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@SomeKittens ok home now. don't have the code with me but basically I had in the past no 'router' to separate things. so the scenario is messed up right. I have node-server:a which is using express.io (don't ask) to run the websockets and listens on localhost:1234 connected to server:b:1234 via ssh tunnels and server:b running a front end node-server for pc:a, server:b proxies all websocket requests (app.on('upgrade') .. and then forwarding the .get/.post for the fallback) and this all works.
once I introduce the routers it is no longer serving me socket.io :P
again. don't have the code with me, but any suggestion for tomorrow morning would be excellent
has he tried updating jquery?
also, i disabled the websockets and forced http polling fallback to see if the get/post were working and those don't hit in the routes. pointing at /socket.io/socket.io.js and tried /routeName/socket.io/socket.io.js
bleh I need to start using the webpack dev server
Time: 9879ms
lol I hate waiting so god danged long.
do you use react?
yeah and it has the hot loading :/
cos the react live reloader thing with webpack is pretty damn cool
yeah I really need to set it all up
probably will tomorrow
it wasn't too hard
I hate node and express sometimes because dammit why does everything have to be so taken away from me. when something doesn't work I feel like i'm fucking blind in a snow storm.
but without the libraries and packages I feel like any job would be so tedious
express never really bothered me, but socket.io just seemed like such an enormous amount of bloat
when all i wanted was a raw websocket
/me mentions primus.io like he does every time
I need to make the switch to io.js and prey I can get away from that dependency on things like express
@david I need fallbacks
otherwise I wouldn't use it
ah, butts
just sucks. refactored a fuckload of code and now socket.io doesn't work.. :P I make a real time dashboard. :P
do you need ALL the fallbacks? or could you just use ws + longpolling and be happy?
kinda need websockets.
By "doesn't work" you mean the request for the JS file 404's?
doesn't socket.io include like flash and shit too?
@SomeKittens yes
with Primus you could be like "hmm maybe Engine.io would be better" switch one line of code
and you're now using Engine.io instead
@rlemon wait, can you still connect to the websocket through server:b?
@Loktar yea I know. I will look into it :P
@david yes and no.
old code still works.
new code, nadda
my text editor has a button it installed and I can edit any text-feild in it. haha
I mean if you manually open a websocket to it does it redirect through the ssh tunnel and shit all properly? Is it just the socket.io.js file that is 404ing?
the socket.io isn't the issue. I should have lead with that
the proxy is
> server:b proxies all websocket requests (app.on('upgrade') .. and then forwarding the .get/.post for the fallback) and this all works.
once I introduce the routers it is no longer serving me socket.io :P
and that's because it's inserting the route name in the http request for socket.io.js?
tried putting the code in the router and in the app.js main app.blah
I'm pissed I forgot my laptop
What extension is that?
it has all the new code on it
I use an automatic drive backup :)
good for you
Still lose files
I use put it on my network drive and local drive
haven't lost a file yet
I use a usb for important things
i use google drive for random shit and github for code :P
I use github for my code, not my companies. although we have an account. I'm just stupid apparently.
and a bitbucket for private code
@rlemon You're not the only one
i wish my text-editor supported bitbucket
and I had a better laptop than this chrome OS shit tank
Note to self: push all work code to github you lazy arse.
can we please leave this. I'll cancel tomorrow
I'm too lazy to find my phone.
@rlemon !!nudge
!!help nudge
@BenjaminGruenbaum nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, /nudge remove id to remove, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
cap is unreliable.
restart clears it
Now whose fault is that?
Zirak didlike 90% of it
95+ I reckon
I'd check but I lost the github link
which also reminds me...
that deserved more dots.......
I thought I fixed that!
Your profile description is hilarious @Wyatt
@rlemon lel
I am working on it
not sure what should be done there
!!> "RFC#226".match(/\b#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\b/ig)
@rlemon ["#226"]
specifically exclude the hash if precluded by "RFC"?
I don't get why this fails...
@NickDugger On that game jam survey; I don't suppose we can split that first question, if we think it'd be cool to have judged entries without necessarily having award money.
please halp
@Retsam NickDugger is afk: home/beer/salad (yes, beer and salad)
The word boundaries are still there
"\bRFC\b \b#226\b"
it is all one word tho.
or does # separate words
nah, there's a space. two words
or is there not a space?
the space is the script.
I shouldn't do it to inline code
maybe hash is a word boundary?
It probably is.
!!> "123#abc".match(/\babc/)
@SecondRikudo ["abc"]
how to fix please :P
ummm ... maybe
@rlemon hallo
!!> "RFC#226 #123".match(/^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\b/ig)
@rlemon null
@rlemon What are you trying to get?
@SecondRikudo match #[0-9a-f] 3/6 times
#\d+ that's not part of a word?
a valid hex value basically
@KendallFrey problem. # is a word boundary
@rlemon Hex color?
@rlemon Well, how about...
@rlemon right...?
"RFC#226".match(/\b#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\b/ig) shouldn't return a result.
for my purposes
how do I fix this.
You want \B at the start?
!!> "RFC#226 #123 #BADA55 Foo#ba5".match(/[^a-z](#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-z]{6}))/ig)
@SecondRikudo ["C#226","#226"]
@SecondRikudo [" #123","#123"]
"RFC#226 #123".match(/\B#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}\b/ig)
@SecondRikudo [" #123"," #BAD"]
there ya go
the opposite of \b
pushed, waiting to publish
Eh how does that help here?
Wouldn't \B match letters too?
RFC#123 #123 #bada55
ignore the white theme
no no no
I want the white theme
uninstalled the old one to push the new one. I get updates slow
#123#123 A#123!#123
the dark theme is terrible for me. I removed it immediately. Do you have a white theme?
@FlorianMargaine you just want the JS portion of this?
no, I want the whole theme
just, you know, in white.
but I get migraines from the white
I like the borders et al
that is all js :P
send the js then
all the theme changes in white to dark?
the css is the light to dark. the top colored bars and the hex replacement is js
#123.#123 a,#123 b:#123 d;#123 e'#123 f"#123 h@#123 i$#123 j%#123 k^#123 l&#123 m*#123 n(#123 o)#123 p-#123 q_#123 r+#123 s=#123
send js then
the top colored bar script generates a css sheet
Just found out about this => caniuse.com/#search=async .... damn IE, though
everyone got his own color?
some people overlap. but if you click on the bar you get a prompt to enter a new one or get a random one
saves in localStorage
how do you install userscripts in chrome?
going to upgrade the extension to use extension storage or w/e so it persists a crossed computers
if I drop, it opens the script in a file:///...
If you made me brown.... >:(
1 sec.
@rlemon chrome.storage.sync
drop it in chrome://extensions
@taco you are #a0ae96
but it needs the user-script headers to work there
@Shmiddty it isn't an extension the way it is
or you can get a userscript extension
44 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
if I drop, it opens the script in a file:///...
@Shmiddty sounds like a better idea
33 secs ago, by Shmiddty
but it needs the user-script headers to work there
I like minimalist, for the most part
save locally and drop in chrome://extensions
And @rlemon made an extension specifically for his dark theme
tampermonkey is pretty good
@Shmiddty I honestly hope it works well enough
otherwise... another revision
I'm already on Version
aaaaand published
@rlemon Do you have a proper repo?
I don't want to insult @OliverSalzburg and not have it directly link back to his with the revisions i've made. he did the majority of the leg work on the CSS as I understand it
at this point merging in those changes, because @KendallFrey made some as well before I got it, sounds tedious
and i'm super lazy
so I've been pushing it off, which is making it worse :P
@rlemon Just make a repo with a CONTRIBUTORS.TXT file and be done with it ffs
@OliverSalzburg how would you prefer I proceed? totally upto you.
@rlemon Does he have a repo?
So for starters, fork and push
You can PR at any point...
forked for starters
will do other work later
@rlemon If all changes are upwards compatible, you can use git add -p to add incremental changes to the staging area
not all are
he doesn't want @KendallFrey's changes afaik. don't know about mine
@rlemon git add -p saves you there too
some of mine fix things that were not styled before - I'll make PR's for them individually
-p (for partial, I think) allows you to choose specific changes made to files and add only those to the staging area
and it's interactive!
So you can edit a file for hours, and then add changes and commit in several pumps.
And, as @FlorianMargaine mentioned, it's interactive!
@FlorianMargaine and I will work on figuring out how the fuck extension options pages work. I've tried... ugh.
then I will allow you to install it as an extension and disable the css
I love magit for that though, I can just select the lines I want to stage. -p is nice but... chunking and chunking and chunking can be bothersome
@rlemon Hmm, that's fairly simple I think
@rlemon uh? just copy paste chrome's
it is, but live changes to the host page are a pita
or at least they were the first time I tried
admitted, only done an options page once (in an extension)
@rlemon Meh, just require a refresh.
That functionality can be added later with a PR
@rlemon with chrome 40, the new options API integrates the options form in the extensions page
it's pretty nifty

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