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@SterlingArcher hard as hell man
morning shrek
So what's with this "Let's Encrypt" thing? letsencrypt.org
Anyone have any good links?
define good
@twiz Effort to make encrypted web traffic as easy & painless as possible
but does it succeed?
My crystal ball is in the shop at the moment
As I wouldn't mind havin me some free SSLness.
technically speaking, there's nothing stopping them from what they're doing.
Good enough crypto for privately websites and maybe small shops
Not so different from the free startssl.com offer, except with big players behind it
And no commercial interest
It'll be much better implemented of course
So overall, a great idea
ohh, nice. I've been meaning to get a cert..
for personal use
@rism just got a call from that exact same number, I answered, but the call dropped out. So weird
@rlemon shit!
anyone there?
I'm having the express index.js file
res.render('index', { title: 'Express', panel1_title : 'Test 1' });
however from my page, I'm only able to access the title but not panel1_title
what am i doing wrong?
ok, i got it.. it was working fine.. i just had to restart the server
Damn Kerbal Space Program and it's ability to be awesome and terrible at the same time.
stackoverflow.com/a/32940249/2476755 why is the jQuery tag full of so many terrible answers (which are accepted)?
@royhowie Because there's a correlation between programmers who use jQuery and inexperienced programmers (and a resulting correlation people who answer StackOverflow questions on jQuery and inexperienced programmers).
How do you do you configure a live reload feature for node (actually express) 's static assets - html, js, css, etc...?
Q: Adding exceptions in blur event

Tushar ShuklaI'm making a simple Multiple Choice Question form. I want to put validation that if a user CLICKS on Question <textarea> and clicks somewhere else on page while not entering value in <input type="text" name="q1_option1"> of options of the question, then the user should get an alert("Wait, you for...

Please help me with this question :(
Can express know if a static file is being served?
i want event on element inserted with specific class
Q: make equation from mathml which is computable by python

user1989Part of my projects deals with getting equation from mathml which can be send to python.The python should easily handle the equation .The mathml is given below .The expected python equation is also given below.What modification should be given to this javascript to get that.. var mList = [...

@user1989 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Adding exceptions in blur event

Tushar ShuklaI'm making a simple Multiple Choice Question form. I want to put validation that if a user CLICKS on Question <textarea> and clicks somewhere else on page while not entering value in <input type="text" name="q1_option1"> of options of the question, then the user should get an alert("Wait, you for...

please help :(
@user1989 You know this is the JavaScript room right?
Oh sorry. The question is JS alright.
@Sheepy yes the question is on javascript
@Sheepy can you please help me
Is the answer not correct?
> A promise is something you break if you're an asshole. Async is something you fix if you're a plumber.
From the ember slack channel x.x
yes the answer is not comming as expected
@sheepy can you please go through that question
@user1989 Sorry. Your question is a bit too heavy for the attention I can spare now. In most SO chatroom, if someone is free and can help, they will help. You won't gain much from reposting the question in such a short time. We usually call that spamming.
morning :)
@Sheepy ok
1 hour ago, by deostroll
Can express know if a static file is being served?
Why does this work
`document.cookie.split(';').map(function(value){ var key_val = value.split('='); var key = key_val[0]; var val = key_val[1]; return { key : val }; })`
But this does not work
`document.cookie.split(';').map(function(value){ var key_val = value.split('='); return { key_val[0] : key_val[1] }; })`
@Sohaib I'm pretty sure the above doesn't work as you intended either
@Sohaib Because { key_val[0] : key_val[1] } is invalid syntax. You can do { [key_val[0]] : key_val[1] } in ES6, but not ES5.
@RoelvanUden Yeah that one just gives the key.
@Sheepy Can I know why?
@Sohaib A variable cannot be used as key in an object literal.
can any one tell me how can i call this http://paste.ofcode.org/aiHVUh2dQSAvmdgzcw2a7f
on page load ?
@Rahul Call it? It doesn't do anything by itself.
here you go
@Maurize woa
90's called, they want their code back
90's called? Where are you, I'm coming! Party
Is it possible to use :contains on a jquery element i.e. I know we can use it on a selector like so $("p:contains('some text')") but how would I use it if I have only reference to the `p` element in this case i.e.

    var $p = ..; // After some logic, I have the reference to element.
    // Can I do something like this? to find the occurences in the element
    $p.find(':contains("some text")')
@KamranAhmed You can probably use .add
Sorry, I did not get that, would you please provide an example?
@RoelvanUden got it i can call like this paste.ofcode.org/nBwatgQpG3VajfTziXZ9wL
$p.add(':contains("some text")')
But you're probably better off doing $p.text().indexOf('some text')
nice, stable chrome has lambdas now
Uh, lambda?
arrow function
Oh, I only know lambda's being referred to as anonymous functions
But is it enabled by default? Or is it still hidden under a flag?
brand new I think, weren't there last week
Nah, they've been in for at least a month
not on my machine at least
1st September Chrome 45 was released, which contained them. Are you on the stable channel?
I would expect to be
Indeed, it is available without flag now. Before I think you have to enable the harmony flag. Also template string.
Hmm. So what does the harmony flag do now?
@Sheepy There's still spread and destructuring etc that aren't available as standard
I see. It is still pretty good. It even support let and const, which Firefox doesn't do for normal webpages.
I wish we had a flatten method
among other things
I just want a native range function :(
Because I'm lazy
yeah, that too
though we are getting close
Array.from({length}, (v, i) => i)
not quite
I think
[for (i of Array(length).keys()) i]
Though that's a bit different
That's what I was looking for :p
doesn't seem to work :P
Tricks are nice. I love tricks. But I'd still like to have range...
though it should
I'm seriously fucking considering disabling JavaScript by default and enable it on a per-site basis
It's ridiculous. Page loads with JavaScript: 8 seconds. Without JavaScript: 0.5 seconds. All content still works, all menus still work, scrolling is faster.
@MadaraUchiha noscript.net
A: onclick function in php variable

MaurizeUse php's echo to return html/css/js stuff: http://php.net/manual/de/function.echo.php <?php $delete = " <a onclick='confirm_(\"deleterecord.php?chkid=$sl&table=$getid&path=$validURL'\")'; class='link'> <img src='images/dustbin.png' width='43px' height='30px'> </a>"; echo($delete...

@MadaraUchiha what site ?
I realize your need for ads to live, but you don't get to be obnoxious about it
@DenysSĂŠguret Israeli (crappy) one
Lots of sites rely on js, just use ublock?
Gizmodo loads over 20mb of ads for me, less than 1mb with ublock
@BenFortune Doesn't work when they serve it from their domain
Guys who went back from iojs to node js following their merge, was it easy and OK ?
@DenysSĂŠguret I did, and it was.
@DenysSĂŠguret 0 problems, 10/10
I use nvm though
no strange shit with npm then ?
Not that I've encountered.
@MadaraUchiha is nvm alright now? Last time I tried to use it, it fucked up my paths
@BenFortune Never had that problem
But you can similarly use n (on npm)
I had problems with nvm too, so I finally decided to build and install iojs from the sources taken in the GH repository
I always build from latest
@DenysSéguret debian unstable has node 4.1.1
I don't have Debian unstable, I have Ubuntu buggy
just got 4.1.2
says it's an "important security release"
12h ago...
not surprising that debian doesn't have it yet.
windows has it
something like this possible?
dom = {
	sidebar = {
		visible = false

dom.taskbar = document.getElementById("taskbar");
dom.sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");

console.log(dom.sidebar) //should return object
@Maurize it's not valid js
if that's what you're asking
@FlorianMargaine I'm asking for a smart way to finish this task.
Define object and attributes
@Maurize Object.assign
@MadaraUchiha never heard about this :D
Congrats! You're one of today's lucky 10k
released exactly 1 week
dom = {
	taskbar: {
		visible: false
	sidebar: {
		visible: false

window.addEventListener("load", function(){
	Object.assign(dom.taskbar, document.getElementById("taskbar"));
	Object.assign(dom.sidebar, document.getElementById("sidebar"));
dis will definitely not work a shit :D
@Cerbrus great call on the duplicate, noted for later use
is getting worse :(
@BenFortune :(
It's almost like people don't bother to learn JS before jumping into Node
guys, question
@DanOchiana Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does anyone know a more elegant way of adding time delay between some function calls
adhoc ex: async.eachSeries([....],function(callback){ setTimeout(callback, 1000)})
[fn1, fn2, fn3].map(f => setTimeout(f, 1000))
I got a div which position is: left: -75%;
how can I get this value in js?
yeah, was hoping for something above setTimeout
Hi Friends..
How can I access a .js file from another .js file
not from HTML
withoutusing HTML
Any idea?
requirejs, commonjs browserify
How can we use this?
can u give brf idea?
I m new to js
@MadaraUchiha No problem ;-)
if anyone has some time to kill
@satish requirejs.org ;-)
it('gets redefined', () => {
  const proxy = createProxy(StaticDescriptor);
  const Proxy = proxy.get();
  const instance = renderer.render(<Proxy />);
  Object.defineProperty(instance.constructor, 'answer', {
    value: 7


  renderer.render(<Proxy />);

posted on October 06, 2015 by Nicholas C. Zakas

As you might have read not too long ago, I recently moved my site from Wordpress to Jekyll[1]. In so doing, I ended up using Jenkins[2] to periodically build and upload my site to S3. Having a Jenkins instance running turns out to be quite useful for all sorts of tasks and so I've been...

read this test and tell me what you would expect to happen
proxy takes a react component and keeps instances updated with new replacement components
so in that case we create a proxy with a component, change a static value of the component, the update it with a new component with a new static value, and render
bah, on second thought, this will result in more questions than answers
too much context :\
Is it not doing what's expected?
it's a test from react-proxy, what is supposed to replace react-hot-loader
he defined a new answer, then updates the proxy with a component that has another answer (43) but the rendered number is still 7
How one can close a pop up using javascript?
guess I'll post an issue
Thanks @RoelvanUden
@Ant's The correct answer would be "never open it in the first place because popups are fucking annoying"
The answer you want is that you keep a handle of the window you've opened, and then you can call .close() on it.
"Hmm, that command threw an error telling me exactly what I should do. I know, I'll post a question on SO!"
@Ant's "Thanks, I won't use obnoxious popups"? or "Thanks, I'll use obnoxious popups regardless"?
(/me still being hopeful)
Every time you invest time and energy in an answer and in the end you don't know if it is accepted.
I like obnoxious popups, they tell me it's time to leave a website, update /etc/hosts and never come back
Q: How to Set For Loop in javascript removing the first item and Loop in steps of Four

donkriptonGood day house, I intend to Loop an HTML code using javascript For Loop that will Loop and take the second tr, sixth tr, tenth tr an so on. here is my code below. <tbody> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr> <tr></tr>...

1 more vote :-)
json result = "Thanks <strong> Name </strong>"; $message.html(result);
Name is render as strong html tag
Does any one know, how can I decode the <strong> tag to show in exact html format
In an angular view, how do I show the result of a snippet of JS? In this case, I tried {{new Date().getFullYear()}} but it's really not okay with that. How can I do something like this?
{{(new Date()).getFullYear()}}
That should work
is there not a smarter way to detect if the whole element is not clicked?
		if (e.target != document.getElementById("sidebar") && document.getElementById("sidebar").offsetLeft == 0){
			if (e.target.parentElement == document.getElementById("sidebar") || e.target.parentElement.parentElement == document.getElementById("sidebar")){
				return false;
@Cerbrus Doesn't appear that way. I tried that, and with the proper) end as well, still getting Token 'Date' is unexpected
@MadaraUchiha: First option :)
That's weird
What's the context of that snippet, @RoelvanUden?
Has anyone had trouble updating a webapp running on chrome?
When I open the webapp on Firefox the updated code is visible but not on Chrome
@Cerbrus Essentially a footer where I want to show the full year without putting code on the controller for that (Because, c'mon, that should be on the view):
  <div id="footer" ng-show="version">
    &#169; MyCompany 2011 - {{(new Date().getFullYear())}} | MyProduct {{version}}
@RoelvanUden Date isn't available in Angular's scope
Expressions are evaluated against $scope and not window
@BenFortune: I see, that's news to me...
@BenFortune Same here. Makes some sense though.
I mean, you could do something like $scope.Date = function() { return Date(arugments); };
Hi All
I am trying to show a email address with masked text like *
something like this
so split string then replace all characters of parts but first and here you go
sorry it should be like this actually:
What's the logic?
I don't know.. it is a requirement from my colleague who is working on some project
email = "[email protected]";
parts = email.split(".");
splitter = parts[0].split("@");
name = splitter[0];
provider = splitter[1];
console.log( name + provider + parts[1]);
just modify the splitter and replace some characters with *
@Mr_Green If you don't have requirements it is impossible to satisfy them.
I think I better go with string manipulations as shown by Maurize
thanks all
Can i add HTML Tags inside this json string like this,

[{"Mat_id" : "2","Mat_Name" : "Steel",
"Measurement" : "<b>mm</b>","Description" : "Steel"}] , But i didnt get my Measurement column values in bold...
Yes, you can add HTML inside JSON
yes, but
modal.find('.success-msg').html(msg).show(); , the text is not bold, its simple text.
you want it to be bold?
if (e.target.parentElement == document.getElementById("sidebar") || e.target.parentElement.parentElement == document.getElementById("sidebar") || e.target.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement == document.getElementById("sidebar")){
isn't there a shorter way to perform this check?
yes, actually the Mearsurement: "Thank you <b> class name </b> you class code is <b>class code </b>" @Mr_Green
@Maurize DRY, use a recursive function to check the parents.
var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");
var pElement = e.target.parentElement;
var gElement = pElement.parentElement;
var ggElement = gElement.parentElement
if(pElement === sidebar || gElement === sidebar || ggElement === sidebar){
Ben that was good I think
@pirabdulwakeel no Idea bro
might be @BenFortune have an idea, of html in json string
function checkParents(element, toCheck) {
	while(element.parentElement) {
		if(element.parentElement === toCheck) {
			return true;
		element = element.parentElement;
	return false;
@BenFortune yeah got an similiar idea. Recursive is much better as dump multiple elements.
Okay? :D
He takes care of it.
@Maurize He do.
Q: Load denied by X-Frame-Options : colorbox is not able to open PDF in iframe

Shreshtt BhattI am facing issue while opening PDF into colorbox iframe. Here is the approach which i have done so far.. Read file in FileInputStream and write it in OutputStream. Java Code Snippet .. response.setContentType(imageContentType); OutputStream out = response.getOutputStre...

@ShreshttBhatt is X-Frame-Options being set in a header?
@ShreshttBhatt That's.... actually a well phrased and structured question. Thank you for that. +1.
<meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="SAMEORIGIN">
Then there's your answer.
No, in a header.
(I don't know the answer for it though, sorry :()
@ShreshttBhatt in the HTTP headers
Read Rory's comment. If the problem still persists after removing the meta tag, then you probably have it set in a HTTP header.
ok i will try
4 messages moved to Trash can
@copy party pooper
My steam controller is about to be shipped :>
@BenFortune Wow
Oh yeah, I pre-ordered one of those
Q: Why does password_verify() work differently to md5() in PHP?

JackI want to switch our site over to using bcrypt encrypted passwords rather than md5. Here is the current code: <?php include_once('connection.php'); session_start(); $username = $_POST['username']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT c1 FROM t1 WHERE username = ...

Fucking RTFM
Mine says the release date is the 11th, ddunno when it's shipping
Well, I say about to be shipped
Ohh, Had to order it from ebgames because canada
!!ui.sortable or angular-dragdrop or my own shit?
@crl angular-dragdrop
Hai guys, how to fetch selected(HTML select tag) values in javascript using id, main theme is that selected value is passed from different file, its not the same page.
@Crysis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Crysis What do you mean it's "passed from different file"?
var el = document.getElementById('selectId');
var option = el.options[el.selectedIndex];
// access option.text for text, or option.value for value
No idea what you mean by 'passed from different file'
like this <div id = "example"> i have passed the id from different location and printing it in another page, so i cant fetch the values in it using document.getElementById
Passed the id?
"from a different page" it's not even existing in the DOM?
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@Crysis Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@Crysis ...
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@Crysis Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
Paste, CTRL+K, Enter
iam fetching the select tag value from one file, using some javascript code iam displaying it in one page <div id = "example"> , i cant fetch the displayed output of select tag using document.getElementById
10 years ago, there was a troll who was pretty famous
"luc", he was called
I tried to find links about him a couple of weeks ago, couldn't find anything :/

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