I'm working on a platformer but I'm stuck at the player movement and collisions.
Right now I'm not including the grid at all in the movement, but it's time I do it. I've read this article on how to do it. But there's no real code examples just theory.
I like the second example and that's the on...
I have a combo-box (HTML select), and a text-area. I want to change the content of the text-area when I change the value of the combo-box. I want to get the content from a data-base...
I'm thinking that what I need to do is execute a PHP function when the selected item has changed, but I (read that I) will need to use Ajax to do that... So my question is, is there an easier way to do that?
Note: I say "optimal", as there isn't really a standard anything concerning ES's. "Abstract" just refers to objects that aren't game entities, and have a hard time being described as components or systems in my current implementation too.
After asking two questions on Entity Systems (1, 2), and ...
HTML spec now has an inputmode attribute for specifying input mode (number, url, tel, kana, etc) for input form fields. http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#attr-inputmode
CSS Blending draft spec (control how colors mix in areas where shapes overlap) https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/rawfile/tip/compositing/index.html http://blogs.adobe.com/webplatform/2012/07/17/new-blending-features-in-css/ from @rcabanier
@RoronoaZoro:what you have to do is, just bind change event on the select element using jquery, from the change event callback take the value from the element, send that value using an ajax call using jquery to your php class or whatever, on success callback of the ajax call, you will get what ever you return from server. Then just put that value in the textarea using jquery function .html() or .val(). Good luck.
I thought I'd ask publicly a question that bothers me for months now. I perfectly understand what jQuery is and how does it allow to write shorter and usually much more readable code. I generally understand the advantages. What I don't understand I that why "knowing jQuery" has - in my opinion - ...
I am writing a JavaScript game that provides a top down view of the player, to eventually create a ray caster that can render the view in faux 3D (the top down view will end up as the mini-map).
A while ago, I asked the question Should actors in a game be responsible for drawing themselves?, to ...
may i share the fact that i was told here [its regarding garbage and variable allocation ]
So my trainer (at c training) told me that if i declare a variable in c, with the auto keyword. and somebody else declares the same variable name in some other program
after my programs execution is finished
if he runs his program the variable with the same name will automatically get initialized by the value that variable contained in my program at the time of end of execution.
she told us that after program runing is finished all the variables goto garbage cleaner and when the new program runs it just fetches the value from GC
In my college days I read about the auto keyword and in the course of time I actually forgot what it is. It is defined as:
defines a local variable as having a
local lifetime
I never found it is being used anywhere, is it really used and if so then where is it used and in which cases?
you can do one thing...better u change the institute from where you are getting trained...go for a good institute...tht will solve lots of your problem
C isn't used for writing server-side code because it's a gianormous pain in the ass. A server-stack is not an easy thing. The pain caused by C and C++ is why Java was born.
var a = function(){return d;},
b = function(){return e;},
c = function(){return f;},
d = function(){return g;},
e = function(){return h;},
f = function(){return i;},
g = "a",
h = "b",
i = "c",
arr = [a,b,c];
an array of function references that return function references that return "char" "references"
@Abhishek should you do that? maybe they are private for a reason ;D
@Esailija Because you're calling Array.prototype.toLocaleString, which calls Text.prototype.toLocaleString, which is actually Object.prototype.toLocaleString, which simply calls toString
I am trying to implement an audio module for nodejs which involves a neural network.
This neural network has 2 types of nodes 1. Pure C++ , 2. C++ based on JAVASCRIPT ( which involves calling a javascript function defined )
As far as i know its not possible to call any function which involves v...
I figured it out with the help of
@indutny in the #libuv channel.
What i do now is dispatch the call to main thread via
function defined in libuv.h , since the function is non-blocking , I also use a semaphore to wait till the execution of the java script function is complete...
@Abhishek I have no idea. It's just that when I encounter a problem, I can either solve it, or eliminate it. Elimination is always the preferable option.