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1:28 PM
Hi :)
I'm in CV queue now.
I'll identify audits and send it to you.
You complete the audits in the correct way (i.e. pass them) and notify me when you're done.
I'll handle everything else including taking screenshots.
It's currently open, with a net score of 12
Ok, I reviewed it.
Second audit (positive, +9):…
Oh no
I reviewed that one too.
1:36 PM
Third audit, still positive, score +10:
I reviewed it.
Fourth audit, positive, score +10:
I reviewed it.
Fifth audit, negative, -3:
I reviewed it.
1:41 PM
Sixth audit, negative, score -11:
I reviewed it.
I plan to stop at 10.
Seventh audit, negative, score -7:
I reviewed it.
Eighth audit, negative, score -2:
1:48 PM
Nineth audit, positive, score +12:
Final audit, negative, score -3:
I reviewed it.
Thank you.
I'm still not banned.
I've collected all the screenshots.
Would you mind doing one Late Answer?
OK, we can do it.
1:54 PM
Check the Review page and ensure there's Zero in LA.
I want you to capture a screenshot this time, thanks.
OK, here is the screenshot.
That isn't an audit. Should I still review it?
Yes. Do the normal review.
This can prove the "race condition" that one normal review won't be presented to two at once.
OK, done.
1:57 PM
That's all.
I'll prepare the report.
When it's done I'll add it to my report on MSE, and I'll notify you with a comment on that post.
Thanks again.
room topic changed to Review audit bug exploration center: See for more info. The experiment has ended and this room is saved as evidences of the experiment. (no tags)
room topic changed to Review audit bug exploration center: See for more info. The experiment has ended and this room is saved as evidences of the experiment. [testing]

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