my buddy works at uber in their self driving car department
I never bothered applying to them though, I hate job applications and I get the feeling all the giants have probably the worst most tedious processes of them all
Looking back though, I've been extremely lucky to get 3 separate jobs now, each of them not requiring a coding interview with a white board
there are couple of benefits thought, you can learn a lot and generally you have smaller amounts of stress (or at least thats how i see those big companies)
@ballBreaker any operator is a predefined function so bear with me while I define a new CPU instruction set, but first I need to define a new language so you can understand it
@IvanMilisavljevic Yeah I guess I just mean in general.. the most I learned was at my first company where I had an entire project from start to finish by myself
The next company which was a few sizes up, it was like "here work on this very specific piece of this project"
I'll probably just try to phase myself out of programming by the time I have to do another interview so I never have to do a white board interview again
he straddled the security clearance boundaries of all the sub teams so they were all trying to work together but he was the only one who know what was going on and all he did was write emails explaining interfaces
Yeah I wish half of my pay cheque didn't go to rent, but I heard I'm actually quite lucky with what I pay for my area
Which makes me sick
The place beside me just vacated of tenants and it went up for >$500 a month more than mine
Identical unit, but the finishing is actually much worse on their unit than mine
Noooo idea how any single person could afford to live's going to either be an entire indian family including grand parents, cousins, or a couple
Sometimes, I do google searches to come up with answers and they get accepted. Its a win win situation for everyone. They get the answer, I learn new stuff and get few points
Would you be comfortable letting a stranger read through your google search history with no additional context provided? (You also have to be in the same room as them as they look through the searches)
> It isn’t clear how long humans can truly survive without sleep. But it is clear that extreme symptoms can begin in as little as 36 hours. This includes a reduced ability to think, poor decision-making, and speech impairment.
> It's this nauseating scent of prepubescent fear and putrid sweat that experienced engineers can identify simply by reviewing your garbage code. The first step is to recognize the problem (you) and to admit that you need some serious help.
no parachuting, no skyscrapers climbing, you'll get all the adrenaline you need from a boss like that, always having your job and self esteem on the edge
@TaseerAhmad I actually need less passive sound to stay concentrated, if it's too ambient or light I get too distracted, and absolutely NO to people talking