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12:16 AM
is it possible to have javascript that opens a page and then runs javascript on that page?
Not really, no.
there are other ways around it, though
I don't have access to the other pages, so it would probably be a security issue.
Actually, now that I think about it, it would be a huge security issue.
What would you call a bitmap where each pixel was a character, like in ASCII art?
1:03 AM
So got a flat tire rinding into work this morning. Some fucker's been putting tacks on a stretch of road that has a lot of cyclist traffic
Got two tacks through the back tire
the bike shop did it lol
Nathan Fielder did it
1:25 AM
I don't get it :(
He's a comedian who handles marketing for small businesses to "promote" them
He came up with the idea to rent pigeons to poop on cars and then put them in trees near the car wash
The pigeon poop was too small, so he put chickens and other large birds in the trees as well
Hahahahaha thats fuckin funny
heh, it's on comedy central on demand
1:48 AM
hey does anyone have any experience with moment.js?
@Wingpad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix I apologize, my bad! I'll just go ahead and ask then. I'm trying to find the difference between two `moment.tz` objects but the result is always NaN. What is the correct syntax to find the diff between two moment.tz objects?
I have tried `moment(endTime).diff(moment(timeNow))` and using `endTime.diff(timeNow)` gives an undefined function exception.
facepalm my PHP and JS lines got crossed again, I did new Data('now') vs new Date()
2:05 AM
Evangelion Avatar too
Turing Test Part #1 completed.
I'm uploading an EDM mix if anyone's interested in me posting a link. Gotta tag all of the songs first though
2:07 AM
Yay! How many parts remain?
And Electronic Dance Music, methinks
mixcloud makes you tag the songs manually, it sucks
I just finished Pink Floyd Dark Side of The Moon album
nearly 2 hour mix
makes me want to listen to it again :D
Which 'sub-genres' of EDM are you featuring (e.g. dubstep, dnb, trap, etc.)?
2:10 AM
Trap and some house
It was for a house party, so I planned this mix over a couple of days
cool :)
What do you listen to @Wingpad
anyone here know c#?
@taco mostly DnB, Drumstep and Progressive House as far as the EDM circuit goes
cool. Haven't really listened to Drumstep. I'll have to check it out
2:51 AM
Here's my mix
Remixes of Low, Chief Keef, Wiz Khalifa, Bro Safari, Young Thug, Grandtheft, Chance The Rapper, Dada Life, CSS, Elliphant.... the list goes on....
3:21 AM
@taco .... i listened to it and it is so not my style hahaha
yeah, if you're not a fan of rap, you probably wont like trap EDM
Like @Wingpad likes DnB (Drum and Bass)... I've tried listening to it, but it's not my thing
Want to listen to my mix of Jim Croce and Simon & Garfunkel
Do you like 80's music?
no idea who Croce is
Yes i like 80's music
Yeah, so do i
3:24 AM
Yes to 70's, and 60's and some 50's
How old are you
I thought you were younger
Just turned 22
Am i younger?
I'm 37, so yeah
young buck
Yeah... I am still figuring out my life hahaha
3:26 AM
I had just gotten out of the army at 23, so I know what you mean
it was 2000 when you were 23?
weird lol.... i bet that was a party hahaha
it was
I was at a military ball
Yeah it's all a matter of taste methinks, I listen to some '80s not much '90s mostly newer stuff otherwise
sorry for the delayed response I was off testing code and forgot about to check back
3:32 AM
We did the conga. I have pics
thats awesome
They made me patch old 386 and 286 computers for y2k
I sold all my army MRE meals on ebay for about $20 each. I made over $1,000
haha, I second Aaron, that sounds awesome
because people thought the world was gonna end
How old are you Wingpad
my friends told me stories of people buying gas tanks and stocking up gas, that sounds dangerous
and 18 years old
by a little over a month now
3:35 AM
yeah, people stocked up water, gas, bought radios
people loved the MRE's because they weren't half bad and could last forever
And then.... nothing happened
My friend has a few MRE's; he was going to let me try one once but something came up. I've never bugged him about it since but I am tempted to get one or two for my car just in case.
And yeah, it's 2038 I'd say people should be worried about
if any year
I have it on good authority that the world will end 22 days from today
ah, well I was referencing the fact that 32-bit integers representing Unix Time will overflow on January 19th, 2038 in lieu of Y2K
3:54 AM
@taco HAHAHAHAHA you sold your MRE's????
4:08 AM
@AaronSiciliano I sold all of the MRE's I could get from my Army buddies, too. I paid them about $5 each and made about $20 on ebay
@taco good foresight
yeah unix time ends in 2038. I'm sure we will plan for it this time
@Wingpad are you in the US? You can find them at Army Surplus stores or find them on ebay
Have you ever worked on a project for months got to 90% and just got bored with it? I'm almost there for this project
At least I learned a bit about node
4:24 AM
What project are you working on?
Desktop app is done, just working on the web version
Macintosh... bah lol
windows too man
Im fine with it so long as i don't have to use objective c
4:28 AM
objective c is the bane of my existence
oh, programming for osx
Java, mine
I can do Java
I'm going to have to learn it soon
Too much typing
But objective C is just ........ i just start drinking before i even try
heh, it's ok
4:30 AM
I had to make a game in objective C for the ipad and iphone.... and i wanted to kill myself
do you hop on here on weekends?
Uhm depends on what im doing... like this weekend i will probably be working on the racecar
Headin out. Peace Taco man
nice cya
maybe I should paint my last two rims
I've got two glossy black now, two plastidipped temporarily
2 hours later…
6:09 AM
@KameshJungi What's up mate
6:33 AM
Man I could go a beer right now
Go for it
good morning
In about half an hour I will
has anyone had any success with using sinon.js on your node.js run tests with mocha, or did everyone switch it out for buster?
hi all
6:44 AM
Hey All.

Want to get knowledge about the latest frameworks and libraries of javascript
@VRG Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i got an error
Unable to set property 'innerHTML' of undefined or null reference
in this line:
@VRG EventEmitter, Bluebird, js-logger, bison, ws
document.getElementById(livestations[x]).innerHTML = data;
i tried debug and livestations[x] have value.why it can be null?
@zira are you a female @Zirak?
I find that extremely invading my privacy
@AbhishekHingnikar so don't use Google products?
You explicitly agreed to all this when you signed up.
@Mahesh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
6:53 AM
can anyone know about jsfiddle jquery?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't mind advertising but not on my company account and not in chrome o_o on my home page x_x
sortable jquery
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks =)
how does twitter make its profit ?
@zira you're welcome
7:01 AM
Benjamin, don't you find that immoral ? That since there is no good alternative you are forced into ads ?
@AbhishekHingnikar no good alternative?
@BenjaminGruenbaum over google stack.
Q: Make promise dependent on another promise in Angular

Mads KI have this factory which requires a promise in GlobalService.projectJson() to be resolved before the next promise which we returns to the controller with return query.find(); How would i do that without ending up with pyramid-code? .factory('DataService', function (GlobalService) { Parse....

7:15 AM
@AbhishekHingnikar sponsored ads.
damn. 18.3k
@mikedidthis where ?
@AbhishekHingnikar in your news feed. Promoted tweets or something.
ah makes sense.
As for google, the small ads are a tiny price to pay for the service.
why table has rows but says length = 0 in console
$('tableZero tr').length
7:21 AM
@mikedidthis what if i pay them for a google account ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think it include search? duckduckgo?
@mikedidthis no i mean when you make a google business account for your company
i wish google would let you opt-out of ads completely :-/
Life sucks, right? :D
@mikedidthis nope
life rocks.
7:24 AM
!!\ why no one helps me
@CustomizedName That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: t, d
!!\ selectors
length of 0 means jQuery can't find the element. Check your code.
@mikedidthis i was missing # but non of you helped me
what a turn off
I am sorry you didn't get a reply in the 5 minutes you waited.
7:26 AM
I am making a great website
best of what i have ever made ! :D
back to the ignore list you go, buddy
it's ok @mikedidthis , dont worry
@AbhishekHingnikar oh are you now
@mikedidthis you are ignoring me o_o why ?
Not you silly.
tried to cover you -_-
7:28 AM
@mikedidthis who did you call silly
bot suggestion : "A command 101 <topic>, pings the invoking person with a 101 article on some topic ?"
example : !!101 xmlhttprequest
@mikedidthis ^
dont know who developed this, but can i use it in IE8 ?
< I did, @CustomizedName it was originally to run as a web-app on my iPhone.
and you cannot
@AbhishekHingnikar no, that is horrible :D
@mikedidthis why ?
7:32 AM
@CustomizedName have you tried it in IE8? You could help yourself here.
nDate = date.getDate(); // dafuk ? Nomenclature >_<
@AbhishekHingnikar wow that is a pretty nice concept man! good work :)
yay! added circles and ellipses to my library!
I shall start adding it in my website in the libraries collection
@mikedidthis don't be rude
You can't test codepens on IE-8, please do some reading
which is why I asked abhishek who developed it
@CustomizedName don't be lazy. Take the code, make a html page, host it and test it.
7:41 AM
Don't be noisy
@mikedidthis why would I , when it's easier to ask the developer and takes a second,
@CustomizedName None of us here are the developer.
Also, I don't keep track of all the browser compatibility of every piece of code I write.
@SecondRikudo wake up, Abishek is the one who developed it
and he already answered it
@CustomizedName its easier for you, maybe not the developer. Your attitude is why you don't get help in this room.
@mikedidthis it's your attitude who is trying to get into pot you are not related to
7:43 AM
@CustomizedName now you're getting annoying. Relax.
@CustomizedName sure buddy. I will leave you too it.
@SecondRikudo when you will chat bubbles off course, i will get annoyed, but now am back to normal, #NoMoreArguments :-)
such a lovely morning :D
!!should i teach her or let her be dummy boss
@AbhishekHingnikar You should teach her
7:45 AM
I figured out how to do pretty much everything that a canvas can do, but I actually can't figure out how to display images and text
Lady Caprica the Righteous
the only way I can work with images in js is canvas, right?
and probably am
@towc svg, or vectors could too
Count Abhishek the Evil lol.
7:47 AM
@CustomizedName I actually don't want to use svg, but what do you mean by vector?
Lord Madara the OH GOD RUUUUUUUU~
Q: Default(generic) error handling for angularjs $resource

KopBobI want to implement one generic error callback for all methods of my angularjs Resource, which will log "Default Error Handler Log". My Resource: currentNgModule.factory('StatusesResource', function($resource, $timeout){ var StatusesResource = $resource(get_gui_url_param('company.employee.s...

s/GOD/dark Lord/
@AwalGarg Lord Madara the OH dark Lord RUUUUUUUU~ (source)
It would be interesting if caprica moved commands to trash and then edited the audit message so appearing to the output of the command. Less crap in the room. :D
8:00 AM
^ Zirak, Florian, Someguy, benjamin, see that
dat wild thought
@CapricaSix who named you Caprica Six?
8:35 AM
anyone knows
if there is any symbol, just like these ones - thegenxmom.com/hippies/index_files/textsy.html
I am looking for a + with circle on it please
can i ask a question about ascii symbol
@CustomizedName Why need it be ascii?
I need to add it to resources
so it has to be text
That character doesn't exist.
Problem: I am having a JSON that is pretty huge: 100k+ lines. I want to filter out values having same keys (riskScore). I used $.grep() but I think I am missing something. Can anyone please help? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/z1jnj7et/1
why would you ever pass json 100k lines at a time
8:42 AM
@Sippy I dont have much info. on that. Sorry.
8:59 AM
Guys need some assistance
I've a geojson with countries
I have reduced the 100k JSON to 3k. jsfiddle.net/rdesai/z1jnj7et/2
Hm... A lot of people are going to port their Unity and Unreal games to the web. Are there ways to "install them" Because I don't think webstorage can (or should) just save tons of Gigabyte without any warning. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_storage#Storage_size
Any thoughts?
I need a way to calculate the area of a country based on the given coordinates
Or even better, if there's a database of a file somewhere that keeps track of it
The other alternative is that they would have to re-download them every time they visit the site...
I've seen wikihow.com/Calculate-the-Area-of-a-Polygon for calculation, it doesn't seem to work properly
9:02 AM
@SecondRikudo A database that keeps track of the areas of countries?
@Sippy Yes
Hopefully something easily convertible to JSON
Never heard of such a thing
I bet one exists though
You could always get creative with the Wikipedia API haha
But it's incomplete
@indieblue we had a problem in snapick because of redundancy of same data at multiple places, when building json from server, i wrote a script that compresses it (turned out it wasn't as cheap as i thought) but after some effort we came out with a much better version (we built optimized objects) that just goto to json ... so just wondering are you doing it on fly ? or is it static ?
@AbhishekHingnikar its static
9:05 AM
then thats fun :D
wohoo! suddenly: internet
@AbhishekHingnikar I want to do it using $.grep() how do I do that?
I do not want to traverse manually.
I dunno if they have country size
They got a lotta shit though.
9:08 AM
@indieblue well $.grep seems to be a filter mechanism so you have to provide it some sort of filter function that will filter it
ps why are you filtering static json on client ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Can the filter be just a key?
@AbhishekHingnikar its on client just for test
@SecondRikudo Failing that one, can you not reference the list of countries by area on Wikipedia via the API and throw it out as JSON somehow?
@AbhishekHingnikar in my fiddle here jsfiddle.net/rdesai/z1jnj7et/2 I just need to fetch all values of the keys riskScore. What is the best way to do that?
@indieblue i don't think that will work
you can actually use Array.prototype.filter
to do the same
9:13 AM
let me check
i would recommend a custom mechanism
built on the top of filter
9:35 AM
Hey, I am trying to change AsyncFileUpload input - file text, I mean AsyncFileUpload control has an input[type = file] and I want to change it's value, but it doesnt work and Its driving me crazy :((, to test myself I was able to change the input[type=file] background color (by css property) but not the value... What can I do ? Help
@Damkulul Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
9:45 AM
anyone remembers drop down list with checkboxes
@CustomizedName You mean the devil?
something like this, but a bit more decent - codepen.io/jessefrye/pen/opjzl
should let me select serveral at a time too
@AbhishekHingnikar Its not allowing me to use filter on it jsfiddle.net/rdesai/z1jnj7et/3
10:05 AM
@copy i m good... u say :)
10:21 AM
I have a question regarding dropable and sortable in jquery
could you help me?
I have one DIV block . that block is configure with droppable and sortable. Problem is that when i am sort (sortable) some element , i will call both event sortable and droppable. so i just want to call only one event for each process.
Please help me...
@DineshMandaviya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
10:40 AM
@indieblue try to log every step of what you are doing./
basically your array is data.data
and you are running filter on each element inside it ?
I have a row
thats not how array.filter works
row has a attribute
how can check value of this attribute ?

<tr data-babydoll="soneydi1"></tr>
<tr data-babydoll="soneydi1"></tr>
<tr data-babydoll="soneydi2"></tr>

$('#table1 tr')   how can I select all rows with data-babydoll= soneydi1
anyone ?
@CustomizedName ...
You're getting close to borderline help vampire
ok, I will do it myself, #bye
10:45 AM
!!tell CustomizedName google jquery select by data attribute
@SecondRikudo What defines help vamp? Seen people say it before.
I know the type well.
@SecondRikudo Oh did you solve your landmass issue?
I was feeling uninspired and bored so my partner just handed me a BeagleBone and said "Well, learn this." :D :D :D
10:50 AM
@Sippy I haven't yet.
I'm looking into it
I think that's accessible via an API which can return json
worldbank definitely has a data api
@Sippy That's.... pretty good actually!
I think it's exactly what I need
Thanks :)
You're welcome
11:12 AM
@AbhishekHingnikar yes, running filter on each element inside it
posted on August 21, 2014

On Tuesday I delivered the final edits for The Mobile Web Handbook, my new book published by Smashing Magazine. Order it here. The book is a bit late; it was originally slated to appear in June. However, it’s really done now; you can expect the e-book in about a week and the physical book at the end of September. Right now the only unresolved issues are a few minor styling ones, as w

11:30 AM
in Ruby :: Sometimes on rails, 14 hours ago, by Patsy Issa
Are you gonna fork caprica?
The innuendos man
@Cereal Implying you wouldn't fork Caprica given the opportunity
I'm thinking of implementing a plugin to allow running ruby snippets through her
Is it possible to append data to existing data in d3?
.data() overrides the current data, and I want to add to it
Q: Filter on html table using jQuery

Customized NameI am adding some check box filters on a html table, based on if a check box is checked or not, I am toggling rows, is there anyway I could improve this code, there is no issue with it at the moment I could think of e.g. performance wise, but maybe someone could help me with decreasing number of l...

any extjs 3.4 expert here
11:49 AM
my chat is moving
is it just me ?
like up and down constantly
serious question, why is it bad that people would go to a linked post and vote?
Isn't the entire goal of the site to get good questions marked as such, and bad ones buried?
Wouldn't higher traffic to any question be good?
I think the discussion on that meta question is a good indicator of why it's a problem
I was still on the comments on the op when I linked it here :x
Didn't get to the second answer
A: Impose a 24 hour voting freeze on questions being discussed on Meta

Ben VoigtCan we please stop pretending that the Meta effect is undesirable or harmful? If a post that deserves a downvote comes to my attention, I'll give it the downvote it deserves. If it deserves an upvote, I'll upvote. So should everyone else. That is the intended use of voting. At worst the meta...

That's the second answer
I fully agree with it.
If I post a shit question and then direct the attention of Meta at it, I'd expect to get my ass handed to me.
Question then is 'why are you writing a shit question in the first place'
If you know you're later going to call in Meta
11:54 AM
That said, if you did call in Meta on your own question, you're obviously looking for some kind of assistance with the quality of it
And I don't think a barrage of close votes will help you improve at all
Which is what the 'Meta effect' tends to generate
Hence the complaints
Not directly, no.
But any half-wit would stop to think what they did wrong and try to rectify it.
> consolidated renewal reminder
Really webpromotions, if you wanted me to renew my domain that badly, you shouldn't have prevented me from paying for it
I like the idea of the snapshots thing but it won't do much against people who can closevote questions, because they will anyway.
@Sippy I just think it's patently stupid to reward a user who actively seeks question help on Meta with the closure of their question.
11:59 AM
Also I kinda think that if you dropped your own question on meta for assistance then you would probably receive assistance as opposed to closevotes
The problem is people reporting other users' questions right?
Mostly, yes.

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