I am just trying to have a better understanding of the following pattern I regularly use to optimize ListView
My readings only pointed me to the fact that a static inner class is treated as top level class. What is the benefit of such a thing compared to a member class (non static)?
I have main activity with navigation menu drawer.
Now i have to show Timer in collapsing toolbar in particular navigation menu item fragment on other item selection i have to show regular toolbar without collapsing.
I had search for same issue and i had found some solution but i want best solut...
I have a AppCompatActivity that controls replacing many fragments. Here is my layout for it.
and other thing is that my button of start tracking in fragment so when i click on that i have to start timer in activity because i will get collapsing view in parent activity not in fragment
@MuratKaragöz thing is that when i will try to collapse i have to pin view
I have two almost equal adapters in my Recyclerviews, how do I short the duplicate code without having memory leaks due to instances of f.e. 'adapterFactory'
which means it holds a reference to the adapter, which is the "problem" that static solves. If you move the class somewhere else it is no longer an inner class -> problem gone?
Create different ViewHolder for different layout
RecyclerView can have any number of viewholders you want but for better readability lets see how to create one with two ViewHolders.
It can be done in three simple steps
Override public int getItemViewType(int position)
Return different V...