I am working on an Application which needs to be able to Save/Create a new MMS in inbox or Sent folders but I cant figure out the way.
I tried the following code but it gave me exception:
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put("address", "xxxxxxxxxxx");
values.put("body", "body ...
i want to force softkeyboard off when i click on EditText :
I am using this : InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(sel_date.getWindowToken(), 0);
but its not working..
When i doubleclick on EditText its working i mean to say its not opening keyboard
When user clicks on EditText, it should open DatePicker not soft keyboard
well the thing is, i got image data in string; now when i write it to file i have to change to bytes. now file is not opening and its size is bigger....
@Farhan hmm..i made an application which is working in all screen size except 320x240 because for this screen size it returns width as a 240 and height as 320..which is not proper coz i have already 240x320 screen size so..for that i cant differentiate
@OctavianDamiean now u understand what exactly the problem..???
@OctavianDamiean in my app i locked the landscape view and it only work for portrait..but when i run the app in 320x240 it bydefualt run in landscape view...what should i do
i made an application in that all the layouts are dynamically and it has been worked in all screen size.
and it also worked for all but problem is in only 320x240 size.
i used the same code for all to get width and height and it also return the correct value..but the code does not retu...
Actually the server is returning the image data as string. And now i want to write this data to an image file. Whatever I do (converting from String to ByteArray or Writing String), I get an image file but with different size from the original one, and it can't be viewed. So this is the problem.
i want to force softkeyboard off when i click on EditText :
I am using this : InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(sel_date.getWindowToken(), 0);
but its not working..
When i doubleclick on EditText its working i mean to say its not opening keyboard When user clicks on EditText, it should open DatePicker not soft keyboard
hey guys ... have a problem with basics ... BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath) ... what format does it require? the file is in my drawable folder and i cant use getResources() since its called from a class not associated with activity nor. extends application ...
farhan its not that simple ... its an isolated class, shared between j2me and android. Its "far" from activity .... how come i cant use some sort of relative path?
well i got bunch of "core" classes designed to render images for my map app ... i used conditional compilation with ant. Now for my android part i need to render a specific image (gps location marker) and i need to create bitmap from a path ... no matter what i put into the decodeFile method i allways get null back ...
the classes live in an isolated path that i use to commit to svn ... in my android and j2me project i linked them for use ...
i agree it would be neat to pass the activity (context) and use resources ... but i cant
id have to fix a long chain ...
i also tried to push file on SD card (just to test) ... but still no effect.
got any idea?
i also created a dummy for the class localy in android project to eliminate problem with linked sources ...
this is the line: canvas.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(""), points[0].x, points[0].y, paint );
in softkeyboard i have the option for speech to text , when i spoke it show a list of suggestion , when i select a text ,i need to fill my editText with this text, how can i done this i have see SpeechRecognizer class ,i don't know how can i use this ,please help me
SpeechRecognizer rec=Sp...
I wish I could work on my app, I've got so much uni work to do :(
Java > assembly
@OctavianDamiean hey dude, assuming you're still testing my app, could you use the SD backup feature and then send me the file stored on your SD card in the 'Lux' folder? I'm collecting and graphing data based on real world usage.
Making sure it works well on every type of phone... I know it won't work very well on a very large screen, I should do some work towards that sometime...
At least you're honest :\ That's not this is supposed to work. You want people to solve your problem as fast as possible, and then the solution can just drown in the chat transcript, instead of being available on Stack Overflow, possibly helping other people having the same problems.
I am trying to intercept a couple different links with my app, and I am having trouble with the intent-filter data parameters to do it.
Here are the 2 types of links that I want to intercept
I have alrea...
I can hook my app into the "Share page" feature using the following intent-filter:
<action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/plain" />
But I would l...
yea, ive been able to do the simple ones, ie to intercept the domain.com/social/landing/abcdef123456 this structure, but now trying to add the other type