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A: nodejs missing read files

Alejandro Teixeira Muñoz CLUE 1: Check the order reported on your fs.readdir CLUE 2: Now, as it´s alphabetical order, look for the next ocurrence in your list (alphabetically) CLUE 3: Check for special characters on it´s name. CLUE 4 - TEST A POSSIBLE SOLUTION* As you can see, there is a space on the ...

I tried this but give me "ok" on console and the same issue is exist some file not copied
Did you tried deleting the space on the new dictionary.json , renaming as new_dictionary.json for example?
no , i didn't because in normal i don't know files's name in folder , i just after that issue i open folder and check files's name
Check for it plz.. Then, we may be able to know if it´s a ncp issue...
Here, they also say you need the filename on destination. Maybe this need is related to the space on filename.. ?
I don't guess that because there is a file also sw.js it hasn't space and not copied in this ask topic he copy one single file he know its name already but i copy whole folder
Did you checked it? That is an important point. If you Guess you dont need to, you should not ask for help....
sir did you see this img "" this is a list of files npc and fs cant read and copy them , it isn't case of space in name it's something else
ok, and..... can you guess why are exactly the next ones to “new dictionary.json”????
i don't know why , but i try it in Linux and fs.reddir catch these files [ '.DS_Store', 'appmanifest.json', 'box2d.asm.js', 'c2runtime.js', 'data.js', 'data.json', 'game.html', 'icon.png', 'icons', 'images', 'media', 'new dictionary.json' ] but still the files in the image fs can't read why !! i don't know
@MahmoudNiypoo I Told You: The files BEFORE the file with the space in the name, are copied. The files AFTER the file with the space in the name are NOT COPIED. That shows, at least, a clear relation between the problem you report and this file. .. If you are still thinking there is no relation... I don´t understand what you guess is the problem....
i did what did you say and it's work but still some files not copy !! i don't know why i check all files's name to remove a space or simple but not found , what you guess ?
It´ll be easier to chat here
Glad to help you!!! :)
yes you right
I did what did you say and it's work but still some files not copy ! -> Ok, What is what you did?

Did you removed the space on the filename before executing NCP?
yes i have changed to newdictionary.json
and what happened now??
can yoy tell me de list of copied / noncopied files??
can i here send photo
okey wait
[ '.DS_Store',
'screen.jpg' ]
this is a list of files have copied
it's bigger after remove space
it's bigger after remove space <-- ;) It seems you now have ALL of them.. right?
no still some files missing like
yes just these start.js
Then, after the change, it is now copying everything (or it seems to) but


Are stillo not copying
ummmm It´s extrange. It should copy everything
wait me i will test it in Linux
but i have another question !
Try to execute the fs.readdir at least a few seconds after copying with ncp
if this is the problem ( i mean the space) there is a way to escape this issue with out rename
(to ensure there is no write-delay problems)
sure it is
Ill try to explain my thaughts on what could be the problem

1.- If it´s the space, you will sure need to escape this space on NCP. Maybe you will need to use a backslash (\) to escape the dest file name, or the orig file name:

Appart from that, the fact that your code stopped exactly in a register that has a Space on it´s name, makes me think there is a problem there.

After that, you removed the space, and then, told me that more files appeared. IT seems that removing the space there is solving the code question, and then, all files are being copied.
***I have to go home now. (I´m now at the office) hope these ideas are helping you. I´ll check chat later !!!
[ '.DS_Store',
'Bots Can Feel Too iOS bannerFix 2 2 2',
'__MACOSX' ]
this is a list after 10 second from ncp copy process
still the three files are missing
okay thank you very much

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