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@DrogoNevets Seeya
constructor(name, health) {
  this.name = name;
  private(this).health = health;
imgur.com/gallery/cBs6Z This didn't end like I hoped it would :(
@Seanny123 Head back
@darkyen00 although I appreciate the reference, I think I suck too much at programming to understand the subtleties of that document.
Or learn2prototype
I'll come back when I become a level 6 coder.
thats the final spec.
@copy wish there was a <script src="text/python"></script>
but we dont :-(
Well, it kind of exists via brython but it's really slow.
is it possible to access a button click when the button is in an aspx page but the .click event is in a .js file? I can alert when the click event is on the page however when in the .js file it is not getting hit?
@Ebikeneser it is. Are you sure the javascript file loads correctly and that it can find the element it tries to attach to?
i have put an alert in the event, and when on the aspx page works fine however when in the .js file its not reaching it
The best way to use JavaScript. Refrain.
seriously, though. If everyone ascribes to the same infrastructure, there will be fewer unknowns and programming becomes much simpler, which should lead to faster development and the possibility of more complex systems.
I'm not sure that ascribe is the right word. Conforms?
...and lesser "Aha!" moments :(
trust the path of nativity
@AwalGarg I don't think that's true
Every time you understand something that you did not previously, you have an "aha" moment.
It's called an epiphany
@Shmiddty very true
!!urban trye
@darkyen00 [trye](http://trye.urbanup.com/439198) A word I have totally made up, it means:
A strong objection based on principles.
(Used in syntax like the word "problem", as in "my trye with" rather than "my trye to".)
Speaking of epiphanies, I will admit that coldfusion handles looping over query results very well
Cap i didn't knew you can make words now.
"fewer unknowns and programming becomes much simpler", it was just this that made me think that... I might be wrong.
My twitter has been trying to fetch the tweetfeed for 6 hours now ._.
@AwalGarg @Sippy @towc github.com/dbushell/Pikaday
Am I going to die?
look what i found.
@SterlingArcher my sources say you already are
this is your astral being using the computer.
oh god D:
now that i have reminded you, you must leave this realm
Goodbye, my friend.
Not before I put my astral foot in your ass.
Oh, sex with a ghost ? Intimidating, but sounds totally so much fun :P
Its just a different form of masturbation, I guess a sacred one practiced by those who have connection to the other world.
Thanks for the offer dead archer, sorry mate I am already busy today, with your mom.
Updated with more safe-guarding. You can now also just pass a object instead of an array of objects, for children and for the parent element
@RyanKinal yours seems to go into more depth in the code. I'm leaving it up to the user to make sure that they pass correct things. For instance, if you wanna alter the class, make an addClass property, and it will use jQuery's addClass to make it so.
why not element.classList.add('new-class') ?
@tereško it's using jQuery. I'll eventually convert it to use native DOM, though
I just gotta work out the kinks, first
anytime i see nicks name it makes me think of NickDBugger
Q: Is vanilla JS still considered a library?

Random UserI very recently found out that VanillaJS (document?) is a library that's just bundled with 99% browsers and isn't exactly native JavaScript (shock of my life). While writing a lib of my own I normally avoid all helpful things, mostly libs. Now I have three questions: Is VanillaJS still consider...

on a sidenote, every time I hear Vanilla JS, it makes me want some of those vanilla pudding things
@KendallFrey broken link?
Someone should make a chocolate.js library
That would be just a wrapper for chocolate.js, vanilla js and strawberry.js
orange.js, pronounced as "orange juice"
who would want to drink corn juice?
posted on October 29, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} GLlrhghghhhh

fabian ~% node --harmony test.js
for(var x of [1,2,3])
TypeError: undefined is not a function
Generators work though
@copy undefined = function() {}; <--
oh dear
@ircmaxell That's not going to make [1,2,3].next a function
@copy I know, but it's funny to read
hey check this out
^ google one boxes SO
searched javascript closure
its been there for long
@Loktar not observed
weird, even global results works for me
would be better if somebody is attempting to install a ram stick in a penis
!!tell rlemon google poutine pizza
with caption : "Oh i thought you could use some ram upgrade"
I want poutine pizza
!!tell shmiddty google curry
I like curry
I'm very hungry
Oh, you didn't mean currying...
!!tell shmiddty google lasagna
!!tell shmiddty google subwich
(the second link for this is dominos' best invention so far)
!!tell shmiddty google cheeze chicken
@Shmiddty 2.9
@darkyen00 Second link is 404 - what are you saying about Dominos?
@darkyen00 You are an evil person
@darkyen00 Mmmmm.. google lasagna
its over baked and makes me wanna not have their pizza.
...it's a cheesburger?
never had a cheeseburger
@Shmiddty ^
that looks like a very painful bowel movement
are you almost breaking the office now to eat :3 ?
@darkyen00 is that a cheese burger? Don't think so
thats a pizza
@darkyen00 oh XD
@darkyen00 I actually got it from here:
"Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn’t have been written." -- @MetaThis
should have sourced it...
Hey all, I have a question involving JSON/Yahoo Pipes—anyone mind helping out? I'm basically trying to grab data from Yahoo Pipes and display it on a web page.
@Chrish when someone says "yahoo", I hear "yahoo answers" and think "gtfo". Sorry.
@JanDvorak Ha! Yahoo Pipes is actually really awesome though.
I'm just completely stuck at it right now.
@darkyen00 meh
Ubisoft is ass imo
ofc youll need a decent pc to run the next ass creed.. they do terrible ports
and its finally caught up with them on x86 architecure from years of neglecting it
because the ass creed games run poorly on next gen systems too
@Loktar ass creed, huh?
@Loktar the game still looks phenomnomnominal
eh not to me
er gameplay doesnt I mean
eh those are console esclusives
like what 4 or 5?
big names
The PC has too many games to list lol
enlighten me ?\
Civ Beyond Earth is on how many consoles?
that just came out and was a major release
is there like a JSON -> nicely formatted ascii table plugin?
woah my chat died
its back now..
Too many deaths today
@darkyen00 ty
@rlemon 2.9
Ok so @darkyen00 Sims4, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, Dayz, Wasteland 2, Dota, League of Legends
I threw in some of the most popular games in the world as some of the PC exclusives that exist
just to give some perspective anyway lol
you forgot one
the greatest
the best
Flappy Bird
Microsoft Pinball
Kerbal Space Program..?
Diablo II!
@Loktar you know... "chat" means "cat" in french
^ @KendallFrey loves dem PC exclusives
when I read "my chat died" then "its back now" I was like wtf
@copy has won.
@FlorianMargaine haha
"cat" means wife to Loke
so that would have been 10X worse
only 10x?
more like 9
I'm unsure how much he loves his cats
@FlorianMargaine we no parle francais here
I am pretty sure hes loyal.
@Loktar I'll tell her
Look at this :(
@darkyen00 iirc he also has cats
Our cat came home like that yesterday
oh my
@Loktar hmmmmm with some curry sauce
had to run her to the vet.. no idea wtf happened
cats like to fight bigger things
cat sex is violent...
the look on her face :Yeah i got hurt, now are you just gonna stand ? or get me fixed ?
@rlemon it was road rash or something
@darkyen00 TypeError: property "a" is non-configurable and can't be deleted
we think someone may have tried to take her and she went nuts and they threw her from the vehicle
she was gone for about 3 days as well
@Loktar was there gravel in there? could have been chasing / running from something and caught a tail pipe or something
@darkyen00 My mouth literally started watering.
Inspector Lemon has taken the consideration.
@Shmiddty hahaha
I had an old cat that lost an ear on a tail pipe with a sharp edge
@Shmiddty if you want to fill a glass
but yeah shes alright I guess just missed her eye
lorempizza.com < keep refreshing
got her some pain meds
nice, stoned cat
get her a bag of the nip
@rlemon why don't you send http meta tag for refresh :3
haha we got some legit cat pain meds
$25 from the vet
for images that update every n seconds :D
cuz there are more pressing issues
Someone try to break this again? I've done plenty since it was dissected this morning github.com/ndugger/jQuery-Construct-HTML-Constructor/blob/…
@rlemon add something special .. like ?refresh=10
so that we can bitch each other :D in this chat.
This is kinda cool: stackedit.io/editor
@Shmiddty LaTeX is cooler
I had delicious thai I could barely taste bc getting sick :(
I wish I had a way to print the LaTeX symbol
you do
do you even latex
LaTeX is kind of a scary thing to google
latex google images
@FlorianMargaine you could off just done that :-)
@darkyen00 the caption is relevant.
and I like to give my sources
ah :-) true, very nice of you :-)
@FlorianMargaine That would be the case if Raynos peer programs with you or benji
I don't think Raynos can pair program
@darkyen00 That'd fall apart fast
although I don't know him IRL, so can't tell really
@SomeKittens it'd be fun to watch.
the movie will definitely have action, thrill and a happy ending.
a real hackers movie would be so boring
@Raynos can you pair program ?
@FlorianMargaine nope it'd be a timelapse
soooo boring
Q: Allow Room Owners in chat room to be pinged as a group

FfisegyddIs it possible to add the ability for Room Owners (ROs), as a group, to be "pinged" in the same manner that a normal user can be pinged? At the moment, someone can ping me with @Ffisegydd. I propose that ROs should be ping-able with a similar "group" ping, say @RoomOwners or @ROs. This would all...

I like this idea
me too thats a great idea
stackoverflow.com/q/26638002/3459110 op seems to have done no research... should I answer?
oh someone already did
@FlorianMargaine Tell that to stack exchange
@argentum47 nice thanks :)
void bowels();
@SterlingArcher - First thing that comes to mind is someone entering the room with a question, and pinging every owner
most accurate line of C ever written ^
@owners How do I make a facebook that runs on an arduino?
@TravisJ yeah exactly what I meant by restrictions to avoid that
the trailor was so awesome :-x
@SterlingArcher - Why ping all of them at once though? I disagree with the usefulness of the feature
Voice your reasoning as an answer :)
I like the idea maybe as a room owner only feature, so that nooblets can't spam us
it's useful for rooms like js where there are many of them
most rooms only have a handful of them though
Does 17 have the most owners?
17 or lounge, dunno
I don't feel like "a room owner can ping all other room owners" would be that useful.
We have the most pwners
Isn't it !!s?
|*|  :: XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary() Polyfill ::
|*|  developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/…

if (!XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary) {
  XMLHttpRequest.prototype.sendAsBinary = function (sData) {
    var nBytes = sData.length, ui8Data = new Uint8Array(nBytes);
    for (var nIdx = 0; nIdx < nBytes; nIdx++) {
      ui8Data[nIdx] = sData.charCodeAt(nIdx) & 0xff;
    /* send as ArrayBufferView...: */
can you spot the phallus?
testing in production, only took the server down 4 times!
@SterlingArcher - Voiced :)
Oh god the horrors... I can imagine the mass pings from Abhishek already... — Benjamin Gruenbaum 18 secs ago
@darkyen00 if that proposal gets in we un-ro you :P
Highly doubt it will get in though, especially considering balphas preference for features in the chat system
I give it a 0.5%
bloody hell why is parentNode of an image always null in stacksnippets?
Can anyone here confirm is parentNode works as intended in stacksnippets or not?
probably something to do with the sandbox env and them not wanting to break out of it?\
but parentNode is important
dat captcha!
lol apparently rlemon is a script
because he cant read that captcha
obviously I got it, I submitted the post
but wtf is that.
lol no idea thats terrible
two letter blurry as fuck captcha
it is 4L
was it 4 q?
but seriously.
My workplace just had a pizza party for my contract ending and now i want to take a nap. This is bad haha.
do it fgt
take a nap?
yes m8
!!pizza 800 600
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
mah pizza!

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