.push(new Item());
am I doing something wrong? this still refers to the element
@Billy Bind the function.
bind is also a jQuery method, but I dunno how it works
Oh, it's like on
It's an alias
Hello Everyone
I'm the worst -_-
Remember that text-to-image tool I wrote that girl yesterday? Well, I sent her a too large photo and her messenger crashed, so now she can't use that :'(
@towc rip in pepperoni
I've been lagzoned :P
@Lalaland Wireshark is just a tunnel or spy. TCP/IP bouncer does that but also offers the ability to add logic. This makes it possible to actually do something with the intercepted messages. For example it can create replies to simulate one of the communication partners.
1 message moved to Trash can
@user3545438 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
console.log(this.tileL - this.tileY);
tile.style.height = this.tileL - this.tileY + "px";
declaration dropped?!
console log give out the value. is this an issue? :D
So, RE: .bind(this) on anonymous functions inside an object, what if it breaks the plugin you are binding a new this to?
resort to that = this; ?
anyone knows why it keeps creating squares? It does not stop... jst.bm-designs.de/index.php?id=7&exe
The bluebird docs mention "Long stack traces cannot be disabled after being enabled, and cannot be enabled after promises have already been created." for enabling long stack traces. Does that mean that if any promises were created before calling longStackTraces, no promise will ever have them or only that those which were created before the call won't have them?
what is this jst.bm-designs.de website?
Fallout base editor for me
My tests indicate the latter. @BenjaminGruenbaum are you around possibly?
@AaronHarding I will add option -> set password. To secure scripts
mobile supported
oh i've just seen it in the chat a few times
i have no idea what's going on
jsfiddle in fallout design with commands. best thing: you can delete scripts
anyway why isn't my square script working properly?
ah okay
is this your website? bm-designs.de
bm => bambenek maurice
in germany a1 person company must contain your name
Hello there, can someone tell me, why is this simple jQuery snippet that buggy? http://codepen.io/albru123/pen/XbLVMZ
P.S. I'm too lazy to learn pure JS :P
@albru123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@albru123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
pastie.org/10366117 when I click on the Signup I get an error "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined" .. if I remove the CSSTransiitionGroup and replace react/addons with react the error goes away. why?
oh my my.. after 1 hour I had to add "react/addons" inside gulpfiles
am i supposed to override angular's http to parse json on all response? or is it supposed to do it for me by default?
A: Text from input are always empty

user1898765Thanks at everybody for your help it works.

Hi all
data-rel="chosen" is not working with dynamic content
1 message moved to Trash can
@DON Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
<select data-rel="chosen"  id="work_site">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
anybody who knows flex more than I do in here ?
I'd like to make a layout of a tightly packed grid
where boxes of different sizes (but size being integral multiples of the the smallest block) are allocated horizontally
impossible to move a absolute div behind the relatives?=
don't repeat yourself.
I have linux now
dual-boot works great
I'm not a huge dual boot fan
kinda a pain
fonts look horrible, I have to install the msttcorefonts
@rlemon what pain? the pain to reboot ?
@catgocat yes
!!urban AC
@catgocat AC Air Conditioning, must usually used while driving.
can someone tell me if it is compatible with your screen resolution? bc.bm-designs.de
@Maurize nope
Well wow !
@BenFortune why?
@Maurize It overflows
@BenFortune damn.
try now @BenFortune
@Maurize Why are you using screen?
don't know, why not?
Because it returns the actual res of my screen, not the available space
Using poster images on plugin content
Paul Kinlan
New Release of Material Design Lite - 1.0.4
Addy Osmani
window.innerHeight and window.innerWidth are usually better
Florian Margaine has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
@Maurize Also what's a cavas? :D

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