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hey guys
i wonder if u all know how to turn off the internet connection on an emulateR?
Go to the DDMS tab.
Click on the emulator in the upper left, then use the tab right below it to turn off the data connection.
erm that would require me to launch the app again
I would just set data to denied or something like that, that should do the trick.
what i want to do is to turn off the internet within the emulater
then i can test whether my app is caching or not
Turning it off in DDMS occurs in real time.
hmm really?
Yep, just tested it out now.
haha okay thanks ^^
no it didint work
i can turn off the 3g via DDMS
but cannot turn off the normal wireless
@Pearsonartphoto u there?
2 hours later…
@JoelSeah: Sorry, I took off...
You could also put the phone in airplane mode, that might work.
1 hour later…
Now i m thinking that the answer is very easy.... may be thats why it didn't come yet... :(
Q: Save/Create MMS in inbox Android

FarhanI am working on an Application which needs to be able to Save/Create a new MMS in inbox or Sent folders but I cant figure out the way. I tried the following code but it gave me exception: ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("address", "xxxxxxxxxxx"); values.put("body", "body ...

@Farhan : hii
hello buddy
@Farhan : m searching for listview with separate headers
with Date as a header for list wors
didn't get you... you want custom row ?
have you seen android call log view ? its sorted according to date.. and date is displayed as header
let me c
Good morning..
good morning
hi frds
i want to force softkeyboard off when i click on EditText :

I am using this : InputMethodManager imm =
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(sel_date.getWindowToken(), 0);

but its not working..

When i doubleclick on EditText its working i mean to say its not opening keyboard
When user clicks on EditText, it should open DatePicker not soft keyboard
2 hours later…
if Converting from String to Byte[], the byte[] size gets greater than string size. is it normal/fine ?
@Farhan well that can definitely happen, a byte array is not a char array so yea it may happen ;)
@Farhan hi...i have a problem related to emulator screen size..do u have any idea regarding this
@Kutbi elaborate a bit
well the thing is, i got image data in string; now when i write it to file i have to change to bytes. now file is not opening and its size is bigger....
@Kutbi whats the problem, what do you want?
it doesn't make sense to me
what do you suggest? what should i do instead...
no I mean I don't really understand the problem
@Farhan hmm..i made an application which is working in all screen size except 320x240 because for this screen size it returns width as a 240 and height as 320..which is not proper coz i have already 240x320 screen size so..for that i cant differentiate
@OctavianDamiean now u understand what exactly the problem..???
not really, no
@Farhan how did you measure the string and the array?
by their count i guess... :P
interesting, for me it is always the same in my tests
got it
special characters just what I thought :)
yes u r right... when its simple text like "hello" it would be same but as i m dealing with &^%$# images.... so length changes...
@OctavianDamiean in my app i locked the landscape view and it only work for portrait..but when i run the app in 320x240 it bydefualt run in landscape view...what should i do
here is my example. I have a string with three characters öäü, converting it to a byte array the arrays size is 6 ;)
@Kutbi I think you should try to write up a question on SO and link us to it, try to be clear though
so how to make sure, the writting in file is fine. i mean why isn't the file is opening?
writing to a file shouldn't be any problem
you'll reconstruct it directly off the byte array anyway
what ? a little more....
I'm not really understanding the problem, what is it you are trying to do with that string and byte array?
Q: Emulator does not return actual width and height for 320x240 resolution

Kutbihi...all i made an application in that all the layouts are dynamically and it has been worked in all screen size. and it also worked for all but problem is in only 320x240 size. i used the same code for all to get width and height and it also return the correct value..but the code does not retu...

Actually the server is returning the image data as string. And now i want to write this data to an image file. Whatever I do (converting from String to ByteArray or Writing String), I get an image file but with different size from the original one, and it can't be viewed. So this is the problem.
@OctavianDamiean i added a link.....
@Farhan oh got you. Have you tried to construct a Bitmap off that byte array and displaying it?
wait.. let me check this...
interesting date formatting issue here :)
oh that problem is even more interesting now that it is gone without doing anything
right ... a PEBAK as always
i want to force softkeyboard off when i click on EditText :

I am using this : InputMethodManager imm =
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(sel_date.getWindowToken(), 0);

but its not working..

When i doubleclick on EditText its working i mean to say its not opening keyboard
When user clicks on EditText, it should open DatePicker not soft keyboard
check the input type property... not sure though...
@Kartik how about posting that in a SO question?
I have seen many questions related to this in SO and tried the answers posted.. But i am not getting the solution yet..

I saw many answer like :

InputMethodManager imm =
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(sel_date.getWindowToken(), 0);

But its not working for me
should i post the same question again ?...
@Kartik no, start a bounty on one that you think would solve your problem
but there i see many upvotes and some answers are solved even
Q: Can we change Ogg file header information ?

ChiragHello, Is it possible to change the header information of ogg file ? if yes then please give me right solution .... Thanks..

well solved the problem... worked with editText.setInputType(0); phew..
hey guys ... have a problem with basics ... BitmapFactory.decodeFile(filePath) ... what format does it require? the file is in my drawable folder and i cant use getResources() since its called from a class not associated with activity nor. extends application ...
hello all... is it necessary that android:layout_height= 3 X android:textSize in EditText?
I just want to change the height of editext..
@no9 simple.. just pass the context variable in the constructor of your class and save it as a variable.
farhan its not that simple ... its an isolated class, shared between j2me and android. Its "far" from activity .... how come i cant use some sort of relative path?
oh u didn't tell me about that j2me thing... explain a little about this shared thing...
well i got bunch of "core" classes designed to render images for my map app ... i used conditional compilation with ant. Now for my android part i need to render a specific image (gps location marker) and i need to create bitmap from a path ... no matter what i put into the decodeFile method i allways get null back ...
the classes live in an isolated path that i use to commit to svn ... in my android and j2me project i linked them for use ...
i agree it would be neat to pass the activity (context) and use resources ... but i cant
id have to fix a long chain ...
i also tried to push file on SD card (just to test) ... but still no effect.
got any idea?
i also created a dummy for the class localy in android project to eliminate problem with linked sources ...
this is the line: canvas.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(""), points[0].x, points[0].y, paint );
the file is test.png in my res/drawable folder
don't put the images into the drawable directory but into the assets directory
ok, thanx for the advice ... but do you think thats the problem?
well you can access them differently
however you'll still need some context
the problem seems specific enough for a SO question though
well i was hoping that im just missing something obvious ... a freakin file path format :)
@Octavian with the asset suggestion ... could i access the file with "file:///android_asset/test.png" format?
nope .. null
the yellow box Access to Original Files
like I said you'll still need some context
I think
I'd have to try
@OctavianDamiean: Hi Mate
hi all
can i ask one question regarding android - eclipse here?
@OctavianDamiean This message has been flagged for moderator attention as being useless:
7 hours ago, by Octavian Damiean
I'm afraid I have to suspend you for a year now.
Public yawning is unacceptable, I tell ya!
hi how to handle voice to text result
@balpha oy!
/mnt/sdcard and /sdcard/.... are they same???
Interesting, I'm probably the only guy on planet that can offend someone by yawning
I actually offend certain people only by breathing but whatever, as long as they can't flag me for that it is ok
try typing holds breath, maybe that will get starred ;p
lol nah that'd be highly offensive
and of course useless :D
@OctavianDamiean: I was Suprised why i m downvoted for your 3 rd Library in Android
@LabeebP: Hai
@SankarGanesh hai...
@LabeebP How do u do
@SankarGanesh I don't know either
hi frnds could u plz help me to shorting a string array?
ah, I guess it might be because it is some kind of advertising for your blog. Linking to official documentation would've been better maybe
@OctavianDamiean oops, giving blog is a wrong appproach ah, mate ?
@ hello everybody plz respond my words
@SankarGanesh well you should link to the official documentation in the first place
@SankarGanesh I'm fine.... What about you.
@OctavianDamiean ok Sure
@LabeebP Me too fine
@govind23 I'm quite sure there is a question on this on SO
@OctavianDamiean: pls review my edited answer
Is there any difference between /sdcard/ and mnt/sdcard/ ?????
yup, better
@OctavianDamiean Thanks,:)
@Farhan on is a symlink of another, not sure which one the link is, you can find that out easily with ls -l
but it isn't a good idea to get the path by hardcoding it
you should use the appropriate method to get the right path
yup yup man.... good point....
sorry, i didn't think of that...
@OctavianDamiean sory i cant get your answer plz provide clearly
short and clear: search on Stack Overflow (SO) as the question was asked and answered already.
@OctavianDamiean plz provide me link
just use these search terms on Google java sort string array and you should get it
@OctavianDamiean I have a string like

String str[]={"jan2011","feb2011","jan2010,"mar2012"};
How do I sort this by Date like: jan2010,jan2011,feb2011,mar2012
@OctavianDamiean all r using collections
omg there are rumours that you yawned in public Octavian? that is horrible :o
@Reno I know, I'm so ashamed :(
I think I'm really starting to understand RelativeLayouts...
they are awesome!
laters o/
They really are. I don't know what I would do with my current layout without them, I can't even imagine...
helloo all plz try to solve above question
hey peeps
I hate writing programs in assembly
Q: Android speech To Text Handling

Sudeep SRhi, in softkeyboard i have the option for speech to text , when i spoke it show a list of suggestion , when i select a text ,i need to fill my editText with this text, how can i done this i have see SpeechRecognizer class ,i don't know how can i use this ,please help me SpeechRecognizer rec=Sp...

You know, I think even if SO didn't have any other users, just the mere act of typing up my question would help me out of half of my problems...
Yeah that tends to happen
It forces you to think out the problem logically
I've done that twice at least in the last 3 days...
I have it happen all the time on math forums
I type up a question, and then I realise the solution
Well, I decided my solution didn't work after all, so I had to go ahead and post my question... Sigh.
Time for a break.
I wish I could work on my app, I've got so much uni work to do :(
Java > assembly
@OctavianDamiean hey dude, assuming you're still testing my app, could you use the SD backup feature and then send me the file stored on your SD card in the 'Lux' folder? I'm collecting and graphing data based on real world usage.
@Glitch right, I'm gonna do that later today ;)
thanks @OctavianDamiean!
My poor USB cable, it's starting to die... I've ordered a replacement, but hopefully I can wait until it comes...
@Pearsonartphoto I'm always developing through the wireless network
I need the cable only once to set it up and then I don't need it the whole day
Interesting... I might have to look into that.
The real problem for me now is that my cable doesn't always charge my phone...
take a look at USB Host and Accessory for more information on that
bottom of the page Debugging considerations
Does it work with Eclipse?
you occasionally have to reconnect if your wireless adapter goes to sleep
or you make it not go to sleep but then it'll be empty in no time
another alternative is to have a dockingstation
Well, the cable only cost $3, so...
I'm not too worried.
yea got you :)
Ahh, down to just 1 last thing I have to do before I might even possibly consider releasing my game.
what? You are already that far?
Well, it's a simple game, you see.
well still damn quick
I still need considerable work from my graphics deparment (AKA, my wife), but the game is playable.
I guess there's a bit more to it. I need to put the front starter screen on, instructions, and come up with some kind of about screen.
oh I see, well but thats just small things
except of the graphics part
and instructions
Right. I think I'm going to release it before I get the graphics done. They won't contribute in any meaningful way to the game, so...
Instructions should be fairly quick, it's a very simple game, as I've mentioned.
Oh, and there's the part that if I do it right, would take some time.
ok, I'm quite curious, can't wait for the release :)
Making sure it works well on every type of phone... I know it won't work very well on a very large screen, I should do some work towards that sometime...
better do it right then, the market is flooded by quick'n dirt solution apps, we need quality stuff in there :)
True enough.
Oh, and forgot one very key element. Putting ads in. But I can't do that until I've released the game, oddly enough...
oh? due to technical reasons?
Well, the want the URL of the application in the market to sign up for an account, oddly enough...
At least, from what I've seen...
it would probably make sense if I would sit back and think about it but I'm way too tired (read lazy) to do that right now :D
hey guys, any of you have experience with intercepting links with intent filters?
Trying to intercept link like hitpost.com/#id=249c836a0be23c8895783d137e170888&type=user but only if it starts with the #id= , having trouble
And you don't want to ask a question on Stack Overflow because...?
i figure its faster here
its a pretty simple question, i just cant find any good examples
At least you're honest :\ That's not this is supposed to work. You want people to solve your problem as fast as possible, and then the solution can just drown in the chat transcript, instead of being available on Stack Overflow, possibly helping other people having the same problems.
@Leo no matter how simple it is others may have a similar question in the future
your question however is welcome once you've posted it on SO
ok posting question now :D
Q: Android Intent-Filter for http address

LeoI am trying to intercept a couple different links with my app, and I am having trouble with the intent-filter data parameters to do it. Here are the 2 types of links that I want to intercept http://www.domain.com/#id=abcdef123346 http://www.domain.com/social/landing/abcdef123456 I have alrea...

well written!
Thanks, it seems like this should be pretty simple
yea I'm more than sure I've seen that question already
I'm trying to find it
Q: How to catch Android share intents limited to specific URLs using intent-filter?

ImmortalI can hook my app into the "Share page" feature using the following intent-filter: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:mimeType="text/plain" /> But I would l...

that might be similar, not sure if it was the one I thought about
lol no idea what that is about haha
oh yours is actually a bit more specific, I see
yea, ive been able to do the simple ones, ie to intercept the domain.com/social/landing/abcdef123456 this structure, but now trying to add the other type
oh god ... I'm apparently tired, can't distinguish a slash and a backslash ...
to answer my own question, yes the slash is a slash :D
so no ideas, eh?
jeez that looks quite powerful, I'll have to experiment with that thing myself. adds it to the never ending todo list
bb later, hope someone knows the answer
anyone use git
@JMRboosties i am using git
@papachan hey is there a way to like wipe a repo
some messed up stuff is happening with mine, it things there are submodules which i enver created
Does anyone have any ideas for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/6179776/…

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