People that come in here and go on about how ES6 is bad, or it's not well supported, or it's too easrly to use it, etc... they don't know what they're talking about.
The day babel goes into the deep roots of static analysis and code execution timeline prediction to support proxies is the day JS tooling will triumph.
@MadaraUchiha I was checking your code above. The official .map() returns a function with the "current" element being executed in a loop as the first argument. But in your code why are you always returning arr[0] ? Why it shouldn't be arr[i] instead ?
not the hype in itself but seeing people getting all excited and piling up frameworks when you can do things the "regular" way by just writing a coupld of words more, without needing to re-learn everything and piling up a huge buggy stack on top
@Michael Please create a fiddle on (or put the code on showing the issue in as less code as possible. See our guide on creating an MCVE.
Here is my code in a fiddle: Its for handling file attachments, however, it doesnt work right if the user clicks "cancel" at the fileDialog.
When i look at let, i think it just fixed a problem that is only present in poorly written code. If all of those loops were instead written using forEach, map, reduce, etc, the problem wouldn't exist.
please someone why is this happening I a binary number "1100101000000000" ... now I have to find the max number of cnsecutive 0's between two 1
I actually have my second round of toptal process .. I was going through some of those sample problems and I realise I am terrible at !web dev
@Michael But since you are using <input type='file'> therefore you have to use var file = $("input")[0].files[0] // If user can select only 1 file at a time
@trilolil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AwalGarg I went to one of those deep web sites today .. using tor .. one chat room was there .. it had a socket.c and index.php and a .js file .. they have done those whole room and join room thingy in C ..
@ZahidSaeed still having an issue. Cant set Stored Variables value back into input commented out the line where that happens because its broken
@argentum47 heh, I have to control audio and brightness level by echoing the level value to the correct file in /sys/class/<something> from the terminal :P
@copy ok... so like take numbers = "binary number".split(); then take numbers[i] | numbers[i+1] == 0 then increment count.. and if 1 then store count in array and reset counter .. and then sort array and take last value ?
Anyone here familiar working with FileDialogs? I am having trouble retaining the file that user has selected if they reopen the fileDialog and click cancel: