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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Raghunandan I doubt that using a hashcode is the problem. It seems like the problem is a failure in implementing all of the exact details that the library requires to function correctly. Unfortunately this isn't documented very well.
My digging for a similar error lead me to the answer I posted on that one Q you saw
but in my example I built, the position was sufficient for an id because the underlying data was just an array. Hopefully when I implement it in a more complex app with a database, I won't run into similar problems.
Hmmm. I am not sure what is wrong. I followed all the steps. The only extra bit is I had a hash code and a custom key provider. Will try different keys now like string instead of long to figure out the problem.
Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast: 141: Impostor Syndrome
posted on November 12, 2018 by shows

In this mini fragment, Donn and KG talk about Impostor syndrome. Most of us developers are plagued by this. Does this feeling ever go away? How do we deal with this? Listen to this short episode to find out more. Shownotes: http://fragmentedpodcast.com/episodes/141/

The ability of solving problems offline by myself is something employers need to know or they will not care about it?
I'm afraid of putting that on the CV and making the employers think that I'm outdated due to the lack of internet...
Phrase it along the lines of "Skilled at solving problems where little information and help is available"
Hmm... they ask what is my favorite programming language... will employers crucify me if I say C#?
Depends on what you're applying to
But C# is a normal language
Android development
I super like it
for android dev, of course I love kotlin
but in general I like C# more
Can I ask iOS question here?
Of course!
iOS sucks!
You likely won't get an answer, though
It's hard to search it in Google so I'm trying rooms here in SO
It's about developing apps in iOS CarPlay.
did you tried on the iOS room?
There doesn't seem to be any active rooms for iOS
What is iOS CarPlay?
Apps the runs on cars
You communicate with voice command, gesture, or the built-in hardwares provided by car manufacturers
My question is nothing about code, but "how/where to start" developing apps hehe
But how did Spotify and WhatsApp made it? They aren't device manufacturing company are they?
A contractor of a manufacturing company
They are likely big enough to get around this stuff
@RaymondArteaga "...For example if you're a contractor, or an engineering design firm, that develops MFi accessories for a client (who is a manufacturer)."
it's one of the exceptions of the license
1 hour later…
Back to work after a vacation.
Difficult to focus on the work. :)
@trevor why are you retweeting justin bieber
oh wait
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!! :D
it was a different trevor I follow LOL
morning womp!!!
guten morgan
@mr5 take a look at Spotifys Android SDK license, it states that the usage of the sdk for personal assistants or car apps is forbidden, so they probably have an agreement with google
@Ahmad why are you following someone who retweets justin bieber
Which is worse? following a bieber or a belieber?
2nd, because they enable the 1st
a bieber believer?
o/ the germans
Shihab Uddin requested access. Rep: 2420 - Questions: 74 - Answers: 56 (ratio 4:3)
@ShihabUddin welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
β€œI have read and understood the rules” - shihab
awesome welcome
thanks to all and I feel good to join here.
thanks, please rate 5 stars on yelp
lol nice
CF are you in germany?
shhh yes
don't shhh me
so you were the indian guy staring at me like a maniac for 20 minutes in the train...
damn the germans
don't forget, we do not stare back.... we just invade
morning nerds
too bad india is far away to invade for germans :D
Also pls ask chancellor to make the train ticket booking bit less complex :(
CF official visit?
We have friends. We managed to make Japan invade China... next India
@WarrenFaith don't ask italy tho
We used them for the Spagetti
@TimCastelijns yes
i regret
regret all my life choices
you don't. you're in SF enjoying the life
isn't there like hellfire in there?
are you ok?
you heard of it?
got to the spanish news this morning
yeah I can't go outside without my nose burning
catalan news
20 mins outside is worse than a pack of cigarettes apparently
there was a quick report about malibu hills on fire and some 4K firefighters struggling
yeah it's crazy
to stop it
all of sf is covered
hope you're ok, keep safe bro
I'm good :)
if fire gets too near give him one of my pickup lines, they're ice cold dead.
ty my dude!!
i don't want to pick up fire
anyway I'm off to sleep
good night everyone!
good night
@Ahmad oh i didnt knew it was this serious
it was in the news here too
good night
hello guys
Still I facing facebook login invalid key hash issue when Facebook app is installed on my device but when I Uninstall Facebook app then it is working fine on webview.
Please help if anyone know the solution
use webview
@TimCastelijns and @MarkO'Sullivan , permission to share the google photos gallery here?
need to add more pics to it yet, but it's getting quite spectalularly neat.
yeah sure
@TimCastelijns I want to login with both case if facebook installed then login with app and if facebook not installed then login with webview. So, Is there any solution for both?
I'm just online now
meeting was long this morning
laughs in rarely having meetings
I don't know I wouldn't ever use FB login
@TimCastelijns Okay ! Thank you for your kind response.
please no more ping
I wouldn't either, unless i get a test account to use
@MarkO'Sullivan what was this about?
Probably just the usual proletariat meeting
@WarrenFaith if you nearby my area we could meetup and have a coffee :D
Are we connected over hangouts?
with telegram yes i dont know about hangouts :(
murat is too far away i already checked :(
there is a telegram group?
just random contacts to gossip
@Warren did you just award me a Bounty? :D
Nope, Murat made a 50rep bounty
oh! Thanks @Murat! :D
It deserved more upvotes for that answer
Thanks, I appreciate it πŸ‘
@ColdFire just planning stuff for future releases, talking about analytics, how we're gonna schedule releases and plan future features, etc
ah nice
@MehdiB. was just curious if anything interesting was there :D
Need File object from project assets . possible?
A: How to pass a file path which is in assets folder to File(String path)?

yugidroidAFAIK, you can't create a File from an assets file because these are stored in the apk, that means there is no path to an assets folder. But, you can try to create that File using a buffer and the AssetManager (it provides access to an application's raw asset files). Try to do something like: ...

@RonakMehta following. will give you feedback
YΔ±ldΔ±rΔ±m requested access. Rep: 114 - Questions: 5 - Answers: 15 (ratio 4:12)
@YΔ±ldΔ±rΔ±m welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Jul 6 at 10:38, by Tim Castelijns
user image
1 hour later…
Sup tim
I just got more dental treatment done and my face is numb again yay
So.. I was working on an app and needed a rectangle with rounded bottom corners and came across a library. I found a question and submitted an answer I think it's a simple and good solution, so if you think it is a valid solution I'd appreciate if you upvote so the next one accessing the question will see the solution.
time for a drink mark
nice lib if you need weird shapes, but if you just need rounded corners it's better to just use the builtin tools
also please don't ask for votes
well I just wanted to let other people know it exists
So you're saying it's not a good solution? and that I should use something "simpler"?
It is overkill for just rounding a corner
@TimCastelijns if I did that, I would probably spill it all over myself, i'll need to wait until my mouth is less numb
but it's a simple solution
@MarkO'Sullivan What did you do
@RaghavSood good point!
@Mauker i dunno i'm old man
You're almost 30, that's like retirement age for IT folks
Except for Carl, since he's immortal, he'll never retire I guess
@grrigore yes. If the goal is to make an imageview with rounded corners, you don't want to use a library that does 50 things of which 1 is rounded corners
Ok, thank you :)
it's still a nice lib, but not a perfect match for that question
You can use Glide's circleCrop() these days
If you want rounded corners you can just add the view within a CardView
Tim doesn't like that idea Mark
That didn't work for me Mark
I'll give it another try
I did it last week
So.. shall I delete the answer? Or leave it there?
Nov 1 at 13:27, by Tim Castelijns
I think you should use cardview to create cards, not to apply rounded corners to views
What answer?
My memory is weirdly good at remembering chat quotes
I mean it's the quickest way I've managed to do it without much of a hassle, plus it's easy to do outlines as well that way
A: How to make an ImageView with rounded corners?

grrigoreThere is a cool library that allows you to shape imageviews. Here is an example: <com.github.siyamed.shapeimageview.mask.PorterShapeImageView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:siShape="@drawable/shape_rounded_rectangle" android:src="@dr...

That one
Mauker was faster :D
I'm like a Formula one car man
Or Nascar for muricas
@grrigore whatever you want. I'm just giving my opinion, you can ignore it if you want
@Mauker I mean if it's a unique answer I'm sure you can keep it @grrigore
I read the other ones and I didn't find that library so I guess so
I agree with @TimCastelijns you really don't need a complex library to do rounded corners which is why I prefer using CardView for this
Although Tim might do it a different way which might be better
The thing is I only need the bottom corners to be rounded
well.. make a custom view and draw the image on a circular canvas right @MehdiB. ?
Not all of them like in a cardview
Oh if you only need the bottom corners to be rounded then cardview wont work
Yep, but it didn't work at all, I did something wrong for sure
laughs in not writing android code
cries in envy
laughs in making tim cry
This is a mind game
laughs in multiple minds
schizoprenic Sood
@TimCastelijns agreed! do you even use built-in views anymore? they're so early 2018, I switched to canvas for my layouts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Do you guys use Dagger?
same mehdi. It's so much easier without fragments and activities
also a canvas has no lifecycle so you don't have to handle orientation changes
onSizeChanged for the win!
You guys are serious?
I just spent the most productive 3.5h of my life, spent it to fix a mistake the administration made on my sisters name, because they lost a document
issue: can't select any file from app via Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT from the app
any idea?
Guys, I'm interested to find out what libraries you use. I made this google form so if you want just go ahead and complete it
what does "use" mean?
@grrigore murat does
will we get to see the results
use means you are using that library to develop apps
I mean there are a lot of libraries, but I don't know which one are worth using
Yes, I will post the results if you want to
what is "use"? If I have an app that I work on daily, but I have not touched the code that uses a lib in 5 months, do I use that lib daily?
@MehdiB. i am in oreo. file explorer opened. but can't selectable
How's life in a cookie?
try to make it more restrictive by setting a mimetype of "images" to narrow down the issue
@TimCastelijns if it's in your app.. you use it
Assuming you start to develop a new app right now, the libraries you'd use are the ones I'd like to know about
I formulated the question in the form wrong
does anyone know if there's a way to anchor a view to remain below another one(e.g.: element scrolls free but stops below some element/height) in layouts other than coordinator?
no, this is one of the purposes of coordinator layout
So I got 2 responses and one is mine :D
well it really depends on what the app should do
It doesn't matter to me
I submitted mine, assuming we're talking about an app using only "db + network + json serialization + logging"
we can assume that
that's pretty much what I can do in android
@TimCastelijns ty!
These are the results so far if anyone's interested..
+ someone added jackson
I also added some
Thank you, I'll post the result in 5 hours or so
Let the people vote..
sounds like you should set a reminder for that :)
Wouldn't be nice to have a bot to remind us of such things?
Please remind me to post the result :D
use the bot for that grrigore, syntax "!remindme 5h results"
!remindme in 5h to remind grrigore
Ok, I will remind you at 20:25 on 12 November 2018 (UTC)
!remindme in 5h mauker has to remind me something
Ok, I will remind you at 20:26 on 12 November 2018 (UTC)
Don't blame me, I'm just trying to be funny
Adam \o
!remindme in 3min not to blame Grrigore
Ok, I will remind you at 15:30 on 12 November 2018 (UTC)
@MehdiB. this is cool
!remindme in 1 minute to talk with mehdi about abusing the bot functionality
Ok, I will remind you at 15:29 on 12 November 2018 (UTC)
@TimCastelijns :/
@grrigore you should add RxJava, Realm and Room
@MarkO'Sullivan I did
you don't want Tim to tail the logs and only see "accept" and "reject" :D
Ah, the three Rs. You forgot the fourth one: Rdatabinding
ok ,Mark
@AdamMc331 XD
@Mauker Here is your reminder
I don't know how the python folks do to answer questions, question posted 1min ago, already 3 comments and an answer
> Hi Tim,
> You are clearly a very strong developer with an abundance of skills in mobile development. Your profile was actually one that a client of mine used as an example of the exact type of person they are looking to add to their team.
🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 BS detected
@MehdiB. Please, don't abuse the bot functionality
Would you really want to work for someone who wants to hire you?
@MehdiB. Here is your reminder
@MarkO'Sullivan added them
of course not raghav. I mean have you met me?
@R15Bot thanks, @grrigore I just remembered I don't blame you
No, and for good reason
Thank you, Mehdi, you're such a nice person
typical recruiter talking only about how big and important the company is, and say nothing about the job they want me for
you don't feel flattered at all? not even a little bit? :D
no I feel annoyed
@TimCastelijns just reply with "so what you're telling me is I'm being head hunted?"
let me share the rest of the message
if they say yes, demand 3x your current salary
"I'm kind of a big deal... people know me (like your clients)"
"people fly across europe to meet with me"
Sounds like an MLM
Microsoft Leveraging Moron
> Just imagine that the next time you book a flight to go somewhere; you are using an app that you helped to build.
I got an idea what company that is
@TimCastelijns oh wow
Lot's of business buzzwords
maybe not just looked them up and they don't have an office in Amsterdam
Tim you should accept talking to them, I mean, they said it's a working environment like no other
"Roles like this one do not come around very often." -- it's true. I mean the last one was days ago
So I've started watching Silicon Valley and all I can think about is that I want my own Piped Piper
That's the most flowery recruiting email I've ever seen
I want my own Jian Yang
And Tres Comas as well
Sounds so good
achieve something massive tim
no more chatbots
MS enterprise software needs you
@TimCastelijns XD
I don't see myself with roommates but jian yang is a big ok
even if he fakes your death to steal your company?
YO people, i present you, the Realmkend. photos.app.goo.gl/cx3QnuV2jqfzQdjG6
That's a tough one eski
@TimCastelijns @MarkO'Sullivan & me. more photos to come
just a small bunch for now
Nice! You guys met lately?
got to go, guys. see ya later
Friday / Saturday
I've now met 3 people from Room 15
where is the frikandellen pic eric
the pics sent trough messenger are not stored on google photos
so i gotta find them
download them
and add them
i had it to sync automatically but i have so many groups with random shit that it got full of memes
damn the frik pic is the best
Jordy will be proud
i enabled collaboration
you folks can add yours
now that i look back at it, that sticker & sharpie bar is a little bit psycho. lovely.
the last one from friday?
I'm just happy we got out alive
What I learnt from Amsterdam: Turns out I have a 6th sense for finding Irish pubs
and for getting offered stuff.
and i have a 6th sense for finding spaniards.
"Okay guys we'll go to the first pub around this corner"... it's an Irish pub of course
"oh that looks like a pub" -> "O'Reilly's"
I've uploaded my pics
It's a shame @ColdFire wasn't in Europe a week earlier, he could have went too
I added the frik pic. I think we are just missing the pics from the irish pub from friday
No no I added them
user image
Wtf jordy in this room anymore?
I can't tag him
wow TFTI
@AdamMc331 you would have travelled across for a weekend meetup?
I think you can only tag people who have been here in the last 24 hours
@AdamMc331 get to Droidcon London in 2019 and we can hang out!
I summoned jordy
I need a volunteer to check the php room, he might be in there
I'm very unsatisfied of the Nexus 6P, barely 1y and it started crashing and the battery dies after 4h of usage
My next one is probably gonna be an Oppo
I was also thinking about oppo but got opo instead
My 6P lasts about 20 minutes without a charger
same nexus 6P battery sucks
but the pixel2xl battery is great. i get nearly 2 days without playing any games
wifi and mobile data turned on all the time
when my battery is at 30% the phone dies :D unless I enable the battery saver, with which it dies at 19% :D
still nexus 6p is way better than 20 mins as to what raghav said
it's not even called a phone anymore if the battery lasts only 20min :D
i got my dad a samsung galaxy a6+ the battery backup is good. 2-3days days.
but my dad's usage of apps and phone is limited
I just use mine as a 2fa device
If someone steals it the battery will run out before they can do anything
And once it's off, you need to get past the encryption
Alright, just came across the dumbest sentence of the day
> If you keep going, you cannot fail.
i had a medical check up. it was required as part of pre-employment check. Funny they had a chest xray.
these checks are required for medical insurance. you have to go through all the tests even thought you are not sick. it takes an entire day.
posted on November 12, 2018 by Lingfeng Yang

Emulator 28.0.16 is now available in the Stable channel. Here is the full list of changes versus the previous stable version, 27.3.10, categorized by area: Resource Usage We have made a number of improvements to the RAM usage of the emulator, especially when it comes to graphics memory usage. The emulator should now use less RAM overall, especially when coupled with latest API 28+ system ima

Paul Mcloughlin requested access. Rep: 1268 - Questions: 16 - Answers: 94 (ratio 4:23.5)
@PaulMcloughlin welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@PaulMcloughlin you didn't acknowledge reading the rules after getting access, so I've revoked it.
whats up
RIP Facebook
02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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