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@Cerbrus Yeah, and we our indentations should be 3 spaces wide so we don't have to decide between 2 and 4
Who even uses 2?
It's one thing to thoroughly answer a question and quite another to write it in such a way that should they copy and paste, they'd be doing best practice "by accident"
@Cerbrus Rubyists. Vimists.
@Neil Insert a subtle syntax error, then. Win?
Meh, irrelevant programmers :P
@Cerbrus Really? Lots of people
@Zirak No, then it wouldn't be a proper answer
Insert subtle syntax error then introduce more noise on StackOverflow.
What was that image, with replacing a semicolon with some Greek letter?
Though it's not my task to write the code in such a way as to allow the OP to be able to copy and paste it into his program
@dievardump i think i got it ... var z= document.getElementById(ev.target.id).style.backgroundColor;
ev.dataTransfer.setData("Text", z);
In fact, I would encourage answers to deviate from using the exact same variable names and such in order to show a proper working example that explains it, but also requires OP to think about how it works
meh, I'll just keep alerting in my JS answers. It's not like it'll get me downvotes. On the contrary. Run snippet -> [desired result] -> upvote
now i have to transger it to the big page code..
@Neil Aye, show the solution in principle.
@user3470815 if the style was added dynamically yes, else you will have to use getcomputedStyle
@Cerbrus Sure, if rep is what's important.
If OP is not able to make it work (and assuming of course he is given an adequate answer), maybe programming isn't his thing :P
@mintsauce: If "Rep is meaningless" is the only reason you can come up with...
"Rep is meaningful" was your argument
@Cerbrus No. If rep is what matters to you, then that is what will motivate your answers, not what will benefit the community.
Rep is meaningless. votes on answers however...
Assertion by contradiction?
No matter how good your answer is
Someone else's answer that has more votes will probably be used
@dievardump thx it is added dynamically on the big page .. so it will work like in my little example i made...
No matter how bad that other answer may be
@Cerbrus Thus you give similar answers.
im going to look something to eat bye @ all , codehard !
Dear sir/madam,
@user3470815 Are you on a diet?
Damn I read that as 'look at something to eat'
@Zirak I love Moss :D
I'll keep fireing alerts at him.
Though some say that the alerts should look nicer.. I disagree. I think they should load the graphics used in Windows 3.1 simply to show the alert, in all its ugliness
window.alert = console.log.bind(console); // where is your god now?
They should add purple polka dots, just to make it more ugly
Although some people might like that
Add a 2nd button that loads the page to get rick-rolled
protip: when drinking, eat something.
the google domains search functionality sucks ass... lame.
Who wants an invite?
@Neil Why would they bother lol
that would encourage people to use them.
I never though I'd see the words "google", "search" and "sucks ass" in 1 sentence...
@sippy_bizzle You think so? Not on professional sites at least
@rlemon alcolol?
And yes, I have seen alerts used on professional sites before
@SomeGuy I forgot! Thanks!
@Neil did you cri?
@sippy_bizzle A piece of me died inside.
I thought so.
@sippy_bizzle no, food
always nice to remember it's friday.
@rlemon >:(
@rlemon still need help?
@Loktar @FlorianMargaine
Doesn't it hurt when you view-source a page, and you see the XHTML doctype?
I wish I win this bounty! :)
A: Update mysql table using ajax and php (Basic Ajax)

Rahul DesaiLets do it part by part. In your Javascript code: FYI: $.ajax() is a function in jQuery. And, jQuery is a Javascript library (just so you know). Your AJAX code is incorrect. It is a object that you pass into $.ajax(). So, the parameters need to be delimited by , and NOT ;. So, your AJAX part s...

Or <script language="JavaScript"><!-- --></script>
@rlemon: I though Caprica had that saved as !!friday
fingers crossed
@RahulDesai How is that even bountied
@Zirak nope, this page hurts more
That question has been answered 200 times T_T
@sippy_bizzle I know, right :D
It makes me cringe when the language is "JavaScript". I get the brief but overwhelming urge to check my calendar to verify that it isn't 1995
dat whitespace
@Zirak inorite
I can picture Zirak holding a cross up to that
But the picture is just an emoji ..
Nobody wants a google domains invite?
google domains?
@NickDugger Is it any good?
but I have 10 invites
Then no thanks
Oh in that case, give me four
No, you get 1, and you'll appreciate it like the rest of your brothers and sisters
@NickDugger gimme one too. florian at margaine dot com.
sure, you can send me one
@Zirak how did you like the page?
note that for work, I had to parse this page and get some specific div
@NickDugger I humbly request one ._.
Sent you both one
@NickDugger Sure. amaan.cheval at gmail
@Neil email address?
@SomeGuy sent
> We’re sorry. Google Domains may not be available in your country.
wasted invite, but thanks
> We’re sorry. Google Domains may not be available in your country. Sign up to get notified when it is available. Learn more Dismiss.
Well heck, I might as well not even try
@FlorianMargaine It's awesome how they include the xhtml doctype, twice, and still write completely invalid xhtml (not to mention the Cookies js part, which is also included before the doctype
@rlemon Blaaaaaaaame Caaaaanaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
great, so Canada is as bad as France
@All - Good Evening.
And India
lolololol, USA USA USA
) forgot to close that parentheses
Can someone explain why girls do backwards smileys? (: vs :)
) ok you win
Can anybody have experience with SONAR code quality tool for JavaScript files ?
jsFiddle seems down right now
Yep it would seem available only in 'murica
Actually right now we are using SONAR tool for detecting any code violations from Angular services and controllers
This is google domains, for you filthy foreigners that can't view it. It sucks, so you're not missing anything
But .. you can get javascript.photography
so worth very domain
js.today could be a newsletter
I hate that I can't force it to search for a precise keyword. When I add quation marks around it in the search, it says that quotation marks are invalid in a domain name. No shit, google...
/me scans tabs for porn
I don't want a livescript domain...
Nope. No one could outdo @Abhishek
@NickDugger Try using markdown like %20
Can someone upvote this answer, because an identical one that was posted minutes later was accepted, and I'm not ok with that stackoverflow.com/a/27444347/1408759
(not my answer)
From @NickDugger's bookmarks: google.com/webdesigner . wat?
What about it? I don't use it. I just thought it was interesting
It looks like the Flash suite
Why would google make such a thing?
Because they can
Happy 12/12 everyone!
Shit, it's my little brother's & sister's birthday today.
I forgot
you bastard...
@Zirak that looks terrible
My colleague shared an interesting problem today: Override the `console.log()` function and it should run in such a way that if you do `console.log(5)`, it should output `5+4+3+2+1`.
So, far I am here: http://jsbin.com/hipigoqina/1/edit?js,console
Unable to actually write in the console. :-/
why would you do that?
any idea, guys?
@Zirak have you seen this: github.com/ArcticEcho/Phamhilator ??
@RahulDesai Think about it like this: You still want the old console functionality around, right?
Otherwise you won't be able to actually console.log
@Zirak Yes, I do.
How could you keep it around?
how about putting it in a variable?
@rlemon Yeah, there's a bot in some room which uses that
@FlorianMargaine Don't just tell
var _console = {
  log: console.log.bind(console)
console.log = function(num){
  var result = num.toString();
    result += "+" + --num;
  return result;

@FlorianMargaine and?
@RahulDesai well, if it's in a variable, you can keep it...
@rlemon delete
@Zirak Tavern on the meta. it's actually quite a nice feature to have the bot watch the live questions come in
@rlemon Don't just tell
@FlorianMargaine all I'm doing is showing him how to 'proxy' the console.log
@rlemon wow
never kiss and tell
@rlemon zirak and I wanted to slowly lead him there...
and your solution is "hard"
bind is easy.
I apologize for missing your guys attempt, but I don't think this is a concept that needs a slow arrival. :shrugs:
well, you would surely need a slow arrival.
thats because I was up all last night with your wife. I'm le tired. #shorts-fired
Is proxying something not a whole lot nicer like this?
console.log = (function (log) {
	return function() {
		log.apply(this, arguments);
@rlemon you came in France and you didn't even tell me?!
rlemon: Tell them they have mixed tabs/spaces github.com/ArcticEcho/Phamhilator/blob/master/Phamhilator/…
Who's France?
@FlorianMargaine you were sleeping, we didn't want to wake you
b-b-but #brojob :(
@Zirak they use visual studio, they don't care
I know. Blame VS 2013.
You unleashed the code into the wild, blame yourself
I use VS 2013 at work, and I always have to convert pesky spaces into tabs after a coworker has touched a file
> Common problem with Haskell programmers is that they love Haskell too much. So, when they face a problem requiring usage of other platform they prefer to generate the code for that platform from Haskell. For some reason, they think this is extremely cool.
@NickDugger Exactly my point.
Ungh I hate triggers.
@RoelvanUden Proxying is like dynamic proxies in C#, where you can hook on calls to any method name even methods that don't actually exist.
proxying is like __get/__set of php
Yeah, only php does it in a pretty horrible way :P
I actually had to work with php quite a bit yesterday
And the day before
I have to work with php every day
my sanity suffers
oh btw
have you ever written something using chrome's nativemessaging API?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Did rlemon do that? Is _ magic then or something?
Man, I know that's a joke, but I want to try some.
@FlorianMargaine no, only with npapi
@RoelvanUden no, proxies are ES6, it's new Proxy etc.
@FlorianMargaine it was actually a lot of fun.
yeah... but npapi is deprecated
I meant the php
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah k, thought so :-)
I have an issue with nativemessaging... it communicates via stdin... but then I have to constantly loop on the stdin stream to see if something's new and act from there. For example, I have to constantly check if the received json is valid to know if it finished sending the message
@KendallFrey ..... I just.. I really can't even.
it feels... awkward
I take it you haven't written a lot of C :P?
C is just like that - you always have to loop when reading something and wait for it to end - it's an extremely common pattern.
Then you get 'clever' in C and loop on select and do async IO, when that doesn't work anymore you epoll.
It's no fun, but still a very common pattern.
@rlemon <3 Francis
yeah I've only used select for this kind of case tbh...
For under 100-200 file descriptors select works just fine
What are you making?
how would you do that in haskell?
a pgp app communicating with the host's gpg
Haskell has a lot of hacks that make its FFI work, but it works.
Also, you can easily wrap something that waits for input in a loop into a stream
I admit I'm not the right person to ask though, I'm not the best at Haskell :P
are you and Bartek on speaking terms?
Yeah, me and Bartek are friends - why?
ohh, just because last I saw you two talking he was getting pissy because you were trolling him :P
Oh, Bartek isn't particularly good at Haskell, you might want to try robot at the c++ lounge
# Unpack message length as 4 byte integer.
text_length = struct.unpack('i', text_length_bytes)[0]
@rlemon oh yeah, he was pissed - so what :P We've talked since on FB.
that's the magic I was looking for...
Hey to all
So a work college has called me out for using promises in jQuery. Can anyone let me know what they are bad? as I am coming up short.
Good evening programmers!
anyone have idea regarding drag drop functionality
@Will vs other promises? or just promises in general?
The reason that have been given is "they arent proper promises"
@Will jquery's promise implementation isn't fully promise spec compliant, and has subtle errors. See stackoverflow.com/questions/23744612/…
you should use BlueBird
it's got a better name
yeah, it's twitter
@Will that said, jquery promises are better than callbacks... if no promise lib is available
I use $.ajax().then() sometimes
Has worked for what I needed it to
@rlemon Hey!
Why BlueBird? Cause Blue is an awesome color
@Neil so basically, if jQuery changes its name to BlueQuery, you will...
@AwalGarg Wonder how the heck people will not be confused by the fact that the name is the same as a promise library, yes
Oh BlueQuery, I misread that
See, confusing.. case and point
1 more close vote please
We already have a link-only answer, and a plagiarized answer on there xD
re-tag js and gold stamp it? :P
ohh it is javascript
You know that doesn't work right?
you can't gold stamp it?
And I cv'd as a different reason :/
wth is window.parent always set ?
You can't re-tag then stamp
@dievardump circular reference to itself if it is the topmost ref
window.parent === window;
Yeah I just saw that. But "why"
@ShaikMujahidAli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what will really bother you is this:
window.window === window;
Because window is the global scope
@dievardump Elaborate?
It can be used to detect if web page is inside an iframe or not.
window.window.window.window.window.window.window === window
I can't understand why they decided to say "window will have a parent property which will be a circular reference if there is no parent"
it's windows all the way down
@rlemon you ninja!
if (window.parent && typeof window.parent.postMessage === 'function') {
This is useless.
if( window.parent !== window &&  ....)
Yeah I know how to do it, but that's bs. I think it's dumb, tht's all. My wth was a "that is dumb."
Anyone have any thoughts on require.js?
Oh, I see you're trying to find sense in hacked together specs written to mediate between ad-hoc established standards 15 years ago, mostly to support the widest possible compatibility
use browserify
require.js is too 2009
@Zirak You're the man.
lol, alright.
@Zirak pancakes
@Zirak yeah, he should totally drop that and try jQuery </lastTime>
Talk about repwhoring
Oh, Es6 has built-in modules... are they supported yet? Any documentation?
@Zirak yay that's my answer
@NickDugger Nope
@Cerbrus interesting, the last one is actually from a github repo where it is licensed under Apache lic. tldrlegal.com/license/apache-license-2.0-(apache-2.0)
wait, I thought ASP is some framework?
@rlemon: Plenty of reason for the mods to talk to him
Q: Web page not loaded web service files for more page loads. i am writing multiple ajax function call in page ready event

Natura itthis is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy even...

kill it with fire!
> this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event
ha! It is indeed a framework... that page is wrong!
@Zirak ooo there is also this: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector
it might be interesting to implement something like this into Cap
Why people post bad info? :(
.net is a framework
asp is a server engine / language
> ASP.NET is a free web framework (asp.net)
ASP.NET is ASP running with the .NET framework
then why they say this ^?
ASP.NET is a framework
ASP alone is not
ohh ok
the eff... I just installed node onto me E drive, and when I open up the command prompt, it's stuck on the network P drive...
that sucks
does it have the option to remap what drive letter it is assigned to?
@NickDugger windows?
@SomeKittens also, ew, jade :P
florian is that a really small picture of charlie sheen?
@rlemon asp is an old programming language
@NickDugger `cd /D C:`?
That was a framework the same way php is
It's called asp classic today and no one uses it
@FlorianMargaine it's on kittens github
and I just forked it
so many globals leaked

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