« first day (18 days earlier)   

12:49 PM
it is my first time here
I have just realized recently there's the stackoverflow duck on the right buttom corner trying to help me

I was experimenting with the duck and tried "I hate this duck" button to see what happens. It's gone!
how can I get it back?
4 hours later…
4:21 PM
Q: Get Quack Overflow back after you press "I hate this duck"

CybsI know this might be a strange question, but I really liked the idea of Quack Overflow and I pressed "I hate this duck" and it disappeared. How can I get it back?

4:45 PM
@MadaraUchiha Thanks I will check it out
5:45 PM
Jon Clements has frozen this room.

« first day (18 days earlier)