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8:59 AM
I have a distance api key which works but it's not saved anywhere on google so I dont know untill when my limit is reached. What should I do?
9:20 AM
@MwBakker how did you obtain that key in the first place
all the keys should be on Google Cloud Console
That's where you can see your quota for any of the Google Services as well
2 hours later…
10:56 AM
@MwBakker happy belated birthday!
@ballBreaker my wife is 7 years younger than me. It is kind of normal because women in their tweens are either looking for an "established" partner. One once said that a guy between 18 and 25 or so has nothing to offer what a woman looks for (stability, finances, maturity). So they look for older partners in that age and the result is: bigger age gaps
@IvanMilisavljevic I agree, but its not there
@IvanMilisavljevic I got it hooked to my email address, so its weird I cant find t anymore
@WarrenFaith Vielen Dank!
1 hour later…
12:27 PM
1:07 PM
@MwBakker Google cloud console has a shitty UI
Try clickign on the dropdown menu in the top left corner on the screen
And you should get a popup window, where you can list all projects connected to your account
2:02 PM
1 hour later…
3:13 PM
@WarrenFaith nice :) haha tweens
a tween is like.. 8-12 year olds
(I know what you meant though)
1 hour later…
4:35 PM
@ballBreaker how come every time i come in this chat you're talking about children
@JBis its how you get summoned to be here
how r things w you ?
not bad
going through uni
almost done ?
i'm a junior (3rd year)
seems like yesterday you started but you gota be in your last or second last year now eh? at least of undergrad
4:40 PM
but i may grad a semester early
nice dude
still thinking of doing grad program?
yeah i'm like 90% sure i'm gonna do
nice man
cryptography/cybersec ?
cryptography yeah
4:42 PM
probably on the more applied side tho, making protocols and such
jobs are prolly high paying in that eh
i want to do ietf stuff tho so i need to find someone to pay me to do volunteer work
its like open source crypto for the general internet or smth?
yeah basically
developing big protocol standards for everyone
nice yeah prolly not any money there
sounds like a good hobby though
4:45 PM
it's okay, having an RFC with my name on it is compensation enough
i'll just hack a bank to pay rent
remember an old rich twitter uncle shouting why young gen of (my) country is not working on crypto and ai, I asked will you pay for their work and he said why should i
start a new ransomware group
so I told him why they don't and ended with few bad words, got so much hype some journalists got involved
asim you could write a book
@JBis hehehe nice
tbh I wanna run away from this country, I have my fingerprints on stuff that I should have put there and I don't wanna get traced
5:33 PM
yeah i would leave asap
6:15 PM
posted on September 21, 2023 by Devki

Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Canary 5 is now available in the Canary channel. If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here. For information on new features and changes in

4 hours later…
10:25 PM
@IvanMilisavljevic sorry for late response had to run for work. I did this but the keys I am using are not listed there, Im as surprised about this as anyone else
@grrigore thank you grrig!
11:11 PM
well google says the API key I am using now is expired, but I have not seen it showing up anywhere to begin with
I want to reuse this key to prevent having to push another update for the key alone. I would see no reason why I cant reuse the same key as I had in my android manifest
but to my entire surprise, google does not give such option: expecting me to just change the key and roll out a new update which users may all have implemented in like a month or so (unless auto-update is on)
this is awful service, first I get a key that is nowhere to be found again and now this

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