It's one thing to thoroughly answer a question and quite another to write it in such a way that should they copy and paste, they'd be doing best practice "by accident"
In fact, I would encourage answers to deviate from using the exact same variable names and such in order to show a proper working example that explains it, but also requires OP to think about how it works
Though some say that the alerts should look nicer.. I disagree. I think they should load the graphics used in Windows 3.1 simply to show the alert, in all its ugliness
Lets do it part by part.
In your Javascript code:
FYI: $.ajax() is a function in jQuery. And, jQuery is a Javascript library (just so you know).
Your AJAX code is incorrect. It is a object that you pass into $.ajax(). So, the parameters need to be delimited by , and NOT ;. So, your AJAX part s...
@FlorianMargaine It's awesome how they include the xhtml doctype, twice, and still write completely invalid xhtml (not to mention the Cookies js part, which is also included before the doctype
I hate that I can't force it to search for a precise keyword. When I add quation marks around it in the search, it says that quotation marks are invalid in a domain name. No shit, google...
Can someone upvote this answer, because an identical one that was posted minutes later was accepted, and I'm not ok with that
My colleague shared an interesting problem today: Override the `console.log()` function and it should run in such a way that if you do `console.log(5)`, it should output `5+4+3+2+1`. So, far I am here:,console Unable to actually write in the console. :-/
> Common problem with Haskell programmers is that they love Haskell too much. So, when they face a problem requiring usage of other platform they prefer to generate the code for that platform from Haskell. For some reason, they think this is extremely cool.
I have an issue with nativemessaging... it communicates via stdin... but then I have to constantly loop on the stdin stream to see if something's new and act from there. For example, I have to constantly check if the received json is valid to know if it finished sending the message
@ShaikMujahidAli Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh, I see you're trying to find sense in hacked together specs written to mediate between ad-hoc established standards 15 years ago, mostly to support the widest possible compatibility
this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy even...
> this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event this is the code iam writing in page redy event