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that's a pretty good analogy
@CharlesSprayberry if you meant mine, thanks. :)
1 hour later…
I hope to goodness I never end up like these guys
3 hours later…
Would anyone here mind helping me out a bit?
Why do they call this chat/
if no one is talking..
RT @beverloo: WebCL Prototype, a new XML Parser and the Web Audio API for all! http://t.co/KofX4s6 #Chromium #WebKit #HTML5
RT @stshank: Analyst John Peddie: Harden graphics drivers, don't kill #WebGL 3D on the Web (or Silverlight, Flash, Canvas): http://bit.l ...
1 hour later…
Hi Matt
@Matt -I am struck wid an issue ..can u please help me...
2 hours later…
Q: Javascript and Jquarry advice

AlyHi i am new to web development and in the last 3 weeks i've managed to learn the basics of XHTML/CSS.At the moment i am concentrating on learning javascript in order to later on be able to master jquarry.I am at the point where i can say that i understand how javascript works and can do even som...

Can anyone tell me why a div tag is not appearing in a struts2 form tag if i use
name="examForm" id="examForm" >

<div id="1.div" />" align="left" style="display:none;">
<form id="examForm"><div id="questiondiv0" align="left" style="">
anyone any idea for this....how can we make a div get into a s:form tag in struts2
RT @mathias: mySound.play().fadeIn().loop(); Buzz is to HTML5 audio as jQuery is to the DOM: http://buzz.jaysalvat.com/
2 hours later…
@Raynos , how extensive is your experience with mootools ?
i have an image data such as data:image/png;base64;xxxx .. i'm trying to upload this image to fb without using my server (where i hosted fb app) and processing this imagedata to image .. is it possible
my server process this imagedata to image using php... and addes the image to the user's fb album ....
Hello, :)
Let's say it's about 5% but I know what i'm doing ;)
nevermind , i already found out that i cannot do it
i was trying to add variable to the object which i pass to Element.addEvents()
If you do that it thinks its an event ;)
Well you can do it and make it non-enumerable
but thats ES5
i already solved the issue
any comments on the solution ?
requirements was for foo to be able to access bar
foo can access bar
by default :P
no it cannot
not from function withing the foo functions
other way around
@Raynos , sorry
> Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: Undefined variable: object
cannot do
bar.test() is an event
Then I need a bigger sample
It does sound like you can use .bind
for currying
event binding itself is hidden to me
Oh wait you cant bind the events :S
How does bar.test magically get bound to an event?
You can still overwrite bar.test
the name of method test() will change
It's not static? :S
because 'test' will actually be something like 'click:relay(a.close)'
How can this simple command cause the container element to change in position?
gist: 1064765, 2011-07-05 12:39:55Z
        var position = $(containerDomElement).position();
            'position': 'absolute'
          , 'left': position.left
          , 'top': position.top
@Tom If the element was previously position: static, then that could be it.
Or, rather, any value of position other than absolute
@RyanKinal it was, since that is the default
@Tom Then that's your problem.
@RyanKinal why is that? I'm simply getting the position relative to the parent (with static positioning) and then reset this same position but in an absolute way (when I looked up absolute it said absolute is also relative to the parent node)
@Tom That's not exactly correct. Absolute positioning is relative to what's called the offset parent,which is the closest ancestor with a position of something other than static (or the document itself, if none is found)
@RyanKinal ah right. In that case that ancestor should be the document. However, that'd mean that using .offset() would work, but it results in exactly the same behavior. Does that make sense ?
@Tom Sort of - top and left are irrelevant with position: static, so it may not be fetching them correctly. Have you inspected the values you're getting?
@RyanKinal yeah. The left position is correct, but the top position is bigger than it really is.
This is my document structure:
It's the img that I need to fix in position. The reason is that more images are dynamically added, and I want to fix the image that the user is hovering with the mouse.
Any chance you have a "working" example?
I might be able to create one
@RyanKinal this seems to work: jsfiddle.net/jAD2W trying to figure out what is different for my app
@RyanKinal I am not sure what is different in my case really.. other than that I am constantly adding more images to #showArea, but I cannot see that having any effect
I'm not sure what to tell you
@RyanKinal one more thing that is different in my app is that the image has two more ancestors: an anchor and a div
will try incorporating that into the example, but doubt it matters
Sounds like it might matter
@RyanKinal looks like that did it: jsfiddle.net/jAD2W/1
any idea what could be the cause? the div and it's width properties or something?
(usage: move mouse over image 1)
Looks like it is related to display: inline; - I do not understand why. I actually need it to be inline.
@IvoWetzel your the expert
Recommend me an exhaustive reading on how to hand optimise js
or how to otherwise learn about hand optimisations
or write a book :)
@Tom I see your getting involved with the nowjs team :)
@Raynos eh afraid I'm not, I see my ML reply implied so?
That basically.
@Raynos I just reread my post, I cannot see why other than that I am being grateful for his testing ^_^
@Raynos I know you like to tell me why display: inline causes this positioning issue: jsfiddle.net/jAD2W/1
Or suggest how I can make divs position inline without using display: inline. :)
Q: Best Javascript tutorial so i can get started on JQuery?

Johnny QuestSorry if this is in the wrong stack exchange, wasn't sure if I should post it here, or overflow. Just wanted to know of a few good online tutorials or a book I can do to get me started with Javascript (I know the small basics, alerts, css styles) and then maybe it branches to JQuery, or at least...

Maybe I should use a <span> instead of <div>. Update: looks like a span causes exactly the same issue: http://jsfiddle.net/jAD2W/2/

display inline
on my divs
use span
your ui burns my eyes so I closed the window
Q: jQuery offset returns invalid value for <span> or inline <div>

TomI've created a test case, please check it out as it illustrates my issue: http://jsfiddle.net/jAD2W/3/ Basically, whenever I get the offset of a span element or inline div element, the top value is larger than it should be. When you mouse-over the image in the example, it should stay at that ab...

Q: (Open Source) Examples of JavaScript Prototypical OO

RaynosBounty Edit: I'm looking for code written in a pure prototypical OO paradigm (think Self). Not a mixture of prototypical OO and classical OO. I don't want to see generic OO wrappers but simply usage of prototypical OO techniques and only prototypical OO techniques. Reference Related Question: ...

Burn w3schools with fire
A: Best Javascript tutorial so i can get started on JQuery?

Jason LewisThe W3CSchools site has this example-based tutorial where you can learn the basics of JS sytax. The same site has a jQuery tutorial, as well. The best jQuery book I've read is jQuery in Action, by Bear Biebault and Yehuda Katz. It delves into the core jQuery libraries to give you a solid found...

A: Advantages of learning Javascript

Sandeep ManneAll the web 2.0 websites depends heavily on javascript/ajax. So its a mandatory skill for all LAMP developers. Javascript can change DOM Objects. PHP is server side scripting language where as js is client side, so things like datepicker, client side validation, scrolling images, popup divs ...

Q: How do I give menu items different background colours in this javascript/css menu?

JesperI'm trying to create an expanding menu following the tutorial found here: http://www.odi.ch/prog/css/nav/ The problem is i want to give every menu item a different background colour. how do I achieve this? cheers! Jesper

i got my list working....I forgot to put Method=POST
How can I valiadte the data the user puts into the list, I believe someone earlier said something about regex phone numbers
what is recommended for checking format entry of phone numbers? Regular expression or trim or other functions in JS?
@ErrorErrorError Regex, usually.
hey guys ..need your help....I want to know that...which property of the window user is used to display the browsers default msg on the status bar?????
@PHP I'm not sure that's possible. But why use the status bar anyway?
this is the question asked by my interviewer
RT @rik24d: Ok, finally created my first add-on ever : Displays a link to longdesc under images. http://t.co/aHZ2vmb (cc @notabene)
@PHP My instinct says to use either null or undefined, but I have no desire to test that, as status bar messages are way out of vogue.
@RyanKinal options were
1.status 2.scrollbar 3.status bar 4. default status
@PHP Ah, hehe. I misunderstood. I thought you meant the value that window.status should be set to, rather than the property name.
But yes, the property should be window.status (IIRC)
ok yeah thanks :)
one more please
select the java script statement that displays the last modified date n time on the web page
1.document.lastmodified 2.write(document.lastmodified)
is 2 nd option right?
just want to confirm
that should be document.write
thanks :) @MattMcDonald
and it's a trick question since "...displays..." is a part of it
also, document.lastmodified is undefined in FF5
so it's document.lastModified
u go with 1?
I'm not going to give you the answer
you need to think
am new in Js totally so don't know as much thats why asking here
if it's an interview, me giving you the answer becomes cheating
no no
its over
last day I had met
if you have a property, does it display on its own?
you need to know this
in any language
no it wont
so what is the answer then?
we need to write
I would always just assume camel case, unless otherwise stated
but what kind of interview question is that..
I'd never heard of it before the mention
imo knowing when/how to use something is far more important than the case of the command....
it's a logic question more than js
ahh nm i see now
I didnt read up far enough
hi @xybrek
hi, anyone here knows a javascript parser?
hi all
@Neal Hi Neal
Ooh, that was redundant, lol
Chat rooms are killing me. I keep wanting to say "@Billy" in real life.
@RyanKinal ha
@xybrek Define "parser"
What are you looking for in a parser?
@Raynos I've been thinking about constructor-less OO, and came up with a few options. jsfiddle.net/Wh6xW/2
Updated fiddle: jsfiddle.net/Wh6xW/3
@Ryan, just a parser to parse js syntax
not really execute it
@xybrek Looks like there's something in Common Lisp (lol): marijnhaverbeke.nl/parse-js
@RyanKinal that's a helpful fiddle, esp. since i'm still wrapping my head around prototypal OO. Thanks.
@xybrek Or maybe even just use jslint jslint.com
:( anyone know why this regex expression is not working for digits >10? It should give an error saying digits greater than 10 not allowed but for some reason it still runs :S
@ThomasShields Note that the middle example is kind of experimental
@RyanKinal yup. That was my least favorite anyways. :)
@ThomasShields Take a look at my answer to @Raynos's question for a good overview: stackoverflow.com/questions/6526241/…
@RyanKinal cool, thanks.
I should transfer some of this stuff to my blog... but I kinda hate my blog at this point. I need a new design, and a new engine.
I've got a billion blog-related ideas flowing through my head
@MattMcDonald write them down!
then come back to them when you have time
w00t. i gotz google+
@Neal ... jealous
@RyanKinal ^_^
Seriously, I was thinking just yesterday "Man, Facebook is such a buggy piece of crap. I wish I could get into Google+"
@RyanKinal hehe so get invited :-P
jsfiddle.net/87ea8/4 anyone know why this regex isnt properly working for digits greater than 10?
Of course, then I realized that there's very little chance I'd have any sort of social network on Google+
it should not allow digits longer than 10...
It's tough being a relative n00b in JavaScript and continually being caught between debates on the best way to do things.
@ErrorErrorError I've barely done any regex, but doesn't that mean it allows numbers up to 10 digits long?
yeah it does
it shouldnt allow digits longer than 10
i entered 9034563462346447 and it said valid
oh okay. dunno.
@ErrorErrorError It matches because there is at least one occurrence of a string of 10 digits.
Try this: var myRegEx = /^[0-9]{10}$/;
Also, a good (but old) regex overview: javascriptkit.com/jsref/regexp.shtml
@RyanKinal that's a good answer there. thanks.
o thanks a lot, regex seems fun :D
@ErrorErrorError I enjoy them :-)
@ThomasShields The OO JS answer?
So, I got to my current job, and at some point had to use some regular expressions.
It was at that point that I realized not every programmer knows them.
@RyanKinal yup
Prior to last year, I thought they were part of everybody's standard toolkit
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@RyanKinal they should be but cheater methods to abstract it away have made people lazy.
@ThomasShields thanks :-) (Even though it did a poor job of answering the question, IMO)
@RyanKinal well it was helpful for me, so thanks. :D
@Neal That answer has to come up every time regex is mentioned, doesn't it?
@ThomasShields np :-)
I've really come to hate the new keyword in JavaScript over the last month or so
I honestly can't believe OP believed (or pretended to believe) my answer:
A: Disclaimer | Privacy | Terms & Conditions

Thomas ShieldsTraditionally, Web Developers have paid thousands for lawyers and specially certified insertees to add these links to the bottom of their pages. The extreme difficulty involved in editing the page and adding three links to it made the task very tedious and quite costly. Additionally, "Legal Inser...

@RyanKinal ^_^ yep
HAHAH @ThomasShields wtf
had to upvote it
@Loktar ikr!??! LOL
thnx :D
@ThomasShields hahaha
Well, I'm going to go scrounge for lunch. Later all.
haha :D
@RyanKinal pick up some pizza for me.
+1 for me ^_^
@ThomasShields I've been trying to cut back ;-)
@RyanKinal ah okay. later. :)
heh too bad the question is closed
The original question itself is absurd, not to mention my answer (which I totally thought was gonna get downvoted like crazy. I was bored)
I bet you could easily get 10 votes or more otherwise
@Loktar Yeah we could have lots of fun with it otherwise :D
ive considered writing answers like that but some SO members have dry senses of humor
@Loktar Yeah too bad. :D
@Loktar Yeah I just gave it a go since I was bored lol and i knew the question was getting locked anyways
lol well it got you 70 points
booyah! :D
almost my best answer!
mmm, having fun with RegExp like this:
haha, I'd have voted for it too. I love the OP's comment on your answer asking for a link
@CharlesSprayberry ikr!! LOL
@MattMcDonald wow, fun....
hehe just started with u @ThomasShields: thesoconundrum.blogspot.com/2011/07/post-one.html
the real fun is I'm using it through PHP and I'm not allowed to access any flags
so no i flag :(
@Neal awesome!! thanks man. :D
@ThomasShields good idea for a blog, no?
@Neal awesome idea. subscribed.
@ThomasShields ^_^
just added bobince's famous one lol
and it will continue :-)
@ThomasShields haha like the url i chose?
YES hahah
I'm gonna grab some vittles; back later all.
omg you actually have to pay to add that disclaimer stuff at the bottom untill iLegal came?
nvm nvm
reading the post below, its very believeable though n nicely written
@ThomasShields good job lol
(web in a nutshell)
@ThomasShields just got the full URL for it
anyone wanna be a contributer to the new site?
(i know some people would want to be)
I will!
omgosh @ErrorErrorError fell for it too?
yeah it was nicely done :P
even my 10, 12, and 15 year old siblings knew I was joking...
thanks :D
@ThomasShields lol how do i add u? (i have not done this in a while)
@ThomasShields i need ur email address
i think
@Neal one second lemme pull up a blogger blog...
oh right
well, actually, use [email protected]
scratch the email i'm following with
@ThomasShields so what email? lol
@ThomasShields remember the fiddle you wrote to show me the list? jsfiddle.net/thomas4g/QVUHU/49 I wrote a regex but I am not sure on how to apply it so that if the user enters invalid number it tells them to reenter the number in the text box when they click Add jsfiddle.net/87ea8/8
@ThomasShields kk and when u post keep the the same format as i did for the top 2
@Neal righto
@ThomasShields u were just invited
@ThomasShields AKA the question: image, the answer: image, the link: link
@Neal right. half a sec.
@ThomasShields kk
now to find funny posts...
@ThomasShields haha lets make sure not to overdo it. a few a day, spread them out ^_^
keep people wanting more ^_^
@Neal yeah, good point. What if there's a funny question but not a funny answer? Like here? stackoverflow.com/questions/2193953/flash-cs4-refuses-to-let-go
@ThomasShields lol hmmmm
@ThomasShields lets stick to the genre
yeah, gp. kk

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