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In case if anyone wants to pass some time reading other people's F ups, fmylife.com
I thought that was what the question feature on SO was for
finger guns
Anyone here beat the Witcher 3?
I beat it 2 years ago and forgot I left the expansions for another time.. came back to them over the weekend and god damn are they awesome
I got sidequested to oblivion
hahah yeah same I had to do it originally in 2 spurts
Games is just "too" extensive
"Pronouns and future changes to the code of conduct" heh
probably put like 500 hours into it
I bet the boeing max 767 went down because the software in the code had wrong pronouns and misgendering
@ballBreaker you remember the scenario I asked about you what you would in such situation, about a girl and her bf?
Yeah sorta
well she is a barber, and you know how expensive barbers can be when you get older
Made an appointment for a cut cause the price was very good and it's at home. But now I have doubts
at your home or hers?
lol o.O
well to be fair she is an 'at home' barber for several people. It's a common thing here in the netherlands
Yeah I've heard of it here as well, but usually they make people come to them
but at their home it's their mess
drama? situation between girl and her bf
@MwBakker exactly lol
why would I ever want someone to cut my hair in my place, fuck that
because of the discount
It's that expensive in NL?
Yeah there's no way it could be so expensive to justify that
25 euro on avg
I can get a haircut anywhere from 5-100 dollars
25 euro must be something like 35-ish cad
She does it for 15 and at home
Meh. Nice discount, still couldn't be bothered to have someone at my place to cut my hair
well the 'drama' is she likes me and wants to meet up in secret and such while I know she has a bf
I am not raised that way so I rejected such things, but then I figured I do need a haircut soon
Might as well make the best of the worst, ofc without doing anything else with her
What are you going to do if she makes a move
Panic, probably :P
context: 'worst' in dutch means 'sausage'
wvrst is a sausage restaurant in Toronto
that sausage restaurant is full of Dutch people needing to come home, just like you
come home nederbro
Man there is a haircut place I go where they do all the regular barber stuff, but then they have these old-school barber chairs that fully recline I guess for shaving
I have to work til 6 hunny
Anyway I dk if I am making a smart move saving money or putting myself into a complex situation
and they'll shave you up, then put a nice eucalpytus hot towel on your face for a while.. then give you a nice massage
and basically press their milk truck into your head while they do it
@Tim I meant BB, you already live here
@ballBreaker great, another reason to be damned I can't grow a beard
Worth every penny
Oh man, we're both Dutch, you think I can?!
It's a pathetic beard I can grow lol
Usually people with dark hair have good beards, maybe it'll come later. My brother was in his 30's when he grew a good beard
Then he left his wife
Not sure if these are related though
@MwBakker Depends. If you get the discount and a nice hug, you're a master negociator
@Nyakouai it could even be for free.. which is a great story to tell at beertime but then again my moral compass swings other ways
is it even my responsibility?
It's like a 40/60 split
I'd figured, damn
Mine would too, except women don't usually come at my place to cheat their partner with me
I think it's more her responsibility, but you still have your own.. although less
Well, if you agree, you're accomplice by default
Yeah the key is to just not be aware of these things eh
Just get blackout drunk then it's not your fault..
if she didnt have a bf it would be more than great. a true win-win
@ballBreaker IANAL, but this doesn't hold in court, methinks :P
now it's a win-sleepBadAtNight-MightGoToHell-win
@ballBreaker if I didnt ask who she went on vacation with I would have never known about her bf
well you can't un-know it nowwww
@Nyakouai not sure what your sexual preferences have to do with anything..
fingers guns heeeeyyyyyyy
@ballBreaker SE would disagree. They won't stop asking about it
(It was terrible, I'm ashamed I snorted)
in their surveys
@Tim sharp as a knife
@ballBreaker Also, I know you love that expression
I do, I do
@ballBreaker this is actually good advice if I can't handle the situation but my hair is not finished yet
Yeah to me it sounds like you WANT the drama of it lol
...? Not yet? Are they currently being cut?
and to be honest I'd be the same
Are you asking us about right now?
@ballBreaker I am always into adventure, but I know this is a no-no
So as I said I at least want the economical benefit
otherwise everybody lost
What you COULD do
Is go through with the haircut, and hookup with her in whichever way you want
then just tell the BF after and rat her out to save the poor guy from any other fellas in the future
moral compass restored
@ballBreaker "hey thanks for the fun and the haircut, btw told your bf you a h*" that would be the worst thing to do imo
or I guess the best option is go into it expecting for nothing to happen with her, just get the haircut, but if she really instigates it and makes a move and something happens, then go through with it but just squeel like a pig after
but I am open for any advice ofc
@ballBreaker This made me laugh out, imagine "she forced meeee" but nice one
I mean in my eyes, if something happens you only have 2 options and the best option from a moral perspective is letting the guy know what happened so he can make his own decision on what to do
Not that it's logistically the best option
Guy might wanna fight
Well I would want someone to tell me my GF cheated if that happens
Yeah exactly
and if she's out there pursuing you and putting that work in.. it's way worse
I think she would want to fight me actually
Like she's actively on the prowl to cheat
and she has scissors
well maybe just leave a bad anonymous yelp review
I knew you guys were the right people to present this drama too
and be like "yo.. man .. sorry to say, but I saw this review of your gf?"
Unfortunately more than just her haircutting skills were being reviewed
Hahah this is fantastic
Had all the fun and yet my moral compass restored while staying anonymus
your option dodges several bullets
Yeah you just gotta 'hope' that she does it with multiple clients and doesn't easily trace it back to you :D
The easiest solution is probably to just get a haircut somewhere else from a man
wait.. then in that case I would feel cheated on
But at least you have options
@ballBreaker sure, that would be wise
I am not a wise man
Not being wise does save me the money in this matter
Well I think I know what my options are, just gonna go for it and have some mental excersise along with it to not bite the hook
Sucht discipline trainings can also be very expensive
Yeah just do it and have a funny story for us tomorrow
still a win-win
It's next week tuesday
I actually wanted to have it cut before the date on friday lol
I'm assuming the date isn't with her lol
im such a mess
yeah I feel that, I need a cut soon too
but your barbers prob are saints
idk man, sometimes I wonder with her
btw how would a 5 dollar haircut be like?
probably really crappy lol
The thing I explained before that I do, it's like $40CAD
holy smoke
so liek 30 euro?
shaving + cutting also can go about that price around here
yeah, the added massage bit is what makes it for me
the shave isn't supposed to be included but my barber likes me
luckily she's not my type, so I wouldn't get into this situation with her lol
Get male barbers, avoid all drama
Yeah mine before was male
But he moved his shop too far away
Plus, male barbers can talk manly about man skin care products. A rare skill
and he's not a hot girl, so ..
@Nyakouai I do not want to talk about skin care products
This might be the saddest thing I've ever said, but if I go a few weeks with no dates or female lovin', it's nice to be touched by a woman
@Nyakouai I didnt get to her because she was a barber
I figured out she was a barber lateron
@ballBreaker Man... a few weeks?
@ballBreaker it's always nice, not really any exceptions in that I think
Yeah it's always nice.. just even better if it's been a bit
@Nyakouai single life isn't always roses and balloons
@Nyakouai Yeah is that too much
It's been two fucking years, shut uuuuup
why did I read this in Ross' voice of Friends?
go get a haircut from a female barber, it'll make you feel nice
chat them up and stuff
chat them up, then cheat them up and feel confused
No and no
And double no
two years though eh.. damn son
|| womper
Do you live alone?
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
You must be lonely
My social skill involving women near 0
Do you get hugs from your friends
Mornin Carl! o/
Or yes, every few motnhs
okay so you're not TOTALLY starved for affection lol
I hug my cat like everynight
If I'm not cuddling a girl, my cat gets the full brunt of it
I think he lowkey hates it
I'm not starved for affection, I have pretty low needs
For feminine affection, thoooo
Anyway, way of topic
Just felt the need to throw stones at people getting fates every few weeks
I'll retreat back to my fortress of solitude. See you all
hahahah cya man, enjoy your evening 😀 that's good to know you're not lonely
I might have to download Bumble
posted on February 04, 2020 by Android Developers

Posted by Leo Sei, Product Manager on Android Back in 2017, we released D8, a new faster dexing compiler to replace DX, producing smaller APKs. In April 2018, we announced D8 as the default option in Android Studio 3.1. In that announcement, we laid out 3 phases to deprecate DX and we are now entering phase 2: “Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from

I was today years old when I found out LaTeX is usually pronounced la-tech
I thought the TA in my class was pronouncing it weird, but Google seems to agree
Q: What is the correct pronunciation of TeX and LaTeX?

Prabhanjan NaibIs it tex(tech)? Or Is it tex(like touch)? Lay-TeX? or La-TeX? Should I use TeX pronunciation in LaTeX?

Yep, that's exactly what I was looking at
As I understand it, TeX should always be "tech" - LaTeX may be pronounced either way.
That makes sense. Ultimately pronunciation doesn't really matter. I just haven't been around people pronouncing it before. I had a similar experience when I heard someone pronounce SQL as "sequel" for the first time.
sequel is the correct way
LaTeX to me will always just be latex though
@Smarticles101 I spent so long just thinking S-Q-L in my mind I still can't make myself say sequel
@twiz I did something similar, but I realized that it's just quicker to say sequel so I abandoned spelling out S-Q-L every time
Just be sure to tar and feather anyone pronouncing Haskell as "Hascal", as if they've conflated it with Donald Knuth's favorite language...
Yeah, once you have to say it multiple times a day you'll quickly abandon S-Q-L
I'm sure I could cause a fair bit of chaos if I just started saying "Structured Query Language" each time
@AaronHall Wait... what's it supposed to be?
I pronounce it like it would be if you didn't know otherwise
AKA Has-kell which is essentially Hascal
you see "ell" and pronounce it as "al"? I don't believe you.gif
the al and ell are super similar, at least in a Canadian/Ontarian accent
hey mawkx
@IvanMilisavljevic Just finished this album off. Really cool sound from these guys, got a nice mix of soundscapes w/ some heavy shit
in case ur lazy
singer kinda sounds like tears for fears
@Smarticles101 I guess I've really only worked with SQL on freelance things, so I never had to say it in conversations much.
If you type out "sequel" instead of "SQL" in an email, that's just stupid. lol
yeah, nobody does that haha
At least so far in my career
haha i'm gonna start typing out "sequel" now
I honestly think it would take me a second to understand if someone did that.
I know I would be confused
there is only one way to spell SQL: es-cue-el
Add China silencing doctors to cover up corona virus to the list of reasons why I hate China
Are you going to stop buying apple products?
buying apple 95% of products
I heard a funny thing
That China isnow becoming developed enough that they are outsourcing their manufacturing to Africa
@Mehdi Yeah I think it's impossible to get a 100% china free electronic in this day
But AFAIK Apple is one of the worst for this
I'll make sure my slave labour is sourced from other countries! That'll show em!
@ballBreaker they are not, they exploit Africa - thanks to their corrupt leaders, by loaning poor countries so much money for big projects getting delivered by chinese companies, so they cannot reimburse it, and then let them exploit their natural resources as a payment. Basically Neo-colonialism
What other countries have done for the past century?
Most specifically the US
except china has opened massive lines of credit, with a very aggressive payback strategy
eh this is something I keep my nose out of as much as I can
I'll take ur word on it
@Mehdi well said
even that money goes back to chinese companies... they lose absolutely nothing
Quartz (qz.com) has covered this topic in quite a nice way, I had read that now Chinese is being taught in schools in Kenya, because otherwise they get discriminated against for employment.. in their own country
qz.com/66878/… and tons of other articles :D
@ballBreaker Does that mean that our cheap garbage has to basically circle the entire globe to get here now? lol
Has to pass through the entire chain of least-developed to most-developed countries. haha
hahahha yeah that's what was making me laugh
crabby crab
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Dave!!!!!! :D
Don't Mock the Mauk if you can't Caulk the Caulk
JRE is included in JDK?
pretty sure it is
I think you need to go on Youtube for the Joe Rogan Experience if I remember correctly
@MarkO'Sullivan You can install play store developer console android app, to get a notification when the update goes live
(also yes)
Also you can set up Real-time developer notifications from on the Console
Which basically sends the Firebase Push notification on a topic specified on the console
Actually, it sends the G pub/sub on a specified topic, which is pretty much all you need
Does anyone here understand thick scottish accents? If so.. this video is hilariiiious
@ballBreaker uh I love these guys :D
Nobody ever gives em a chance
Limmy's show is one of the best hidden gems because nobody can understand the man
have you seen videos by little england
little britain?
ah, there is no much stuff on yt
Yeah I used to love that back in the day haha
I'm trying to find something good
Unless you mean little england, in which case I haven't
oh shit yeah
little britan
yea man that show is a blast
There are some under rated billy joel songs
Don't even get a Wikipedia page
not a fan
He must be gettin' up there in age now, eh
@ballBreaker I had a friend in middle school who immigrated from Scotland, had a thick accent, so I can understand these guys just fine :D
im gunna rewatch the entire dudes show again I think over my lunch breaks
They're so chalk full of references and quotable shit but nobody knows it, so it's kinda lost on people but oh well
haven't seen it before
yeah I don't think anyone has
@ballBreaker am i missing something?
How didn't he realize it was an old man? huh
nope not missing anything
tbh I didn't see that coming, what a TWIST
twist as in Team Work Intellectually StimulaTing?
as in that I was shocked to learn Sarah was an old man
(I got that XD)
XD as in Xenophobic Denial?
or Xylophone Dysphoria?
Xylophone Dysphoria is a real problem and affects many across the globe, please donate to my non profit so I can help these poor souls
You promise to not buy a 6ft painting of yourself with the money I donate?
Yes and I'll also release my tax returns after I'm elected president
And I definitely won't profit off my personal businesses
ubunty subsystem is actually working pretty good on Windows
@DaveS Xi-jinping Dystopia
@DaveS lmao
This coronavirus is terrible and my disappointment is immeasurable
Frustrating headline. People are going to blame Clinton for something she had nothing to do with, simply because some people happened to get a job after working in the Hillary campaign.
Can someone explain to me what going on with caucus?
today, I'm 6 days news-clean
@IvanMilisavljevic what about it?
What is it exactly, and what happened?
@Mehdi One more day and you get a chip!
basically some shit devs made a shit app and it shit all over the caucus
causing huge delays and people to have to count votes with paper instead of the app
@ballBreaker Thanks (sponsor?)
@IvanMilisavljevic If you want to learn about how fucked up caucuses and primaries are in general (and what they are), you can watch this extremely informative video (its comedy but very factual)
think about this when you think about news
I love how much an Englishman has done for the american people
you will hate the American voting system and wonder why we call our selves "democratic" after watching that guaranteed or your bandwidth back
It's funny though, if you take his glasses off I think his nose comes with it
@ballBreaker let's not forget about Cris Cab
psssst who is that
(I've clearly already forgotten)
I don't think I've ever heard this song
It sounds like a saudi despasito
It's always a total shock to the system when I change from my music to something like this
Like a cold shower of piss
oh okay I've definitely heard this one
youtube has started localizing videos titles / descriptions?
I've been getting russian videos lately that were translated to english, then I go to it and it's all in jibber jabber joo
that's a terrible feature
I'm not sure how I feel about it, at the worst it's kind of annoying but at the best I don't have to remember some russian nonsense
I don't want a service to think it knows better than me in which language I wanna see content in :D
so there's this website called The Trap Factory
and if you upload a sample the AI will generate you a trap beat
@DaveS uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
oh okay
so it's not a factory that makes traps
just beats
I thought we just called that Thailand
What a god tier joke

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