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09:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

@DaveS does this increase fapping or is it for when you have fapped too much
5 hours later…
colleague of mine opened a PR with 1 line changed, and managed to have a git conflict
@Tim wtf lol
anyone use twitter at all today yet? lol
Sep 20, 2017 at 14:54, by Tim Castelijns
I've never voluntarily opened twitter
they changed their logo
its pretty funny
i think it broke the app itself too
u can tell right away if u open www.twitter.com lol
IIRC elon is in a law battle right now over dogecoin, so i guess he be trollin
either that or he be market influencing
Could be manipulating the dogecoin market so he / his friends can long Doge and make $$$
Then use the same profits to invest in more Tesla shares again to create more FOMO and give him more $$$
i would not be surprised
that man loves his market manipulation - and tbh i dont blame him
hows it hanging
ehhhhhh not too bad.. wrist still being a bit of a jerk - but otherwise no complaints really. It's def getting better over time - but i may have plateau'd on the healing w/o taking a full vacation from my computer
hbu dude?
I read "whislt still being a jerk" and I thought "he finally realised"
now I see it's the wrist you're talking about
ive always realized DW
my name IS ballbreaker afterall
oo @DaveS how's life
it's been better, but starting to heal
figure things out
Im also trying to figure some stuff out maybe you guess can help
this message is written with clothes on
whats up
I got a bunch of questions
1) my REST api is hosted on a server, I can access the api through postman but not through browser. I don't want it to be accessed by browser but I also don't understand why postman can, but browser can't
@DaveS what happened?
lost 30lbs since July, diagnosed with POTS
seeing a bunch of specialists now
thats crazy as ive gained 30 lbs since July and diagnosed with PANS
couldnt help it lol
@DaveS ah damn
shit, sorry Dave I didn't see your message above the "figure things out" didn't mean to wals over your issue
all good
what is POTS?
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Just by being tilted up at 70 degrees, my heart rate jumps from 60 to 111 BPM
@MwBakker some sort of cookie or token issue perhaps?
causes a whole host of issues
so you need a new heart?
No it's a nervous system issue
gonna look at my heart though
basically my blood vessels don't constrict in response to standing like they should
thats heavy stuff man
@JBis God dammit @JBis he's not THAT cold
I mean, not literally since you lost 30lbs
but you get the drift
lol, yeah, they thought it might be MS though so I'm glad it's not that
Hoping you get better soon Dave
thanks Mark
same, all the best Dave
@MarkO'Sullivan lolz
does it affect much of your daily life now?
yeah it does, tired all the time, anxiety / fight or flex reflex kicks in if I can't get enough blood moving around, brain fog
taking some supplements, drinking a lot of fluids and increasing my salt intake is helping though
and compression pants
are you still able to work?
At a limited capacity
which supplements ?
@DaveS sorry to hear that, any progress tho?
Coq10, Magnesium and Vitamin D3
damn hopefully docs can treat it
I found maritime bark and horse chestnut really helpful for my thing but not sure how transferrable
Yeah, I'm doing much better than a week or two ago
@DaveS and a daily dose of R15
@DaveS glad to hear that
Coq10 .. ive only heard of Cock10"
It's incurable JBis but 19% of patients don't show symptoms after 5 years, I think I've had it my whole life but never affected me this bad
On the flip side 25% can't work due to disability and QoL is comparable to Kidney failure patients on Dialysis
so hopefully there's an underlying cause that's curable I can treat and get back
@ballBreaker My guess it's from Le Coq Sportif, since it helps losing weight
lmao no idea what that is
but i think its a real supplement
i was just making a penis joke
Coq10 helps with heart health and energy
makes it easier for cells to get energy from your blood
@ballBreaker how would there be any doubt its not lol, he won't lie about these things
can they just give you stuff to tell your heart to chill out?
or not that simple
no because my heart isn't chilling out because not enough blood reaches my brain
@JBis there is no way you can be isolated from women for that long
so I'm supposed to eat 10grams of salt a day and increase fluid intake to increase blood volume and pressure
ah i see
have u tried cheesing the day ?
im at the vienna uni and there is a literal prinse of persia sitting accross me
is he just there to make men feel insecure or what
im trying to work goddamnit
ask him for money
might draw his sword
POV: you're trying to work but you are also gay
you can be impressed without being gay
I think
that's what they all say
We know your history with Arabians from your Morocco story MwBakker
anyway I have bought the vehicult.nl domain, waiting for the response on the .com (it was already by some other domain distributor)
thus I can set up info@vehicult etc
BUT now I thought I can also have my REST api url's changed. Although I am unsure if this is good or not
Your motto should be "Join a Cult. The Vehi Cult."
vehicult is great
vehicult is life
join or submerge
i didnt know u were also supporting submarines on ur app
ay trumps been arrested
CNN got a bit excited and sent out the alert in all caps
lmao nice
i saw he was charged
arrest is hilarious tho
now do the rest of politicians next lol
@ballBreaker how did you deal with restlessness during relationship sometimes?
ice on private parts? Eat a whole raw pinecone?
I dk how to make this question Android related...
get topped by a persian prince
not what I'm aiming at but thanks for thinking along
try meditating
accept and realize that over eagerness can be worse in the long run, try to view how she'd view your actions from her perspective honestly
flip the script and think about if you were mildly interested in a girl and she did what you want to do
I dont get the last part, midly interested in a girl would be my gf, or?
oh it's a gf?
missed the update congrats
1,5 years now
what's the restlessness coming from?
long distance relationship?
I think cause of my past, no boundaries and dating all I could
I have no urge to cheat, thats not the issue at all
For me, love is choice you keep making, the infatuation tends to wear off
infatuation to other women or to the girl you love?
the girl you love
Don't expect your brain chemicals to keep you bonded indefinitely, keep working at it
yep, relationship is an investment after all. Im fully aware of that
Just wondering how you guys deal with eagerness sometimes, despite being in relationship
So if you're feeling uncomfortable in the relationship might be good to try talking to someone about it, try to understand where its coming from
eagerness for other girls?
sometimes it happens, eventhough I have nothing im missing
I think about how it might hurt my wife and family, and how that's not the person I want to be
obviously, I wouldn't ever answer such eagerness while being in a relationship
It's okay and normal to be attracted to other women, it's your actions that count
don't let your natural feelings make you feel shitty about yourself
yes im not talking about actions, they will not be taken
just how to calm a bit sometimes
@DaveS thanks Dave
@DaveS I tried that, works sometimes perhaps Ill do it more often
yeah it's a skill
coding also helps, nothing gets me less "eager" than fighting with my own PC
how old are you now?
boy I'm 29 already
testosterone levels play a role
still have to get used to that
as you age, especially if you have children, you'll see it calm down a bit
that would be relaxing
having a child triggers hormonal changes in men, makes them better care givers and less aggressive
doesn't need to be your own, just being around a child you care for
I actually heared a comedian talk about this, as you get children your estrogen levels increase
also try lavendar essential oils maybe, triggers a real measurable medicinal effect to relax you
@DaveS my room is filled with candles and every cleaning product I use is Lavendar lol
bcs the exact reason you stated
someone on my birthday asked me "any wishes" and I had no idea what to ask so I said "I dk something lavendar" and I got supplied for a year
If it's bad enough that it impacts your life, maybe see a Dr or Psychiatrist and get Hydroxychloroquine for anxiety, it's just a simple antihistamine but it helps me calm down
really safe and non addictive, basically an allergy medicine
Idk if I wanna go that far since it's not keeping me awake or anything
Yeah it's just a tool you can use if it bothers you. It's really comparable to aspirin
like you can get stronger antihistamines over the counter without a perscription
Ill note it tho, so far I used passion flora for such situations think it has the same effect
sorry it was hydroxyzine HCL not hydroxychloroquine
too late, I'm already overdosed
If I start feeling anxious I take 10 mg and barely feel it, just calm down a bit
@DaveS i wonder if i have a bastard child out there somewhere lmao
lol you have to be a present father for it to work
so its just me maturing normally then i guess
lol y'all are old
get rekt
Enjoy being at the whims of your T levels young buck
It's not so fun when you wake up hungover next 6/10 who turned out to be a 3/10 with beer goggles off
a female friend of mine was chatting recently about her 'slut phase' that lasted for like 3 months and was like 4 people and i was like wow...
mine was like 10 years at least
"why didn't you think of me"
is what you really were thinking
if she was hotter maybe
actually who am i kidding - if it was 5 years ago yeah i woulda been there
i had a month phase, but i got bored
haha you got bored?
nobody gets bored of that stuff
lol i got bored as well
but its after so many that u realize its just all the same
yeah, till you get into relationship again then eventually the urge comes and goes
lmao yep
when single "wish I was in relationship" when in relationship "man look at those CHICKS"
and then all you can do is run to the end of your leash and bark
yah classic good is never good enough - grass is always greener mindset of humanity
the solution is simple tho
it recently came to topic in italy we agree'd there should be something that temporarly shuts down your T levels for like a day or such
how succesfull I could have been...
just tell ur current girlfriend she isnt hot enough and to get hotter
that worked for me last time i tried
now I can chase all the girls I want
honestly i think the key for me is gonna be to find someone who is into swinging
well she dyes her hair blond, I told her I prefer brunette so now she is saving that hassle
that way u can have ur cake and eat it too occasionally
on that note, im gonna go write an esasy
@ballBreaker kids gonna love that "why was your dad in my moms bedroom" def good for them growing up
is it about swinging?
@ballBreaker you ALSO gotta let others stick their private parts in your cake
no it's actually about how I don't have to save drowning kids
mommy and daddy keep having parties with all the other mommies and daddies, they are so popular!
@JBis why not, cause of climate change?
@MwBakker ya so basically u have to also not be a little bitch about it
@MwBakker exactly
lmao jk about the wording of that
@ballBreaker you will get some interesting cake when you're in the netherlands
better not bitch about that either
def get thats not for everyone
oh, you're facing God and all your demons? Just finish the cake bro
who doesn't like cake?
@JBis nice that sounds fun
I remember I unwantingly got "special" cake at a birthday once, it fucked me up but I figured it's sunday so who's gonna bother me while tripping my balls off and thats where my dad called me to ask him to pull his car out of the mud. The result was we both got stuck eventually
argument number 1: kids have cooties, ew
argument number 2: souls dont fully form until you are a teenager
argument number 3: the world doesnt need more kids
argument number 4: sounds like a lot of effort
the world never needed humans
relating to #2, the dude who says we must save the kid in the pond also things we can abort infants (like post birth) so he's a bit wacko
@MwBakker lmao damn... i would be upset with my friends for a long time for drugging me w/o my consent
unless I was like 16 or smth
in which case - fair
I wasnt amused either but the weed made me amused so the problem resolved itself in half an hour
@JBis lmao what theee
lmao fair
@JBis what about tying a rope around a second kid - throwing that kid in
odd subject
then hoping they cling to each other so u can drag them both out - and if u fail then eh - at least you got 2x the points
that's called fishing
I rather have my crane forrest than any of this
anyway cya all
cya Jbis
ive had my standing desk in standing mode for like 5 days and havent sat in my computer chair once
and the streak is so long now that i dont wanna ever sit down again
my legs are kind of screaming
go further
put a weight around your neck
already have a huge weight around my hips
so where are the women hotter
vienna or italy?
the answer is italy because the average annual temperatures are higher
good try though
tbh its hard to decide
my preference is latina, so
i see i see
@ballBreaker I mean.. I tried idling in here in... Nov/Dec? and besides you there's just nobody else around during my regular working hours.
according to my ex gf i like "plain" girls
@CarlAnderson i was mostly teasing! I do feel that. It seems so sporadic these days with who's in here
today was pretty bumping earlier
yeah I saw
dave's been around more which has been wonderful
sorry about your health issues @DaveS
thanks Carl
And it used to be that if I had something about Android that I wanted to talk about it was because I was working on it that very minute. This room used to be a good resource for bouncing ideas / thoughts off of that are deeper than the typical SO question, but nowadays the responses will generally be in days rather than minutes.
makes sense
plus who even programs android these days anyway
like 10% of people in here? or am i crazy
But just for posterity sake, @Ahmad and @MwBakker and @IvanMilisavljevic here you go:
Suppose I have 3 buttons in a layout that upon clicking take you to different fragments in the app. With MVVM, I would set up the Fragment as a listener to the buttons, and then maybe query the VM to get relevant data to pass along to the next fragment. Or maybe if I wanted it more "testable" I'd have the Fragment tell the VM that the buttons were clicked, and it would tell the Fragment to launch other fragments.
But now I need those exact 3 buttons on a different fragment in the app.
There are a number of ways I could accomplish this:
* I could copy the code from the first fragment into the second (blegh)
* I could extract the buttons into a layout, and use an include directive, and then copy the logic
* I could create a Custom view out of the layout and add a custom listener for the buttons
* I could create a new fragment from the buttons, and have that fragment shown in addition to the parent fragment
* Probably other options too
For this particular ticket, not only did I need to add the buttons to a different screen, but I also had to do a check before taking the button's action to go to another fragment, and depending on the check, show a confirmation dialog first.
The app in question was entirely MVP when I started working on it in August (yuck) and we've been slowly starting to migrate to MVVM, but for this sort of case I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around where and what to unit test.
Also, sorry didn't tag you on the opening line @Tim
I'm not angry
It's also hard to keep track of who in here even does Android anymore. I feel like @Ahmad and @Raghav have moved on to other techs, Dave is on Flutter most of the time. BB is great for chatting here, but doesn't have a clue about Android.
I'm a full time senior android dev still, going great
lol yeah , feel free to ask me about scala or typescript tho
btw hows the knee?
If I was keeping with the old app's MVP here, I would write a presenter for the Custom View and write unit tests for the presenter.
it's like.. stuck at 95%
I stopped seeing the PT because I didn't feel like they were helping, and I think I just need more time.
Does your codebase use some kind of componentization approach, i.e. each ui component has its own viewmodel
Each Fragment has its own VM for the new stuff we've been writing
OK that means no, which is fine, most apps don't use that approach
it's hard to envision how to share VMs across fragments
It's not usually what you want
also the previous dev started a migration from Realm to Room but it's only 10% complete
and I blame you for that
:D if I am not mentioned in the comments it's not my fault :D
@CarlAnderson ahhhh dang, makes sense. PT can only go so far really before u just gotta heal
In your case I would extract the 3 button layout into a custom view which you can then inflate in both fragments. Then the custom view can expose events that the fragments can send to their viewmodels. There will be similar code in both fragments and viewmodels but I don't care about that. If one fragment some day does not need the buttons anymore, you should not have to change the other fragment
Assuming you guys don't use compose
So in this case the 3 buttons are methods for contacting people (call, text, vid) and there's an underlying domain object representing the person. The person has a sub-object with contact preferences, and if the current time is outside the person's preferred contact time, we want to show a confirmation dialog.
We're not on compose yet. It's still too new and we have too much other tech debt to chase.
examples: We're still using libraries out of jcenter, and we're still using butterknife
What parts of that process would you put into the VM @Tim?
The domain object does not belong in the fragment, the viewmodel or perhaps use case if you have them should map that data to something simple for the fragment to use
Ideally it does not matter what the buttons are for
Just show some text in them, and trigger some event when clicked, viewmodel should handle the event
Does the VM implement the Custom View's listener then?
And the Fragment sets it as a listener on the CV?
Is this the sort of situation where you'd use a UseCase? We don't really have any of those in the codebase yet, but it feels like "here's something two separate VMs might use" could be a good argument for it?
No the fragment consumes the view's listener and informs the viewmodel when things happen
that sounds like callback hell
fragment implements the listener for the CV, button is clicked, CV calls fragment calls VM which calls fragment which calls CV to tell it to display a dialog with text, user clicks 'yes', CV calls fragment calls VM calls fragment to tell it to go to the next fragment?
I get what you mean but it is not 'hell'. It's required to separate the responsibilities. But yes that is the general idea
cough flutter cough
@DaveS rewriting 1400 Kotlin files in flutter isn't going to happen in this job.
I'm having a hard enough time getting priority on replacing the jcenter libraries
Also I'm having a hard time caring about getting this sort of stuff right anymore
I think at this point there's 0 code that I've written that is still used in production anywhere.
maybe a few small snippets at Starbucks
2013-2015 Trover - app was taken off the play store in 2019
2015-2019 Starbucks - crown jewel, my work on "Chase Pay" - chase pay was discontinued in 2019
2019-2020 Big Fish - the SDK I worked on is no longer included in games
2021-2022 Grove Collab - the replenishment back end service I wrote was shut off after I was laid off
The work I've done here at PerfectServe the past 8 months hasn't been released yet.
As long as I'm getting paid and have some sort of fun at work and get along with my colleagues, I don't care what happens to my code
I can imagine Carl you are finding yourself in a position where for the umpteenth time you have to deal with outdated code and unwillingness to improve it, I also would not care
I guess part of my point is - what does it matter if I write it in the correct MVVM / Clean style if it's going to go poof in a couple years anyway
also since I already wrote all this as-is, I am probably not going to go back to change it.
It's a bit pessimistic to think like that, but perhaps realistic
The don't call me Dream Crusher just for the fun of it.
We just never thought you would go full circle and crush your own dreams
oh I crush my own dreams on the regular
also, are collapsing toolbars still en vogue at all?
We have one in our app and it just makes things more difficult
No, most of the components that Google provides are so inflexible that they are not worth using
The moment your designer comes up with something even slightly different it is just not possible to do
anyway, heading out to walk the dog
thanks for the chat Tim
09:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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