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4:22 AM
"Origin: 1990's" ... ah yes, back in the old days
2 hours later…
6:10 AM
useless stack fact: Comments on SO have a 15 character minimum length, but somehow, 4 managed to slip through over the years
1 hour later…
7:25 AM
41 comments PER DAY?!
How does commentator rank work? It doesn't appear directly related to num comments per day.
Oh... it is a SO rank.
@MisterGeeky And is that link to your 100 days so far?
7:59 AM
8:38 AM
@ashleedawg One day you should compile these tidbits (bad joke there!) into a little SO blog. Would be very cool.
How can you have comments as long as the tail end?
3 hours later…
12:01 PM
🌍 🌎 🌏 🌕 🌜 🌡 🌤 🌥 🌦 🌧 🌨 🌩🌍︎ 🌎︎ 🌏︎ 🌕︎ 🌜︎ 🌡︎ 🌤︎ 🌥︎ 🌦︎ 🌧︎ 🌨︎ 🌩︎🌍️ 🌎️ 🌏️ 🌕️ 🌜️ 🌡️ 🌤️ 🌥️ 🌦️ 🌧️ 🌨️ 🌩️🌪 🌫 🌬 🌶 🍸 🍽 🎓 🎖 🎗 🎙 🎚 🎛🌪︎ 🌫︎ 🌬︎ 🌶︎ 🍸︎ 🍽︎ 🎓︎ 🎖︎ 🎗︎ 🎙︎ 🎚︎ 🎛︎🌪️ 🌫️ 🌬️ 🌶️ 🍸️ 🍽️ 🎓️ 🎖️ 🎗️ 🎙️ 🎚️ 🎛️🎞 🎟 🎧 🎬 🎭 🎮 🏂 🏄 🏆 🏊 🏋 🏌🎞︎ 🎟︎ 🎧︎ 🎬︎ 🎭︎ 🎮︎ 🏂︎ 🏄︎ 🏆︎ 🏊︎ 🏋︎ 🏌︎🎞️ 🎟️ 🎧️ 🎬️ 🎭️ 🎮️ 🏂️ 🏄️ 🏆️ 🏊️ 🏋️ 🏌️🏍 🏎 🏔 🏕 🏖 🏗 🏘 🏙 🏚 🏛 🏜 🏝🏍︎ 🏎︎ 🏔︎ 🏕︎ 🏖︎ 🏗︎ 🏘︎ 🏙︎ 🏚︎ 🏛︎ 🏜︎ 🏝︎🏍️ 🏎️ 🏔️ 🏕️ 🏖️ 🏗️ 🏘️ 🏙️ 🏚️ 🏛️ 🏜️ 🏝️🏞 🏟 🏠 🏭 🏳 🏵 🏷 🐈 🐕 🐟 🐦 🐿🏞︎ 🏟︎ 🏠︎ 🏭︎ 🏳︎ 🏵︎ 🏷︎ 🐈︎ 🐕︎ 🐟︎ 🐦︎ 🐿
12:20 PM
CHAT HACK: (unrelated to the multicolored Unicode symbols that work here)
there's a chat message size limit of 500 characters, but it's bypassed if your message begins with a "soft return" (ie., LineFeed / CTRL+ENTER on Windows)

If a chat message contains a "soft return" (ie., LineFeed / CTRL+ENTER on Windows), then *Markdown* won't **render**.
A NEW USE FOR CHAT? . . . As long as a chat message begins with a "soft return", the maximum length is One Billion Characters. Therefore, you could hypothetically back up your hard drive right here, one GB per chat message, where it will be stored permanently in the room transcript.
I do think SE would kinda notice if you suddenly started uploading terabytes of data to chat, though...
@QHarr Not sure what you mean, but the maximum comment length on a post is 600 characters... I think the uptick at the end showing an increase of comments between 595-600 characters, probably from people (like me) who have long comments and then need to squish them down to fit...
@ErikvonAsmuth would they, though? lol
i wonder how much the database grows in a day as it is...
Probably not more than a hundred megs I guess. There are currently 53 rooms and 97 users on SO chat.
SE chat is 86 rooms and a little more users. But still shouldn't grow much. Also, there's often just a simple DDoS protection thing that blocks your IP if you transmit over a certain amount of data in a certain amount of time.
Maybe something a little more complex than that though, but I think they probably have some kind of rule-based blocking
12:38 PM
@ashleedawg Seems you do understand what I mean. You can really write a comment that long underneath a question?
@ErikvonAsmuth Rene posted a 250kb test message in one of the chatroom. (I'd think someone would've noticed that if they're watching for size)
@QHarr 600 char isn't very long
More than I expected but I obvs wasn't paying attention.
That's certainly curious... But quite different from a gig though
Makes me want to spin up selenium and check if it preserves binary data too, even if they're not valid characters
12:44 PM
@QHarr a couple of my "copy-and-pasted welcome newbie" comments are exactly 600
@ashleedawg I think you mean "a few of my choice tailored newbie help bites....."
@ErikvonAsmuth it could always be encoded somehow... some of those colored unicode characters i posted above are several bytes each
Yes of course. But VBA just allows you to cast bytearrays to strings and use them as such. You get pretty nonsensical strings (often mostly chinese characters and squares), but it's way more efficient than encoding to BASE64 if you're storing it in an NVARCHAR field
And you can just store binary data in an NVARCHAR field if you want. There are small differences between VARBINARY and NVARCHAR fields, but you can pretty much use them the same.
12:50 PM
@QHarr yeah, that's what I meant
1:01 PM
I have a tough bit of debugging to do and can't get my self in the zone despite a very productive morning.....:sighs:
\o @JBis
anyone want to assist me with some stuff?
.....resounding chorus of "yes.....let's........."
what is stuff?
I am creating chat bot
I ain't hiding no more bodies....
my cellar is full.
@Zoe is your resident expert on that front.
1:06 PM
@QHarr Huh?
@JBis is creating a chat bot.
Looking for volunteers....for stuff....
say something
What language?
hold on...
1:12 PM
@ErikvonAsmuth obviously I can't query chat but that got me wondering about the SE db size across all sites... so I combined a couple queries to come up with a number, but it can't be right.... Here's the query if you're interested.
I guess SEDE dbs are a lot smaller than the actual thing, though. Fewer caches, less data (a lot of info on deleted posts is lost for example).
@QHarr I have thought about that but the problem is a lot of these things are slapped together based on whatever subjective criteria I feel like, not necessarily actually representative of what they appear to be. With a dataset so bog it's easy to overlook something seemingly minor that drastically changes the outcome
@QHarr ... in fact, here's a good example of that happening
Q: Why did questions stop getting edited after closing in 2013?

ashleedawgWhen a question is closed but not deleted, the OP is able to edit the question (for potential re-opening later). At one point, close to half of closed questions were edited. What happened at the beginning of 2013 to change that? I assume this is something that we want to encourage, or are we b...

@ashleedawg 48 upvotes. Way to go!
Ok...so make more questions out of your observations... the discussion and subsequent query edits are really interesting IM0.
1:25 PM
@ErikvonAsmuth yeah i realize it's not the complete set, there's quite a bit more stored that we never see like IP's and user-level usage trends (I got my data dump recently, it's 25MB including all the analytics etc) ... but half a TB total, for all posts/comments/edits for SO + 174 other SE sites??
@QHarr yup, 48 votes for posting misinformation :)
@QHarr they're only meta votes so they don't matter. More of a popularity contest over there IMO lol (and I'm generally not very popular over there)
@ashleedawg For posting an interesting question.
Well... It's all just text. If you optimize before exporting, I could imagine that being true... But I wouldn't really know. SQL server is pretty efficient
Now who is danny downpour over themselves?
@QHarr popularity and skill are very different metrics
yawn.... so no skill was involved in that question?
1:27 PM
Meta's more all over the place than a popularity contest I think
it was wrong information
Today it's being trolled though
you mean in general?
1:28 PM
Yeah, there's a dude spamming it with synonym requests
I got tired of it, so closed one as a duplicate, and others seem to follow
spamming it with synonym requests? What does that mean and how is it detected?
Just look at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions... one user posted 9 synonym requests in a day
i remember when trolls were good luck
oh...on the tags? My stupid.
The problem is that they're sensible, but out of a long list of 300 tags to clean up...
1:31 PM
@ErikvonAsmuth make that 10
Slowly loses his mind
Nah.... still don't like that song.
me neither
:( 11 :(
@QHarr Yes, it is. Today is Day 41 for me.
@MisterGeeky I will have a look tonight. What sort of feedback are you after? Or is it reviews? What exactly am I doing?
@ashleedawg 👈 👈
@QHarr I don't know. Just engage. If you have a question, I'll answer. If you're mean, I'll delete the comment..'tis all.
@MisterGeeky Coolio! I like me some ML. I have only done it in python/R though.
2:13 PM
@QHarr I've barely done python and thought R meat Rust for an insane amount of time. Take whatever crumbs you find on me, interrogate a knowledge engine for the rest.
@ashleedawg 1) Why is my tag list so long? 2) There is an Access-VBA tag in there. Get in there my son! 3) Not really expecting you to address these points.
Ah.... tab 2.
mine is empty :) i am squeeky clean
@MisterGeeky Your what?
i have no activity in the last 30 days. In the past 1000 days however, should yield a result...
nope. nothing. nada
ooh, when the net dropped I got a nice error: "Something unexpected went wrong while running your query. Don't worry, blame is already being assigned."
2:31 PM
2:45 PM
At a certain high number of days, it says "The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information."
2:56 PM
there's a hack thingy going on
want to join my team anyone? it's online
1 hour later…
4:31 PM
@Zoe: u free?
4:54 PM
@MisterGeeky yeah. Mobile though
2 hours later…
6:48 PM
Entirely back now
7:21 PM
@MisterGeeky What languages?
@MisterGeeky So that is your statement at day 0? The whole thing looks awesome. Quite alot of reading stuff I saw there in the 3 month plan! Well done.
7:39 PM
can anyone help on my for each loop ?
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Dim pgnumber As Range
For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100")
i = i + 1
AcroDoc.Open pgnumber
PageNum = AcroDoc.GetNumPages
Cells(2, 4) = PageNum
Next pgnumber
cant seem to get it to keep going. Its only writing to the one cell
8:04 PM
You are not changing the cell. ..... Cells(2, 4)
Should i be in there?
e.g. Cells(i,4)
and in fact I suggest you use .Cells (pgNumber.Row,4) = PageNum and remove the incremented variable if that is the case and no cells are being skipped
Cells(i,4) populates the whole column
maybe something I am doing wrong above the loop
You said the problem was it is writing to only one cell.
That is because the cell reference didn't change
Cells(i,4) will do the row having the value of i within the loop though this becomes unnecessary as you have an accurate incremented row value (as you start from 2) by using the pgNumber.Row
i mean its only supposed to write in Cells(i + 1 , 4) if an item in col A is filled
Is Not IsEmpty(pgNumber) Then
i = i + 1
.Cells(i, 4) = PageNum
like this, For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100") Is Not IsEmpty(pgNumber) Then?
8:15 PM
2 options
For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100")
If Not IsEmpty(pgNumber) Then
End If
....do stuff
Or test for non blanks first and then use special cells.
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Counta(Range("A2:A100"))> 0 Then
i got this now
Dim i As Integer
Dim pgnumber As Range
For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100")
If Not IsEmpty(pgnumber) Then
End If
i = i + 1
AcroDoc.Open pgnumber
PageNum = AcroDoc.GetNumPages
Cells(i + 1, 4) = PageNum
Next pgnumber
For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers)
Dim i As Long
Dim i As Long , pgnumber As Range
For Each pgnumber In Range("A2:A100")
If Not IsEmpty(pgnumber) Then
i = i + 1
AcroDoc.Open pgnumber
PageNum = AcroDoc.GetNumPages
Cells(i + 1, 4) = PageNum
End If
Next pgnumber
You should qualify the Range with the worksheet to avoid using the Activesheet implicitly.
wow thank you it worked
it works, but for some reason my getpagenum isnt giving me correct page count lol
you have already posted about that haven't you?
no, i deleted it lol
i found an answer that helped me
but now its not doing page count for all cells in col A, just giving me the correct value for A2, but not A3 , A4, etc
8:41 PM
I don't know how your function is working in this context. Debug with F8 or post a new question I guess.
yes si
9:08 PM
@QHarr Hey, just wanted to thank you for your help on the Excel question!
Power Query worked perfectly
@StevenVascellaro Welcome to the Dawg haus. Glad it helped.

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