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00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

Oh did you delete your question? @Kartik
I did not get a chance to look at it
yes i removed it :)
I got the solution. :)
by myselves
You should have answered it
@Reno can you provide solution to my query
I mean if it was something non-trivial it could help someone ya know
I have 1 thing to ask you.

I want to upload the whole code in SO. so that it can be useful to others. So how can i do that.

Simply posting question and answer it myselves ?
make it like a blog though
Ok. Thanks :)
SO is not a blog
I know. But i just want to add so that it can be useful to others. Thats why
it not, but there was some discussion in meta that people should be encouraged to answer their questions
what should i do now ?. Should i add it here in SO ?.. or upload somewhere and star it here ?
in our room ?
A: Should I not answer my own questions?

harriyottYou should answer your own question, and you can get the Self-Learner badge for doing so if the answer has 3 votes. Further more, in order to keep your accept rates up, you should consider answering and accepting those tricky questions nobody answered properly. Jeff & Joel have specificall...

If you feel that is problem you faced is something others can face too
post a question and answer it
yea. I will write it here in SO.
What I meant is write your answer as if you are writing your own blog post
Yes. I got it. :) ... Will do that only
Oh this is question that I was actually looking for
what if SO user post the same question twice in an hour ?
I think there should be no problem
ok.. :) ...
What is SO?
answering your own question is perfectly fine
I already commented somebody.. lemme delete my comment back
lol what is SO ?
@H3llGhost abbreviation for Stack Overflow
It was too easy :P
people should use [so] instead
oh I was using main :)
well it works too on chat.SO :)
oh yea related to the SO blog question
A: Moving a personal technical blog to Stack Overflow/Server Fault

Jeff Atwood Having this in mind, is it a good practice to post a question and answer it yourself immediately on stackoverflow/serverfault when you want to share your idea with community? Absolutely, that is one of the design goals for the site: to be a frictionless technical mini-blog where you get repu...

What can I do when my library couldn't find on my device/emulator?
I have in the library an AsyncTask + Interface and one static class
I haven't edited the manifest of the project. I don't know if it is necessary
how do you mean your library can't be found on the device or emulator?
found where?
In the console is following message [2011-06-17 15:06:25 - Utils] Could not find Utils.apk!
The bin folder of the library is empty
you package it as an APK?
> Library Projects These projects contain shareable Android source code and resources that you can reference in Android projects. This is useful when you have common code that you want to reuse. Library projects cannot be installed onto a device, however, they are pulled into the .apk file at build time.
Something is strange in my project setup
You should checkout the Library Projects documentation
I have got a message "the native libs are duplicate"
after removing them it works
But I get always the message above :D
Ah mistake found ...
The other project was listed in the build dependency
ah ok
haha Bruce Eckel is awesome
> You can trivialize "finger typing" but in my experience it really does make a big difference when you can take an idea and express it in a few keystrokes versus the veritable vomiting of code necessary to express even the simplest concepts in Java.
bye all.....
What is better? Nested Interface or external interface?
2 hours later…
depends on the use case but I tend to external
I use it only in the class where the "events" called and in the "show" class
In the internet you can't find anything about that
book club starts in two hours
In my opinion nested classes can confus very fast
well nested classes are fine
and interfaces?
I don't like it
2 hours later…
hi @BilltheLizard
hello @Sathya
I'm here!
oh hello
:) good @Oct thought you forgot :p
@OctavianDamiean, does your blog not have an RSS feed?
uhm which one?
now that you are asking
Oh... now I see it hasn't been updated in a while. :)
doesn't look like
I'm in the process of creating my own blog
I'm looking for good Android developer blogs to follow.
you starting to develop for Android?
Yes. I read the Pragmatic Programmer's "Hello, Android" some time ago, but didn't go anywhere with it.
Now I'm reading this...
oh right, then you are just about right in here today :)
It's not bad. It goes much more into deep details than "Hello, Android"
I'm hoping to see if anyone has read any of the other books in this series to see if they're any good.
Thanks for the link, @Sathya.
right, the event should be started shouldn't it?
I guess we are live then
Yeah, I don't think the chat room announces start and end times to scheduled events.
welcome, @Bill. I've started with Pragmatic Programmers' "Hello Android" - but again, haven't digged into the book yet
good good, first of all thanks to everyone who turned up. The first two attempts to start this event failed mainly due to me being way too tired and a power outage
@Sathya I thought "Hello Android" was quite good as a broad overview of what you can do in Android.
back in a minute
the idea of this event is to have everyone who wants tell which book he is reading or already read and tell a bit about it
I'll start with the quite famous The Busy Coders books from Mark Murphy also known as Commonsware or Commonsguy
I recognize that guy.
if you buy the subscription you'll get three maintained books as ebooks
that is a pretty good deal
especially in the Android world books tend to get outdated pretty fast
yes he is quite (read friggin) active ;)
the first book in that package The Busy Coders Guide to Android Development is aimed towards beginners
it covers the basics well enough to get started with whatever project you want
for advanced topics or a more in depth overview there is The Busy Coders Guide to Advanced Android Development
that is for people that already know the basics and need more information on certain topics
The last book in the package is Android Programming Tutorials which is similar to the O'Reilly Cookbooks for programming languages
right, thats it from my part for now. If you have questions about the books ask me, if not then it is your turn
Is that $40 for all three books?
there is a fourth book which is a beta
it is called Beyond Android or something like that
Mark holds weekly chat sessions for subscribers
they can then join the web chat and ask Android specific questions as long as they are not too complex for a chat session to ask
That package sounds like a good bargain.
I guess I'll go next.
I also noticed that Android books get dated very quickly.
As I said before, I read "Hello Android" from Pragmatic Programmers some time ago, but wanted to start over due to the time lapse.
It's a good overview, but it's short and doesn't go very deep into any one topic.
More of a "quick start" guide.
The second book that I'm reading now is "Android Apps for Absolute Beginners"
It assumes you know noting about Android and starts with the very basics about the OS, Java, XML, etc.
Oh, and complete instructions on setting up a development environment from scratch.
On Eclipse?
I'm only about 20% of the way done, but it looks like it has everything needed to write simple apps. No 3D graphics.
Yes, with Eclipse.
I recommend it highly for beginning Android developers, and I hope someone who has read other books in the series can tell me if I should keep going with it. There are Android game development books by the same publisher.
I have an ebook version of another Apress Android book
give me one second and I'll find the title
thats the one I have. I've only skimmed through so far but it looks promising
so I would generally recommend Apress
I think that's one of the later (advanced) books in the sequence.
anyone else?
nope, I'm listening :)
alright, then I'll go ahead with the next book :)
this was my first Android book
it is a provides a very high-level overview of Android
I guess a bit like Hello Android
Shane Conder and Lauren Darcey write a lot of good Android tutorials on mobile.tutsplus.com by the way.
definitely worth taking a look
oh I totally forgot. I have one more :)
this one is by Reto Meier who is an Android developer advocate at Google.
it also provides a rather higher-level-ish overview of all the main topics but also goes into detail on certain topics
it can be used as a reference
that is pretty much all I have for now on Android
Can you recommend what order you'd read those in? I want to add these books to the Android tag wiki.
however this session is not solely for books. If you have a very good tutorial or a blog you are free to share
I'd say start with the CommonsWare subscription
especially since you have already read a book which covers the setup of the environment
oh and the most important resource of course is developer.android.com
tons of amazing information
Thanks, I'll update the wiki.
right that wasn't two hours but I'm sure with more participants we are going to make it in the future :)
Yeah, if everyone who signed up had come it would have taken longer. :)
it is a weekly event so I'm sure we will have more people around next week :)
thanks for joining in
I hope so. I'd like to get more activity going around Android on SO.
There are a huge number of unanswered questions, and it would be great to get more people interested.
yea the main problem is that we also have quite a huge quality issue, you know that for sure.
There's that, and the newness of the platform.
but I agree, I'd love to have some active people going though old unanswered questions, editing them, answering them, basically working them up
The second worst tag in terms of unanswered % is iphone.
I go through questions and edit them >_>
I just don't think the questions can be salvaged, usually.
I've been flagging quite a few questions as NARQ
While old technologies like Perl and C++ have very low unanswered percentages because there's a wealth of information out there.
true not all of them, the ones that can't or are dupes should be flagged / closed
When all you've got is two sentences, one of which is just "if you can provide me with sample code or a tutorial...," it's kind of hard to edit it into shape
my editing participation has dropped, need to pick it up again
Yes, keep flagging. I'm happy to clean up the questions that can't be answered at the low end.
The love of sample code and tutorials among bad questions is interesting, to say the least O-o
quite a few of those are from my country :(
@Sathya I didn't want to say anything... ;)
And plenty more will be from other countries, since there are plenty of duplicates/unquestions to go around
I think the main issue with certain developers from around your country (it isn't only your country) is that a) they take projects because they just need the money and then they get into time pressure because they don't know certain basic things
It doesn't help that all the documentation for this stuff is in English
but the truth is that it isn't only a problem of the country or culture. We have enough low quality content from the western world as well
@nil and that is the next issue
If half the population of the US was trying to be programmers, our average quality would be low too.
's true, @Bill hit the nail on the head
Which reminds me, I'm eventually going to probably have to go back to school and get a degree in a field that isn't worthless..
I'm wondering if it would help if the documentation would be translated to Hindi for example
I think it would.
that would help. How much by, I don't know.
Most people are capable of learning given access to the right material, but right now access is inhibited by language skills
now the only question is, would it be a task that is possible to complete?
I mean it is A LOT of text which would need to be translated
also note that translating to Hindi isn't enough, lot of Indian folks don't know Hindi
What are the dominant languages, English aside?
Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
Seems like Tamil is probably the minority in those three
not sure of the exact numbers - the folks from Tamil Nadu ( that state were I'm currently at) are the people most resistant to acceptance of new language
That said, that's too simple to decide which languages should see translations first
it's improved a lot over the past few years but it would be like they would refuse to acknowledge you, even if they understood.
@Sathya do you have any idea of the prices for translations?
sorry, no idea @Oct.
Lot of cultural barriers there too, I guess
I'm not sure which way would be the better one. a) Trying to get a sponsor and letting a professional translation bureau translate it or b) crowd-souring that task
tricky choice.
c) strong-arm Google into figuring out how to do it
anyhow, gotta go. almost 2am here. see ya around. Thanks for the books @Oct. will be starting with commons. need to stick to it though :(
I cut two pages off my Android post, so I'm happy
@Sathya thanks for joining us,good night
@nil that would be a good idea actually
I should try to contact Google
or the OHA
I have to go too. End of the day meeting coming up.
Thanks for organizing this, @OctavianDamiean, and thanks for the recommendations.
you are welcome :)
Might not work as well with the OHA, since Google is most likely the only group writing the documentation
hope to see you around next week
@BilltheLizard oh great thanks :)
@nil I'll give it a try with Google. Asking them won't hurt :)
Would you mind giving me a hand? I mean you are an English native speaker and on top of that you are an English pro, especially compared to me. :D
@OctavianDamiean Give you a hand how?
at writing that mail
Well, if you write it up, I can go over it, but I'm not even sure what I'd write
oh yea that is actually what I meant. We could also use etherpad or something like that
Not sure what that is, but Google Docs allows multi-user editing
Apparently etherpad doesn't exist anymore.
that would be ether pad
you have a DasKeyboard?
Ah, you got one of the new ones
that is definitely the best keyboard for typing
It also stops most people from attempting to use my computer, which is always a plus.
good morning :P
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 22:00

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