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1:00 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar nope
@FlorianMargaine follow the power line of the fan and look for an eye under matress
@AbhishekHingnikar oh nice
whats nice about that ?
um u drunk ?
1:03 PM
3 of us came up with the same idea
Just seconds away too
slightly different variations.
I think starred messages can spam on twitter considering we spam stars at times
"Hey java sucks now star this"
Well, I doubt many people would follow a bot except us
true dat.
i would follow the bot and it will update me on whats going on in the room <3
@AbhishekHingnikar Lookin suave, Abhi
1:08 PM
Now that will be tweeted ^ - see my point xD
Well, I'm pretty sure we would implement a threshold
Who wants thresholds?
yeah like 3 stars or so
in that case this will be pita
1:08 PM
Can you not spam stars, whoever that is doing it?
@AbhishekHingnikar, stop being stupid
Does anyone know if a minidisplay port would output 4k correctly..?
@SomeGuy it was me -_-
just showe'd him what can go wrong :P
@Zirak what ... dude I unstarred them too was just showing him what could go wrong on tweeting all the things
We don't really need a demonstration, you know :p
1:13 PM
@SomeGuy not u dude, sippy
ps i like practical demonstrations a lot. I am waiting for the day when i practical demonstrate how people die 3:D
He was kidding. But yeah, let's forget about it
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah, killing people is cool
@Zirak isn't it ??? but darn we can't kill them anymore -T_T-
i wish Dueling was legal still, I'd be so much happy ... or dead.
@AbhishekHingnikar Legal in Portugal.
@Sippy so i can legally kill people in portugal ?
1:16 PM
@AbhishekHingnikar Yep.
There are rules though
You can legally kill people in the US.
can't in India :-x
It's like sydney australia on a video card
1:16 PM
there is a girl i really want want want want dead
Ah sorry, Paraguay, not Portugal.
And it's only legal if both parties are blood donors.
x_x lol wtf ?
Don't ask me I didn't write the law.
There's a lot more fucked up laws in the US haha
@Cereal That site is fucking cool.
1:19 PM
It's not picking up the 50% off on newegg for the video card
Ah, had to switch it to canada
Is there any reason to believe eating a banana would help with heartburn?
I only have a banana.
@Cereal are you asking what is that heatsink on it? lol
I was making fun of it, actually
> 246 dollars
you can get it cheaper
I did
@rlemon how far is black friday ?
I was just going to use it for the os
@AbhishekHingnikar A year ..
1:22 PM
@FlorianMargaine @Loktar
@rlemon NO
@rlemon the "sale" version
!!google when is black friday
1:23 PM
Friday 28th November 2014 .
I can wait
@Cereal lol
yea i've seen some fucked prices on Amazon before
> Ships from Japan. Ships everywhere except Japan.
Happy Friday mutha fuckaas
1:26 PM
you can buy 2 of those in the discount they are giving :P
632.920 Canadian Dollar
not bad
@Loktar gotta have my bowl!
Im trying to figure out where to sit!
Which seat should I taaaaaake
@Cereal don't be blanked ... just ask his eminence the game jesus which is better
1:28 PM
@Cereal thats an old processor eh?
It is indeed
@Loktar how much you suggest i overclock my 4770k ?
its at 4.1 ?
I only know AMD @AbhishekHingnikar
@Loktar doesn't matter, everyone is 15, gonna get pulled over in any case :P
1:28 PM
I haven't done anything with AMD/Nvidia in forever
I have seen people take their 4770k upto 5 ghz ish
but i guess india is too hot for that
@Loktar your kids' game is cool
@AbhishekHingnikar I got an i7 870 to 4.1
1:29 PM
Thing ran so hot
@Cereal my room temperature is over 30 C
@Sippy haha thanks
ahaha just looked. @Loktar she was max 15 in that vid, likely 14
right now its at 48 - 56C
1:30 PM
love seeing music videos of kids driving
@AbhishekHingnikar I room temperature was 30c whenever my computer was on...
stock used to be < 45
!!doge real,awesome,makes the video
           such real
                             many awesome
much makes the video
so am worried.
1:30 PM
lol yeah @rlemon they're trying to all be grown up
alright I gotta head to work, @Cereal honeslty what I do is look at diff sites liek ibuypower/falconnorthwest/alienware and see what they are putting in theirs
and then I just customize my own build based off of those
I just buy random parts and hope they work together
1:31 PM
I'm trying to build the cheapest thing I can that has a display port, and a good processor
@AbhishekHingnikar You can always get water cooling.
Not for gaming
@Cereal the 3 core processors are quad cores that failed quality control on one core so they lock the failing core down so you cant use it and sell the proc cheaper.
1:32 PM
@Sippy hahah yeah Ive seen those, so insane
@AaronSiciliano Seriously? That's sick marketing
too much work
you have to clean the oil
(if you have pets)
I usually just buy prebuilts, but you pay a premium
as it is twice a month I have to open my case and clean it
yeah @AaronSiciliano is right, alot of times you can unlock the extra core
1:32 PM
@Cereal Have you never built a PC before?
@Sippy Yup
@Cereal Yes, and sometimes... they will actually announce that their quality control failed and they sold a grouping of quad cores as tri cores and there is nothing wrong with the fourth core so you can unlock it and use it.
As in yup you haven't or as in yes you have? HAha
Yes I have
1:33 PM
building pc's is easy
everyone only goes in one spot
You can build them so much cheaper than buying them built
I hate rmaing duds. Like, with an unparalled passion. I had a bad run with the last thing I built, and I just gave up and bought a prebuilt
I've got so much DOA crap in the past 5 years
Never had any issues with mine
I'm used to it
1:35 PM
I think a harddrive busted once
But it was IDE
It's just I get so excited to build it, and then something's broken. Ruins everything, and I have to wait forever to finish it
Kinda expected it to die at some point lol
No on actually answered my question: If I have a working linux install, can I just move the ssd to another computer and have everything work fine?
I've got DOA mobo's DOA PSUs DOA ram you name it
got a may-as-well-be-DOA tablet
@Cereal no
1:37 PM
once it detects a new CPU it'll bitch
What's the best way to backup all my configs..?
posted on August 22, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Last day to submit for BAHFest, geeks!

I'm actually more worried about the hack I did to get 4k to work. I have no idea where I put the config
just googled. looks like it might work
1:38 PM
linux is forgiving
Windows full on shuts down, lol.
Forces you buy a new copy of windows
just use phone activation
Or in my case, log into the school website and get another free key
get your old key using belarc or similar, and phone it in
@Cereal Since when?
1:39 PM
@Cereal your doin windows wrong sir.
you get a machine, you put in your crap, they give you a number to put into the OS and good to go
NEVER had issues doing that
When I put my old ssd in my girlfriend's computer, it wouldn't boot. It was specifically telling me to buy a new copy of windows.
Lol wsat
ignore that :P
Because it was manufactor installed windows, I guess
1:40 PM
Never heard of that before.
Why in the hell is rebecca blackfriday back on the starred list again?! Every week.
Every time I've seen windows complain about not being legit it's a popup that you get when you log on.
And if you close it, voila.
@Sippy Yeah, I've seen that too.
Same with MS Office, it doesn't give a shit if you activate it or not.
Like winrar?
1:41 PM
and winrar
@Makiaas ^^ true dat
Winrar is microsoft?
No winrar is rarlabs
The winrar one actually pisses me off.
Had to buy that.
Rarlabs, acquired by microsoft :p
1:42 PM
haha didnt know that
what about igor pavlov
Just saying something
Winrar > alllllllllllllllllllll
1:42 PM
I dunno what I'm talking about xD
@Cereal or just look dotfiles managers
This banana hasn't cured my heartburn
Who do I sue?
African Plantations
1:44 PM
Blame Obama
Praise Fish!
cyberpowerpc.com/system/Fang_BattleBox_I-100 this isn't actually horribly priced.
Yeah unless you put a real CPU in it instead of a tonka toy.
I disagree completely O.o
Yeah, what the balls is a pentium anniversary
1:47 PM
@Sippy Definitely
@Sippy cyberpowerpc.com/system/… this is actually horribly priced. (source)
It means its a really old processor :D
y u tell me definitely
Guys guys
It's All Venom OC certified
1:51 PM
I feel like I need a razer deathstalker ultimate in my life
Something about having a touchscreen on your keyboard .. makes me want it...
hi anyone using GWT /Sencha GXT ? Want some opinions...
As per my understanding they are Java to JS compilers
4k touchscreen laptop lolol
i wish i had my razer naga mouse back. I miss that old thing. R.I.P.
1:53 PM
I use basic microsoft 400dpi motherfucker for gaming and everything
Best mouse ever
15.6" 4K
Could use more buttons ..
no fucking thanks
/me leaves for meeting
\o/ we launching :D
so this is adorable
1:57 PM
@Cereal 1998 called and wants its web store back
Anyone who can shed some light on this. I am developing a responsive website. Attempting to test it on my Windows Phone 8 yields two different results when i change the Internet Explorer display setting from mobile to desktop. (In my website i have no media queries yet. Just percentages based on viewport width and height)
@ircmaxell Right? But the order gets here the next day, so I go here a lot
wow, a 1998 web store that works? that's unheard of
@AbhishekHingnikar tonight?
@Cereal +1 for adorable hahaha
1:59 PM
can any one help me ? when i click on the link content position is changing. this is my fiddle
@xxx hi

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