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Thank you very much. Of particular note was the for...in being specific for objects. and the links.
it's an odd mistake I see more often
considering it's an advanced feature, you'd figure it would be ignored until a better grasp of the language was reached
yea, i just need to focus on javascript more. just need to pour through the documentation! well, thank you for the education. off to learn some more.
@MattMcDonald what exactly about those h4's did you find disturbing? the size? the text-shadow?
the size for sure
too big?
and if I scale the font-size down; do I scale the images as well?
I just didn't like the usage because they were smaller than the text below
I'd avoid messing with the heading size too much
wait: the h4's were smaller than the text below them? they're supposed to be bigger...
they were when restored to normal size
ah okay.
thanks for your thoughts. gotta run. later guys.
Q: Where is the Aves game engine?

blueberryfieldsThe Aves game engine made a splash last spring/summer, with very impressive demo videos. I went back to check on them, and it looks like their site has long since died. Google also doesn't seem to know anything new about them. Where can I find news about Aves? Is the project dead?

Hi all, when I use jquery submit function, and i invoke the submit function on the form selector, why does it trigger when I load the page, but when I click the form button to submit, it does not trigger the javascript alert? $('form.highlight').submit(alert('what the f'));
isn't submit only supposed to respond to the event of submitting a form?
actually I can see why it happens when page loads, because alert is executed right away
but when I submit form, this still doesn't trigger: $('form.highlight').submit(function(){alert('what the f')});
not working either: $('form').submit(function(){
alert('what the f');
return false;
2 hours later…
@JohnMerlino, your use of submit should be correct. Either your button isn't a submit button or your form doesn't have the class "highlight."
Samsung’s open-source “WebCL for WebKit” now in Google Code http://goo.gl/TEB9V also, Nokia made a Firefox extension http://goo.gl/pUqCq
3 hours later…
Hi guys, I need some help
I want to use if else to check if an image doesn't exist in the div.

if (image does not exist in #random)
how can I do that?
@GrozavAlexIoan Any image or a specific img element with certain attributes?
find all <img /> tags inside id="random" and loop thought them , checking the src attribute
any image
there should be just one image, if there is none, then I append one
if there is, I don't want it to do anything
var random = $('#random');
if( ! random.find('img').length ) {
thanks, gonna try that!
works like a charm, thank you very much!
you really should stop spoon-feeding
@teresko Well, it's literally just one line of code
which is exactly why you should not give the code
it only encourages the whole jquery user's copy-paste mentality
I'm a beginner in this so it was a great help for what I had to do. Didn't know how I could do that. Sorry if I bothered you
@GrozavAlexIoan if you are beginner , then you should be writing that in pure javascript , instead of using framework without any understand of the underlaying language
I'm currently coding a custom jquery gallery, trying not to "copy-paste" already made scripts as you said..
@teresko but we all know jQuery is about the copy and paste.
Why not just create an elitist bridge between them and us
If you got time to spare I second not using jQuery
why not ?! because you are hurting my internet !
@teresko Use the subset of the internet created by the elite
it not so much the internet itself that i worry about , but the people who i with on different project
rigth now at the company where i work there are 5 jquery experts , and none of them know how to do most basic things in javascript
Fire them
Purge by fire.
i'm the junior developer here
not by job description , but by length of service
Fuck office politics
I know what kind of man you are, your competent. Don't play politics
Respect developers by competence not by ranking or politics. And make it public
one battle at time '
right now i'm slowly pushing unittests here
They don't have unit tests? are you fucking me.
Drop whatever your doing and start writing with QUnit and whatever server-side tool you want
Next your going to tell me they dont use version control :D
they do , but it is SVN
svn is not that bad
yeah , but most of them are not even adding comments to commits they make
its annoying
teach them to not be shit
why do you put up with this bullshit
Book a meeting tomorrow morning, tell the guys here is the joel test. Here's what I suggest we do to pass it. Discuss
@teresko why aren't you in a startup?
i was , but i left because it was sinking
what went wrong?
investor without any clue about how internet works
investor invests money
that's it.
no specification , no version control
management consisted of first timers
You do your work, you launch your project, investor gets money
Aren't startups supposed to be small?#
2-6 guys or so
it was
well then your one of the team. And you tell the guys "this is how we do it"
You take your aggression and attitude you have here and apply it at work
either you get promoted or fired :P
and the project owner once in the meeting told developers : "we do not pay you for your opinions and ideas"
i do not put up with that kind of crap
@Raynos , what do you use for stripping comments out of your javascript ?
YUI Compressor ?
If I had a proper production system
then I would probably use the closure compiler
currently I dont minify code
@teresko The correct response is "Actually, you don't pay me at all. <Quit />"
If I wanted a lightweight minifier I would probably use uglifyjs
pastie.org/2161833 << any reasons why something like this sucks ? ( small thing i wrote for debugging .. kinda for code-review )
Whitespace ;_; dump it somewhere readable and without the annoying linebreaks on every line
well , i like them this way
makes for easier reading
I meant there's two linebreaks after every bloody line -.-
@teresko wtf are you doing?
Seriously, this sucks.
Use JSON.stringify or console.dir
Don't write your own logging mechanism
did no know that console.dir() existed
maybe you should do console.dir(console) ;)
Firebug and Chrome have more then IE9
Don't know how much Dragonfly and that Safari debugger have
.. and i care for neither ( my development browser is opera )
Also IE9's console.dir is ugly as hell compared to FF & Chrome
dragonfly 1.0 supports .dir
The actual code itself (apart from being redundant) is too procedural / PHP-ish
hmm .. maybe it was not in earlier version ( i mean the console.dir() )
Could be.
Dragonfly 1.0 is fairly recent
Was released early may this year
hmmm ... actually my function works better for me , then console.dir()
because that console thing gives too much information
any suggestions how to improve it ? ( same functionality , better code )
What do you mean too much information?
.. or maybe i will just use JSON.stringify
Just mentally filter it down
Oh wait, console.dir prints up the prototype chain
yeah, it's kinda overkill
In chrome it shows the prototype seperately
under its own expandable box
while it is useful in some cases , it still is kinda confusing
because what i want is to keep track of values
What does opera do?
it gives ton of information
IE9/FF/Chrome just shows the information you want to see
hmm .. only difference between my var_dump and JSON.stringify is that my version has whitespaces
anyway , i guess i will stick with it
Yes. json doesn't have whitespace
it does exactly what i need
But what did you need var_dump for anyway?
Debugging or serialization?
what i required was a way to to see all variables inside objects ( in same way as console.log( [array] ) works
you could say that it is serialization for debugging
I think console.dir should work good enough, but dont know how it displays in opera
Just use chrome :P console.dir is great in chrome
in opera .dir() gives too much information
entire prototype chain , for the object , and each object it contains
dont suppose anyone knows the best way to protect soource code on a client server?
Q: Protect source code.

LamboI have developed an application on a client server, the development is now complete and the application is running as an automated task using the .exe file. I want to make sure that the source code is not accessible to anyone other than myself however do not want to remove it from the server inc...

Is that information closable?
In terms of folding
@Lambo Don't give them the source code. Give them the .exe
ok thanks
Also how is this related to js ¬_¬
how do you mean closable?
sorry i just needed a quick answer
That was not aimed at you :)
@teresko surely you can just fold the prototype chain away and not be forced to scroll through it, right? In my opinion it's better to have more information then less. Just get used to the console.dir look and feel. Or use a different browser with a different debugging toolset ;) (Webkit inspector is awesome)
is there any tutorial site that explain backbone js from basic
Q: Generating table rows for a form using js

RemuladgrytaAs you can see, the following is pretty ugly and seems to be unnecessarily long. Is there a shorter/neater way to do this? function addNewRow(body, id){ var myRow = document.createElement("tr"); myRow.id = id+''; var c1 = document.createElement("td"); var c2 = document.createEle...

1 hour later…
@Ashvin there are plenty
Q: Backbone.js tutorials and learning resources

yojimbo87Are there any other backbone.js tutorials or learning resources for beginners than Introduction or Hello backbone.js?

Q: Advantages of learning Javascript

Ryan MurphyI have only been developing for a little while now and at the start I learnt HTML and CSS which are simple enough, but then I pushed my self and have been learning PHP for the better part of 2 years. I am going to be looking for a job soon as I will finish uni, so I wanted to broaden my skill set...

@teresko what do you mean by overwriting incoming variables?
by "incoming" i meant ones that you pass to the function as arguments
Well things like
function(someVar) {
  someVar = someVar || "default";
is awesome of course, but thats just an implementation of default / optional parameters.
Any form of parameter normalization is acceptable, anything else is bad
@Raynos : i am talking about this method - pastie.org/2162383
Hi al
posted on July 04, 2011

I’ve written a Conference Organiser’s Handbook in which I share some of my experiences with organising conferences, and offer beginners the solid, practical advice that they need. It’s free; do whatever you like with it (except for copying it entirely to another URL). Back in October I spoke at Front-Trends in Warsaw. A good time was had by all; it was a nice little confere

Need a small help.Have a div and a few div's under this div.I am trying to hide a few child divs of the parent div but it is not hiding...anyone can help me..
<div id="examdiv" class="examdiv" style="display: none;">
<div id="ques_<s:property value="%{#questionSerial.index}" />" align="left" style="display: none;">
here in my code i need to hid a few question div excluding one..
@Raynos ...if you can help please
@Sam what? No -.-
am trying to hide the above div in a JS using $('#ques_1').hide();
@Raynos @Neal i have a very hard question for both of you......How is it possible to to have a program look at a screenshot for example and any text in the screen shot be converted to text
how is it possible to write such a program
Pattern recognistion
In machine learning, pattern recognition is the assignment of some sort of output value (or label) to a given input value (or instance), according to some specific algorithm. An example of pattern recognition is classification, which attempts to assign each input value to one of a given set of classes (for example, determine whether a given email is "spam" or "non-spam"). However, pattern recognition is a more general problem that encompasses other types of output as well. Other examples are regression, which assigns a real-valued output to each input; sequence labeling, which assigns ...
It's an entire branch of AI and machine learning.
<3 ur awesome, reading it
Good luck doing that without any kind of formal training
well what do u recommend?
i have done object recognition before
Ehm if you need it do pattern recognition
But it'll probably take you a long time to do this from scratch
use existing tools that do this for you
there are tools that can do it?
is it just me or is stackoverflow.com ultra slow today
fast as ever for me
@jAndy just you
@ErrorErrorError of course.
Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text. It is widely used to convert books and documents into electronic files, to computerize a record-keeping system in an office, or to publish the text on a website. OCR makes it possible to edit the text, search for a word or phrase, store it more compactly, display or print a copy free of scanning artifacts, and apply techniques such as machine translation, text-to-speech and text mining to it. OCR is a ...
so i can use a software to convert the screenshot's text into real text?
There are many tools for recognising text from say a scanned document
this is brilliant
why arent they mentioned more often
there is so much i can do with this
They are.
You just need to get a computer science degree :P
oh hahaha im worknig my way there :D
But yes it is a general problem in the software sector
That there are so many unknown / poorly marketed tools
that solve your exact problem out of the box for free.
I mean, I know a lot more about niche js libraries then other people, and there are a lot of specific libraries that solve tools.
I know barely anything outside of js.
But still inside js the accepted situation is "use jQuery" and "search for it but add 'jQuery plugin' to the end of your search query"
ooo, any idea why the playbook failed in comprison to ipad 2?
from what im told cell phones are a lto harder to program and deal with than the pc
@Raynos: did you also hear of that jQuery plugin, called "Javascript" ?
@jAndy i can't tell if you're being serious or there's really a plugin called Javascript
@Charles: lol :)
serious == sarcastic
it definetly was sarcastic, but now I'm seriously in doubt if there isn't a plugin called like that
$.JavaScript = function(javascripts) { eval(javascripts); };
$.JavaScript("var foo = 42;");
if you think about this a little more.. you seriously could do some ES5 goodies with plain Javascript :p
but then again.. nargh people should just learn how to use es5 and harmony some day
I don't think I like any js-compiler or "pre interpreter". Thats why I hate CoffeeScript also
I'm going to develop CocoaScript which compiles down to Coffeescript
and then I'm going to create OverkillScript which compiles down to CocoaScript
and finally when I can just call createADialogWithTwoButtonsFirstIsCalledOKsecondIscalledCANCEL() I'm satisfied
I need a round of steve ballmer to calm down
Hang on, not enough bold...
as long as you don't start flinging chairs around the room i'm good
I love the comments :p "If someone needs the lyrics: DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS"
Q: Using Jquery and standard Javascript together

YsoL8I have this line of Javascript / Jquery that I'm attempting to use to apend an element to the dom and then attach an eventlistener to. $('.faq_answer').prev().append(finalRender.cloneNode(true)).addEventListener("click", function () {toggle(this)}, false); I know the appending part works perf...

I couldn't resist
ugh, what a hideous bit of code
speaking of hideous: pastebin.com/85n7GRcd
I only get a heavy load kitten
@jAndy ... You don't use ES5 ?
Cmon we all know ES5 is the best
@jAndy See my question
Q: ECMAScript:Harmony / ES6 to JavaScript compiler

RaynosAfter reading Peter's article on JavaScript I noticed Brendan Eich stated that one the goals for Harmony is to be a better target for to-JavaScript compilers. There are currently two popular compilers with some vague ES:Harmony compliance: Traceur CoffeeScript Although CoffeeScript has ...

@Raynos: yes I do, of course
We seriously need to write this ES:Harmony -> ES3 compiler
@jAndy start writing it please, I'll pitch in.
Harmony != ES5 isnt it
it's es:next
I'm actually a little afraid that ES6+ will change more and more the functional lisp style of javascript
going more and more C like with block scopes and stuff
@jAndy its that
I think ES6 will get more functional
just look at the recommendations
really hope they go through with constants
@MattMcDonald no :( ew.
We have read only properties already
right, keep forgetting about ES5
@MattMcDonald read the ES5 spec. Or at least learn the differences between ES3 and ES5
the ES5 kangax table is a good place to go
I'm not sure what I should think of those numbers in Peters blog. "ES6 can only get used by big players in year 2023" or something
sounds pretty frustrating :p
Do you not see why we need an ES6 -> ES3 compiler?
That way we can all write ES6. and just compile it down for legacy browser support
JavascriptGarden: There is an Italian translation efforts at present?
hi, what is the correct way to post a javascript related question?
there isn't any real effort to the thing at all right now..
busy with job and private life stuffs
(ignore the usenet stuff)
@Matt Mcdonald sorry, i meant here; i just right my question and hope for someone to answer?
Q: javascript namespaced html elements

André Alçada Padezi don't know exactly how to post this question so, please, bare with me: I am writing something academic where i have namespaced html elements like: <ns:LinkList id="sitesuteis" cssClass="classone"> <ns:LinkItem id="LI1" href="http://www.ibt.pt/" target="_blank">IBT</...

i'm really freakin' out with this
@IvoWetzel If you don't mean I would like to start to translate it
anyone wanna help in the web dev lounge lol?
@Eineki No I don't mind, but I just don't have time to take care of the issues / translations right now
the problem is it will only work in IE >= 9 if MSDN is to be trusted
DOM Level 2 defines a bunch of namespace methods for returning NodeLists
@MatMcDonald, thx, i got that. i want to know if anyone can think of a hack.
i need it to work in IE7 and IE8. IE9 is working perfectly
you could try parsing it as XML
hmm, that might be a good idea. :)
> Note: DOM Level 1 methods are namespace ignorant.
IE was late to the party in fully supporting DOM Level 2, so that's what your problem stems from
got one of my beloved cherry infinity keyboards at work now :)
anyone know why the array with number isnt being displayed?????
when u enter number it should send the array to something.php
@ErrorErrorError when you click "add" or when you click "submit"
you're not giving the input a name attribute
the server can't touch it if it doesn't have a control name
just add a name as well as the id. same way you did id.
then you access it through $_POST[nameOfControl]
<input type="submit" name="mySubmit" style="width: 75px; border: 1px solid gray" class="formbutton" value="Submit">
liek that?
no, not the submit button
why would you ever want to access that?
you add a name to each input that's added
when you add a name to the form control, its value is passed to the server upon submission
be very careful when naming controls as names like "submit" and "reset' will override form methods
o so how do i give it a name and id?
when adding through the DOM, either add it via DOMString (with the rest of the element) or via the name DOM property
woah, that is DOM O_O never heard of it
> The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents.
ahhhhh seems much harder than what i had before.....before i jus had a list POSTing all of the variable in list to something.php
Q: Javascript, Text Annotations and Ideas

SizzlePantsThis is a cross post from the general Stack site... Never realized there was a "programmers" specific SE! I am very curious to here input from others on a problem I've been contemplating for some time now. Essentially I would like to present a user with a text document and allow him/her to mak...

one strategy I recall is using an array as a name
I'll have to research it further, but the rationale is you give each control the same name and they're passed as an array to the server
@IvoWetzel "private life stuff" wink wink nudge nudge
@MattMcDonald I see you like assuming PHP
I ensured the link mentioned PHP's behavior
"What is DOM"
he was using PHP
:S we never learned that n i had never encountered it before
It's a really sad state of affairs when people don't know what the DOM is. It's not your fault
I'm just ranting.
Basically all methods on document are part of the DOM and more.
document.getElementById is part of the DOM
JS is just strings, booleans, dates, numbers, arrays, objects, regexp, and functions
It's a bit more, but that covers most of it
to me, it's a pretty low-level, "building block" language
it also contains Math and a few other globals
@Raynos Not that kind of private life stuff :/
@Raynos btw: Are you going to throw a party when you reach 50k? Like, next week?
is it possible to get 10 mil?
@IvoWetzel what? I'm only 19k
I'm not ramping up in rep that fast
Ive been having fun in prog.SE lately
but you're making 1k a day
1k ? :S
today: 251
per day: per day
hes not going 1k a day lol
"223 Jun 23
290 Jun 22
275 Jun 21 "
is it possible to get 10 mil rep?
Are we looking at my rep or something?
"is it possible to build your own rocket ship and fly to the moon?"
I want lookbehind in JS regex ._.
I have this sudden urge to go to a microsoft convention just to see balmers >_>
That was a good one.
the xp one is mind-bending
._. Is that a paradoy?
Did balmers do it "for the lulz" ?
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