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He is the community manager, yes. Careers is not part of the community (honestly)
@Jhawins I would not find job offers for a company that make installers and toolbars that do fishy things relevant to me. I would not get to the receptionist to begin with. I wouldn't work in a porn site. I wouldn't work in a lot of things.
@Jhawins Careers works because of the community, just because it's not part of the community doesn't mean there is no community impact.
@Jhawins afaik Careers is on topic for meta
no harm in him asking
@rlemon Nobody said it wasn't
@rlemon he is not criticizing me asking - he's criticizing me pushing Tim for a clear answer.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes of course. But Tim likely doesn't manage that community
Starts here:
why ask a question if you don't expect a clear answer
15 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
You are asking the wrong person is my point.
yea i've been reading along
@Jhawins I'm asking the community - that's why I've raised it for discussion.
And there is no clear answer in the end unless they outline what is and is not ethically acceptable which is easier done on-the-fly than ahead of time.
He is a big part of the community and the community has impact in decisions involving careers. Especially since it's their primary business model and a lot of us - me for example - have a say on whether or not we use careers to recruit or not.
Right, I support asking the community. I don't support criticizing Tim for not giving you the black and white answer because Tim isn't the person to do this.
@Jhawins I've criticized every other answer equally when not providing an actual answer.
Tim's just matters more because of who he is in the community.
It looks to me like he may as well have said "They should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis". You seem very focused on the specific job posting you mentioned but you have actually asked an extremely broad question.
@Jhawins you can let users with over 10K and experience on the badge leave comments on employers (giving employers a chance to respond) for example.
@Jhawins Of course it's a broad question it's a meta discussion on ethics :P
You want a specific answer to a broad question, correct?
I'm not focused on that company - it's the one thing "grounding" it though.
From the guy who doesn't manage that :P
Reminds me of the Crockford license.
@Jhawins no, I want a company policy and/or a community consensus on a topic that's important to me.
@SomeKittens Yes, that's always fun to poke fun at.
By all means push for an answer but my only opinion was that you should respect Tim's professionality (he has obviously disclaimed the opinion from SO/SE already), they may have already had an in-house discussion on this for all we know. But obviously he is being somewhat cryptic and I doubt he would be doing it for no reason.
He manages the community, Careers is a part of the community in a way you are right but Careers is a paid service. They make money off of that, it's a little different.
@Jhawins here is what I would expect: Either a "No, sorry, this is too much work and will scare away business - it's hard to confine and we don't want to create an impression an employer is criticized for participating but please do flag jobs you think are problematic and we'll manually review them".
Or a "Yes, developer satisfaction is our focus and we want to make sure developers are happy with the jobs they apply to using our system. We will make steps to enable a more ethical jobs site in the future and have assigned X for the task - please make feature requests if you have anything specific"
Why in the world would you expect either of those from Tim Post
me: hey, do you know if A is still using the testing server for the demo?
B: ohh yea, he was done with that on sunday.
me: cool <shuts down server and starts making changes>
... 15 minutes later
A <phone call>: why did the server crash?!
me: sigh
I get that you want that answer. Tim can't give it to you.
Hey, if you'd like to contribute to the gamejam, please fill out this questionnaire! goo.gl/forms/9ztFK9hkRq
^ please pin
@NickDugger enjoy
@Jhawins take either of those, make them personal and add "In my opinion".
I recall the last podcast I sat in for. They kept bringing up careers and kept asking for questions... Everyone just made fun of how badly they wanted to push careers and didn't ask any questions. You had a time when you could've asked people who make the decision and get an answer in real time but now is not that time and you get to wait :P
@Jhawins I asked career questions during that podcast :D
anybody wanna talk about mocha? I got a question - how to run it in a browser if somebody can point me to a good tutorial. The top google results aren't very good
nice @NickDugger
great questions as well
@NickDugger What is this
16 hours in 1 day of doing what?
Do you know what a gamejam is?
> Should we have a room sponsored/hosted game jam?
If an individual or group of individuals wants to put one together thats fine as long as they are willing to organize it.
Feel free to google it
@Jhawins a period of time where you make a game for fun
I didn't mean to dodge your first question, I just didn't sufficiently read it. — Tim Post ♦ 46 secs ago
That's settled then.
lol 16 hours is the shortest option and I am asking if that is consecutive hours?
usually a smallish window.
yeah generally consecutive
16 hours would probably be 8 hours in any time zone
@taco look at an example of it run in a browser for some library/framework and adapt from that. That's waht I did.
There are 24/48 hour options as well haha
ones that aren't consecutive rely on the honor system and are meh imo
I think I found how to run mocha in the browser mochajs.org/#browser-support
yeah I chose 24, gives you a day to pump something out, but 48 wouldn't be bad either
Idk I would not be productive in a "X hours straight" environment. And I don't have relevant experience. So I'm 140% not in this
I chose 48
I need at least two days
> code drunk, debug sober â„¢
^ that takes time
I made my buggy helicopter game in 18 hours
I didn't choose anything since I don't think I'll be able to participate but I like the idea and think it's cool :)
the trigonometry is what took me the longest to figure out.
I just don't have any desire to work on a project for 16 hours straight hahaha. Or am I not picturing this correctly still?
@NickDugger It's broken, I can't enter anything less than 16 for the first one
@KendallFrey hurr hurr there is an optional notes box at the bottom
@Jhawins you have 20 hours to fold this paper in half.
I don't sit that long
@Jhawins thats usually the point though
will you spend all 20 hours on it, or understand you just have to have it done in 20 hours
a time crunch to see what people can do
Oh so it's a limit not a "GTF Back here and work on this with us we have 8 hours left!!"
I assumed teams of 1
everyone is given 16/24/48 hours and has to try and make something within the time allotment
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks. Gonna probably do a combo of the vanilla mocha example here mochajs.org/#browser-support and this github.com/yahoo/intl-messageformat/blob/master/tests/… just to run one example test
@NickDugger so enter 16 and then say THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT?
@rlemon yeah me too
And everyone has to pay $10 to the winner
@KendallFrey Yes
Oh and everyone just does their own thing?
@copy lol
@Jhawins usually yea
@copy I wouldn't be opposed to putting up some award money and have some people judge entries
Blegh I'll be a judge.
that should be a question @NickDugger
@Jhawins make me win. 50:50 the prize
I don't mind it either, but some people don't like that aspect
@rlemon I had some... favors in mind
This is how the game industry works right? I'm the reviewer, sleep with me if you want 5 stars
!!afk smoke
fuck you socket.io! you are installed! stop throwing 404!
For the record, I will not be participating if there is judging.
Good to know
I won't be participating if I'm expected to pay $10 to some loser on the other side of the planet
That was a joke
Ill participate either way but will only send dollars.
@SomeKittens why..
Nah, I'd offer up the award, but it seems to not be wanted anyways
@Jhawins Not worth my time.
You Dont like winners?
So its not worth your time if someone will win but it is if no one will? That's bs
wow I thought the ethics thing would get like 10 votes, I thought it was at 30 0_0
How does it change anything. Be capable of not caring who wins lol its a nice way to live
I code for fun, not to let someone else decide my work sucks
@Jhawins I don't like the feeling of competing against my friends.
It doesn't mean you suck... The non-winner doesn't have to suck that just means they weren't the favorite of the judge in their own personal opinion.
@KendallFrey your face sucks.
Lol do you have ego problems? I'm trying to see where this causes conflict for you? Why ya gotta make everything such a big deal?
I have ego problems
leggo my ego
There's nothing wrong with having a competition.
@Jhawins I agree with you, but be nice
I never won the js1k, was still fun as hell
I could handle competition based on some objective criteria, like who can remotely shut down all the other contestants' computers first
speaking of that one is currently going on
@copy iWill...
also lost the github game compo thing.. still super fun
I love how supportive you guys are
@Jhawins personal opinions suck
It's one thing to have a general competition (i.e. GHGO), but it's another when it's among friends.
only if people take it seriously
and more than what it is
I mean @zirak will win anyway so its a moot point in the end anyway
@SomeKittens look you made a good game. Some guy beat you and his game didn't even qualify and that was total bullshit but that doesn't have to ruin every contest like it :P
@Jhawins ...this isn't about the js13k?
I made my first survey because it looked like fun please take 2 minutes and fill it out. thanks.
Alright lol..
@SomeGuy Made a farting astronaut, that beats anything tbh
@BasementKeyboardHero lol
Poopy Pigeon
Crossy Road is a dumb game
^ interesting git implementation in js
Idk I'm pro-comparison. I say compare everything to everything else and determine what's better on each case. In pretty much everything in life lol. So a competition (comparison) of games made in a gamejam seems very productive to me for all involved but I know I am not the whole world and Indiana has totally fucked my brain for the last 20 years haha.
Well if we have one I am doing a Zack Morris timeout for like a week and making something badass, then Ill resume time.
@BasementKeyboardHero Hahaha, we have better plans for later too! :p
@SomeGuy have you submitted it anywhere, like Kongregate or anything?
Or plan on it when you add more?
Yes, we plan on it
But I only work on it in spurts, so it'll never get done :p
Going to tip the authors fo sho
hahah I know how that is
/me looks at some game about a dude with a grapple, can't even remember the name
Hahaha grapplehero was fun I played that while poopin many times
Tip what authors?
you can tip the game makers on kongregate iirc
there is a tip jar, and the devs get so much of the $$
yeah grapple hero was my favorite bathroom game for a while :P
:? stop saying that it might motivate me for a day
Where's that reskin :P
@Loktar Make it, man!
Let's make a deal
alright whats the deal
You and I both finish the game by a set deadline
Dec 31st 2015?
And I don't punch @SomeGuy in december
Hahaha isn't that too long?
lol yea
what about.. the summer?
like July 1st?
@mikedidthis Want to weigh in? I think you have some art to do for Space Burn too
Also we should totally cross promote, I can put your dude in mine as an easter egg or something lol
Oh, yeah, that'd be great
That's an awesome idea
yeah that would be really cool
lol like your dude could be floating around in the background on a level or something idk
I'm starting to get excited about it again :p
Hahahaha yeah!
hey y'all... does mongoose work with meteor?
Have you played a recent version of Space Burn btw?
no not really recently
I think I pinged you on IRC with a link, but I'm not sure you saw it
have a link?
yeah I tried that
Okay, so I haven't updated it since then, so never mind :P
ah yeah I just tried and remembered what I did last time.. it was hard as hell lol
performance is awesome
are you using your own engine or something else?
Hahaha I guess I'll have to make it easier. Everyone seems to find it difficult
It's my own
damn nice
Performance is good on my computer, but some older ones lag a lot on FF
I have to look into that
A goal would be cool maybe? Like you have to fly in the direction of an arrow
get to some end spot to go on to the next level? idk
right now I just kind of randomly fly around
Yeah, Zach suggested that too
maybe he has to get back to his ship or something idk
Right now, you have way more health and fuel than you should
I got 25$ :D
I kind of want to make it a day by day thing
So you start off really weak
ooh yeah that would be cool as well
And then you buy upgrades
Until you can finally go far enough or collect enough shit or something
@BasementKeyboardHero Altarian dollars!
@SomeGuy WOA
nice game
Thank you :D
@SomeGuy do me (and @Zirak) one favour?
@SomeGuy Any goal to it?
s/var buttons = require('./buttons');/var buttons = require('./butts');/
@SecondRikudo WIP, so not yet
Shop not functional either?
@SecondRikudo It is partially
Can't purchase anything
That's the last thing I started before just never working on it again
@SomeGuy ping me with the commit making this change
thanks :)
@SecondRikudo The last row works, IIRC
And fuel and health
The other items are just there so I don't forget
always require butts
I get nothing when I click
Got 164 dollars
You won't. Just go back to the game and try the space bar
Get the explode power up
And try hitting space ingame
@rlemon That's a brilliant idea. Thank you XD
Ah, lol
You shoot with your engine
Haha yeah. We need a tutorial and all too :p
As I said, WIP
Very slow progress
If you let the stream hit asteroids you don't lose health
Yeah, you use your jetpack as ammo
Destroy rocks to make more cash
Power packs do anything yet?
I don't even remember what you're talking about :D
So no? :p
@SomeGuy The yellow things with the lightning icon
That's the fuel, yeah
some chinese guy owns 17jam.com
what a noob
That works fine
@NickDugger That'd be a good name :/
We do have JavaScriptroom.com though
That's what I called the gamejam. I'll just buy the .net or something instead
@Neal setup gamejam.javascriptroom.com and give @NickDugger access
@rlemon hmmm?
I swear to god neal
I will punch you in the liver
God dammit neal
@Neal Never change
Huh? I am working. I am not even paying attn to this room at all
@SomeGuy "poison" seems useful
(I expect him to ask me what I'm talking about too :p)
I'm at work, though working is debatable
@Jhawins Hahaha yep. It's there just for the achievement that makes you realize how badly you want achievements
Yeah, what does Poison do?
(Achievements have been planned, not implemented yet!)
@SecondRikudo you just slowly die
@SomeGuy needs a 'upgrade' that turns the fire into poop
@rlemon one sec. ill set up FTP etc
@rlemon Already on it
OHH and the asteroids become slides
call it 'lemon mode'

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