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3:00 PM
oh yeah it does
translate: Voulez vous
translate: ich bin haben das nacht
Do you want to
I am the night
in The Green Llama on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 16 mins ago, by Stack Exchange
stop impersonating me please, or I will kick ass get annoyed
3:00 PM
translate: kay kartoys mitra
kay kartoys mitra
So yeah, don't abuse it if you want to keep it
translate: lala kapetto
lala kappeto
3:00 PM
!!translate: tum kab jaaoge yahaan se?
@AwalGarg That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
translate: Voulez vous couchez avec moi
Want you lay with me
Just like your virginity
isn't that hindi?
3:00 PM
translate: !!doge translate,cool,highly useful
!!doge translate,cool,highly useful
translate: bate, bate inima
beat heart, beat
translate: tum kab jaaoge yahaan se?
tum kab jaaoge yahaan se?
3:01 PM
Caprica not enjoying the Feeds, huh
Man, I just farted so hard, it sounded like I took a jackhammer to my chair
translate: va fi bine
you will be fine
Can we not spam the feature?
translate: तुम कब जाओगे यहाँ से?
3:01 PM
When you go from here?
@Feeds hell that worked nicely :D
@SomeGuy This is user testing :D
translate: büyük şehir hayatı
big city life
translate: avada kedavra
3:02 PM
avada kedavra
!!s/translate: avada/adavir/
@Cereal adavir kedavra (source)
Bit ambitious.
@Feeds correct would be: I am have the night
3:02 PM
@Cereal adavir kedavra (source)
translate: muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine
!!s/translate: avada/translate: avadir/
@Cereal !!s/translate: avadir/adavir/ (source)
lol this room!
3:03 PM
that's a meaningful turkish word .. weird that it doesn't translate
anyone can bin the last 3 pages?
lol at you
translate: das Feature scheint noch nicht ganz ausgereift
the feature seems not yet mature
Well i am as pissed and disappointed as i have ever been in my life.
3:04 PM
wow this room got really spammy
@AaronSiciliano Can we troll you about it?
@Sippy Be my guest.
@Sippy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Sippy @AaronSiciliano Can we console you about it? (source)
in The SO Tavern (Free Snacks), 1 min ago, by Feeds
I am the Feed user and I have hijacked this room and all other rooms of this hotel?
3:05 PM
What's the crack, Aaron?
translate: ';DROP TABLE USERS;
lol awalgarg.. mysql statement xD
translate: ";console.log("wat");
3:06 PM
"; console.log (" what ");
You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
Ehh.... My dad and i just spent a year maintaining all of our racing equipment and just got both of our engines rebuilt. And we are heading out tonight to put the racecars back together so we could race next weekend and finish out the last three months of this season.
!!tell Benjamin eval 'throw exception today(troll)`
3:06 PM
@Benjamin "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
lol wut?
@CapricaSix I almost thought that was some clever acronym then.
And he asked me if i still planned on moving to Thailand with my gf... and i said yes i do but i will be back every year to help maintain the racecar and go racing and then go back to Thailand during the off season.
Oh man I'm going to skrew up this dual boot
whats that thing you just did?
3:07 PM
no i mean that throw exception today thing
His response to that was to Sell the racecars that i have worked relentlessly to make perfect, and then he said he was raising my rent at the property i am living at that he owns. And proceeds to yell at me for leaving.
@AwalGarg Stop, please?
Do it in the Sandbox if you're testing shit
3:09 PM
@ÖmerBucak Do it in the Sandbox if you're testing stuff (source)
@AaronSiciliano The last time someone did something like that to me they got excommunicated.
No offense but your dad sounds like a brat.
@Sippy He has done this to me so many times since i was a little kid. The last few times we stopped talking to each other for up to several years at a time. This time it might just be permanent.
@CapricaSix wat?
@ÖmerBucak You're allowed to swear on the internet
3:10 PM
I stopped talking to my family for a while cos of something similar.
If those around you won't be supportive they might as well not be around you.
I am finally at the point in my life where i might get lucky and land a job where i can afford to buy my own racecar and go out and do it myself. No one to fuck with me then.
@Cereal it's ok. fuck this shit then
@Sippy the worst part is i have been working roofs, concrete, excavating crawl spaces. Doing siding. Stuff like that to help pay for our racing season and parts for the cars.... And he is now just going to pad his pocket with it
@Sippy on top of that he said that his truck had broken down and cant tow and he has known this for about a year now and hasnt told me. So he never planned on going racing again anyways.
@Sippy and i almost forgot.... I have been renovating the house i am living at that he owns... out of my own pocket.... just so someone is living there and the house doesn't rot away
3:15 PM
@AaronSiciliano you're a really nice kid, you know that
yes I know too
I am really fucking not.... But Italian family.... you do everything you can for your family....
Well technically in an Italian family if one of them fucks you over you kill them .. Lol
3:17 PM
Yes.... But he is not worth it
@AaronSiciliano These points here, he owes you money. Don't let him take money from you.
!!tell Aaron wiki Stockholm syndrome
If he sells the cars, and it sounds like he always planned to
3:18 PM
It's not 1950 anymore... nobody kills nobody in Italy for that thingz
We do everything for our family but give each other money. Money ends relationships
@Cereal HAHAHAHA asshole
Some of that money is yours, dude.
I would just write down all of the work that you've done, so he has a clear picture of what you've done. In his mind, it's probably not much
@ÖmerBucak I think you are somewhat mistaken. The Italian mafias are still active ...
3:19 PM
But it's his house, he can raise the rent
even if it is a dick move
@taco Move.
Actually it is my grandmothers house, he just obtained legal power of attorney
@Sippy I know I live in Sicilia but police and secret agency have almost taken over, they're just counting their last years
technicalities @AaronSiciliano
@ÖmerBucak Italian police hahahahahaha
3:20 PM
carabinieri ;)
They are posers :)
@Sippy do you live in Italy to know that?
Oh well.... the whole goal is just get a good job and forget about him hahaha
I guess not
I have lived in Italy, yes.
3:21 PM
We're hiring in the UK I think
I happen to not be in the UK lol
The Carabinieri love wearing aviator sunglasses and high-fiving eachother.
sure but you didn't live in Sicilia where the mafia thing you're talking about comes from and is "active"
@Sippy who doesn't love doing that :/
Italy, UK, same shit right
3:22 PM
there are things like 'ndrangheta and camorra but it's the same discourse
lol Taco i live like 3 hours away from you
@taco Yeah, all foreigners
oh oops
@FlorianMargaine (@ircmaxell) Mods are also considered owners
3:22 PM
@Cereal Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
where at @AaronSiciliano
Springfield, IL
Don't you live in indiana?
@Cereal Careful, @customizedname will hunt you down for generalisations!
I was stationed in KY
3:23 PM
ooo nvm lol Someone else who lived in Indiana
Ok so you know only like 12 hours away from you hahaha
!!mute 208809 1d
@ircmaxell I couldn't find Gordon 1d.
@Sippy many of them do .. do you know about Falcone and Borsetto who died to fight Mafia right here in Sicilia?
@Zirak oh, ok
3:24 PM
@ircmaxell User Gordon not found
!!mute 208809 1d
Closest dev office to you is ATL then. I think we're like 9 hours
@FlorianMargaine You do not have permission to use the command mute
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
@ircmaxell Muted user 208809 for 1d
@Zirak sounds like...
3:24 PM
@ÖmerBucak Falcone died before I was born, guy.
sup all
hi @olive_tree
Can this room even be gallery?
@Sippy lol I know .. but what I'm saying is that there are people in the special forces and police who are actively fighting the mafia
@ÖmerBucak I didn't dispute that, I just said they like aviators.
They are posers.
3:26 PM
yeah sure :)
You gotta admit every time you see them
They are trying to act cool hahaha
hahaha yeah that's true :P it's italian mentality after all :D
Even the fat old guys think they look cool ..
3:27 PM
You don't think i ride my Ducati because its comfy do you?
The worst thing hahaha
especially :P
My eyesight isn't great, and I once saw a pot-bellied old man wearing pink on a road bike from a distance
Thought it was a pregnant woman.
hahaha lol that's hilarious
It's funny to me that italians don't get fat
They just get pot-bellied
3:28 PM
watchout I'm like that too right now :D
Like most people
@Cereal Do you live in the UK?
52% of female population can be classified obese
I used to go to fitness (and weight lifting of course) and built a lot of muscles but now that I don't muscles are more fat than anything else
that's the bad thing that happens if you stop doing it
3:30 PM
Metabolism > all
Eating yoghurt probably not a good idea with heartburn
oh well
well they say banana and nuts does wonders
Banana didn't work either :P
Nah it never did I know too xD
gotta go fellas
see ya later!
gd' evenin'
3:34 PM
hello all. Does anyone use Sublime 2 Text Editor? I want to sort some javascript code in it and want to know is there a plugin for it?
You want to sort the code? o.O
@macroscripts Do you mean format?
yeah I mean format the code. There is a good plugin in n++ . ctrl + alt +m
and it formats JS code into a really nice code.
there's syntax highlighting, yeah
3:36 PM
just get jshint and you'll be good
Never used it but that looks like what you are looking for.
how do i install this?
!!google sublime text 2 install plugin
3:43 PM
Yeah I found something
it's different then n++ but I might switch totally.
Time for a holiday.
@Cereal I have been told you got problem with foreigners
See y'all in a week or two.
@Cereal u in trubl now, boi
@CustomizedName fight me irl bruh
@Cereal How about I educate you ?
3:47 PM
I'm not doing anything right now, you go for it
@Cereal what did you say that
What did I say what
I said why did you said that :P
3:50 PM
You did no such thing
copy that foreigner
Which foreigner am I copying?
raises hand
This one
Oh baby, come here.
3:52 PM
Thanks guys for assistance
I'll copy you all night long
Can I give you rep somewhere?
@macroscripts No Worries, 5$ bill on the table
@CustomizedName No one here hates foreigners
@macroscripts Yuss, upvote all the answers
@macroscripts Not in chat. You can upvote their answers and stuff on SO though
3:53 PM
@SomeGuy Never said anyone hates anyone :)
(Kidding, don't upvote them all)
there u go :)
@SomeGuy Fuck that noise, I'll take his
@macroscripts @ThiefMaster you got a job ;)
Sounds more like the vote reversal script has a job :p
3:55 PM
Haha exactly
what does vote reversal means -_-
It means votes are reversed :o
yes but $ got to do with votes :S
You pay ThiefMaster 5 bucks, and he removes all your points ~
all of my points :O
Why though ?
4:34 PM
Grr.. getting downvoted on answers that I know are correct annoys me.
People who don't accept answers bother me. I don't care if it's mine, or someone elses, if it answers the question mark it :x
@Cereal Well, yea, there is that too. There are times I've looked at someone's answer rate / reputation before deciding if I felt like answering their question.
Cereal can't have problems with forgeiners, he's Canadian.
so what happened with the caprica trashing messages and editing them?
hey guys, I asked this previously but. when declaring a secure connection with websockets you start the connection off as wss://.. , do you still need need to do tsl/ssl encryption for the data transferred?
for the data to be safe
4:48 PM
Woot.. I'm finally a 10K user. Looking at the moderation tools, but I'll have to wait till monday to really explore them.
you'll finally see all of the stupid ass flags in the chat system
deleted content is the best part about 10K
I've got a whole list of links to look at when I get back.
I'd just hate to be in the middle of it when my ride pulls up.
@rlemon See flags in the chat system? Herm?
Yeah, whenever someone thinks a message in chat is offensive / spam, they report it
And it "pings" you
So you can review it
Guys, I need help.
Can anyone help me?
5:05 PM
Depends on what you need help with
i want to learn javascript
what will be the best way with best practice
@anurag Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks for giving rules...
Q: jQuery click event is not working

Hassan AlthafSo, basically, the jQuery code (second code), generates content from the page (3rd code), and then inserts it in a div. It perfectly does it, but when I try clicking the image and make it open up like a light view, it doesn't work. It works when I don't grab it from another page. Any help? $('.p...

5:15 PM
@AwalGarg thanks a lot
@anurag you can always upvote any of my answer to show your gratitude :)
sure sure why not
Why does npm search give me this after a long time?
npm ERR!     at Object.parse (native)
npm ERR!     at RegClient.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\
npm ERR!     at Request._callback (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node
npm ERR!     at Request.self.callback (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\
npm ERR!     at Request.emit (events.js:98:17)
npm ERR!     at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\no
@SecondRikudo oh i thought you use ubuntu :|
I generally do
5:24 PM
@SecondRikudo the response failed
This is a Windows machine
@anurag ok thanks. :)
@SecondRikudo is there somethong on top ?
@AbhishekHingnikar What do you mean?
i mean is this the entire log ?
5:26 PM
I have an array of length N - which contains promises. How can i create a sequential execution ? For example : : var g=[a,b,c....]; how can i iterate so that when a resolved , b will resolved ... I can use a().then(return b() ).then (...), but i don't know how many defereds will be in the array
@AbhishekHingnikar Ah, no
There's a gigantic json string before that
probably that string is curropt
@AbhishekHingnikar looks like it
But why does it get corrupt?
network error ?
5:34 PM
@SecondRikudo Have you tried playing with it? Does it happen on every search for anything? Can you install? How about inserting a console.log somewhere in the stack trace?
!!unmute 208809
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@rlemon Unmuted user 208809
5:36 PM
@Zirak Well, it was the first time I did it on this machine
It told me that it takes a while for the first time
But then fails
Play with it. You've debugged programs before.
But not terrible ones like npm
How can i dynamic chain : a().then(function (){return b()}).then(function (){return c()}).then(function (){return d()}).....
All i have is array if a,b,c,d
(Jq only)
(Array of promises)
(Problem is that i dont know how many elements in array ....)
@RoyiNamir Promise.all
No , i need it to run sequentially
So b will resolve only after a is resolved
Also i dont see any ALL method
5:56 PM
use BlueBird
(Was hoping to use jquery )
6:18 PM
I think it is pretty good (I got three rooms giving me feedback now :P )
It looks really good
@rlemon Put starts at the top! =D
and make them twinkle
not a bad idea
6:25 PM
who thought that would be a good idea
fucking morons
Hahahahaha I love it. >30% of the water looks like it stays in the bucket ha
The more I watch this... I don't think the bucket hits her
hello, I have issues with node.js and cheerio.

var request = require('request'),
	cheerio = require('cheerio'),
	urls = [];

//downloading links from reddit home page
request('http://www.reddit.com/', function(err, resp, body) {
	if (!err && resp.statusCode == 200) {
		//save body to variable
		//because of $ we can use jQuery selectors
		var $ = cheerio.load(body);

		//find all the links that have title in them
		//search id siteTable or #siteTable
		$('a.title may-blank', '#siteTable').each(function() {
this piece of code is suppose to work but I get
as a result
hard to tell
I guess it could be a.title may-blank
maybe blank space causes some kind of bug
6:33 PM
blank spaces indicate a child element, I believe
It's looking for a tag named may-blank that's under a.title
this gets all the links from reddit that have class property title may-blank
change it to title.may-blank
On website it's like <a class="title may-blank "
.name indicates a class
so it has two classes. may-blank and title
@rlemon that looks good man. Love the dot grid
6:35 PM
I tried
and got an error
Well i have just found out that my contract where i am working is ending sooner than i thought.
Sadly, I'm not a clairvoyant. What error, exactly?
@Cereal You don't completely understand just how heavy that bucket is.
It probably scraped into her back on the way down too lol. That's a ~20gal container
@Jhawins I'm really tired. I'm sure it nearly killed her, I just thought I saw it going behind her for awhile
6:38 PM
lol ~160lbs if it had 20gal in it and it may have! Holy shit that's stupid haha
@Cereal what kinda phone you got cc @SomeKittens too
So who wants to help me with Ace editor?
@Jhawins lumia 1020
Eww nvm
ignores cereal
6:39 PM
@SomeKittensUx2666 I like Ace
windows phone 8.1 is really good :(
Haha. Actually yeah I thought it seemed decent
If the m8 were available as Windows phone from AT&T I'd consider it but I hate the Nokia phones
@Jhawins Nexus 5
6:40 PM
@Cereal I have a 920 :D
@Jhawins How do I set up syntax highlighting?
@SomeKittensUx2666 Umm. Where are you using it
You mean you're setting it up on your own server?
The camera is super good , too
@Jhawins I guess?
6:41 PM
Idk man. Last place I used it was Koding
And they have their own weird app framework with Ace already setup :P I've never had to do it from scratch I've just used it
@Cereal Is it no longer a ridiculous cluster of chaotically scattered colorful squares?
6:58 PM
@twiz If it doesn't have a transparent background, I don't put it on my home screen. 8.1 lets you define you background. Lemme take a screenshot
Haha well I guess at least they are learning.

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