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1 hour later…
morning folks..
3 hours later…
my god
back in the office
I got a new monitor and its stand is wider than the old one's and now my screens are out of alignment :(
uf more kotlin goodies
tldr Use inner for class definition if you want to make your nested class bound to the enclosing object
Good morning everyone. :)
sorry to hear that raghav
Online since 19-08-2019 08:13 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 0h
@MuthuS welcome to the room. Please read the room rules: room-15.github.io and acknowledge them
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Tim, what do you need to run the bot on a server?
@WarrenFaith complete rewrite from 0 :D
hosting i think
I just got the urge to test the kick-mute feature...
a socket to the outside world and a db that jetbrains/exposed supports
hm ok
Tim, check Hangouts
@RaghavSood wow - absolutely gutted for you :(
@IvanMilisavljevic niceeeeeee
sup Eurians
im thinking of ways to test new android developerse
what do i have in mind
Probably nothing
create a processor that can run Java natively, but with WHOLE instruction set
I don't even know what that means
and do it using only Android SDK
@TimCastelijns haha its the usual garbage
There was an effort to create a processor that can run Java bytecode natively (without VM), but it never supported entire instruction set
@MarkO'Sullivan Worry not, it has been dealt with
I think there was some sub-processor that was able to run java natively
@RaghavSood probably knows more
Synced starred message data. Took 73508 ms.
@IvanMilisavljevic There's been a bunch of minor efforts, but I don't believe any of them actually made it into practical mass production
lets do it than
I think ARM briefly had a line that could run JVM bytecode directly, but it was dropped because it was dumb
Why tho
JVM bytecode is not designed to be directly run on hardware
make moneys from nerds
A true nerd will recognize it is dumb and not use it
And dumb nerds rarely have the multi millions you need to fund a processor build
What are you trying to do?
lol nothing, im just playing around
im not that crazy
im reading some bytecode, and had this weird idea
And started googling if anyone did it in the past
JVM implementations are super efficient
Most SIM cards also tend to run a stripped down JVM
And they're not exactly fully featured computers
Mostly just microcontrollers with a simple JVM implementation on them
lol i didnt know that
now you know
so join the right side
yeah there is really no point in ditching JVM, that kind of processor would be single-purposed, expense af, inefficient pile of garbage
for very little gain
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Aug 19 '18 at 4:33, by Raghav Sood
user image
hello my dude
hello my friend
hi timmy and raghu
how are my favorite developers doing?
I have acquired too much pizza
@RaghavSood lies, there is not such thing
I have ~1.16 sqm of pizza, so yes, there is such a thing
do you have to stop animations on a view when it is detached from window?
shit that is too much
@TimCastelijns i dont think so, its going to be stoped by the system
till now I also thought there can't be too much pizaa
It was a good deal
4 pizzas for $15
let's say I start an endless animation in init {} I don't have to stop it?
also it sounds like a challenge
And it's cold enough that I don't need to put stuff in the fridge either
Should last a couple of days
cold pizza is ok
It is, no one said anything about reheating
@TimCastelijns nope
in many movies people complain about cold pizza, and I don't get it
maybe because it's nasty
@MehdiB. nice addition for our custom graph proandroiddev.com/…
Nice! this one is so cool: miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*YUW4qEFZ6jFIBS0WEjuZwA.gif
that's material spec
do you actually read the specs when developing UI? (paddings etc..)
no, our design dept does not know what material design is
Is there a way to calculate the recycle pool size of a recyclerview?
> Confirmed, but probably won't be fixed any time soon. adjustResize has a few good use-cases, but using AppBarLayout with CollapsingToolbarLayout with it is not one of them.
why the fuck not
It's not on the list of approved use-cases
20 hours ago, by Raghav Sood
It is for the good of the public, do not resist
another problem that will be solved with a custom view/layout
how many custom views did you create so far on your current project?
not many
some item decorators, modal fragment, custom button
@TimCastelijns sup?
what voodoo stuff are you doing timmy?
Satya Routray requested access. Rep: 32 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 2 (ratio 4:1)
@SatyaRoutray you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
I want adjustResize on a nestedscrollview. But no, it's not possible
hehe classic android
google translate saw it fit to insert some 🤮🤮🤮🤮 emojis
Time for a math quizz! [difficulty ✭✭✭✭☆]:
what is the result of: (1 + 1 - 0 * 0 - 1 - 1)? (hint, the response is a single digit number)
pls no random guesses bb
Ivan you're close
How is that random guess lol
(1+1 -(0) - 1 -1)
(2 - 0 - 1 -1)
(2 - 1 - 1)
(1 - 1)
>>> eval("(1 + 1 - 0 * 0 - 1 - 1)")
top tier meme
applicable in every situation
Mehdi I think you might suck at algebra
@ballBreaker very nice demonstration
yeah i know,
its wasn't the right answer, but it was fast
That's what counts the most in math
you could get many points on SO with that mindset ivan
faster > accuracy
but you got it wrong when you assumed that the 0 identifies as a zero, it identifies as a 9!
i call it acceptable margin of error
yeah you were close Ivan
just set the margin to 100% and you're never wrong
Yeah the real answer is 2 +- 2
but it's good to know and reassuring to know that we have big scientists with us in this room
they call me the science guy
The name is Nye, bill nye. The science guy.
@IvanMilisavljevic lol
> vp_adapter = new ViewPagerAdapter_Catalogue(this, strArr_MainImage);
very good
only a space between e( could make this worse
don't tell mehdi I said this
mAdapter would make it better
nice coding tho tim
mVp_adapter yeah indeed nicer
tbh im using something like UserProfile_Fragment, UserProfile_Presenter, etc
yeah i have file templates, and its easier to generate files and distinguish different components
new XxViewPagerAdapterxX(this);
missing some 420 n0scope
this conversation today. I can barely keep up with all the messages
Yeah it's craziness
@ballBreaker yesterday I watched the episode with the letterkenny adult spelling bee, really funny stuff
hahahah that one was quite good! the mcmurray bits killed me
when coach did his evil laugh I actually laughed. doesn't happen a lot
the last thing that made me burst out laughing was a short youtube video I saw last nght, let me find it
dee dee mega doo doo
still gets me everytime
this guy and mcmurray are my favorites
dickskin also not bad of a character
yeah they're classic
my sense of humour is so childish, I love it
That deedeemegadoodoo is right up ther ewith this
@TimCastelijns ಠ_ಠ
I just do it in Java though, considering adding this artistic touch to Kotlin now :)
I kept wondering what was missing in Kotlin, and I just realised it was that
be careful, google is reviewing apps now
hahaha savage XD
I just finished my ML prototype, now, no idea how to assess how good it is
from scipy import assess
@MehdiB. you should send it to snake
@TimCastelijns XD
@ballBreaker if I do that, he'll never come back to this room 😂
send it to me, I will just move it to trash
my code is not moving in with you
lol just did codility test for the interveiw
scored 17%
1:30h, 3 algos
those tests take practice and preparation, can't score high for the first time
yeah i guess
i had a solution for the 3rd one
but haven't had enough time to convert HashSet to int[]
1. Split string into sentences, that print out max number of words in a sentence
2. Find a bug in the 1 for loop and 2 if's
3. Generate an array with non repeating elements that sum up to 0
Import collections; collections.convertHashMapToArray
yeah i know
also streams :/
for the 1. test case was something like Fdkf .. afd x x
Strange thing, they dont give you all test cases, they give you like 2 and thats it
My code matched 50% of the first one and thats it
And when i did it, all was green
you know what I like to say, Ivan: it's not how you're doing that matters, it's how you handle it
yeah, i dont give a f, tbh
algos sucks on the interveiws
if you're into this kind of problems leetcode.com, hackerrank.com and the book "cracking the coding interview"
yeah i think you gave me those
i have it bookmarked
this was like a baseline test
im going to prepare a little better next time
So, an interview conductor can ask technical questions but an interviewee can not ask them those technical questions, this is bullshite
- interviewer: how would you code this?
- taseer: no, but seriously, how would you code this?
lol haha
im always for automation, but this kind of stuff is really better when done in person
I mean, technically speaking...I should interview them so I can know how deep their fingers are in the oil
They maybe hiring me, but I am hiring them as my employer, so yeah :/
also true
ive received really good offer from the company here in Serbia, but on the interview they said they do mostly PHP on the backend
and i declined the offer
I believe that if anyone is willing to walk the software developer career, they should know how to sell, in this case, sell their skills
Marketing skills + Software development, jeez what a combo
yeah but you cant sell online, doing a coding interview
dota 2 international prize pool this year is 33,447,684
@IvanMilisavljevic yuckk
Oddly specific
But you have to be a huge nerd to win that. Not worth
o/ all
David, Bernard
Hello, Android!
if anyone is @ droidcon NYC next week I'll be wandering around :D
hello hello o/
what you doing?
knights and merchants with my friend
is that a game?
i will go and play cs go
is that a game?
counterstrike global offensive
nerds, obviously CS stands for computer science and go means the programming language
CF is coding a backend in Go
is computer science and Go a fucking game to you, Dave?!
if by game you mean an enjoyable challenge, then yes
surprise math quizz [difficulty ★★★★★]: 1 * 1 - 2.33 = ?
- 1.33
unless there's an implicit cast to int
@TimCastelijns lol i see what you did there
sorry Dave, your second message invalidated your correct answer
and I thought we were on the verge of finding a second scientist today...
guess my dreams of being a ML expert were crushed today
and carl is not even around
6 hours ago, by ballBreaker
(1+1 -(0) - 1 -1)
(2 - 0 - 1 -1)
(2 - 1 - 1)
(1 - 1)
(because 2 ~ 3)
everything goes to hell 3 seconds after dave shows up
idk whats going on rn
@IvanMilisavljevic XD
@IvanMilisavljevic I live to inspire
xD ivan
@IvanMilisavljevic Even Chat is Tired of Dave's Shit
good news, I lost my taste for network points finally
@SnakeException can you answer this without googling? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47079556#47079556
Is it 0?
or... is it? 🤔
lol yeah, have you guys watched Castlevania on Netflix?
surprise math quizz [difficulty ★★★★★]: 1 * 1 / 1 * 1 * (1^1) * 1 = ?
damn dave, that's at least a 6 stars problem
I'll go with 2
surprise room 15 meme quizz [difficulty ★★★★★★]: Which is the most superior shape for an avatar?
if an Exception is supposed to happen "exceptionally", why do we have so many sdk methods throwing exceptions? 🤔
because your code sucks
do you think things changed because of global warming?
probably, but the jury is still out on whether humans caused those changes
for sure, i've seen a lot more NPEs in last couple of years
ha! same, Ivan
actually, last year i had 0 NPEs
Thanks Obama
yeah but it was freezing last year
kotlin *
it actually throws something else
forgot what
so yeah, no more NPEs
"This would normally but a null pointer exception but this is Kotlin"
Destiny Faith requested access. Rep: 21 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 0 (ratio 4:0)
how tf is the bot online
I guess its because its open source
@DestinyFaith you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
maybe you posted your credentials in github
@SnakeException Online since 19-08-2019 08:13 (UTC). Running on develop@355b70d. Uptime: 11h
Didn't adam or someone say they would host it on a raspberry pi
Well then
was it mauker? adam? carl? someone else? god?
@DaveS You can find information on what I can do here
wasn't me
Mauker, plz.
I'm guessing Tim is running him locally again and just messing with us
Unknown command '!snakeexception'
it is but I put my mac to sleep 6 hours ago
and you expected that it would listen?
It's sleeping with one eye open
That's cause it's secretly recording all your conversations, just pretending to sleep
That's cause it's secretly recording all your thoughts, just pretending to sleep </ftfy>
my father makes the weirdest videos for his music
That's your dad's music?
lol yeah he made a song over a drum track I made for him about a half year ago
I did NOT think he was going to go bluesy with it at all
@ballBreaker probably best if he disabled the comments on his video before the youtube meanies show up :D
user image
tim can u just trash that video for me
please and thank you
or mehdi
thanks ^^
@MehdiB. well it was bound to happen at some point lmao as long as you guys dont be mean
I never commented on youtube, but when i read the comments... teenagers sure can be mean online :D
I think you mean retired 60 year old white guys
I only comment nice things on youtube these days
I don't know Carl XD but the rude comments usually sound childish to me, so my guess is 11-15y old kids :D
Yeah my peak mean comments came from highschool and early uni
I peaked when I was 18 you could say
Apparently we can't trash "→ 1 message moved to Trash can" messages
oh lol really?
you'd probably have to trash and then delete the message?
I seem to rmemeber there being a way
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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