If my api return data with nested object let say address is there a way i can bind address in databinding with include layout `<include` `layout="@layout/item_property_owner_profile_address"` ` bind:userAddress="@{userData.addresses}" />`
@IvanMilisavljevic So that sounds reasonable enough, but yet I've never seen an app do that... I wonder if there is a reason or if its just generally not worth the effort.
If you don't have anything worth asserting, you can try verification instead.
verify(someMock, times(x)).someMethod();
More on verification with Mockito in the documentation: https://mockito.googlecode.com/hg-history/1.5/javadoc/org/mockito/Mockito.html
@RaghavSood easy to demonstrate. so many people share voice, physical patterns or life experiences across the globe it's clearly a limited set of seeds per feature.
It should call a 3rd party lib method under certain conditions (determined by the input) but as that 3rd party lib method is static... I can't check if it was called