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05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

posted on April 04, 2022 by shows

In this episode Donn and Kaushik are back together on the mic. After an extended break, they both returned renewed and ready to dive into all things software, starting off with IDE themes, plugins and what they've been up to since they were last on the show together. Links from the show Monokai Pro ThemeVS Code & AtomIntelliJ/Android Studio/WebStorm/etcVS Code PluginsBeautifyChange Color Format

1 hour later…
@ballBreaker where is Poland tho :'(
@ballBreaker would not advice this activity
@qki morning qki, how're you doing?
next time im at poland ill visit you
hey Mwb, no problem! im all fine, 1 month left at my current job and i'm starting a new episode in my life. Im excited and anxious lol
what about you, how things are going?
@ballBreaker haha
@qki ah I can understand the feeling then, but it'll be ok I'm sure
@qki I'm finishing my app and going to present it in the next weeks, also excited and anxious
@qki what kind of language will you be working in?
and how is the situation in Poland regarding Russia? Our media says Poland is the most active in trying to push sanctions on Russia etc
@MwBakker oh thats cool! but yeah that will be stresfull, you got it tho :D
@MwBakker similiar tech stack that I use right now - .Net, SQL and probably Android
Greetings robots
@MwBakker yeah it's pretty tough but stable, our gov trying to sanction everything even remotely related to Russia. gas, natural gas etc. The prices went nuts, it costs 100% more than it was before the war, our inflation skyrockets (but thats not because of the war, not the whole thing)
Good luck qki!
the anti-russian mood is pretty strong in our society right now, people are training at the shooting ranges, more volunteers are going to the military
the chief of ruling party recently said that we want to host NATO nukes at our country, yeah its nuts
@miva2 thank you!
I have an Ukrainian pal here in Poland who said that a rocket almost hit his house, like ~150m
@qki sweet
and I wish you good luck too, all the best at the new job
thank you bois, much appreciated
@qki those are US nukes right?
@qki wtf, that's too scary and fucked up
@MwBakker right, probably US nukes
@miva2 yeah, he is like 17yo, his parents send him here to live with some friends. its fucked up
I want to go back to my video games. where people can kill eachother in peace without harming eachother
another UA friend was working here in Poland, when the war began he had to bring his wife and a kid here, but he couldn't cross the border because they would not let him back again
@miva2 thats right, I hope it will end soon
earlier I googled "how to clean blood stains from white clothes" and my first thought was "shit now the fbi will think I killed someone"
( For the record, I didn't)
oops, they're probably watching you rn
there is an old story with a guy writing a book
but I successfully washed my shirt. Which is probably the highlight of the day so might as well go back to bed now
police or something
and fbi came to his door because of his search history
he could incorporate that experience in his book as well :D
Goodmorning Mauker o/
@grrigore brb, gotta clear some things
u writing a book?
right.. yes.. a book, im writing a book. my FBI agent should know that
good job
1 hour later…
@ballBreaker not my tempo
You never looked into my profile description, have you?
Click on my picture
@grrigore heh
@Mehdi my man
@ballBreaker my crab!
1 hour later…
@MwBakker do you use hive?
what is hive?
flutter db
which one do you use?
why would I want a db in my app?
REST api, based on php since my server doesn't have Azure...
where do you store local data?
so far the only local data I have are cached images
caching content entirely to make the app work offline is the next step after I got some other functionalities fixed
and I got an assets folder, dedicated to icons and standard images
don;t you have a refresh token or smth?
no, refreshment will be timed, but a manual refresh button is possible
right now im dealing with trying to preserve a selected item in a list with Riverpod
I would need a predefined StateProvider to maintain the status of the boolean outside the build scope
but obviously I can't predefine booleans from a list of which the size is unknown
btw @grrigore if you want to look into functionality/usage of Riverpod im able to share my project
I think I got it
I'm trying to write a class for hive like a wrapper
@grrigore got what?
@grrigore I see, but I have no experience with that
hive is async
and I've only used provider
Idk how to deal with this async and riverpod
works the same way, except you are watching state of a property with a WidgetRef referrence instead of setState()
while watching the state it also allows you to change it
let me tell you my scenario
so I have the API that returns accessToken
this one I want to save using hive
so I want to provide to a class
API and hive
so far API works fine, but hive doesn't
I want to just save accessToken, not to observe or smth
but the accesstoken comes in async
as a Future object
but I have to init this hive
so use a provider, and when the accesstoken is set you can initate the hive
but i don't want it that way :D
well you can't 'save' a future as the object it promises to be without a form of observation or state bound logic, it needs processing to get to the object
I don't think we get each other haha
@Mauker Yo! How are you?
@grrigore what I read is you want to save the accesstoken from the API locally with Hive, but you don't want to use provider in the process
no, I want to use riverpod in the process
final FutureProvider<String> accessTokenProvider = FutureProvider<String>(
      (ref) async {
        return await DataController.userDB.getAccessToken(); // example
then during processing
final authRepositoryProvider = Provider<AuthRepository>((ref) {
  final dio = ref.read(dioProvider);
  final localDB = ref.read(localDBProvider);
  return AuthRepository(dio, localDB);
well I've managed something
but idk if it's good
I wasnt finished yet
Widget stackPages(WidgetRef ref) {
    AsyncValue<String> accessToken = ref.watch(accessTokenProvider);
    return mainContent.when(
      loading: () => Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
      error: (e, st) => Center(child: Text("Error: " + e.toString() + " " + st.toString())),
      data: (content) {
        return yourChild
^ is what happens in your build logic
but I want String not AsyncValue<String>
is this possible?
the content object is the String with your accessToken
well I can use accessToken.value
but I wonder if there's another way
you can just use content
content is your desired string
now during build you may also
Widget stackPages(WidgetRef ref) {
    AsyncValue<String> accessToken = ref.watch(accessTokenProvider);
    return mainContent.when(
      loading: () => Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
      error: (e, st) => Center(child: Text("Error: " + e.toString() + " " + st.toString())),
      data: (content) {
	 myClassController.initiateHive(content);  // you can call on whatever method
        return yourChild
        ... bunch of brackets ...
for instance
thanks man but it's different from what I want
I'll share some code this week
@qki added to the list :eyes:
you'll understand better
@ballBreaker yasssss
@grrigore throw me a concept and I can help
@ballBreaker hey BB hows it hanging
@MwBakker still on discord?
I cannot find you
@ballBreaker when you're in Poland were gonna get so fucking drunk im telling ya
@grrigore yeah
@qki add me in!
Throat Flap?
is that u man?
i've sent you a gist
you ll figure it out
what i wanted :D
@MwBakker oof, brutal weekend, but I'm good now
@qki hahahaha yessss just keep your GF away from me XD
@Tim yeah thats fair, its been my sad song for a bit lmao
I like to listen taylor swift when I'm sad
are you sad a lot
or happy
I feel like you've been listening to tswifty for a while
tbh I've been in conflict with smth lately and I dk what to do. I need some advice
in other words: drama
@MwBakker hell yeah, were building a party
@MwBakker I'm here if u need help, I think I might have resolved my drama, for better or worse (it was probably the worse outcome, but only time will tell for that one)
@ballBreaker now im scared :D jk, I wouldn't get so sassy if you said that to my gf lmao
@ballBreaker im sorry, I know you had some stuff to deal with too
@qki hehehe in my defence that's like a 1/1000 occurrence so pretty unlikely to happen
@Mehdi I'm good! And you?
@MwBakker hey its all good brother, I think I'm through the worst of it now
whats up with you?
BB, how did the shrink thing went? all good?
well march is the month my mum passed away. We had a dinner but not the whole family was there bcs of drama
my brother got divorced and turned most of the family into his enemy. Except me, I still hang out with him (but I made it clear I dont support the decissions he made, I support him cause he's my brother)
@qki yeah that went well, she really helped I think
after mwb I'll give an update on my situation
@MwBakker oh crap
my dad and stepmom try to reach out to him but he blocks it off and even goes as far as prohibitting seeing their grand children
now most of the time I was just playing neutral bcs I don't want to choose sides when it comes to family
but now I feel like there are lines being crossed
but im the youngest, it's never been my role to educate my brother/sister nor will I be taken serious on that matter
but I can't play nice weather (dutch expression) while knowing the things that happen
should I confrontate him about him blocking my dad and stepmom seeing his kids?
It happens solely out of spite, nothing happened only my dad being rational saying he handled things wrong in the divorce: that's what caused the anger
seems really complicated, but IMO your bro shouldn't block his kids-grandparents relations because of this. On the other hand, you confronting him about this might make him super angry resulting him cutting ties even with you. I would probably confront my bro but in a super carefull way, idk
exactly, walking on eggshells
sorry catching up now
yeah I think I'm with qki on that one, it sounds like he's hyper sensitive to criticism on the divorce, probably because emotions are so insanely high around an issue like that.. and we obviously don't have context there
If you do confront him, obviously keep it away from the divorce in particular and more about the issue w/ your dad and stepmom.. try to gently remind him that you're the only family he has left (without saying it this way) and you all love him and want to see him and his kids
My Xbox series X arrived \o/
but we all agree I should confront him? Cause I might risk losing contact but on the other hand I can't hold such thing to myself either
I wouldn't mind a bit more info before saying for sure, but it sounds like you feel like you need to say something to him, which to me.. is usually enough for me to say then you should say something
How long has it been now?
@Mauker ayyy :D
It's double the size of the series S
but way heavier lol
@ballBreaker I used to avoid confrontation but I learned not to do so. Here though, it's about possibility losing contact with a family member
@MwBakker is he the kind of person to hold a lifelong grudge over something like this?
It does sound like from what you've said that he's being irrational
What would you say to him during the confrontation?
well if I bring up the subject that dad can no longer see the kids he would want me to know how I know this
which the answer would not lead to improvement of relationship with my dad
so it sounds like your brother told your dad he can't see the kids, but also told him not to tell people?
no, not to hide that from others
or is your brother expecting that by taking his side you aren't talking with your dad?
but obv he would see my dad telling me this as some sort of move to make him look bad. Obviously that is not why my dad told me
So you disagree with your brothers reasoning for the divorce as well in the first place by the sounds of it?
Not that it matters deepy to this issue, but curious
I don't disagree with the divorce
I disagree with how he ended it and relationships with people
and I told him that from the beginning, he took it in account but now stuff like this still goes on
when it comes to kids being blocked from seeing grandparents, lines are crossed for me
but just to summarize so I'm on the same page.. it sounds like your brother divorced his wife, and your family didn't think it was a good move (or he did it in a bad way).. and now he's isolating himself and his kids from people who are giving him a hard time over it
and your father is in that boat, and you want to talk with your brother about it without also being put into the same category
I don't know him too well, but is it possible that if you phrase the situation not from a divorce perspective at all, but just purely from the kids perspective that it might help?
exactly that
and yes, but if I will start from the kids perspective it could work out badly since I have no kids and "what would I know" etc
"I know this time is super hard on you, and the kids man.. I'm so sorry you're going through this and hurting so much. I know the kids must be so confused as well with all these changes. I know your idea of family being there forever must be a little shaken right now.. but just remember that we all love you and want to help you through this. Dad is so lost right now not being able to see the kids, and they gotta be confused why they can't see him too. I don't think it's fair to punish them
for a fight that your having with dad right now. I'm not taking sides.. but man just think about how hard this already is on them"
IDK something like that
general idea
hopefully that at least helps or gives you an idea for a starting point
seems like a good approach
I also listen to her when I'm happy
@MwBakker hope it works out man
me too, I still gotta find the right day
now georgia is here and we were planning to see my brother too, that would not be the timing certainly
I gotta go get groceries BB, please elaborate on your weekend ill be on phone
@MwBakker Yeah likely not the best time for it! but always hard to find the right time for something like this
Well.. I ended up having some wine on friday and thinking about what I was going to do because I've been flip-flopping between ideas for the past 1 or 2 weeks. I ended up deciding that I should do what future me would regret the least/be the happiest with. Which was that I would give one last final really strong attempt for both the 1 friend - and for the 2 friends. So I crafted a final message to my 1 friend. I think it was really well written for what I wanted to say.
I basically just cried while writing it for 2 hours lol, then proceeded to bawl for the remainder of the night. It was pretty short but it kept breaking me down. It was cathartic af. Anyway he never read it
The other 2 ended up going out on saturday, and while they were out they both sent me "i love you" messages lol which was pretty wack tbh. It felt like they just felt super guilty about things. I was tempted to just be like 'cool'. But in the morning yesterday I decided to return with a "I love you guys too and I'm sorry. I'm doing X next weekend if you want to join, no pressure." and got an extremely lukewarm response back of "cool I'll keep that in mind" lol
so I realized that they likely made a decision about not seeing me again and thats what the I love you messages were about
I had a real strong gut feeling that the relationships with all 3 of them are fully dead, so I spent the remainder of yesterday (although I was doing it all weekend) just grieving the death of my friendships with them
TLDR; sent final attempts to fix things to all 3 of them, got very shitty responses back (if any) and accepted that the friendships are dead. Now I'm moving on
I feel pretty good though, I'm actually excited believe it or not. I feel like I have a ton of freedom to just do whatever I want and shape my life how I want it.. I did a lot of reflection on how I wasn't happy with where my life was going with them
Was really hard though because I treated them like family and they didn't reciprocate, and that really hurt. But I know I'll look back on this in a few months/years and things will have worked out for the best
man thats rough, I didnt really know what to write as response to this but its certainly heavy to loose a friendship. I can fully understand that
as for the freedom, well now comes the time to find friends where you can express yourself without withdrawl of any boundry or whatsoever
Yeah, exactly
But yeah it really hurts, but I'm at least at some sense of closure now
I thought these guys were bigger/better than this behaviour as well, so it's nice to see these true colours. I don't need friends that act like highschoolers at 30 years old lol
all they wanna do is drink and do drugs, and it's honestly kinda sad
That chapter/era in my life is coming to a close and I'm honestly pretty excited for this next one
@MwBakker how are things with her going, still great?
@ballBreaker I understand, yet not an easy step but a necesseary one as it seemed now
@ballBreaker yeah except the weather here is shit and im mostly working on my app and have low income atm
I just hope she won't get bored or smth
@MwBakker Yeah it's really hard, but I'm making it through
@MwBakker ahhhh crap well, I'm sure she's mostly just there to be with you, not to have 100% fun all the time
yes she told me that
but I'm stressing out over going back into the software world at all. The app will be finished and then it's trial/error and a steady software job after
but I'm different.. in thinking, and in structural stuff. When I think back related to software I always got the job done and got complimented for my 110% effort. But the road to get there was struggle cause me and the manager's mind are not equal
so besides not being equal on that I also happen to be some outcast that does not fit the regular 'developper character' for as I'm a very restless person
which works well with being creative and flexible, but also comes with chaos that does not work in most coorperate 'lines' that tend to have regulations
Hmm, well it's possible that you have a tainted perception as well just from bad experiences that might not be true for the future.. for me personally, I've had a lot of really crappy experiences with work and the corporate world.. but at my new job, none of those issues exist
I do think about your experiences when I get tangled into these anxious thoughts
it costed you some trials, but yet you found your place as you told me a while ago
I wish to find a place like that too
yeah it took me 3 kinda crappy jobs to get here, but I also understand your fears/anxieties
it's a lot of unknowns and hoping for the best
then you also get why things like the garbageworld are a blessing to me. The effort equals the result and hard work gets praised by collegues
Yeah those things always have a more tangible result
in software world you can work hard but if you mess up, you won't get any praising
I felt similarly for labour oriented jobs vs programming
and you can even get thrown under the bus like in my last work trying to help someone else
@ballBreaker exactly
@MwBakker This also depends on the place as well I think, or can depend.. for here I went a few weeks over deadline on my latest feature and it was like "hey you did a really good job here bb, don't worry about that. We know you're learning"
and I was totally surprised by that
such stuff is a great boost
I'm very feedback oriented and it was really really nice for me. It sounds like you're the same in that regard
nice they appreciate you that well BB, good going
@ballBreaker perhaps more than I'm willing to admit
I know when I was applying this time around it was something I really was looking for and made it known to recruiters
my answer to a lot of "what are you looking for" questions was regarding to mentorship and feedback
good one
kind of opened the dialog with the managers during the interview for me to kind of gauge what they might be like
@MwBakker could be worth coming to terms with this a bit more and trying to get what you need
I listed what I need to get my motivation from: I just hope it exists. I believe after my studies I jumped in too soon bcs the requiter just wanted her person deployed
makes sense
yet she was honest, she said "we want you deployed, but to yourself: you can't judge without trying" so I gave that the benefit of the doubt
I did the same thing for my first 3 jobs, I just jumped on the first opportunity because I was desperate
but that was the thing: I wasn't desperate
I just felt the social pressure, which might have not even existed
well either way you at least figured out what you don't want
regardless of how you got there
I think one thing to keep in mind, is that you genuinely enjoy programming (right?)
it sounds like the biggest blocker for you is the corporate world/culture
I think as long as you follow your passion for coding, and keep doing it because you love doing it, then things will work out for you
I hope so, thanks BB for the trust
there are a billion coding companies on the planet and they aren't all the same, and they don't all have the same crappy managers.. you might one day get very pleasantly surprised like I have, but it might take some time to get there is all. But it's all one big adventure like life
But as long as you hold onto that enjoyment for what you're doing (regardless of the company) then you should be fine
I believe in you man!
thanks again BB, it does help
and who knows what the app will bring as well, maybe I'll get hired through that road
that's true! at the very least it's amazing experience
both on a personal level, and a career level
and any time man :)
@ballBreaker People are overrated. lol
oh now its just a canyon but without you
@twiz lmao yah feelin that lately
So I finally finished painting (90% of) my first warhammer guy
I have no idea what that means... but cool. lol
Is that a game or something?
build, paint and then battle miniatures
I honestly though I was going to SUCK at it but I'm pretty good
I could see myself spending a couple years not painting one of those.
Or I'd be at your 90% and say "meh, good enough"
I'll be honest I've been procrastinating hard core with it
yeah honestly though, that model up there took me about 2-3 hours to paint, but depending how hard core you go with it, could be like.. 10 hours
I'll probably put another 30 mins to an hour into it to finish it off and end somewhere in the middle. You could easily get it "battle ready" inside an hour though
ya up @DaveS ^ altho looks like u figured that out
You know how there's constant news articles about how they're speeding up charging for electric vehicles? Well, can I just get a laptop battery that doesn't take 2 hours to charge? lol
It doesn't matter too much at this point since it's already sent. But if you really wanna see the final message I sent my friend, lmk. I can share it. It took a lot of tries but it was probably the least narcissistic attempt at it I could come up with
so probably still mildly narcissistic lol
As long as you told them to suck your claws, I approve.
unfortunately I did not lmao but there's always the future for that
OH the funniest part though
After sending that message to my friend, later in the night. I kept re-reading it because it was making me bawl my eyes out and it was super fucking cathartic and conducive to moving on. So anyway, I was reading it in bed
and ended up PASSING THE FUCKKKK out, and my face fell on my phone
and just spammed him with facebook "thumbs up", there were like 20 of them
literally hilarious, I woke up and was like oh noooo
I don't know how you manage to always get into these ridiculous situations. haha
You're basically a sitcom.
That he is lmao
hahaha yeah I have no idea man
my life bounces between a soap opera and a sitcom, and just sheer boredom inbetween
I was better when I was a frog
you were a better man when you weren't a man
So I unplugged everything, turned my screen brightness down the entire way, and closed everything but my browser. This made the estimated charging time for my laptop go up.
maybe its because you unplugged everything
and everything includes power cord
wait, how is he charging
guys I unplugged my power cord and my laptop isn't charging, please help
it's not twiz's fault, he's from Florida
Dave o/
Thanks guys. Very helpful.
I think the estimation thing just sucks. It did eventually start going down.
Still weird that it went up.
not used to things going up?
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
c'mon, I don't have enough faces or palms to properly deal with this chat.
are both of your palms currently in use?
(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
that's true you have at most 3 total faces and palms, and there's 12 of us in chat, will need to do 4 shifts
Lol I knew where that joke would go, but I chose to make it anyway.
well you have your left hand/palm, Barack O'Palma and your right hand/palm, Arnold Palmer
but who is this third fabled palm?
his face
oh that was an inclusive and
watched an episode of 'Euphoria' because it had a high rating
jesus christ what a mess that is
I think I've been living an episode of Euphoria for the past 3 months
havent had this much highschool drama since highschool
love you
It's a highschool show right?
@DaveS uh oh
I'm wary of these now since saturday, are you done with me as well
you can't just put a whole teenage cast on Xanax, film it throw in some political correct stuff: turn everybody gay and get high ratings
I mean, they can but they shouldn't
it's also a giant pulp, it jumps from one subject (depressed kid 1) to the other (drugged kid 2) back to the random other classmate, also drugged and depressed
and then back to the classroom and suddenly someone insecure teenager decided to shoot porn
@ballBreaker maybe
@ballBreaker You should just send them all a text that says "Becky like totally told my bf that she wanted to f the s out of him. We are like totally not BFFs anymore. We should all like totally not let her sit at the lunch table anymore."
I do feel sorry for you BB, wish you'd come to Europe so we could take care of some of the drama
I mean you shouldn't... but that basically sums up the situation.
look if you're gonna lose your friends you might as well milk it
do terrible shit to them then move
@DaveS I would encourage this in other situations but not with lost friends. Stay classy
same with exes, staying classy and showing least care they broke up with me hits them the hardest
classy isn't in BB's vocabulary
shit on their porch
fuck their girlfriends
"well since the friendship is dead either way, what do you actually think about my offer?" - bb to friends GF
wasn't this all about some promicious girl after all? What if you do fuck her, would that even things out?
that's one giant "I TOLD YOU SO"
05:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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