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Q: GoogleMaps issues using two IOS Frameworks

Walid SassiFirst I had a project which uses two frameworks that I developed and Integrate them in a demo project. The problem is that each of the frameworks uses googleMap which maybe is the cause of conflict. When I run the app and open the view that should contain a map, I got a gray map like this This...

one of the placeholder you are trying to show over pin is nil just check ..
Thank you, I know but this is not the main problem the problem is from using googleMaps in the two frameworks that i developed..
please how to share googleMaps frameworks between this two frameworks
Any help please, how to distinct between googleMaps used in the first framework and the googleMaps used in the second ???
are you following multi-tire architecture?
No I'm not following a multi-tire architecture !!! is any relation between that and this issue???
just install google maps using podfile like pod 'GooglePlaces' and pod 'GoogleMaps' and re configure your project with those.
thank you, you mean that i remove the google maps from the two frameworks and replace them by pod which is not possible as I know when you develop an ios framework ??
I used this solution but I got the same result
describe more how you are using google map two framework with code.
ok, we have Framework A that uses googleMaps and Framework B that uses also googleMaps. Each frameworks has a googleMaps framework and we uses them in a demo project. The pb is that there is a conflict between them
this is an exemple of conflict shown in the debugger console : objc[41837]: Class GMSx_GPSProductSpecialCaseOptions is implemented in both /Users/Amine/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MPMhikesFra‌​meworksDemo-gahucg‌​hl‌​xhkqksfsdphoticahhkc‌​/Build/Products/Debu‌​g-iphonesimulator/MP‌​MhikesNavig‌​ation.fra‌​mework/MPMhikesNavig‌​ation (0x110f9b020) and /Users/Amine/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MPMhikesFra‌​meworksDemo-gahucg‌​hl‌​xhkqksfsdphoticahhkc‌​/Build/Products/Debu‌​g-iphonesimulator/MP‌​MhikesPrese‌​ntation.f‌​ramework/MPMhikesPre‌​sentation (0x10f9f8140). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
what do you think so please ??
this is not a clear way to ask such type of issue with anyone until the issue is well explained, i can understand you may have a problem in frameworks but i cant imagine how you are using them ..
for now just clean up the derived data of your workspace completely, quit and retry may solve your issue ..
or try with link embedded binaries in general tap of your target project ..
thank you I don't have a problem with the frameworks, both shows the map where they are not used in the same project. I tried to clean up the project but the issue is usually there.
I would like to be sure if when there is a conflict between two frameworks used in the same project, the map will not be shown

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