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@Smarticles101 I swore to myself to never do that again anymore
@Smarticles101 Been there, done that: never again ever
6 hours later…
Stack exchange as a whole have been taken over by grumpy teens with brains of 100 years olds
Not my first account, my first account had good rep, when I made this one I made sure to never get involved in Q&A, was a good decision
Q: Get power for driver circuitry in an inverter

asimPlanning to build an inverter based on egs002, I got high voltage high frequency side (ferrite core transformer including N-MOS and high speed rectifier) from old UPS board which I will drive using SG3525 UPS used UC3843 and a its own transformer to create power for driving gates of high voltage ...

Let's assume that the question is utterly stupid and makes no sense, is it not clearly explained enough? Someone voted to close it
I only use electronics SE for 4, 5 people I can count on fingers that I respect , otherwise it's already much worse than stackoverflow
I understand nothing sir as I suck at this kind of stuff
php does not want to unlink a file in whatever circuimstance: even if the path exists and is trimmed
So I guess I will accept cleaning up files with a cron job now and then
cause after 2 houres of searching there seems no solution in this wonderful language
god I hate php so much sometimes
ah great it was a typo
@grrigore but do you see any reason to start a close vote on it? if I look at the question thinking I really hate the person who posted it and start digging for reasons to close it, I won't find any
2 hours later…
@MwBakker yeah this is just an internship for now, I wouldn't wanna be in this environment long-term
4 hours later…
@Smarticles101 oof several DOZEN lmao RIP

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